Foreign Ministry intensifies sensitisation on ECOWAS protocols in Upper East Region

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has intensified education on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) protocols and activities in the Upper East Region.

The day’s workshop was organised in Bolgatanga by the Ministry in collaboration with Media Response, a Civil Society Organisation to sensitise various stakeholders on ECOWAS protocols and conventions, operations, activities on free movement of persons and goods and how people could harness the opportunities created by such activities for economic development.

The workshop also created opportunity for the stakeholders which comprised state and non-state actors to understand and deepen knowledge to appreciate the significant contributions of ECOWAS in promoting regional peace and security, economic growth and sustainable development in the sub-region.

The participants were drawn from the Upper East Regional Coordinating Council, heads of departments, security agencies, religious and traditional authorities, market wome
n, youth, teachers, students, civil society organisations, non governmental organisations, and the business community

Addressing participants during the sensitisation workshop, Mr Julius Eli Goka, Deputy Director at the Ministry, explained that the initiative was part of efforts to strengthen the understanding of stakeholders on protocols and conventions of the ECOWAS to enable them contribute to and reap full benefits of the regional integration.

He said it was part of Ghana’s foreign policies to engage with countries in the sub-region not only to promote free movement of people, good and services but promote peace, security and governance.

Therefore, he said, it was imperative for Ghanaians, especially the major stakeholders to understand, appreciate and contribute significantly to deepening cooperation and help implement the protocols for strengthened regional integration and growth.

Mr Samuel Dodoo, the Executive Director of Media Response, said Ghana was a major contributor to ECOWAS, but this had no
t been noticed by the ordinary citizens.

He said apart from the ECOWAS protocols on free movement of persons, goods and services, there were other signed trade agreements that offered lots of opportunities for economic progression, however, the supposed beneficiaries had limited knowledge on how to harness such benefits.

‘Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge and awareness, there are lots of institutions and individuals having challenges trying to take advantage of situations and also enhance their livelihoods, so this will go a long way to help our students, agencies and traders who are expected to benefit from this protocol,’ he said.

In a speech read on his behalf, Mr Stephen Yakubu, Upper East Regional Minister, said the sub-region had a population of about 400 million and it was imperative to build a borderless, prosperous and cohesive region with capacity to harness each other’s endowed natural resources through creation of opportunities for sustainable development.

‘We therefore have to chart a p
ath towards real integration in the areas of governance infrastructure, private sector development as well as sustainable environmental practices to bring about the needed development, prosperity and wellbeing of the people,’ he said.

Naba Baba Salifu Atamale Lemyaarum, the Paramount Chief of Bongo Traditional Area, lauded the initiative for enlightening them, especially on the ECOWAS protocols on free movement but appealed that in the wake of threats of terrorism, more should be done to protect the porous borders in the region to check suspected criminals who want to destabilize the peace of the country.
Source: Ghana News Agency

SARI Workers Co-operative Credit Union holds AGM

The Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) Workers Co-operative Credit Union has held its 31st Annual General Meeting (AGM) to review the past year’s performance and also elect new executives to steer its affairs.

This year’s AGM was on the theme: ‘Sustaining the happy family legacy for the next generations: The role of quality service to members.’

Dr Edwin Korbla Akley, Outgoing Vice Board Chairman, SARI Credit Union, who read a speech on behalf of the Board Chairperson during the AGM at Nyankpala, said the Union’s captial adequacy ratio stood at 27 per cent as against the Credit Union Association of Ghana’s standard of 20%.

Dr Akley said the strong capitalisation was as a result of increase in minimum shares from GHc200.00 to GHc350.00, consistent education of members on the need to buy more shares and payment of higher dividends to members.

He said source deductions of members, savings and loans repayments to the Union had been extended to cover all Department of Co-operatives’ employees in th
e entire Northern Region.

He said this was to make it easier for both prospective and existing members in various MMDAs such as teachers and nurses to join the Union and conveniently save or pay loans through source deduction at Controller and Accountant General’s Department.

Dr Francis Kusi, Director of SARI, who chaired the AGM, called on Management and the new Board of Directors of the Union to improve on the Union’s performance to enhance the members trust and confidence.

Awards were given to some members of the Union for their contributions to the development of the Union.

The newly elected Board of Directors included Mr Eleazar Ofosu Krofa, Chairman, Mr Musah Iddi, Vice Chairman, Mr Salim Lamini, Secretary, and Mr Edem Daniel Halolo, Treasurer .
Source: Ghana News Agency

PWDs urged to bring their issues to the fore

Madam Stella Mawutor, Volta Regional Director of the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, has urged persons with disabilities to persevere in their efforts to ensuring that issues affecting them were brought to light.

She urged them to carry on with their advocacy efforts and stakeholder collaborations in ensuring that they achieved the needed transformation.

Madam Mawutor, who was speaking during a World Disability Day celebration in Ho, bemoaned the continued lack of accessibility and inclusion in human and business environments for persons with disabilities.

The programme was organised by Global Action for Women Empowerment (GLOWA) in collaboration with the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisation (GFD).

It was on the theme: ‘United in Action to Rescue and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals for, with and by Persons with Disabilities.’

Madam Mawutor called on duty bearers to pay serious attention to issues like gender equality, access to education, and relevant skills for
decent work, lamenting that some cultural prohibitions even served to perpetuate inequality.

The Director asked society to refrain from making disparaging remarks about persons with disabilities because these behaviours only served to promote discrimination and stigma.

Ms Veronica Denyo Kofiedu, President of the Women With Disability Development and Advocacy Organisation, noted that fulfilling the promise of ‘leaving no one behind’ was essential to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

She reminded duty bearers that to promote sustainable development for persons with disabilities, attention to their needs and rights as active participants in society, the economy, and the social spheres must be maintained.

The President commended all persons with disabilities for their dedication and selfless efforts in pushing for the elimination of all social barriers that limited their ability to develop and engage in society.

She entreated Disability People’s Organisations (DPOs) to unite to step up thei
r advocacy efforts and combat systemic discrimination that prevented them from being included in societal decision-making processes.

Mr Divine Bosson, Municipal Chief Executive for Ho, said the New Patriotic Party government was dedicated to making sure that the country aligned itself with the SGDs that promoted the rights of persons living with disabilities.

He said the Assembly had made progress towards improving accessibility, advancing equal opportunities, and increasing public understanding of the rights and dignity of individuals with disabilities.

Mr Bosson said last year the Assembly provided support for 42 individuals in the field of education and training, 35 individuals with health and assistive devices, and 74 individuals with income-generating business activities.
Source: Ghana News Agency

GEPA works towards scaling up export of processed fruits, cosmetics to EU market

The Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA) has opened a three-day trade show in Accra to showcase processed fruits, cassava, cosmetics and other personal care products as part of efforts to improve their export to the European Union (EU) market.

The trade exhibition, dubbed: ‘The GEPA-WACOMP End-of-Year Trade Show’ started on Thursday at the forecourt of the National Theatre, and will end on Saturday, December 16.

It is under the auspices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and the West Africa Competitive Programme (WACOMP), funded by the EU.

Cassava, processed fruits, including mango and pineapples, as well as cosmetics and products in the personal care value chain are on exhibition.

Dr Afua Asabea Asare, the Chief Executive Officer of GEPA, in a speech read on her behalf at the opening, said the trade show aimed at enhancing the visibility of the products to the diplomatic missions, hotels, importers, exporters, retailers and the public.

Its ultimate goal is to improve t
he performance and growth of the priority value chains and related services of processed fruits by raising the calibre of the goods produced and exported to the EU markets.

‘The beauty of what we see here today is as a result of years of hard work and collaborative efforts between the Ghana Export Promotion Authority and UNIDO- WACOMP, with funding support from the European Union,’ she said.

Dr Asare commended UNIDO- WACOMP for partnering GEPA to exhibit the products, which were supported under the West Africa Competitive Programme, to enhance their visibility, boost theirexports, and integrate them into regional and global value chains.

The exhibition would also promote intra-regional trade by increasing awareness of the high-quality goods produced in Ghana for home consumption and for export.

‘This is particularly important because the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which is now in full force, has presented every SME in Africa a great opportunity to take advantage of the huge market and e
xport to every country on the African continent.’

‘But this opportunity is meaningless if we do business as usual….’, she said, and called fordeliberate efforts with every decision to tap into the huge market potentials.

‘For us at GEPA, we are committed to driving the continuous development of Made-in-Ghana products and services and the competitiveness of our SMEs,’ Dr Asare said.

She assured the exhibitors and clients of GEPA’s unwavering dedication to promoting their products both locally and internationally.

‘We can assure you of even greater support next year, which promises to be a busy year for us’.

She reminded the gathering of the establishment of a Trade House in Kenya by GEPA to promote Ghanaian products and urged those yet to access its services to do so to enhance handholding and support.

Mr Joseph Yeboah, Project Coordinator and Networks Expert for Cassava Value Chain, WACOMP, said through the application of UNIDO’s 5Cs- Compete, Correct, Conform, Conduct and Coordinate – WACOMP had made s
ignificant progress on products packaging and branding amongst Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs).

The UNIDO-WACOMP project, over the past three years, had supported 26,722 MSMEs in cosmetics and personal care products to enhance their capacities while over 4000 fruits producers and processors received were assisted to implement good agricultural practices.

Madam Margo Pitora, who represented the EUAmbassador to Ghana, expressed the Union’s unflinching support to GEPA towards improving the standards of products exported to the European markets.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Only female Assemblymember aspirant in Lower-Manya Krobo steps down

Miss Benedicta Abbey, the only female assembly member aspirant in Lower-Manya Krobo, has stepped down.

Ms Abbey, who has been a unit committee member for over a decade was contesting to become an Assembly member for Agormanya South Electoral area.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency as part of the ‘Women’s Profile’, she cited personal reasons and party politics as the reason for her withdrawal from the race as the only female aspirant contesting among over 60 male aspirants in the municipality.

?She said having worked at the unit committee for many years, she was ready to use that experience to mobilize people in her electoral area for Community Development ‘but it’s unfortunate that I have to exit the contest.’

Ms Abbey was one of the 165 female aspirants contesting with over 2000 men in the district level elections in the Eastern Region.

Meanwhile, Mr Jonathan Okine, Lower-Manya Krobo Electoral Commission Director, said his outfit was yet to receive any notice to that effect.

He said
aspirants were free to withdraw from the race, however they would still be on the ballot due to the short notice of the withdrawal.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Accra-Tema Motorway Redevelopment: Parliament approves $338 million loanAccra-Tema Motorway Redevelopment: Parliament approves $338 million loan

Parliament on Friday approved an amount of $338 million for the redevelopment and expansion of the Accra-Tema Motorway project.

The redevelopment of the Accra-Tema Motorway had become necessary owing to damages which frequently resulted in traffic congestion and accidents.

The redevelopment would include construction works on the 5.7 km George Walker Bush Highway and a portion of the Nsawam road linking the Neoplan Interchange to Apenkwa.

Mr Patrick Yaw Boamah, the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee of Parliament, last week announced to the media that such a loan agreement was in Parliament seeking approval.

He said: ‘The Accra-Tema motorway alone is 19.5 kilometres, but this project is 27.7 kilometres, so one may ask, where are you getting the remainder from? The entire project is divided into three sections, the first section is the Accra-Tema Motorway, which is 19.5 kilometres, and it is going to be the rehabilitation and expansion of a minimum of ten lanes on the motorway. Then, the second sectio
n is N1, the George Walker Bush highway, and the scope is 5.7 kilometres while the third scope is the Nsawam road, rehabilitation of the existing six lanes on the Nsawam road.’

‘…So this is the scope of work that is going to happen. So you can tell from what I have told you that it is going to be a very comprehensive programme that will span about three years or more depending on how the project goes. And it is going to be a joint venture between Maripoma Limited and Ghana Infrastructure Fund,’ Mr Boamah told the media.
Source: Ghana News Agency