‫ يعترف المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي بمجموعة Midea كشركة رائدة في الثورة الصناعية الرابعة للمرة الثالثة، مع انضمام موقعين Midea جديدين للتصنيع إلى شبكة Global Lighthouse في عام 2022

شون دي. الصين، 31 مارس، 2022 / PRNewswire / — تم تكريم شركة Midea جروب المحدودة ( 000333CH ) كشركة رائدة في تقنيات الصناعة 4.0 بمصنعين، Midea Heifei و Midea Jingzhou ، مدرجين في شبكة Global Lighthouse للمنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي ( WEF) ، مما يدل على جهود المجموعة في تحقيق كل من كفاءة الإنتاج والاستدامة.

 شبكة Global Lighthouse هي مجتمع من مواقع الإنتاج وسلاسل القيمة التي تعد رائدة عالميًا في تبني ودمج التقنيات المتطورة للثورة الصناعية الرابعة ( 4IR ). في المجمل، تمتلك مجموعة Midea 4 مصانع مدرجة في Lighthouse ضمن المنتدى الاقتصادي العالمي ( WEF ) تغطي الأجهزة المنزلية الذكية، والتي تمثل نسبة عالية نسبيًا من إيرادات المجموعة.

كما علق لي تشن، المدير العام لمصنع Midea Jingzhou قائلا: “اعتاد مصنعنا على إنتاج منتجات عالية الجودة ومتوسطة الجودة في نفس الوقت، وكان إنتاجنا يواجه تحديًا كبيرًا للغاية،” “لقد كانت غير فعالة للغاية في طريقة التصنيع التقليدية، ومن الصعب تلبية احتياجات مستهلكينا في الوقت المناسب.”

من خلال تنفيذ تدابير التحول الرقمي والذكي، اعتمد مصنع Midea Jingzhou المدرج ضمن Lighthouse التشغيل الآلي المرن. وقد أدى كل من تقنية إنترنت الأشياء والذكاء الاصطناعي مع أكثر من 2000 مبادرة للتحول الرقمي إلى زيادة إنتاجية العمالة بنسبة 52%، وخفض مهلة الإنتاج بنسبة 25%، ومعدل الفشل بنسبة 53%، واستهلاك المرافق لكل وحدة بنسبة 20%.

كما شهد مصنع Midea للغسالات في Hefei ثورة مماثلة. يتجاوز عدد وحدات SKU للمنتجات 1,100، كما أن حجم الإنتاج والمبيعات السنوي لشركة Midea Hefei في المقدمة. “لقد دفع التحول الرقمي عملية أعمالنا بأكملها ونموذجنا وزيادة الكفاءة”، وفقا لتشانغ تشيمين، المدير العام للمصنع.

يستهدف مصنع Midea Hefei المدرج ضمن 4IR Lighthouse قطاعات المنتجات الراقية المحلية والتوسع في الأسواق الخارجية، وينشر على نطاق واسع تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وإنترنت الأشياء عبر سلاسل القيمة الشاملة لتشكيل استجابة أسرع وسلسلة توريد أكثر كفاءة، مما يؤدي إلى تقليل المهلة الزمنية بنسبة 56%، وخفض معدل عيوب تقرير العملاء بنسبة 36%، وتحسين إنتاجية العمل بنسبة 45%. كما أنه يساعد على تحقيق هدف تحقيق ذروة انبعاثات الكربون في عام 2025 والصافي الصفري في عام 2040.

وقال سايمون تشانغ، رئيس قسم المعلومات في مجموعة Midea : “في المستقبل، ستواصل مجموعة Midea زيادة الاستثمار في التحول الرقمي وإنترنت الأشياء والانطلاقات العالمية والريادة التكنولوجية والاستثمار في التقنيات المتطورة الجديدة”.

حول شركة Midea Group Co., Ltd

تؤيد Midea Group ، برؤيتها “جلب الابتكارات العظيمة للحياة”، فلسفة خلق حياة أفضل باستخدام التكنولوجيا لمدة 54 عاما منذ إنشائها. تطورت Midea اليوم إلى تكتل علمي تكنولوجي، متخصص في مجال المنازل الذكية، والتكنولوجيا الصناعية، وتكنولوجيات البناء، والروبوتات والتشغيل الآلي، وأعمال الابتكار الرقمي. على مدى السنوات الخمس الماضية، تم استثمار ما يقرب من 45 مليار يوان في البحث والتطوير، مع 35 مركزا للبحث والتطوير و 35 قاعدة إنتاج رئيسية في العالم. تفيد منتجاتنا وخدماتنا حوالي 500 مليون مستهلك في أكثر من 200 دولة ومنطقة.

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1776475/1.jpg

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1776476/2.jpg

New Guinness® World Record – World’s Biggest Bug Hotel

World Record Bug Hotel Certificate

Highland Titles – World Record Holders

DUROR, Scotland, March 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On Monday 28th March 2022, conservation company Highland Titles achieved a new GUINNESS WORLD RECORD® for the world’s biggest bug/insect hotel, which means Highland Titles are “Officially Amazing!”®

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/c6d0e716-dbd2-4737-934d-660fac898b70

The 199.9 cubic metre structure is located on the Highland Titles Nature Reserve at Duror in the Scottish Highlands and already houses a variety of species. It breaks the previous world record of 89.37 cubic metres, which was held by the Polish Association of Developers in Warsaw, Poland.

The world record-breaking bug hotel was made using felled sitka spruce from the nature reserve, masonry bricks, bamboo canes, wood chips, forest bark, wildflower seeds, clay pipes and strawberry netting.

World Record Bug Hotel

The World Record Bug Hotel is 199.9 cubic metres

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8f7ca5a3-5c5c-4d71-a475-daceb2ca6aff

“This record-breaking initiative is about the environmental message,” says Douglas Wilson, CEO of Highland Titles. “We bought this land in 2006 when it was a poorly performing commercial forestry plantation of non-native Sitka Spruce.

“Like much of the Highlands, it was inappropriately planted in the late 1980s with no thought or consideration given to biodiversity. Using these same trees for something that puts nature first symbolises that the world has changed, and we hope our efforts will inspire others. We’d be delighted if someone beat our record in the future!”

Nature Reserve Manager, Stewart Borland, was part of a team of 7 who were involved in its construction which started in September 2021 and was completed in early March 2022. In addition to the environmental message, Mr Borland hopes that it encourages people to visit:

“In 2019, we had more than 10,000 visitors to the nature reserve from all over the world. The pandemic really put a dent in our visitor numbers, so we hope that this – together with the new track which is adored by cyclists – will encourage people to visit now that travel is opening up again. The more visitors we get, the more people can see the work that we’re doing.”

About Highland Titles

Highland Titles began in 2006 with a mission to conserve Scotland, one square foot at a time. The conservation project – now encompassing 5 nature reserves and over 800 acres of Scottish wilderness – is funded by selling gift-sized souvenir plots of land.

The Highland Titles community of souvenir plot owners are invited to style themselves as the Lords and Ladies of Glencoe™. Over 300,000 plots of land have been sold to date.

The Highland Titles Nature Reserve near Glencoe is an official 4* tourist attraction and, according to Trip Advisor, one of the most popular nature reserves in the country.


For more information on the World’s Biggest Bug Hotel, visit here

For more photographs or video content, please email support@highlandtitles.com with your email address, name and phone number


Douglas Wilson, CEO

Hisense “Made in South Africa” Products Debut on the European Market

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, March 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Hisense, provider of high-performance TV and home appliances, has successfully delivered its first batch of South African-made combi refrigerators to the United Kingdom. The delivery marks the first time that Hisense has exported products made in South Africa to the European market and reaffirms the factory’s ongoing transformation into a global production hub.

Hisense’s factory in South Africa was established in 2013 as a regional manufacturing base for local and export markets. Since its inception, the factory has continuously upgraded its technological capabilities and increased production capacity for TVs and refrigerators. The export of Hisense’s “Made in South Africa” refrigerators to Europe is a testament to both the caliber of improvements made and the outstanding quality of products manufactured in the region.

Meeting global quality standards with High Quality Products

All home appliance products entering the UK must comply with the UK Conformity Assessed Standards (UKCA). Hisense’s South Africa factory meets these stringent requirements with thorough pre-production planning that takes into account different materials, processes and technical requirements for the export market. Once in production, the factory implements the highest quality control processes to guarantee product standards, including daily performance and safety checks, routine inspections, and monthly testing for energy consumption and freezing capacity.

In addition, Hisense have 18 other refrigerator models also manufactured here in South Africa. The Hisense factory is capable of producing Side By Side series refrigerators with the best manufacturing technique.

Supporting the South African economy

Hisense’s factory in South Africa promotes the sustainable development of regional manufacturing by generating local employment opportunities. Hisense has hired over 1,000 local staff and, through its operations, indirectly created over 5,000 jobs in the community.

Beyond local employment, Hisense nurtures future talents with its leading development programs. In 2019, Hisense helped train approximately 1,000 unemployed youths from rural areas. The company has also built the Hisense South Africa Technology Research and Development Training Base, which has trained approximately 1,400 apprentices to date.

Looking ahead, Hisense will continue to improve production quality and efficiency of its factory in South Africa. In doing so, the company will create more local employment opportunities and showcase the quality of “Made in Africa” products on the global stage.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1777796/Hisense.jpg

GWM Launches an Expert Interview Video Globally—R&D Process of HAVAL DARGO Unveiled

BAODING, China, March 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, GWM has released an Expert Interview Video of HAVAL DARGO globally, which reveals some interesting stories behind the vehicle.

In this video, three experts, specialized in design, engine and chassis, interpreted the product philosophy of HAVAL DARGO—”DARE TO GO” and how to realize this philosophy through these aspects.

According to GWM, “DARE TO GO” embodies a life philosophy. As Wang Qingtao, Deputy Director of Design, GWM, said, “‘DARE TO GO’ implies a sense of safety and power, which can inspire customers to experience a new life and expand their life radius.” Based on his interpretation, the core of design lies in the presentation of a sense of strength and safety, for which the design team has gone through over 20 schemes. They have adjusted the proportion of the black devices to further increase the visual height of the vehicle. Additionally, the undulating profile of the front, rear fender trims and its full and large side body profile could make the vehicle more sizable and powerful.

The engine and chassis of the HAVAL DARGO have also undergone several rounds of testings and tunings to ensure the customer’s confidence of “DARE TO GO”, so that customers can obtain a reliable and comfortable experience in both urban and off-road driving.

To reach “DARE TO GO” places, customers will face various road conditions along the way. Therefore, the engine will be tested many times to ensure its reliability and durability in various environments. Paul Andrew Dudek, Technical Consultant & Validation Expert of GWM, said that during the engine testing, for testing main systems such as the cooling system, lubrication system and ventilation system, extreme weather should also be taken into account. “You do winter testing to very cold temperatures or you go to the deserts where you have a lot of dust and a lot of heat and to make sure this engine works under all conditions,” Paul said.

The tuning of the suspension is also very important in order to cope with the various road conditions during the “DARE TO GO” journey. Kawabe Yoshihiro, Chief Engineer of the Chassis R&D Department of GWM, said, “The resilient and smooth suspension and sufficient ground clearance can enhance the vehicle’s capabilities of traveling smoothly under difficult driving conditions.” During the four-year development, engineers have prioritized the basic performance potential of the suspension by regulating the hardpoints of the suspension and optimizing the design of the bushing. Driving comfort was also ensured through the adjustment of tires, springs and shock absorbers.

Currently, HAVAL DARGO has been launched in some regions, such as Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and will be launched in more markets to accompany more users to broaden the boundaries of their lives with “DARE TO GO”.

Video – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1777698/GWM_Launches_an_Expert_Interview_Video_Globally_R_D_Process_of_HAVAL_DARGO_Unveiled.mp4

Sinopec Hosts 2021 Annual Performance Conference, Calls To Embrace Green Evolution and Build Low-Carbon Competitive Advantages

BEIJING, March 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, “Sinopec” or “the Company”) hosted its 2021 annual performance conference on March 28 in Beijing via webinar. Per International Financial Reporting Standards, Sinopec’s 2021 turnover and other operating income was CNY2.74 trillion (USD431.50billion), with profit attributable to shareholders of the company reaching CNY71.975 billion (USD11.33 billion), a 115.2 percent growth year-on-year. This has been Sinopec’s best operating performance in the past decade.

Sinopec hosted its 2021 annual performance conference on Mar.28th, reporting its 2021 turnover and other operating income was CNY 2.74 trillion (USD 431.50 billion), with profit attributable to shareholders of the company reaching CNY 71.975 billion (USD 11.33 billion), a 115.2 percent growth year-on-year.

A dividend of CNY0.47 per share was distributed throughout the year, with a dividend payout ratio of 80 percent. Based on the weighted average share price in 2021, the dividend yield of A shares and H shares reached 10.8 percent and 14.3 percent, respectively.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and a complex macroenvironment, Sinopec focused on advancing high-quality production and operations, transformative development, technological innovation, management reform, risk prevention and control among other aspects in 2021 to achieve a solid start in line with China’s “14th Five-Year Plan.” Overall, Sinopec’s various business sectors have been growing positively, with remarkable achievements in:

  • Increasing upstream oil and gas reserves;
  • Expanding refining scale and competitive advantages;
  • Continuous increase of the sales and operation scale of refined oil;
  • Giving full play to leading with innovative and technological support.

In the meantime, Sinopec also focused on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) development with the board of directors coming from more diverse backgrounds and the Company is actively responding to climate change challenges, vigorously saving energy and reducing pollution and carbon emissions, as well as supporting the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics.


Mr. Ma Yongsheng, president of Sinopec noted, Sinopec will give full play to its advantages in the integration of marketing, brand, technology and talent to unswervingly move towards the goal of becoming a world-leading clean energy and chemical company, creating greater value for shareholders and society.

“Looking to the future, Sinopec will actively and constructively embrace energy transformation and the transformation of the industry as a whole, extensively implementing a world-leading development strategy and continuously optimizing the 14th Five-Year Plan and long-term 2035 goal to achieve high-quality, sustainable development,” said Ma.

Sinopec has laid out five key focuses in implementing its new development strategy and strives to:

  • Improve corporate governance: Sinopec will promote the integration of risk control, internal control and compliance management to strictly control risks in terms of safety, environmental protection, operation management and more. Sinopec will also further integrate ESG with production, operation and development to improve corporate governance efficiency.
  • Execute an innovation-driven development strategy: Sinopec will create a cradle for original technologies to promote the development and application of advanced technologies for oil and gas resources, emphasize technological breakthroughs in oil refining, high-end chemicals and new materials, modern coal chemicals, new energy and more, and strengthen the development of the industry’s key technologies, common technologies and cutting-edge technologies.
  • Enhance energy supply capacity: Sinopec is devoting greater efforts in the exploration and development of oil and gas, aiming to achieve major breakthroughs and discoveries of shale oil and gas, promote the coordinated development of natural gas production, supply, storage and sales, maintain domestic oil and gas reserves with steady growth in production, and actively and steadily lay out new energy businesses such as hydrogen energy. It will strengthen the support capability of international trade, improve global resource allocation capacity and explore the establishing a multi-energy complementary energy supply system.
  • Promote the upgrade of refining and chemical businesses: Sinopec aims to optimize oil refining and expand and strengthen chemical engineering, speeding up the progress of “crude-to-chemicals” and “petroleum derivative products” to promote the mid- to high-end development of the chemical business and build a large-scale, integrated and intelligent world-class refining and chemical engineering base.
  • Build green and low-carbon competitive advantages: Coordinating the relationship between development and emissions reduction, Sinopec continues the optimization of its industrial and energy use structures, improves energy efficiency to set industry benchmarks. Sinopec has also accelerated the R&D of green, low-carbon technologies using the Sinopec Qilu-Shengli Oilfield CCUS project as the foundation.

For more information, please visit Sinopec.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1777708/image.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/960416/SINOPEC_Logo.jpg

As part of the World Government Summit 2022, The UAE Government reveals the GovTech Award Winners

  • “GovTech Prize” is an annual global award designed to motivate world government entities and startups to create and innovate Government Technology solutions that help solve common and pressing global challenges
  • The categories included: Health and Wellbeing, Education & Remote Learning, Refugees, Climate Change, AI Powered Government Services, and Unique Breakthroughs.

DUBAI, UAE, March 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 7th edition of the “GovTech Prize” winners have been named, with organizations from across the world being recognized and celebrated for their outstanding involvement across a range of categories. This is the world’s first government award where the digital twin of the Award has been embedded in the trophy as an NFT, digitally chronicling the winner and the award forever.

The UAE Government reveals the GovTech Award Winners

The GovTech Prize winners were announced on the 30th of March as part of the World Government Summit (WGS) 2022 at Expo 2020 Dubai. The Prize is an annual global award designed to motivate world government entities and startups to create and innovate government technology solutions that help solve common and pressing global challenges.

His Excellency Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Chairman of the World Government Summit Organization stated: “With over 250 case studies nominated from 65 countries, the winners of the GovTech awards reflect what the WGS mission is and how the prestigious award celebrates the outstanding humanitarian and government initiations from around the world. This year’s winners are an inspiration for others to continue creating and becoming pioneers in the government technology, which pushes the world forward.”

Winners of the six categories

The “Education & Remote Learning” category winner is ‘Eduq+’ in partnership with the Department of Education Brazil. ‘Eduq+’ is the world’s first nudgebot startup, using Artificial Intelligence to motivate over 2M students with fully personalized messages boosting academic performance during the Covid-19 reducing grade repetition by 33% and preventing student drop out by 50%.

The “Health & Wellbeing” category winner is ‘Sleepio & Daylight’ in partnership with NHS Scotland. Scotland is the 1st country in the world to make digital therapeutics for anxiety and insomnia available nationally to 5M people at no cost, using non-drug alternatives “Sleepio & Daylight”, evidenced-based cognitive behavioral therapy apps that resulted in 70% improvement in anxiety symptoms and improved sleep by an average of 7 additional hours per week.

The “Refugees” category winner is ‘TYKN’s Ana’ in partnership with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An award-winning startup, TYKN is a digital identity platform used to optimize the process of issuing Work Permit related documents for refugees leveraging blockchain – improving the opportunity for the 3M refugees in the country to have access to healthcare, education, and banking.

The “Climate Change” category winner is ‘Flash Forest’ in partnership with Emissions Reduction Alberta. Flash Forest startup have combined forces adopting an innovative solution, leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Drones to plant up to 20,000 tree seeds per day and bringing down cost by a 4x factor. The joint initiative is targeting to plant 1 billon trees in the next few years.

The “AI Powered Government Services” winner is ‘Bürokratt’, Estonia. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications launched “the Siri of digital public services” the world’s first public service AI-based virtual assistant, revolutionizing the way citizens have access to Government services allowing 1.3 million Estonians to access all public services.

The “Unique Breakthroughs” winner is ‘Visolis’ in partnership with the US Department of Energy, USA. ‘Visolis’ is one of the 50 next companies to disrupt the world, created carbon-eating microbes that reduce CO2 emissions by more than 90%, using biomass instead of petroleum to produces carbon negative material at a faction of the material production cost & potentially disrupting material industries valued at more than trillion dollars

The World Government Summit (WGS), launched under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in 2013, itis a global platform that brings together world leaders, ministers, senior officials, and policymakers to share experiences and ideas that contribute to the development of future governments and discuss the latest trends and innovative solutions for global challenges. The WGS 2022 convened this year and welcomed up to 4000 participants and 500 speakers, who are shaping the next generation of governments.


Joann Joseph
+971 58 257 5490

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1777746/World_Government_Summit.jpg