Martha Inspires Foundation organises free eye screening for children

Martha Inspires Foundation, an NGO, has organised eye screening exercise targeting about 300 children at Katariga in the Sagnarigu Municipality of the Northern Region.

The exercise, organised in partnership with Savanna Opticals and Eyecare, a private eyecare facility, was to ensure healthy sight for the beneficiaries.

Miss Martha Anabila, Chief Executive Officer of Martha Inspires Foundation, speaking during the exercise, said it was to help detect any eye challenge affecting the children to seek further medical attention.

She said her organisation was running a reading clinic for the children in the area, adding it was important to prioritise the sight needs of the children to enable them take advantage of the facility.

She emphasised that, ‘Our reading clinic, which operates every Monday to Saturday, will require that children have good sight to read and explore the world of knowledge.’

Dr Daniel Opoku Gyamfi, Executive Director, Savanna Opticals and Eyecare, said children often went blind
because they failed to check their eye conditions on time.

He noted that cataract was one of the major eye diseases in the country, especially among children and adults, saying early detection was critical to reduce blindness in the country.

He entreated parents to prioritise periodic eye screening for their children to help detect any problem to enable them to get the needed treatment.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Education Ministry PRO files nomination to contest Asante Akim North Constituency

Mr Kwasi Kwarteng Frimpong, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) at the Ministry Education, has filed his nomination forms to contest in the NPP parliamentary primaries in the Asante Akim North Constituency.

Mr Frimpong, who addressed the press after filing the forms, said the constituents needed to unite behind the Party to be able to break the eight.

It was, therefore, one of his patriotic duties to lead the party to unite and bring the needed development to the area, he said.

‘This is a call for development which will be anchored on progress; at this critical time where the NPP needs to break the eight, I need to stand and unite my people to achieve this vision.’

Mr Kwarteng observed that there had been a systemic apathy looking at the voter trend, citing the numbers of votes between 2020 and 2016 and said the NPP votes in the constituency had declined.

He said this called for immediate action to correct the trend.

In all, five people are vying for the parliamentary slot in the Asante Akim North

They are Mr Andy Appiah Kubi – incumbent Member of Parliament (MP), Mr Kwasi Kwarteng Frimpong – the PRO Ministry of Education and Dr Samuel Kwadwo Frimpong – Office of the Vice President.

The others are Mr Stephen Obeng Saka – Businessman and Mr Kwadwo Baah Agyemang – a former MP for the area.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Gomoa Central MP picks nomination forms to contest Parliamentary Primary

Mrs Naana Eyiah Quansah, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gomoa Central Constituency, has picked nomination forms to contest the upcoming Parliamentary Primary.

The MP, who is also the Deputy Minister of Interior, said her attempt to be re-elected to Parliament, was to continue the unfinished projects embarked upon to bring transformation into the lives of the people in the constituency.

Addressing the media, the MP reiterated calls on the delegates to give her the nod by voting massively to enable her to continue lobbying for projects and jobs, especially for the unemployed youth.

She said the party needed a united front to help break the eight in the 2024 elections and that would be possible with hard work and unity among the rank and file.

The incumbent expressed the hope and confidence that the delegates would maintain her candidature to further retain the seat, adding that the government had done so much for the constituents and was poised to do more to better the lots of the people.

She appe
aled to her supporters to remain resolute, saying the party was determined to do extra work to maintain the parliamentary seat in the Election 2024.

The MP urged the party supporters to rally strongly behind the NPP Flagbearer, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to defeat the NDC, which was its key opponent in the elections, to enable the government to continue the good works to serve Ghanaians.

She called on the chiefs, Queenmothers, opinion leaders and other stakeholders in Gomoa Central to continue to support the party in its quest to better the economic situation in the country.

Mr Hackeem Mohammed, the Gomoa Central Constituency Secretary of the party, who presented the forms to the MP called for peace and unity among the members to help the party to achieve its objective.

He said the party expected the contestants to conduct their campaigns in a decent manner devoid of insults and character assassination against each other to ensure sanity in their quest to canvas for votes.

The National Executive Council (N
EC) of the NPP on December 20, 2023, opened nominations for the sitting MPs to assist the delegates to select candidates for 137 constituencies nationwide and had subsequently fixed January 27, 2024 to conduct parliamentary primaries.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Jirapa Royals pay courtesy call on Regional Minister

A delegation of Council of Royals and Kingmakers of the Jirapa Community has paid a courtesy call on the Upper West Regional Minister Dr Hafiz Bin Salih to inform him about the enskinment of Naa Justice Donglabong Dinaa as Paramount Chief of Jirapa Traditional Area.

The Council, comprising the seven sections of the Jirapa clan, which constituted the decision-making organ and central authority regarding matters of the Jirapa Skin, also invited the Regional Minister to grace the enskinment and coronation event on December 30, 2023, in Jirapa.

The Spokesperson of the Council, Mr Anthony Batie Doodaa of the Wuoyiri Jirapa Section said after a careful search and due consultations, the Tendaana, Nuobe Komase and all the other Kingmakers in the Jirapa community unanimously selected Naa Donglabong Dinaa after all traditional and customary rites and practices pertaining to the Skin were followed.

He said the Council, after his selection, thought it wise to inform the Minister about it and also invite him to the
occasion as the father of the region.

Dr Bin Salih thanked the Council for the honour and expressed his gratitude to the entire Jirapa Community for the speedy and peaceful manner an occupant was found for the Skin.

He told the delegation that the Regional Coordinating Council, and for that matter, he as a Regional Minister and all government appointees did not associate with chieftaincy matters.

‘Our topmost concern and commitment have to do with ensuring peace, security and the maintenance of law and order for all to help promote development through the nurturing of unity, welfare and harmony among the people,’ he said.
Source: Ghana News Agency

My priority is to improve education and agriculture in Asante-Akim South – Eric Amofa

Mr Eric Amofa, a New Patroitic Party (NPP) Parliamentary aspirant for Asante-Akim South Constituency, has identified education and agriculture as his key priorities to transform the area.

He said investing in the two sectors was the way forward to improving the livelihoods of the people, through accelerated development targeted at the youth.

He was addressing the media after picking his nomination forms at the constituency office of the party at Juaso, to contest for the seat which is currently occupied by Mr Kwaku Asante-Boateng, the Deputy Minister for Railway Development.

Upgrading educational infrastructure across the constituency, he noted, could be the game changer in the people’s quest for speedy development and that he was the right person to lead that agenda on behalf the good people of Asante-Akim South.

‘We need to upgrade at least five senior high schools in the constituency to modern status with all facilities needed for quality tuition,’ he argued.

On agriculture, Mr Amofa said it h
ad always been the mainstay of the local economy and required strategic investment to increase food production while increasing incomes of farmers.

He underlined the need to deliberately encourage the youth to go into commercial farming as a business and a sustainable strategy to tackle youth unemployment.

‘We are going to look at about 20,000 acres of farmlands purposely for youth agriculture where we shall bring in investors to support the youth to venture into large scale farming,’ Mr Amofa hinted.

He said representatives of the people in Parliament were critical to their developmental aspirations, hence the need to make the right choice among the aspirants.

‘It is important to send someone who can make a strong case for the people to parliament so that the government will always be aware of the challenges confronting them,’ he emphasised.

He encouraged the delegates not to fall for any enticement to win their votes, but strictly consider competence of the aspirants to decide.
Source: Ghana New
s Agency

Assemblyman-elect embarks on ‘Thank You Tour’

Mr Zimi Kanintii, the Assemblyman-elect for the Suke Electoral Area in the Lambussie district has embarked on a ‘Thank You Tour’ to express appreciation to the electorate for electing him to represent them in the District Assembly.

The ‘Thank You Tour’ formed part of the newly elected Assemblyman’s pledge to foster close ties with the people to identify their problems and speed up development in the area.

Mr Kanintii, 28 years old, and a level 300 student at the Kwadaso Agriculture College, polled 486 votes to beat Mr Balebe Bawaru Padmore, his former teacher in Junior High School (JHS), who polled 405 votes during last Tuesday’s elections.

Speaking to the GNA, Mr Kanintii called for peace and unity to ensure the rapid development of the area.

He said he would rally support from stakeholders, elders, and the youth to chart a common course for development.

‘I have already visited my former teacher and indicated to him I was going to continue to seek his wise counsel as well as useful ideas to propel
the development of Suke,’ he said.

He visited all the communities and some house to house with his team to fulfill his campaign pledge of remaining accessible to his people.

Addressing some members of the communities at Chum, Mr Kanintii expressed his profound gratitude to the electorates for the confidence reposed and called for their continues support to enable him to accomplish the development agenda for the communities.

He appealed to the youth from the various communities to come together and rally behind him for the development of the communities.

The Assemblyman elect also pledged to work closely with all political parties in the district for unity of purpose and to lobby for development.
Source: Ghana News Agency