Duck Creek Technologies intègre sa plateforme de réassurance en mode cloud au marché britannique Lloyd’s of London

Duck Creek Reinsurance développe les fonctionnalités de ses logiciels leader pour accompagner mondialement les assureurs

LONDRES, 19 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), annonce la compatibilité de sa plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance avec le régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s, ainsi que leur intégration. Le Lloyd’s exige une solide stratégie de réassurance sortante (cédante) de ses membres, appuyée par des technologies, des protocoles de contrôle, des procédures et un niveau d’expertise adéquats pour permettre une gestion efficace des transactions de réassurance sortante. Les dernières fonctionnalités de la plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance mettent tous les outils nécessaires à la disposition des assureurs du monde entier pour rejoindre le marché numéro 1 mondial de la réassurance.

Ses fonctionnalités de cession intègrent l’ensemble des codes en usage dans les messages en lien avec les cessions de réassurance et le transfert électronique de données relatif aux conseils sur les primes, permettant aux membres du Lloyd’s et aux clients de Duck Creek de se connecter directement à la plateforme technologique et aux modèles du Lloyd’s. La plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance est munie de la structure de données nécessaire à la prise en charge des messages orientés conseil en matière de cessions de réassurance, visant à communiquer aux souscripteurs toute transaction nouvelle, modifiée ou remplacée par les courtiers, et des notifications également orientées conseil en termes d’autorisation, refus ou modification de données. L’intégration du régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s confirmera également le succès des traitements en lots ou en signalera les anomalies le cas échéant. Les assureurs seront également automatiquement avertis de tout mouvement de cession et de leur état de traitement respectif. Le menu « régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s » de la plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance intègre une fonctionnalité de piste d’audit complète, permettant aux assureurs de supprimer des éléments préalablement validés ou des groupes d’éléments erronés, et de demander l’annulation des éléments signés.

Pour Julien Victor, Directeur général de la gestion de la réassurance, « L’intégration du régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s à notre plateforme démontre notre engagement envers le marché de la réassurance. À l’heure où nous capitalisons sur une expérience de plus de trente ans en gestion de réassurance leader, Duck Creek Reinsurance rassemble à la fois les fonctionnalités de base et le niveau d’innovation nécessaires pour accompagner la croissance mondiale de nos clients de réassurance. Duck Creek participe également au projet Blueprint Two du Lloyd’s, et nous sommes fiers d’être en tête du marché avec une technologie en mode cloud compatible avec la plupart des programmes de réassurance pilotés par les assureurs les plus importants au monde sur un périmètre recouvrant Londres, l’Europe, la région Asie-Pacifique, les Bermudes et les États-Unis ».

Duck Creek Reinsurance est une plateforme SaaS en mode cloud, capable de se connecter à tout système de police d’assurance ou de réclamations, disposant de fonctionnalités de stockage de données et de registre en aval de la chaîne pour suivre toutes les informations liées aux contrats de réassurance (traités et contrats facultatifs), aux réclamations, aux données comptables, aux données techniques et auxiliaires, mais aussi financières, et bien plus encore. Duck Creek Reinsurance est pourvue de rapports intégrés et peut également se connecter à des solutions répandues de reporting d’entreprise. Il s’agît d’une solution flexible, adaptée aux organisations internationales réalisant des transactions en devises multiples et répondant à différents principes comptables généralement admis (ou GAAP, de l’anglais Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n’importe quand, où, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand.

Rendez-vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et Twitter.

Drake Manning

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9007265

Duck Creek Technologies Adiciona Lloyd’s of London Integration à sua Plataforma de Nuvem de Resseguro

Duck Creek Reinsurance amplia suas capacidades líderes de mercado para apoiar seguradoras em todo o mundo

LONDON, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anuncia o suporte à integração ao Lloyd’s Outwards Reinsurance Scheme (LORS) para seus clientes de resseguro cedidos que usam a Duck Creek Reinsurance. A Lloyd’s of London exige que seus membros tenham estratégias robustas de resseguro externo (cessão) com sistemas, controles, procedimentos e expertise apropriados para permitir a gestão eficaz das compras e recuperações de resseguro externo. Com esta mais recente funcionalidade, a Duck Creek Reinsurance continua a oferecer às operadoras globais as ferramentas necessárias para se integrarem no principal mercado de resseguros do mundo.

A capacidade do LORS dentro da Duck Creek Reinsurance oferece todos os conjuntos de códigos usados nas mensagens LORS e USM, permitindo que os membros da Lloyd’s e os clientes da Duck Creek se conectem e interajam Duck Creek Reinsurance com a plataforma e os processos de tecnologia da Lloyd’s. A Duck Creek Reinsurance está equipada com a estrutura de dados necessária para apoiar a Mensagem de Aconselhamento de Resseguro Externo da LORS para assessorar as subscritoras sobre transações novas, alteradas ou substituídas por corretoras, bem como as Mensagens de Resposta da Subscritora usadas para assessorar autorizações, objeções e alterações de dados da subscritora. A integração do LORS da Duck Creek também confirma o processamento em lote bem-sucedido ou relata erros e notifica automaticamente as seguradoras sobre os movimentos de cessão e o status do processamento. O módulo Duck Creek Reinsurance LORS inclui funcionalidade de rastreamento completo de auditoria, dando às seguradoras a capacidade de excluir itens pré-autorizados ou grupos de itens com erros e solicitar autorização para que itens assinados sejam cancelados.

“A integração do LORS da DUCK Creek demonstra o nosso compromisso com o mercado de resseguros de Londres. Juntamente com as mais de três décadas de capacidades de gestão de resseguros líderes de mercado, a Duck Creek Reinsurance oferece a principal funcionalidade e inovação para permitir o crescimento global dos nossos clientes de resseguros”, disse Julien Victor, diretor administrativo de gestão de resseguros. “A Duck Creek também está envolvida na iniciativa Lloyd’s Blue Print 2 e estamos orgulhosos de liderar o mercado com tecnologia baseada em nuvem que suporta muitos dos programas de resseguro das seguradoras mais proeminentes do mundo nos territórios de Londres, Europa, APAC, Bermudas e EUA.”

A Duck Creek Reinsurance é uma plataforma em nuvem baseada em SaaS que se conecta a qualquer política ou sistema de sinistros, data warehouse e registros gerais downstream para rastrear todas as informações relacionadas a contratos de resseguro (tratados e contratos facultativos), sinistros, dados contábeis, dados técnicos, dados auxiliares, dados financeiros e muito mais). A Duck Creek Reinsurance tem relatórios integrados e também pode se conectar a soluções de relatórios corporativos populares. A Duck Creek Reinsurance é uma solução flexível adaptada a organizações internacionais que usam várias moedas e vários requisitos GAAP.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies
A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand.

Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Drake Manning

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9007265

Duck Creek Technologies Adds Lloyd’s of London Integration to its Reinsurance Cloud Platform

Duck Creek Reinsurance extends its market leading capabilities to support insurance carriers globally

LONDON, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces support for and integration into Lloyd’s Outwards Reinsurance Scheme (LORS) for its ceding reinsurance customers using Duck Creek Reinsurance. Lloyd’s of London demands their members to have robust outwards (ceding) reinsurance strategies with appropriate systems, controls, procedures, and expertise to enable the effective management of outwards reinsurance purchasing and recoveries. With this latest functionality, Duck Creek Reinsurance continues to offer global carriers the necessary tools to integrate into the world’s leading reinsurance market.

The LORS capability within Duck Creek Reinsurance offers all the code sets used in LORS and USM messages, enabling Lloyd’s members and Duck Creek customers to directly connect to and interact with the Lloyd’s technology platform and processes. Duck Creek Reinsurance is equipped with the required data structure to support LORS Outward Reinsurance Advice Message to advise underwriters of transactions which are new, amended, or replaced by brokers, as well as Underwriter Response Messages which are used to advise underwriter authorisations, objections, and data changes. Duck Creek’s LORS integration also will confirm successful batch processing or report errors and will automatically notify insurance carriers regarding ceding movements and processing status. The Duck Creek Reinsurance LORS module includes full audit trail functionality giving insurers the ability to delete pre-authorised items or groups of items where they are in error and to request authorisation for signed items to be cancelled.

“Duck Creek’s LORS integration demonstrates our commitment to the London reinsurance market. As we build upon over three decades of market-leading reinsurance management capabilities, Duck Creek Reinsurance is delivering the core functionality and innovation to enable global growth for our reinsurance customers,” says Julien Victor, managing director, reinsurance management. “Duck Creek is also involved in the Lloyd’s Blue Print 2 initiative and we are proud to lead the market with cloud-based technology that supports many of the world’s most prominent insurance carriers’ reinsurance programs spanning the London, European, APAC, Bermuda, and USA territories.”

Duck Creek Reinsurance is a SaaS-based cloud platform that connects with any policy or claims system, data warehouse, and downstream general ledgers to track all the information related to reinsurance contracts (treaties and facultative contracts), claims, accounting data, technical data, auxiliary data, financial data, and more). Duck Creek Reinsurance has built-in reporting and can also connect to popular corporate reporting solutions. Duck Creek Reinsurance is a flexible solution tailored to international organizations using multiple currencies and multiple GAAP requirements.

About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand.

Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Drake Manning

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9006572

Let’s vote in Assembly elections – GJA

The Ghana Journalists Association ( GJA) has encouraged the citizenry to go out and vote in today’s District Level Elections (DLE).

The GJA said turning up to vote in the DLE would be a testament to the country’s maturity in its democratic practices.

It said development started from the local level so it was important to elect competent people to spearhead such developments. ‘…We expect a high turnout…,’ Mr Kofi Yeboah, Secretary, GJA, said in a press statement.

The GJA’s call stems from the low voter turnout that has characterized the DLE since its commencement in 1988/89.

Data shows that voter turnout in 1988/89 was 59.3 per cent while that of 1994 was 29.3 per cent. In 2002, the figure increased marginally to 41.6 per cent and decreased again in 2006 to 33.1 per cent.

The turnouts for 2010 and 2015 were 35.5 per cent and 30.6 per cent respectively.

The GJA, therefore, urged all to show up at the various polling stations and participate in the process. It also urged all stakeholders in the process, i
ncluding the Electoral Commission and the security agencies to be professional in the discharge of their duties.

The Association also called on the media to provide extensive coverage for the elections and uphold high professional standards.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Cardinal Resources Ghana Ltd donates beds to Nangodi Hospital

Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited, has donated hospital beds and accessories to the Nangodi Hospital in the Nabdam District of the Upper East region.

The items included four beds and accessories donated by Cardinal Resources as part of gesture to enhance healthcare delivery in the area, in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility.

It was witnessed by the Vice President of Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited, Mr. Feng Boali, the District Chief Executive of Nabdam, Madam Agnes Anamoo, hospital staff, community leaders, and members.

Mr Maxwell Wooma, Community and Social Responsibility Superintendent of the company expressed optimism that the donation of the beds would alleviate the strain on the hospital’s capacity and enhance its ability to provide quality healthcare services to residents of Nabdam.

‘Our principle as Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited is based on shared value, ensuring that while we are working, we also give back to the communities, so that, they do not remain in

situ. That is w
hy today, Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited is here to donate four hospital beds with their complete accessories, to help save the needless referrals that we have been having because of our incapacity to contain inpatients in this health center.’ Mr. Wooma said.

Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited for the past years has been conducting exploration of gold in Nandogi area and the district at large.

Mr Wooma recounted that his outfit and the communities, especially, people in the Nangodi area ‘enjoyed a unique, harmonious relations’ during the exploration period.

He commended the Nabdam district assembly, and the Paramount Chief of the Nangodi Traditional Area, Napariyeong Kosom Yelzoya Asaga II for their unflinching support during the exploration.

Mr Wooma disclosed that the donation of the hospital beds was based on a request from the assembly member of the Nangodi electoral area, Mr Sampana Zure Abaa which included the need to renovate the Nangodi hospital.

‘However, considering the timing of the request, w
e saw it necessary for us to support this way and to find enough time, to come back later to continue to support,’ the Community and Social Responsibility Superintendent added.

Mr Avolsure Maxwell, a Physician Assistant in charge of the Nangodi Health Centre, on behalf of the hospital staff and management, expressed gratitude for the timely donation, emphasizing the positive impact it will have on healthcare delivery.

He appealed to the mining firm to support the hospital with items such as haematology analyzers for testing full blood count, and ultrasound machines for pregnancy scanning.

District Chief Executive for Nangodi, Madam Agnes Anamoo, commended Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited for their generosity. ‘Try and renovate the hospital and write boldly on it, that, it was renovated by Cardinal, and anyone who comes, will appreciate what the company has done for the district’

She commended the company for supporting the assembly with planning to honour deserving farmers during this year’s Farmers’ Day

The assembly member for the Nangodi electoral area, Mr Sampana thanked them for responding to his request for the hospital beds.

‘I have also made other requests, and by tomorrow, we will be getting three boreholes from Cardinal Resources Ghana Limited. We appreciate all the company is doing for the communities and we will continue to support them anytime they are in need,’ he added.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Voting in About 20 municipalities and districts in Eastern Region suspended

The District Level Elections (DLE) in about 20 municipalities and districts in the Eastern Region have been suspended due to delays in distributing coordination.

The elections in these areas have been scheduled to Thursday, December 21.

Mrs Faith Amedzake, Eastern Regional Director of the EC, who confirmed in an interview with the GNA indicated that, elections were smoothly underway in 13 districts in the region.

The districts where voting is ongoing are Okere, Suhum, Atiwa East, Akuapem South, Upper-West Akyem, Kwahu South and Asuogyaman.

The rest are Nsawam-Adoagyiri, Afram Plains North and South, West-Akyem, Abuakwa North and Yilo Krobo.

Four other districts including New Juaben North, Upper-Manya krobo and Oda were now checking their ballots for onward distribution to the various electoral areas ‘If they are able to distribute all before midday voting will commence otherwise, they shift to Thursday’ she Added.

Election officers in the affected districts were seen busily collecting their planning an
d checking same to be transported to their destinations for voting at the Regional EC Office.

Meanwhile, stakeholders including aspirants and voters have expressed disappointment in the EC for the delay and rescheduling of the Elections.

Mr Yaw Amofa, an aspirant at Atiwa West told GNA that, the situation might result in low voter turnout on Thursday.

Earlier, the EC had released a statement to the effect that elections in some districts in Eastern Region and Ashanti regions had been suspended due to reasons beyond control.
Source: Ghana News Agency