Global Humanitarian Overview 2021, December Update

The Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) for 2021 was launched on 1 December 2020 to help 160 million of the 235 million most vulnerable people who face hunger, conflict, displacement, the impacts of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic in 56 countries. As of 31 December, adjusted requirements for 45 appeals were $37.7 billion to assist 174 million of the 250 million people in need in 59 countries.

Funding for the GHO 2021 was $18.2 billion or 48 per cent of requirements at the end of December, with significant new funding reported since the end of November for the Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Ethiopia plans, as well as the plans for the Syria Region and Rohingya crises. Total reported funding is higher than at the end of December 2020 when funding totalled $25.7 billion, and coverage of needs in 2021 is also higher (48 versus 46 per cent in 2020).

An additional $8.2 billion of humanitarian funding has been reported. This is higher than the funding reported at the same time in 2020 ($7.8 billion). Coverage of the plans in the GHO varies widely. Only 20 out of 45 appeals are funded above the global average of 48 per cent.

The GHO 2022 launched on 2 December 2021 requires $41 billion to assist 183 million of the 235 million people in need in 63 countries.

The full document, as well as abridged versions in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, can be downloaded on the dedicated GHO website. The complete interactive datasets – covering the global trends and the inter-agency coordinated appeals data – are available for download at Humanitarian Data Exchange.

Recordings and resources from the simultaneous launch events in Geneva, Berlin, Brussels, London, Stockholm, and Washington, D.C. are available at the OCHA website.

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs