The departmental emergency relief and rehabilitation committee (CODESUR) of Dori has been selling 6,000 bags of corn of 50 kg at the subsidized price of 6,000 FCFA per unit, compared to 27,500 FCFA on the market.

According to the prefect, president of CODESUR of Dori, Mr. Abrahamané Mandé, this sale of food at a social price is initiated by the Burkinabe government with the aim of promoting food security for communities affected by natural disasters and humanitarian crises.

Listening to Mr. Mandé, this operation concerns 300 tonnes of corn, packaged in 50 kg bags, sold at a unit price of 6,000 FCFA.

The president of CODESUR of Dori suggested that this sale was preceded by the distribution of the stock due to 69 bags per administrative village, 50 bags per sector, and 15 to 20 bags for people living with disabilities and people internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Gorgadji, Arbinda, Sebba, Mansila, Titabé, Solhan.

‘We are responsible for identifying needy people in the sector, establishing their list
and collecting the amounts owed,’ the head of sector 4 of Dori, Dicko Hamidou, told us.

In order to avoid any crowds in front of the sales locations, a sales schedule has been established and communicated, said the supervisor of SONAGES, Mr. Dicko Hama Nassourou.

Aissatou Sambo, beneficiary, expressed his gratitude to the administrative authorities and hoped that this sale would be repeated given the high cost of cereals on the market.

This operation of selling corn at a subsidized price comes at a time when a 100 kg bag of corn costs 27,500 FCFA on the market, that of millet is 47,500 FCFA, and sorghum costs 40,000 FCFA.

Source : Burkina Information Agency

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