One million 186 thousand 309 identity cards were issued by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the first half of this year, across the country and at Angolan diplomatic and consular missions abroad.
The information was shared Tuesday in Luanda, during the meeting of the Commission for Social Policy of the Council of Ministers, which examined, among others, the balance reports of the activities carried out in the first half of this year, by the ministries of Justice and Human Rights, Public Works, Urbanism and Housing and Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women.
The 5th ordinary meeting of the commission was guided by the Minister of State for the Social Area, Maria do Rosário Bragança.
According to the report, one million 176,95 ID cards were issued at the national level, and another 10,214 in abroad.
Of the total number of identity cards issued, 754,139 were renewals, 404,20 were issued for the first time and 28,150 were duplicates.
The report states that during the period in question, 234
,346 birth registrations were also issued in the national territory and 2,519 in the diaspora.
In addition, 15 district human rights committees and 18,509 new companies were created.
Regarding the Ministry of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, in the first half of 2024, actions were carried out, among others, in the areas of construction, rehabilitation or maintenance of road infrastructures, which will improve the mobility of populations between agricultural production areas and marketing sites and consumption centers.
The sector also developed emergency actions to combat the progression of ravines, reduce risk areas, improve the environmental environment in the intervened areas, allowing the safeguarding of human lives and important infrastructures.
The ministry continued with the construction of social houses for the rehousing of populations living in risk areas and displaced from specific urban requalification projects, with 376 social houses in the province of Cuanza-Sul, 1,500 in Cabiri, 1,500 in N
golome (Icolo and Bengo) and another 2,920 in Cabinda.
In the field of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, 510,82 families were registered under the Programme for the Strengthening of the Social Protection System – Kwenda – and one million 595,496 households eligible for Social Monetary Transfers were registered.
Thus, an accumulated amount of one million 58 thousand 167 households were paid
Source: Angola Press News Agency