This Friday’s publications focus on the celebration of the Assumption and the creation of the Burkinabè Atomic Energy Agency (ABEA), announced during the Council of Ministers on August 14.

‘Energy independence: From shadow to light’ is on the front page of the state daily Sidwaya.

The newspaper in its commentary section indicates that the council of ministers, by deciding to create the atomic energy agency in Burkina Faso, truly intend to remove the main obstacle to the advent of a competitive and modern economy.

The dean of private daily newspapers, Observateur Paalga headlines ‘the Burkinabè atomic energy agency is born’.

For him, the creation of the ABEA will make it possible to coordinate all activities related to the nuclear industry in the country.

The private daily Le Pays displays on its headline ‘Burkina creates atomic energy agency’.

The newspaper reports the comments of the government spokesperson on the vision of the President of Faso relating to the creation of the atomic energy agency.

cording to Emmanuel Ouedraogo, President Ibrahim Traoré indicated that this achievement will guarantee the energy independence of Burkina Faso, the industrialization of the country and facilitate access to electricity throughout the national territory.

Under another section, the Paalga Observer headlines: pilgrimage to Yagma: with ‘Mary, queen of peace’.

The speaker reports that during the celebration, Cardinal Philipe Ouédraogo called on all Burkinabè people to realize that peace is the fruit of prayer, of course, but also of the action of each citizen.

The newspaper of all Burkinabè Sidwaya for its part reports that at the martial sanctuary of Yagama located in Ouagadougou, pilgrims coming from various backgrounds, for this celebration prayed for the return of peace to the Burkinabè territory.

‘Assumption 2024 in Yagma: The return of peace at the center of prayers’, informs the private daily Le Pays in its tribune.

The Catholic faithful prayed for a peaceful Burkina with the end of terrorism, writes th
e daily.

Source : Burkina Information Agency

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