Curia Entra para a Lista das 10 Melhores Empresas CDMO de 2023 da India Pharma Outlook

ALBANY, N.Y., Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação, anunciou hoje que entrou para a para a lista das 10 Melhores Empresas CDMO de 2023 da India Pharma Outlook. A lista completa pode ser consultada na edição de novembro de 2023 da revista India Pharma Outlook.

Este reconhecimento é uma homenagem às contribuições das unidades de Aurangabad e de Hyderabad da Curia. A instalação de Aurangabad fornece fabricação contratada de insumos farmacêuticos ativos (APIs) e intermediários, e a unidade de Hyderabad inclui o Centro de Pesquisa de Hyderabad com experiência em química medicinal e desenvolvimento químico e analítico. Esses locais também abrigam o centro de controle de qualidade da Curia e o centro de Serviços Globais Compartilhados (Global Shared Services – GSS), que dão suporte à organização global da empresa, permitindo a padronização e a escalabilidade dos processos.

O foco da Curia na melhoria contínua do seu conjunto abrangente de serviços e investimentos em tecnologias inovadoras posiciona a empresa como uma forte parceira de empresas farmacêuticas e de biotecnologia em todo o espectro da pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de medicamentos. O relatório também destaca o compromisso da Curia em ser um empregador preferido, proporcionando aos funcionários uma cultura rica em oportunidades de desenvolvimento e reconhecimento profissional no local de trabalho.

“Essa conquista é um testemunho do talento e do trabalho árduo das nossas instalações em Aurangabad e Hyderabad, e é uma honra merecida para a equipe”, disse Philip Macnabb, CEO da Curia. “Nossas unidades na Índia buscam incansavelmente a excelência e são vitais para o nosso objetivo de melhorar a vida dos pacientes.”

O conselho editorial do India Pharma Outlook compilou a lista com um painel de juízes com experiência no setor, incluindo CXOs e analistas. Os vencedores foram escolhidos pelo seu impacto na economia da Índia através da criação de emprego, promoção de pesquisa e desenvolvimento, e pelas suas ofertas de alta qualidade na indústria farmacêutica e biotecnológica.

Sobre a Curia
A Curia é uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação que fornece produtos e serviços de P&D por meio da fabricação comercial para clientes farmacêuticos e biofarmacêuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionários da Curia em 27 locais nos EUA, Europa e Ásia ajudam seus clientes a avançar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

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First year students’ admissions seamless at GHANASCO

Admission processes to receive first year students to the Ghana Senior High School (GHANASCO) in Tamale have been seamless with no tension on parents and students.

The Ghana News Agency’s (GNA) visit to the school witnessed a serene environment where there were no queues while several students were being ushered into their residential houses alongside their luggage.

Mr Douglas Haruna Yakubu, Headmaster of GHANASCO, in an interview with the GNA, said the admission process has been smooth since the official reporting date.

He said GHANASCO, as of noon on December 05, received 666 out of the 1,334 students placed to the school, and indicated that 936 students had enrolled on the school’s system.

The headmaster said, ‘This year’s process is easier compared to the manual days where parents join long queues with their children for admission.’

Mr Yakubu stated that in previous years, some parents spent up to three days within the school to complete admission processes, saying, there was no need for queues this

He noted that the school had enough room to accommodate all students placed by the computerised system. ‘We declared a vacancy for 1,500 students. So, we have enough accommodation, especially for the boys.’

The resumption date for first year Senior High School students as directed by the Ministry of Education was December 04.

Source: Ghana News Agency

EC to conduct District Level Elections at Jasikan/Guan Districts on December 19

The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced that it will conduct the District Level Elections in the Jasikan and Guan Districts on the 19th of December 2023.

This follows the passage of the Constitutional Instrument (CI) 119 and in accordance with the District Level Elections Regulations, 2015 (CI 89),

The EC in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency, said it would be recalled that Nominations for the 2023 District Level Elections were not received in the Jasikan and Guan Districts on the 16th and 17th of November 2023, as was the case in the other districts.

This, the statement said, was because CI 119 (to be Amended) which had been laid in Parliament had not matured.

‘Nomination Forms may be obtained free of charge at the Jasikan and Guan District Offices of the Electoral Commission or on the Website of the Electoral Commission (,’ it stated.

It said completed Nomination Forms must be delivered in quadruplicate by either the Candidate or the Proposer or Seconder together with two co
pies of a recent post-card sized photographs (bust sized) to the Returning Officer of the Electoral Area for which the Candidate seeks election, from Thursday, the 7th to Friday the 8th of December between the hours of 0900 hours in the morning to 1200 hours at noon and 1400 hours to 1700 hours in the evening on each day.

It said Nominations for the District Assembly Elections shall be witnessed by the signatures or marks of the Proposer and the Seconder and supported by 18 other persons who were residents and registered to vote in the Electoral Area.

It said Nominations for the Unit Committee Elections shall be witnessed by the signatures or marks of the Proposer and the Seconder and supported by eight other persons who were residents and registered to vote in the Electoral Area.

The statement said all enquiries related to these Elections should be addressed to the District Officers of the Electoral Commission in the Jasikan and Guan Districts.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NDC inaugurates Council of Elders

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has inaugurated its Council of Elders with a call on the members to bring their invaluable experiences to bear in shaping the future of the party.

Former President John Dramani Mahama, Flagbearer of the NDC, in a message, said: ‘As we continue to strengthen the Party, your wisdom and experience will be invaluable’.

‘Your leadership will serve as an example to all members of the Party, and your contributions will be instrumental in shaping the future of the NDC.’

He said he was confident that working together, the NDC would continue to be a strong and unified force to bring Ghana the deserved change in 2024.

‘Your knowledge and experience will be crucial in navigating the challenges and opportunities ahead,’ Mr Mahama said.

‘I look forward to working closely with the Council to achieve our noble goals,’ he said, and congratulated the members of the Council for their continued service to the Party.

‘Together, we will work towards building the Ghana we want and for a
brighter future for the NDC.’

Some key figures at the event include Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the National Chairman of the NDC; Alhaji Mahama Iddrisu, Mr Huudu Yahaya, Mr Ato Ahowei, Mr Cletus Apul Avoka, and Alhaji Muhammad Mumuni.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana re-affirms commitment to global peacekeeping efforts

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia has reiterated the Government’s unwavering commitment to supporting and strengthening the United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping operations for a more secure and peaceful world.

Speaking at the opening of the 75th UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference in Accra, on Wednesday, he urged Member States of the UN to forge partnerships for the betterment of global peace and security.

‘Our commitment to strengthening UN peacekeeping remains unwavering, and we anticipate that the partnerships formed during this Ministerial Meeting will contribute significantly to the betterment of peacekeeping operations globally,’ Dr Bawumia said.

‘Let us seize this opportunity to forge new partnerships, deepen existing collaborations, and lay the groundwork for a more secure and peaceful world.’

The 2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference in Accra is the first-ever to be held on the African Continent, aimed at charting the path to strengthen peacekeeping missions worldwide.

More than 600 delegate
s, including Foreign and Defence Ministers of the UN Member States, academia, UN staff, and journalists across the globe are attending.

Vice President Bawumia underscored the need for the Member States to explore and navigate the gaps in peacekeeping, evaluate options for meaningful change, and most importantly work towards concrete outcomes for effective peacekeeping operations, globally.

‘It is with immense pleasure and a profound sense of responsibility that I extend a warm welcome to each one of you on behalf of the Government and the people of Ghana,’ he said.

‘We stand proud to be the host nation for this year’s UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Meeting, the first country in Africa to do so. This is a gathering that holds significant importance in fostering international cooperation for the noble cause of global peace.’

‘In line with ongoing reform efforts, particularly the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P, A4P+) and the Digital Transformation Strategy, our objective is clear – to generate high-performing and
specialised capabilities, fostering sustainable partnerships, and charting a course towards a more robust and responsive peacekeeping apparatus.’

The Vice President underscored the importance for participants to recognise the diverse challenges faced by UN peacekeepers and peacekeeping missions and focus their lenses on critical aspects that would promote global peace and security.

Some of the issues identified for discussions are the protection of civilians, strategic communications, safety and security, the mental health of peacekeepers, and the indispensable role of women in peacekeeping.

Dr Bawumia was hopeful that the camaraderie and collaborations formed during the conference would continue to flourish and contribute significantly towards achieving the objectives of the United Nations.

‘Let’s seize this opportunity to forge new partnerships, deepen existing collaborations, and lay the groundwork for a more secure and peaceful world.’

‘May our discussions be fruitful, our resolutions impactful, and
our shared commitment to global peace resound far beyond the confines of this Ministerial Meeting.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana has exemplary track record of peacekeeping – UN Under Secretary-General

Ghana has received plaudits for playing a significant role in global peacekeeping operations with exemplary track record of excellence.

Mr Jean-Pierre Lacroix, the Under Secretary-General in charge of Peace Operations, United Nations (UN), gave the commendations during the opening ceremony of the 75th UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference in Accra on Wednesday.

Ghana is the sixth largest contributor of UN troops and police to peacekeeping missions as well as an elected member of the Security Council.

‘Ghana’s peacekeepers have an exemplary track record, and it is one of the few troop-contributing countries that has met our uniformed gender parity targets for troops, police and staff officers,’ he said.

Mr Lacroix, therefore, applauded the country for playing a significant role in maintaining international peace and security.

Over the last 75 years, UN peacekeepers had saved and improved lives in the world’s most fragile political and security situations and worked in difficult, and often very dangerous
conditions to achieve extraordinary outcomes for the communities they served.

‘The contribution of the two million women and men who have served since the first peacekeeping mission was deployed in 1948 is immense,’ he said.

‘They have helped many countries successfully navigate the difficult path from war to peace, from Liberia and Namibia, to Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Timor Leste and many other countries.’

‘Our operations have an exceptionally strong record of preventing and reducing violence as well as preventing repeat wars from recurring.’

The UN Under Secretary-General said peacekeeping operations continued to preserve ceasefires, protect civilians, mediate local conflicts and strengthen institutions.

‘We are all exceptionally proud of peacekeepers’ personal sacrifice and achievements in extremely challenging situations and conditions,’ Mr Lacroix said.

‘I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest thanks to all the troop and police contributors with us today.’

He paid a glowing t
ribute to the memory of all peacekeepers who had sacrificed their lives, particularly the 311 who died in the service of peace in Mali, including 174 who died in hostile acts.

‘The ultimate objective of peacekeeping is to help resolve conflict by supporting parties to secure and implement peace agreements and related political processes.’

‘Its success, in this regard, over its 75-year history should not be forgotten in the fog of war that continues to ravage the world’s most fragile nations and populations,’ Mr Lacroix said amid thunderous applause from the audience.

He acknowledged that peacekeeping was not a magic wand, which could not succeed alone and, thus, called for political will and commitment from the UN Member States to achieve its core objectives.

‘Securing sustainable peace requires the political will, active and united engagement of United Nations member states,’ he stressed.

‘At this Peacekeeping Ministerial, I look to all of you to provide a political recommitment to UN Peacekeeping. We a
re also grateful to Member States for demonstrating their commitment through new pledges.’

That, he believed, would help the UN to meet current and future challenges as well as expanding its partnerships on capacity-building, training, and equipping.

There are over 70,000 civilian, military and police personnel deployed in 12 missions, with the mission in Mali about to complete its drawdown by the end of the year.

The challenges peacekeeping missions faced were greater than ever with increasing division among Member States, thus, weakening its collective capacity to support political and peace processes, the Un Under Secretary-General said.

‘Peacekeepers are facing terrorists, criminals, armed groups, and their allies, who have access to powerful modern weapons, and a vested interest in perpetuating the chaos in which they thrive.’

‘Missions are also facing growing threats from the weaponization of digital tools, with hate speech, misinformation, and disinformation rife, undermining our efforts, and fuel
ing violence against our personnel, partners, and communities.’

‘Further complicating this is the fact that most peacekeeping operations, particularly our large, so-called multidimensional missions in Africa, have long been affected by a discrepancy between their capacities and what is demanded of them by the Security Council and host countries. Financial resources are often inadequate for their mandated tasks.’

‘For example, the $5.5 billion budget for peacekeeping operations worldwide is less than the New York Police Department’s $6.1 billion budget, even though we have 30,000 more personnel.’

The UN Peacekeeping budget comprised just 0.3 per cent of global military spending, Mr Lacroix stated, noting that: ‘Our peacekeepers are saving countless lives for a relatively small investment. It is cost effective. But for our missions to enable countries to reach a durable peace, we need your full support’.

Since its inception, peacekeeping has evolved to adapt to the changing needs on the ground and continue
to save lives.

The 2023 UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference in Accra, Ghana, is the first-ever to be hosted in Africa and will enable the Member States to collectively take stock of its peacekeeping operations and implement the Secretary-General’s Action for Peacekeeping initiative.

More than 600 delegates, including Foreign and Defense Ministers, academia and journalists across the globe are attending.

Source: Ghana News Agency