L’avenir de l’immobilier de luxe se mondialise ! eXp Luxury se lance en Australie, en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Afrique du Sud et au Royaume-Uni.

BELLINGHAM, Wash., 08 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty, « la société de courtage immobilier la plus centrée au monde sur les agents™ » et une filiale principale d’eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), est fière d’annoncer l’expansion continue de son programme immobilier de luxe, eXp Luxury, sur les marchés internationaux dynamiques de l’Australie, de la Nouvelle-Zélande, de l’Afrique du Sud et du Royaume-Uni.

Avec un nombre impressionnant de 1 100 membres aux États-Unis, au Canada et à Porto Rico au cours des quinze derniers mois, eXp Luxury poursuit sa trajectoire de croissance exponentielle. Le programme a fait ses débuts aux États-Unis en octobre 2022, suivi d’un lancement au Canada en septembre 2023 et, plus récemment, il a étendu sa portée à Porto Rico, élargissant encore sa présence.

Le succès remarquable et la forte demande d’eXp Luxury ont ouvert la voie à ce lancement dans de nouveaux territoires internationaux, offrant aux agents d’eXp Realty Luxury un accès inégalé à des opportunités d’investissement extraordinaires. Avec des adhésions qui permettent de présenter des campagnes de référencement remarquables grâce à des partenariats exclusifs, d’élever l’esthétique de la marque grâce à un centre de design sur mesure, et de favoriser la croissance grâce à des événements d’apprentissage robustes et à des opportunités de réseautage dynamiques, les agents peuvent vraiment prospérer dans l’immobilier de luxe.

« eXp Luxury représente notre engagement à fournir aux professionnels de l’immobilier d’élite des outils et des ressources inégalés pour améliorer la production et renforcer leurs marques individuelles tout en élevant leurs offres de service à la clientèle », déclare Michael Valdes, Directeur de la croissance d’eXp Realty. « Cette expansion internationale stratégique marque un moment charnière, mettant en évidence l’engagement inébranlable d’eXp Realty à non seulement révolutionner le paysage immobilier mondial, mais aussi à établir une nouvelle référence en matière d’excellence dans l’immobilier de luxe. »

Pour en savoir plus sur le programme eXp Luxury, consultez le site expluxury.com.

À propos d’eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la société holding des entreprises eXp Realty®, Virbela® et SUCCESS® Enterprises.

Plus grande société immobilière indépendante au monde, eXp Realty recense plus de 89 000 agents aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Royaume-Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, à Porto Rico, au Brésil, en Italie, à Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Israël, au Panama, en Allemagne, en République dominicaine, en Grèce, en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Chili, en Pologne et à Dubaï, et continue de se développer à l’échelle internationale. Cotée en Bourse, la société eXp World Holdings offre aux professionnels de l’immobilier l’opportunité unique de se voir attribuer des actions pour récompenser les objectifs de production et leurs contributions à la croissance globale de l’entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entités proposent une gamme complète de solutions technologiques de courtage et d’immobilier, notamment un modèle innovant de courtage résidentiel et commercial, des services aux entreprises, des outils de collaboration et du développement personnel. La société de courtage basée sur le cloud est alimentée par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondément sociale et collaborative qui permet aux agents d’être plus connectés et plus productifs. Ancrée dans le paysage grâce à la notoriété du magazine SUCCESS® et de ses activités média connexes, la marque et publication SUCCESS® Enterprises, créée en 1897, se place en chef de file du développement personnel et professionnel.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez https://expworldholdings.com.

Déclaration de non-responsabilité

Les déclarations contenues dans le présent document peuvent inclure des déclarations concernant des attentes futures et d’autres énoncés prospectifs qui se fondent sur les opinions et les hypothèses actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques et incertitudes identifiés et non identifiés, susceptibles d’entraîner une divergence significative des résultats, de la performance ou encore des événements réels par rapport à ceux qui sont exprimés ou sous-entendus dans les déclarations en question. Ces énoncés prospectifs ne sont valides qu’à la date du présent document, et la société n’est pas tenue de les réviser ou de les mettre à jour. De telles déclarations ne constituent pas des garanties de la performance future. Parmi les facteurs importants susceptibles d’entraîner une divergence significative et négative entre les résultats effectifs et ceux exprimés dans les énoncés prospectifs, citons notamment l’évolution des conditions commerciales ou d’autres conditions de marché, la difficulté de maintenir la croissance des dépenses à des niveaux modérés tout en augmentant les revenus, ainsi que d’autres risques détaillés en tant que de besoin dans les documents déposés par la société auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, le dernier rapport trimestriel et annuel soumis respectivement sur le formulaire 10-Q et sur le formulaire 10-K.

Contact relations avec les médias

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contact relations investisseurs :

Denise Garcia

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Futuro dos Imóveis de Luxo Agora Presente em Todo o Mundo! eXp Luxury é lançado na Austrália, Nova Zelândia, África do Sul e Reino Unido

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Dec. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), orgulhosamente anunciam a expansão contínua do seu programa imobiliário de luxo, eXp Luxury, nos dinâmicos mercados internacionais da Austrália, Nova Zelândia, África do Sul e Reino Unido.

Com um total impressionante de 1.100 membros e aumentando cada vez mais nos Estados Unidos, Canadá e Porto Rico nos últimos quinze meses, a eXp Luxury continua sua trajetória de crescimento exponencial. O programa foi lançado nos Estados Unidos em outubro de 2022, no Canadá em setembro de 2023 e, recentemente, em Porto Rico, expandindo ainda mais sua presença.

O notável sucesso e a alta demanda pelo eXp Luxury abriram o caminho para este lançamento em novos territórios internacionais, proporcionando aos agentes do eXp Realty Luxury acesso inigualável a oportunidades extraordinárias de investimento. Com assinaturas que oferecem a capacidade de exibir campanhas de anúncios notáveis por meio de parcerias exclusivas, elevar a estética da marca por meio de um centro de design personalizado, promover o crescimento por meio de eventos de aprendizado robustos e oportunidades vibrantes de networking, os agentes podem realmente prosperar com imóveis de luxo.

“O eXp Luxury representa nossa dedicação em capacitar profissionais imobiliários de elite com ferramentas e recursos incomparáveis para aprimorar a produção e fortalecer suas marcas individuais, ao mesmo tempo em que elevam suas ofertas de atendimento ao cliente”, diz Michael Valdes, Diretor de Crescimento da eXp Realty. “Esta expansão internacional estratégica é um momento crucial pois mostra o compromisso inabalável da eXp Realty em não apenas revolucionar o cenário imobiliário global, mas também estabelecer uma nova referência para a excelência em imóveis de luxo.”

Para mais informação sobre o programa eXp Luxury, visite expluxury.com.

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) é a holding da eXp Realty®, Virbela® e SUCCESS® Enterprises.

A eXp Realty é a maior empresa imobiliária independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Austrália, África do Sul, Índia, México, Portugal, França, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itália, Hong Kong, Colômbia, Espanha, Israel, Panamá, Alemanha, República Dominicana, Grécia, Nova Zelândia, Chile, Polônia e Dubai além de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobiliário a oportunidade única de ganhar prêmios de capital por metas de produção e contribuições para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de soluções tecnológicas de corretagem e imobiliária, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, serviços profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS® Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS® e seus ativos de mídia, foi fundada em 1897 e é uma marca e publicação líder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informação, visite https://expworldholdings.com

Declaração de Previsão

As declarações de previsão contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declarações de previsão que têm por base a atual opinião e suposições da administração que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. As declarações de previsão são válidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a empresa não tem nenhuma obrigação de atualizar ou revisar tais declarações. Tais declarações não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declarações de previsão incluem, mudanças nos negócios ou outras condições de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em níveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da empresa, incluindo, mas não se limitando ao Relatório Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulário 10-Q e no Relatório Anual no Formulário 10-K.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contato de Relações com Investidores:

Denise Garcia

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8992035

Shippers Authority CEO retires

Ms. Benonita Bismarck, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Shippers’ Authority ( GSA), has retired from the Authority after a distinguished tenure.

Ms Bismarck’s tenure spanned a remarkable seven-year period from June 2017 to November 2023 with her dedicated service making the climax of an impactful era in the Organisation’s history.

She inspired the revision of the Authority’s 5-year Strategic Plan (2019 – 2023) and directed its implementation, culminating in the achievement of remarkable outcomes that have not only benefitted shippers (importers and exporters).

It also improved cooperation and collaboration among key stakeholders, including government agencies, industry players and international partners, enhancing Ghana’s position in the global shipping landscape.

Ms. Bismarck had been a vocal advocate for the interests of shippers, representing their concerns at national and international platforms, a news brief from the Authority said.

It said she played a pivotal role in establishing a branch
office in Tamale, strategically advancing the Authority’s commitment to a nationwide coverage.

Her visionary leadership was particularly instrumental in overseeing the vigilant monitoring of the country’s transit corridors in the northern sector.

Through that initiative, Ms Bismarck not only expanded the organisational footprints, but also ensured a comprehensive and impactful reach in optimising shipping operations across the entire country, the brief said.

It said under her leadership, the Authority launched the ShippersApp to provide instant shipping information and services to shippers and the public.

To support trade facilitation, the former CEO’s tenure saw the completion and inauguration of the Elubo Freight Park in the Western Region and the Hamile Freight Park in the Upper West Region

Those achievements had been variously acknowledged, key among was the 2023 Public Enterprises League Table Awards organised by the Ministry of Public Enterprises in collaboration with the State Interests and Govern
ance Authority,

The brief said the Authority placed seventh on the League of Best Performing Public Institutions and Second for the Agencies under the Ministry of Transport.

The Authority also picked up a number of awards, including: Trade Facilitation Company of the Year 2020, 2021 and 2023 (Ghana Business Awards), and Best Company in Supporting Health Institutions and Facilities 2021 (Sustainability and Social Investment (SSI) Awards).

Others are the Most Responsible Government Regulator of the year 2021 (Responsible Business and Leadership Excellence Awards), and Public Sector Company of the Year 2021 (Ghana Business Awards).

On the personal front, Ms. Bismarck’s impactful leadership had been duly acknowledged.

The awards recognised her ardent role in leading the GSA in making major interventions in addressing concerns of shippers in Ghana and contributing to trade facilitation.

Some of the awards are Woman of Excellence (Public Sector) Award 2020 (Ghana Business Awards), Most Outstanding Female in C
orporate Social Responsibility (Business Executive Magazine Limited) and Ghana Women of Excellence Awards in honour of her contribution to National Development development (Top Brass Ghana).

Others are CEO of the Year in the Public Sector (Ghana Business Awards), Gold Business Leadership Award 2021 (Ghana Business Leaders Excellence Awards),

Female Personality of the Year 2022 (Sustainability and Social Investment) and Outstanding Public Sector CEO of the Year 2022 (Entrepreneurs Foundation of Ghana).

The rest are Integrity-Driven CEO of the Year 2022 (African Public Service Awards by Instinct Wave), Sustainable Shipping Steward of the Year 2022 (Rad Communications) and Outstanding Woman in Public Service 2023 (Rad Communications)

The brief said the Authority expressed gratitude to Ms. Bismarck for her invaluable contributions and particularly, her strong leadership that had helped the Authority in navigating through challenges and steering it towards greater heights.

Stepping into her role is Mr. Kwesi
Baffour Sarpong as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.

He possessed a robust background in energy sector trends, market analysis, operations management, business development, supply chain, contract management, and project coordination.

Mr Baffour’s wealth of expertise and diverse skill set would usher in a new chapter of dynamic and strategic leadership for the Organisation, the brief said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Upper East Regional Health Directorate to adopt consumer-centric focus – Dr. Boakye-Boateng

Dr. Samuel Kwabena Boakye-Boateng, Upper East Regional Director of Health Service, has outlined an effective transformational management approach to inject dynamism in health professionals and create a conducive, friendly environment for all stakeholders to patronise public health facilities in the region.

He explained that a transformational management approach would ensure that healthcare leaders and providers in the region took bold steps to adopt a consumer-centric focus and shift to preventive and outcomes-based care models.

He said the public health system was the foundation of a healthy nation, as it served as a critical and effective administration of healthcare services to the larger public.?

‘As the new Regional Director of Health, I would lead my Health Team to provide an equitable, quality, and more efficient and effective patient-centric healthcare system in the region,’ succinctly ensuring that the region becomes one of the best destinations for health in Ghana.

Dr. Boakye-Boateng told the
Ghana News Agency in an interview in Harare, Zimbabwe, on the sidelines of the 22nd edition of the International Conference on Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA).

It is a major bilingual international AIDS conference that takes place in Africa.

Ghana is participating with officials from the Ghana Health Service, the Ghana AIDS Commission, the National AIDS/STI Control Programme, civil society organisations in the health sector, and other key stakeholders.

The delegation includes Dr. Stephen Ayisi Addo, Programme Manager, National AIDS/STI Control Programme; Dr. Vincent Ganu, Principal Medical Officer at the Infectious Disease Centre of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital; and Mrs. Gifty Addo-Tetebo, Eastern Regional HIV/AIDS/STI Coordinator.

The others are Ms. Gifty Boakye, Mr. Philip Boakye, Mr. David Adika, and Dr. Raphael Adu-Gyamfi, all from the National AIDS/STI Control Programme; Mr. Jacob Acquah Andoh, Ghana Health Service Headquarters; and Mr. Majeed Sulemana, also from the Uppe
r East Regional Health Directorate.

Dr. Boakye-Boateng noted that effective transformational management approaches involved engagement with strategic stakeholders, including the community, traditional and religious leaders, the media, civil society organisations, private sector players, the corporate world, the business community, and other professional bodies both within and outside the health sector.

He said the Regional Health Directorate would ensure that healthcare systems across the districts and communities took advantage of and used digital technology for innovative solutions to improve healthcare delivery and associated health outcomes.

Dr. Boakye-Boateng also revealed that to improve the healthcare needs of the region, the health directorate would coordinate and collaborate to increase funding, improve infrastructure, and invest in healthcare workers.

He said improving access to medicines and equipment, promoting preventive care and education, and ensuring accountability and transparency would e
nhance healthcare delivery and give its population better health outcomes.

On ICASA, Dr. Boakye-Boateng also told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the biennial International AIDS Conference is the premier convening for all individuals, governments, and communities working in the field of health in Africa as pertains to HIV/AIDS and STIs.

He said it offered global and national leaders, people living with HIV, private sector partners, and others committed to ending the epidemic and strengthening the health systems in Africa an opportunity to engage and share best practices.?

Dr. Boakye-Boateng noted that ICASA presented an opportunity for researchers and clinicians worldwide to share the latest scientific advances, learn from one another’s experiences and expertise, and develop strategies for advancing all facets of the global collective efforts to achieve epidemiologic control of HIV/AIDS across Africa and achieve the UNAIDS goal of 95:95:95 by 2030.

The Society for AIDS in Africa is the main org
aniser of ICASA, which works in collaboration with its international and local partners.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Springs Agro Industries makes case for local rice consumption

Mr Emmanuel Tetteh Coffie, the Volta Regional Sales Manager, Springs Agro Industries Limited, says the improvement in Ghana’s local rice is evident enough to boost its consumption nationwide and beyond.

He said: ‘Made-in-Ghana rice is as good as any other imported rice. People should have the confidence to try it and see the quality’.

Mr Coffie, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the company produced the ‘Striker Gold’ branded rice and had been in rice farming and processing since 2019, using ultra-modern rice mill.

It had 2,000 acres of rice farm at Adidome in the Volta Region and Akuse in the Eastern Region where non-genetically modified rice was grown and was looking forward to cultivating more, he said.

Although the company was participating in the Volta Trade and Investment Fair for the first time, he said it had helped to create the awareness and network to boost sales.

Mr Cofie said the continuous importation of rice and inadequate credit facilities for producers remained a challeng
e and urged the Government to create an enabling environment for local rice producers to compete favourably.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Climate change: ‘Let’s leverage digital technology to build resilient food systems’

Stakeholders at the 39th Farmers’ Day celebration in Bolgatanga, the Upper East Regional capital, have called for leveraging digital technologies to offset climate change impacts and sustain agriculture production.

Apart from the global hikes in prices of inputs such as fertilizer, leading to high cost of production, climate change is hitting hard in many parts of northern Ghana, particularly the Upper East Region, threatening food production and security.

Therefore, it was urgent to build resilient food systems through digital technologies to empower farmers with accurate and timely information on changing weather patterns and smart agriculture measures to enable them to adapt to the changing climate impacts, they noted.

Alhaji Zakaria Fuseini, the Upper East Regional Director, Department of Agriculture, said many youths were yearning to venture into agriculture, however, the unaddressed challenges could make the sector unattractive to them.

‘Appreciable increase in agricultural technology adoption rate
by farmers from eight per cent to 15 per cent culminated in the increase of crops and livestock productivity in the region for the 2023 cropping season,’ he said.

‘It is, therefore, prudent to innovate, collaborate and develop more resilient food systems that can resist the shocks while concurrently feeding our people.’

Mr Stephen Yakubu, the Upper East Regional Minister, said digital technology providing real time data on weather patterns was not only helping to bridge information gaps in agriculture but provided transformative solutions to climate change impacts on food insecurity.

‘It is in view of this that the Ghana Agricultural Sector Investment Programme (GASIP) collaborated with the Ghana Meteorological Agency to provide weather information to farmers during the farming season,’ he said.

The Regional Minister mentioned land and chieftaincy disputes as major challenges adversely affecting agriculture production and threatening food security in the region.

‘Our efforts as a region to sustain our en
viable position as one of the food baskets of the country would come to naught if we continue to engage ourselves in battle fronts on accounts of land and chieftaincy conflicts,’ he said.

‘Several lives have been lost, most of whom were farmers.’

‘Similarly, farming activities come to a halt under war situations, which impacts on our ability to produce. It is therefore my utmost desire and hope that we would all be guided against these menaces.’

Mr Daniel Kwame Gariba, Dean of the Municipal and District Chief Executives, urged the farmers to take advantage of the Planting for Food and Jobs Phase Two to increase productivity for increased income levels and poverty reduction.

A 38-year mixed farmer, Isaac Amondem, from Wiaga in the Builsa North Municipality, emerged the Upper East Regional Best Farmer for 2023.

He received a tricycle, mist blower, two matchets, two pairs of wellington boots, knapsack sprayer and a certificate.

Naab Akajiaya Akanfeila, 58, and Madam Charity Zangina Liniyuligba, 43, were ad
judged Best Regional Livestock and Female Farmer, respectively.

Each of them was given a tricycle, blower, two matchets, two pairs of wellington boots, knapsack sprayer and a certificate.

In all, 220 farmers, comprising 205 females and 15 males, from the 15 municipalities and districts across the region, received awards ranging from certificates, tricycles, motorbikes to fridges and television sets among other prizes.

It was held on the theme: ‘Delivering Smart solutions for Sustainable food security and Resilience’.

Source: Ghana News Agency