Ebenezer Dwamena promises to snatch Twifo Atti-Morkwa seat in election 2024

Delegates of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Twifo Atti-Morkwa Constituency of the Central Region have elected Mr Ebenezer Dwamena to lead the party in the December 2024 parliamentary polls.

The 45-year-old miner polled 347 of the 626 valid votes cast to beat his sole contender, Chief Ofori-Nti, who polled 278 in the primary on Saturday at the Twifo Praso Nursing Training College, amidst maximum security.

Supporters of Mr Dwamena broke into wild jubilation after the ballots were sorted and the results declared in his favour by the Electoral Commission.

In a short acceptance speech, he promised to take the seat back from Mr David Vondee, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) incumbent Member of Parliament, seeking re-election.

‘All views and support are warmly welcome. I’m confident we will snatch the seat from NDC to inspire more hope and confidence in the people,’ Mr Dwamena said.

He called on the rank and file of the party to support him to ensure victory in 2024 and encouraged them to bury thei
r differences and unite towards the party’s common goal of prosperity for all.

‘I’m determined and ready to build bridges, and operate an open-door policy and all hands-on deck approach because the victory is for the party. There is no victor and there is vanquished – we are all winners,’ he said.

Historically, the NDC has dominated the parliamentary polls in the constituency, recording victories in 2004, 2008 and 2012.

However, the NPP took over in 2016 with 53.1 per cent votes, but lost it narrowly to the NDC again in 2020, making the constituency a near swing lately.

Similarly, the NDC has shown impressive performance in presidential election recording 52.7 per cent in 2004 and increased its vote margins to 54.2 per cent and 58.1 per cent in 2008 and 2012, respectively.

Source: Ghana News Agency

St. Anthony of Padua School wins NCCE’s inaugural Smart Governors Constitution Quiz

The St. Anthony of Padua Basic School in Sunyani has been crowned winners of the maiden National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) Smart Governors Constitution Quiz in the Bono Region.

The school, represented by Godwin Bitho and Nandy Miriam Dakurah, secured a total of 60 points to become the winners.

The St. James Junior High School (JHS), also in Sunyani, took the second place with 53 points, the Kalvero Preparatory School at Odumase came third with 49.5 points, while Dumasua RC JHS and St. Theresa’s JHS at Drobo secured the fourth and fifth positions, respectively, with 48 and 45 points.

The winning school was presented with a 43-inch flat-screen television, gold medals for the governors and patrons, a plaque, 20 copies of the 1992 Constitution, customised NCCE exercise books, and a dinner at the Eusbett Hotel.

The St. James JHS received silver medals, 20 copies of the 1992 Constitution, and customised NCCE exercise books, while the Kalvero Preparatory School received bronze medals in addition to
the books and Constitution.

The fourth and fifth placed schools each received certificates of participation, the exercise books and Constitution.

Ms Cynthia Anima Boadu, the Bono Regional Director of NCCE, highlighted the significance of the competition, which was to ensure comprehensive understanding of the principles and objectives of the 1992 Constitution. 

It also aims to capture the attention of the youth about the fundamental laws that govern the nation and instill a sense of civic responsibility in them to actively participate in shaping the future of the country.

She expressed concern over the gradual decline in the Ghanaian values and emphasised the importance of learning the dictates of the Constitution to imbibe a sense of national identity and the Ghanaian values in the children and the youth. 

She, thus, appealed to corporate institutions to support the NCCE’s programme to ensure its sustenance.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Reporting date for SHS 1 students remains December 4 – GES

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has reminded parents, students and the public that the reporting date for first year Senior High School (SHS) students is 4th December 2023 as indicated on the Placement form.

A statement issued by Madam Cassandra Twum Ampofo, copied to the Ghana News Agency, said it was the expectation of Management that schools began registration and orientation of students from Monday, December 4.

It said per the academic calendar, there would be Christmas break on the 21st December and resumption on the 3rd of January, 2024, to continue academic work till March 5, 2024.

The statement urged all students yet to do their Self Placement to do so as quickly as practicable.

‘We appreciate all stakeholders for collaborating and supporting the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) process to this point,’ it said

‘We continue to ask for your patience to ensure the academic calendar for SHS is implemented without hitches in order to get back to the Pre-COVID academic cale

Source: Ghana News Agency

Tamale MCE is NPP parliamentary candidate-elect for Tamale Central

Mr Sule Salifu, the Tamale Metropolitan Chief Executive, has been elected the New Patriotic Party’s parliamentary candidate for Tamale Central to contest the seat in the 2024 general election.

He polled 433 votes of a total valid votes of 848 to beat Ismail Yahuza and Abass Zakaria, who had 350 and 65 votes, respectively.

Mr Salifu, in an interview with the media in Tamale after the results were declared, expressed appreciation to the delegates for choosing him.

He reiterated his ability to win the Tamale Central Constituency seat for the party for the first time, indicating that apt strategies, unity and proper ground works were key in achieving the goal.

‘As the parliamentary candidate-elect, I am going to team up with the Council of Elders, party executives, women and youth groups and all stakeholders who matter, in determining how to win the seat,’ he said.

‘There is no seat that is not winnable because once upon a time we were told the Mion, Karaga and Damongo seats were for the NDC. These seats ar
e now owned by the New Patriotic Party (NPP).’

Mr Salifu described the NPP as a united, focused and determined political party, whose peaceful nature was demonstrated in the smooth process of the election in the ‘orphan constituencies’.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ekumfi NPP Chairman, Gomoa West DCE win parliamentary primary

Mr Styelfa Nana Adu Okumkom Donkoh, the Chairman of the Ekumfi Constituency, New Patriotic Party (NPP), polled 264 of the 503 valid votes cast to win the parliamentary primary for the 2024 general election.

He beat three other contestants in the election held at Essarkyir in the Central Region.

They were Albert Tetteh-Entsie, who polled 58 votes, Francis K. Ato Codjoe, former Member of Parliament for the constituency, 108 votes, and Kweku Baah Ofori; 73.

The Ekumfi District Directorate of the Electoral Commission supervised the election, led by its Director, Madam Dina Nketia.

Meanwhile, Bismark Baisie Inkoom, the Gomoa West District Chief Executive, won the primary, held at Apam, with 295 votes.

He beat Madam Hikmutu Yahayo Iddi, Women’s Organizer, who polled 146 votes, Romeo Houston Adam, 275 and Joseph Kojo Afful Eshun, 146 votes.

Madam Loretta Lartey the District Officer of the EC, led a team to conduct the elections.

After the declaration of the results, the parliamentary aspirants commended the
delegates for giving them their mandate to lead the party in the 2024 elections.

They noted that the victory was for the party and called on all members to unite and work hard to recapture the seat from the National Democratic Congress.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sissala West NPP retains 2020 parliamentary candidate

Mr Salifu Naliwie Baluwie, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) 2020 parliamentary candidate for the Sissala West Constituency, has been retained for the 2024 general election.

He obtained 299 votes out of 522 valid votes cast to beat his closest contender, Mr Luri Tia John Bosco, who had 192 votes, and Madam Ayisha Batong Hor, the District Chief Executive, who managed 21 votes. There was one spoiled ballot.

The election results were declared by Mr Kofi Kpordonu, the Sissala West District Director of the Electoral Commission, resulting in wild jubilation by Mr Baluwie’s supporters.

He called for unity within the party to enable it to capture the seat from the National Democratic Congress in next year’s election.

Source: Ghana News Agency