According to the National Institute of Statistics, of the 250 local languages spoken by the approximately 30 million inhabitants of Cameroon, 4% of the languages in the country have become extinct since 1950.

7% of the languages are under threat while others, 10%, are neglected.

It is on this basis that the Ministry of Secondary Education in 2007 introduced the teaching of national languages and culture in schools.

As Cameroon joined the international community to observe the 25th International Day of the mother tongue on Wednesday February 21, 2024 under the theme ‘Multilingual Education, a pillar of intergenerational learning’, students of GBHS Babadjou showcased their anxiety to raise awareness on the rich cultural heritage a country like Cameroon enjoys. The students showcased their talents through sketches, poems, riddles, fashion parades, traditional dances all in the mother tongue and to the satisfaction of many.

‘I am satisfied with the celebration of the mother tongue here at GBHS Babadjou where
students from different backgrounds had to express themselves in their mother tongue. I really cherish the courage in them and their anxiety to preserve this cultural identity,’ Che Martin, Discipline Master of GBHS Babadjou told CNA. He adds that the mother tongue is not only a means of communication but an identity.

‘The mother tongue is not only a communication tool but a cultural identity. It brings out the cultural values of the people and sells them out to neighboring communities. So I really encourage my students to be speakers of their mother languages.’

Mother Language Day is part of a broader initiative to promote the preservation and protection of all languages used by peoples of the world as adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2007.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Madam Maribel Okine, the Western Regional Director for the Department of Gender has called on players in the Transport industry to work at addressing issues of gender disparity in the sector to ensure sustainable transport system. ?

She said, transportation infrastructure services were often designed without considering the specific needs and preferences of women and the marginalized coupled with the lack of well-lit and secured waiting areas.

Also, gender-segregated facilities further exacerbated safety concerns and restricted women’s freedom of movement.

Madam Okine told the Ghana News Agency, during an engagement with leadership of the GPRTU and other recognized transport unions in the Western Region on solutions to the pertinent gender related issues within the transport system for distance journey.

Madam Okine added that transportation played a crucial role in shaping urban and rural landscapes, influencing access to education, healthcare, employment, and social activities in Ghana adding, ‘however,
gender and transport encompassed a broad range of issues including travel behaviour, accessibility and safety concerns.’ ?

She noted that gender dynamics significantly shaped individual’s mobility patterns with women often facing greater constraints and risks, while navigating transportation systems. ?

‘In many contexts, men and women rely on public transport, exposing them to safety hazards, harassment and discrimination’ she said.

According to her, gender dynamics significantly shaped mobility patterns, safety concerns, access to transportation modes and participation in decision-making processes related to transport infrastructure and policies. ?

She noted that recognising and addressing these gender disparities was relevant for achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable transport systems.

Addressing gender disparities she said, was not only a matter of equity and social justice but also essential for achieving sustainable development goals and integrating gender perspectives into transport planni
ng, policymaking and implementation processes, create safer, more accessible and user-friendly environments for all users.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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