Ministério da Indústria e Recursos Minerais Anuncia Detalhes da Terceira Edição do Future Minerals Forum

RIAD, Arábia Saudita, Dec. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em uma coletiva de imprensa hoje, o Ministério da Indústria e Recursos Minerais (MIM) anunciou detalhes da terceira edição do Future Minerals Forum (FMF), a ser realizada em Riad, de 9a11dejaneiro no Centro Internacional de Conferências King Abdulaziz.

Falando na conferência, Sua Eminência o Vice-Ministro dos Assuntos Mineiros, Khalid Al-Mudaifer, ansiava por novas conquistas alcançadas pela Mesa Redonda Ministerial e pelo FMF 2024. Nas edições anteriores, ambas as plataformas contaram com a participação de ministros e de um importante grupo de oradores internacionais. para resolver problemas e transformar conversa em ação.

O Vice-Ministro discutiu o papel único da FMF em acolher a única Mesa Redonda Ministerial do género na indústria. Ele disse: “Conseguimos fazer desta reunião uma plataforma estratégica e influente liderada por governos, dando voz a muitos países e organizações oficiais.”

Mais de 70 países serão representados por ministros e funcionários de alto escalão na Mesa Redonda Ministerial em 9 de janeiro. Pela primeira vez, uma reunião de Líderes de Pesquisa Geológica será realizada simultaneamente com a Mesa Redonda, permitindo que as instituições discutam questões minerais importantes na Super-Região.

Após a Mesa Redonda, 250 palestrantes importantes participarão de 75 sessões durante o Fórum de dois dias. Cerca de 90% deles são CEOs de algumas das maiores empresas do setor.

“Criámos o FMF para apoiar a transição energética e criar cadeias de valor minerais responsáveis e resilientes na Super-Região da África, Ásia Ocidental e Central. Na semana passada participamos na COP e transmitimos uma mensagem simples: sem minerais não pode haver uma transição energética”, acrescentou Al-Mudaifer.

A conferência destacou a liderança do Reino no fornecimento de energia ao mundo e o seu atual papel substancial no apoio ao desenvolvimento de cadeias de valor resilientes para fornecer soluções de energia limpa. O Reino tem potencial para se tornar um centro internacional para a produção e processamento de minerais ecológicos. Isto é apoiado pela Manara Minerals Company, que investe em ativos mineiros a nível mundial para ajudar a alcançar flexibilidade nas cadeias de abastecimento globais e acelerar o ritmo da transição energética.

Para obter uma lista completa de palestrantes e mais informações sobre o FMF 2024, visite

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Omar Shereen
Telefone: +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000904005

Le ministère de l’Industrie et des Ressources Minérales présente les détails de la troisième édition du Forum des minéraux du futur

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 12 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lors d’une conférence de presse qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui, le ministère de l’Industrie et des Ressources Minérales (MIM) a annoncé les détails relatifs à la troisième édition du Forum des minéraux du futur (FMF), qui se tiendra à Riyad du 9au 11 janvier prochain au Centre international de conférences King Abdulaziz.

S’exprimant lors de la conférence, SE le vice-ministre des affaires minières, Khalid Al-Mudaifer, a indiqué qu’il attendait avec impatience les nouvelles réalisations de la table ronde ministérielle et du FMF 2024. Lors des éditions précédentes, les deux plateformes ont accueilli la participation de ministres et d’un groupe d’orateurs internationaux de premier plan présents pour aborder les problèmes et passer de la parole aux actes.

Le vice-ministre a évoqué le rôle unique du FMF en tant qu’hôte de la seule table ronde ministérielle de cette nature dans le secteur. Il a déclaré : « Nous avons réussi à faire de cette réunion une plateforme stratégique et influente dirigée par des gouvernements, offrant une voix à de nombreux pays et organisations officielles. »

Plus de 70 pays seront représentés par des ministres gouvernementaux et des hauts fonctionnaires lors de la table ronde ministérielle du 9 janvier prochain. Pour la première fois, une réunion des responsables des services géologiques se tiendra simultanément à la table ronde, ce qui permettra aux institutions d’aborder les principales questions relatives aux minéraux dans la super-région.

Faisant suite à cette table ronde, 250 intervenants majeurs participeront à 75 sessions s’étalant sur les deux jours que comptera le forum. Environ 90 % de ces intervenants sont des PDG de certaines des plus grandes entreprises du secteur.

« Nous avons créé le FMF pour soutenir la transition énergétique et permettre la création de chaînes de valeur minières responsables et résilientes dans la super-région Afrique, Asie occidentale et Asie centrale. La semaine dernière, nous avons participé à la COP et délivré un message simple : sans les minéraux, il ne peut y avoir de transition énergétique, » a ajouté Khalid Al-Mudaifer.

La conférence a souligné le rôle de leadership du Royaume dans l’approvisionnement du monde en énergie ainsi que son implication majeure actuelle pour soutenir le développement de chaînes de valeur résilientes dans le but fournir des solutions énergétiques propres. Le Royaume possède le potentiel pour devenir une plaque tournante d’ampleur internationale pour produire et traiter les minéraux verts. Cet engagement est soutenu par la Manara Minerals Company, qui investit dans des actifs miniers à l’échelle mondiale afin de contribuer à la flexibilité des chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales et d’accélérer le rythme de la transition énergétique.

Pour obtenir la liste complète des intervenants et en savoir plus sur le FMF 2024, veuillez consulter le site

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Contact média :
Omar Shereen
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Tél. : +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000904005

Doctors and Experts around the World Call for Urgent Action to Prevent Liver Health Crisis

Global Liver Institute’s Second Edition “Global State of Liver Health” Report Reveals Promising Opportunities

Washington D.C., Dec. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Liver Institute (GLI), the premier patient-led liver health nonprofit operating globally, released the second edition of its “Global State of Liver Health” report, now including 22 countries covering every region of the world. Following the impetus of the Liver Health is Public Health initiative, international experts drew attention to pressing opportunities for their respective governments to prioritize and improve liver health.

Liver disease continues to pose a heavy burden for the world and its health systems:

“Our continued exploration of the scope and scale of the impact of liver diseases gives us both pause and hope. Powerful human intellect has developed many innovative solutions,” noted GLI CEO Donna R. Cryer, JD. “Rather than let these solutions go to waste, it is now time to direct political will towards putting them into practice and ensuring the ability to achieve liver health – and overall health – around the world.”

Strategies and technologies currently exist that can prevent liver disease or catch it early. However, putting these tools into practice can require financial investment, expert training, and often complex execution on a scale that necessitates government support. Several of the report’s expert advisors highlighted the policy opportunities and successes that might support liver health:

“We don’t have many tools currently to control tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and even the consumption of unhealthy diets in Vietnam,” shared Dr. Tung Pham, report advisor and lecturer /physician at Hanoi Medical University. “These are the second and third leading factors, so a tightening of standards, maybe raising taxes and implementing other promotional programs, will be essential.”

In contrast, a liberal treatment program that provided newly developed hepatitis C treatment to patients in Australia without many barriers has eliminated more than half of the viral disease throughout the country. As report advisor and leading hepatologist Dr. Simone Strasser noted in the report, several features brought about a successful program, including comprehensive training of primary care providers, minimal direct cost to patients, and local access to treatment.

National experts have identified the greatest threats to liver health in their communities. Now, those who care about liver health and its related conditions must urge their national leaders to prioritize and implement solutions.

The Liver Health is Public Health initiative is made possible thanks to the support of Sanofi and Salix Pharmaceuticals.

About Global Liver Institute

Global Liver Institute (GLI) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in the belief that liver health must take its place on the global public health agenda commensurate with the prevalence and impact of liver illness. GLI promotes innovation, encourages collaboration, and supports the scaling of optimal approaches to help eradicate liver diseases. Operating globally, GLI is committed to solving the problems that matter to liver patients and equipping advocates to improve the lives of individuals and families impacted by liver disease. GLI holds Platinum Transparency with Candid/GuideStar, is a member of the National Health Council, and serves as a Healthy People 2030 Champion. Follow GLI on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube or visit


Christine Maalouf
Global Liver Institute

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8993807

Mankessim Catholic A and B basic schools educated to stand against corruption

Professor Mark Nii Lamptey, Mfantseman Local Area Focal person for Anti-Corruption, has called on the youth to be active, responsible, well-informed, patriotic citizens and to be bold to report incidents of corruption to the authorities.

Prof. Lamptey made the call during an engagement with students of Mankessim Catholic A and B School at Mankessim Township to commentate 2023, International Anti-Corruption Day.

The event was organised by Lamaconsult Foundation a non-governmental organization in partnership with Mfantseman Local Accountability Network (LANet) and sponsored by Good Governance Africa and Hewlett Foundation.

This year’s celebration was on the theme: ‘United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC); Uniting the World against Corruption,’ which emphasised on the interconnectedness of Anti-corruption measures, peace and development and collective responsibility to combat corruption across sectors.

Among personalities at the event were Mr. Benjamin Koomson, Mfantseman LANet Secretary, Madam
Sussie Odarkor, Anti-Corruption Focal Person, Mfantseman Municipal Assembly and Head Teachers of Mankessim Catholic A and B basic Schools.

According to Prof. Lamptey, the UNCAC is recognised as a pervasive issue that undermined democratic institutions, hampered economic progress, eroded the rule of law and diminished the quality of life for citizens globally.

He stated that Anti-Corruption efforts initiated by UNCAC was for state parties to promote the active participation of individuals and groups aside the public sector, to prevent and fighting corruption.

He said Ghana, recognising the debilitating effect of corruption on socio-economic development, had made significant strides in the fight against it by introducing and implementing laws to combat it.

He stated that Ghana still encountered some challenges despite its progress, saying since the adoption of the UNCAC in 2003, the country always joined the rest of the world to commemorate the Day annually in December to create awareness about the global i
mpact of corruption.

He said the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC), with support from Good Governance Africa and Hewlett Foundation also educated and empowered Ghanaian youth across 33 districts on the significance of combating corruption.

The primary objective is to raise awareness among the youth about negative impact of corruption and to encourage their collective participation in anti-corruption endeavours.

Prof Lamptey further urged the participants and the entire youth, to keep a close eye on government activities and to keep government on track.

They must also know their rights, ask right questions at the right time, hold elected officials accountable and responsible for their actions, love Ghana and to reject all acts of violence and vigilantism and as they stood stand firm against corruption.
Source: Ghana News Agency

GREDA launches Green Building to promote green technology, control climate change

The Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA) has launched its ‘Green Building (GB)’ Initiative to revolutionise construction practices in Ghana to promote sustainability, and green technology and minimize environmental impact.

A green building is a structure fully designed to be in harmony with the ecosystem, showcasing minimal environmental impact.

Mr Salah Kweku Kalmoni, the Project Director of GREDA-GB, said the initiative is aimed at establishing an indigenous certification for green buildings in Ghana.

He said the initiative would ensure that occupants had a friendly atmosphere with features like extended roofing to prevent the tropical sun from entering the house, insulated roofs with rain gutters for rainwater to be used for purposes such as watering gardens, availability of natural light in structure and providing toilets with dual flash for different purposes.

‘A green building means probably there is a solar panel on the building, it’s having enough light that you don’t need to turn the
lights on.

‘So if you have a solar panel and decide to use electricity, then that’s not green living, you have rainwater to water your plants and you decide to use Ghana water, then that’s not green living, and if you have light coming in and decide to turn on your light, that is not green living,’ he said.

Mr Kalmoni, also the Director of Lakeside Estates, said if a house was declared green, it meant that it would have a unique selling point, lower energy needs, and make the house more livable and comfortable.

‘The public have been hungry for a green-certified house so it is good news for us, and they will now live in an ecologically sustainable way,’ he said.

Mr Kalmoni explained that obtaining a GREDA-GB house was priced at a Cedi equivalent of $200, covering both registration and assessment.

‘By harnessing the power of our GREDA-GB system, we aim to efficiently measure, monitor, and optimise building performance. This, in turn, will lead to a reduction in resource consumption, enhance occupant comfor
t, and mitigate the environmental footprint of structures. This is GREDA’s contribution to COP 28,’ he said.

Mr Henry Kofi Danso, the Project Manager said at the core of the initiative was an innovative data collection software application, accessible on all devices regardless of screen size or operating system.

The application empowers users to gather data in the form of text, images, and videos, seamlessly syncing them to a secure cloud storage platform.

The certification tool, he said, was structured around seven main criteria – Site and Transport, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency and Carbon Emission Management, Indoor Environmental Quality, Materials and Resources; Waste and Pollution; and Innovative Technologies.

‘These criteria were meticulously developed based on a thorough review of globally recognized rating tools, ensuring their relevance and effectiveness in the Ghanaian context,’ he explained.

Mr Isaac Ntiamoah, Marketing Manager, Lakeside Estate, encouraged industry players and all citize
ns to support the initiative because protecting the environment was key, adding: ‘When we have the greens and naturals around our environment, it makes living very comfortable, efficient and eco-friendly.’

He said: ‘We are cutting down a lot of trees and building houses, so if we don’t put in these green technologies, it will make life uncomfortable for us. We have to turn on the AC all the time, and light on all the time.

‘But if we have these natural features incorporated in our buildings, it will enhance lifestyle so that we can have the natural environment in our ecosystem.’

Mr Ntiamoah entreated real estate developers to have at least five of the criteria set by the Green Council to enhance the lives of customers.

The Ghana Real Estate Developers Association (GREDA) is a leading organisation committed to promoting excellence and sustainability in real estate development in Ghana with a focus on industry best practices.

It plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the real estate sector in the co
Source: Ghana News Agency

GFL calls on the next government to focus on re-industrialization and job creation

Mr Abraham Koomson, Secretary General of the Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL), has highlighted the critical state of the Ghanaian economy, emphasising that the next government must embark on urgent re-industrialization and job creation to restore the Ghanaian economy.

Mr Koomson expressed concern over the near standstill of the Ghanaian economy, leading to massive job losses due to systemic failures by successive governments’ economic policies.

He predicted the extinction of trade unions unless immediate action was taken to reverse the current trend of reckless economic management.

Mr. Koomson stated during a working visit to the GFL by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Group of Experts, known as the LAB, to engage the leadership of the Federation on the modalities of the party’s proposed 24-hour economy, which has been tagged as a ‘National Game Changer.’

The GFL Secretary-General also underscored the pivotal role of the manufacturing industries in employing over 60 per cent of the labour force.

iting examples like the Ghana Industrial Holding Corporation (GIHOC), Mr Koomson detailed the collapse of 17 subsidiary companies, signalling a broader trend of distressed or collapsed enterprises across various sectors.

The GFL emphasised that the revival of the industries required a committed effort, acknowledging the complexity of the economic challenges.

They called for the commitment of the NDC and other political parties seeking the governance of the country and suggested interventions to expedite the revival of industries, creating much-needed jobs.

In identifying causes of industrial collapse, Mr. Koomson pointed to mismanagement of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), excessive taxes, and high utility tariffs.

He urged a collaborative approach involving industry stakeholders to adopt tax and tariff policies beneficial to both the state and businesses.

To combat the challenges faced by the textile and beverage industries, GFL proposed uninterrupted zero VAT for locally manufactured textiles and the re
versal of recently expanded excise duty inclusion.

GFL asserted that a boost to the manufacturing industry would lead to direct growth in the export economy, increased employment, an attractive environment for foreign direct investment, and a strengthened cedi-forex relationship.

The NDC group of experts led by Professor Danso Boafo discussed the ’24-hour economy, focus on reindustrialization, and job creation,’ sought to share the NDC’s policy transformation agenda with players in the industrial sector, and also offered stakeholders the opportunity to make an input into the party’s national development agenda.

The group also included Professor Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, NDC Election 2020 Vice Presidential Candidate; Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, former Minister of Gender, Children, and Social Protection; and some leading members of the NDC.

The two groups also discussed challenges facing workers, industry, and the general socio-economic crisis in which Ghana finds itself, while the NDC Expert Group used the oppo
rtunity to seek GFL’s views and inputs into the next NDC government’s proposed policies to transform the country.

The meeting deliberated on issues such as the current economic hardships occasioned by economic mismanagement, the effect of high taxes and utility bills on industries, and the consequential collapse of some companies and layoffs of workers.
Source: Ghana News Agency