Association calls for dialogue on China’s ‘one belt, one road’ initiative

The Ghana-China Friendship Association (GhaChiFA), a non-governmental organisation, has called for a national dialogue among stakeholders to deliberate on China’s ‘one belt, one road’ initiative.

GhaChiFA, in a communiqué, said the national dialogue was needed for stakeholders to agree and commit to developmental objectives and priorities, even those spanning electoral cycles.

The communiqué copied to the Ghana News Agency followed a symposium organised by GhaChiFA to inform, advocate, and educate the Ghanaian public about China’s initiative, Ghana’s involvement in it, and its benefits to the country.

The One Belt, One Road (1B1R) is a global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 to invest in more than 150 countries and international organisations.

It was noted that there was a need for Ghana to adopt the 1B1R concept as a more credible way to foster global peace and security than the paradigms used, indicating that Ghana’s approach discourages long-term planning o
r commitments but rather encourages short-term expediencies.

It stated that the 1B1R initiative conceptualised the world to be considered as One Belt, One Route (Road) in socio-economic development, adding that for the creation of global opportunities, there must be global connectivity.

GhaChiFA stated that global connectivity called for the establishment of physical infrastructure in the form of interconnected high-speed roads and railways, ports, harbours, telecommunications, electricity generation, supply, and connections.

The communique added that it was quite clear that the major thrust of the initiative had been completely missed by most people who have only, at best, followed the practical implementation of projects under the BRI.

While remaining ignorant of the intended paradigm shift in human and international relations that should replace the old exploitative approach that has given rise to so much inequity, stress, environmental degradation, strife, and conflict and ultimately threatens to dest
roy the planet and humans very existence as a species.

‘It also became clear that while some countries may have clear priorities and developmental goals and objectives, Ghana is sadly lacking in these essential areas, in part due to our current political dispensation and electoral cycle, which discourages long-term planning or commitments (other than financial borrowings) but encourages short-term expediencies.’

It added that a national dialogue was required to identify these priorities, lead to a national consensus, and for all parties to commit to moving the country in the desired direction, regardless of the party in government.

It also suggested a pan-African consensus on African social and developmental priorities and metrics, using the 1B1R paradigm rather than perennially borrowing from others, as Africa has sufficient resources at its disposal to tackle the infrastructure deficits if the resources were properly leveraged.

GhaChiFA said it would be engaging in some activities on the 1B1R, including
identifying and addressing Pan-African and ECOWAS priorities through the ECOWAS Commission and AfCFTA.

The Association would also engage with the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and the Federation of West African Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FEWACCI) to mobilise the private sector to partner with the government in a public-private partnership to invest in the infrastructure opportunities offered by 1B1R.

It would also organise a forum between Ghana and China to promote the 1B1R concept and showcase projects under the initiative of private sector operators.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Keta, Anloga Districts initiate steps to curb illegal fishing on Keta Lagoon

Chief fishermen and other stakeholders have met to deliberate on the troubling development of the use of illegal fishing methods on the Keta Lagoon and how to curb it.

Mr Promise Gavor, the Keta Zonal Officer of the Fisheries Commission, reminded participants of some bad fishing methods such as the use of filament nets, use of drag nets, light fishing, the use of dynamites and bad chemicals, including Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT).

‘The law is already there in the Fisheries Act and we all knew it, just that we violate it and they come with sanctions. So now we just have to invoke the sanctions,’ he said.

Mr Seth Yormewu and Mr Emmanuel Gemegah, Municipal Chief Executive and District Chief Executive for Anloga and Keta respectively said the laws frowned on illegal fishing in the country’s waters.

They promised to help stop the menace, adding ‘we must protect the interest of the people, therefore, we will do anything within our powers as political leaders to make sure this act comes to an end.’

ey also called for support from group leaders and other traditional authorities.

Togbi James-Ocloo V, the ‘Dufia of Keta, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, advised fish processors to desist from buying such catches.

‘We will not only focus on the fishermen but the buyers as well. We will locate those who buy these catches at lower prices before processing it for us.’

The meeting was summoned by Togbi Agbeshie Awusu II, the’Awadada’ of Anlo State and was attended by some Chiefs, including Togbi Subo II, and Togbi Satriakor III, as well as some fishermen and women across the two Districts

The meeting produced some action plans aimed at helping to curb the situation, the identification and registration of all canoes on the lagoon for easy administration.

Other plans include the formation of a task force to monitor and report wrongdoers, and the cessation of canoes and nets of offenders.

The recent opening of the sluice bridges and sandbar at Kedzi-Havedzi which allowed the sea to flow into the la
goon had caused sea species like shrimps, crabs, sardines, and others to breed in the lagoon, which has caused the fishermen on the lagoon to be in desperate need to catch the new species.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Be security conscious during yuletide – Most Rev Paul Boafo to youth

The Most Reverend Paul Kwabena Boafo, the Presiding Bishop of The Methodist Church, Ghana, has admonished the youth to be security conscious and stay alert during the celebration of this year’s yuletide.

He said security remained a major concern during seasons like Christmas which required that everyone, especially the youth stayed alert and kept good company to avert any unforeseen circumstance.

‘We should look at how we behave in society. It is not a partying session where people go in and forget about who they are and before they realise they are also abused, especially the young girls who will be following these young boys.

‘They should be very, very careful, and I will even add that, they should find themselves in good company,’ he added.

The Most Rev Boafo gave the advice in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at a community durbar organised by the Scripture Union (SU), Ghana at Pepawani, near Aburi in the Akwapim South Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The durbar was to unveil a Children an
d Youth Development Campsite project at Pepawani.

The project, initiated by SU, is to end its reliance on public schools for accommodation during its missions and help impact positively the lives of more young people through teachings.

To be situated on a 14.2-acre land, construction work is expected to commence in June 2024 and completed within five years.

The project comprises the construction of a 1000-seater Main Auditorium; 1000-seater Multi-Purpose Hall, dormitories and 13 chalets.

Other facilities include Administration Block, Sports/Fields, Prayer Garden and reserves, and Gate House with parking.

The total cost of the project is estimated at $7.4m.

Cutting the sod to unveil the project over the weekend, the Most Rev Boafo said the campsite was an ‘intentional project in investing in the young and the youth.’

He said the project would transform lives of young people for society, the Church and the world.

He assured SU of the Methodist Church’s support to ensure that the project materialised.

ev Morgan Asiedu, Council Chairman of SU, said the construction of the campsite was crucial for SU considering the difficulty its members went through to secure accommodation for their camp activities.

He explained that, over the years, the Union had relied on public schools for their camp activities, a situation, he said was no longer feasible.

He said the campsite when completed would help imbibe in the children and youth, far and near a sense of uprightness for the benefit of the community and the nation.

Rev Derrick Koomson, General Director of SU, said the project was a testimony of how God was using SU to reach the rest of the world.

He noted that, the project was an opportunity for the two parties – the SU and the Pepawani community to strike a bond of friendship for the benefit of the youth and the larger community.

‘We are not just coming to construct a building, but also to train the young ones in the way of Christ so they will grow to become responsible leaders for society and the country,’ he

Rev Koomson also disclosed that, the campsite would be available for the use by churches for their activities, adding that nine of similar projects were taking place across the country.

Nana Kwafo Kwasi Wiafe,Kyidomhene, Pepawani, thanked the leadership of the SU for the project, urging the children and youth to make good use of the facility when completed, to acquire knowledge.

He highlighted four major concerns of the community, including poor road network, non-functioning streetlights and lack of potable water, and appealed to the government to help address them to improve the lives of his people.

Present at the unveiling was Mr Seth Kwame Acheampong, Eastern Regional Minister.
Source: Ghana News Agency

President advocates unity, empathy as Ghana marks Xmas

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has extended the Government’s warmest Christmas wishes to Ghanaians, and stressed the need for unity at all times.

For Christians, in particular, he said the festive occasion presented an opportunity for them to uphold the sublime values of humility, faith, empathy and reconciliation.

‘Let us take the time to gather, love, listen and learn from each other, and to remember that with the help of God, we can overcome any challenge and achieve any future of which we can dream,’ he stated.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, in a message, urged the citizenry to celebrate the season in safety and responsibly.

‘Remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

‘Let each one of us do our bit to feed those who are hungry, and offer comfort to those in need,’ he advised.

On the ‘December in Gh’, one of Ghana’s iconic entertainment events, the President said the programme had brought to the country a diverse number of international tourists ‘who are celebrating the Christmas with

‘I appeal to all of you to exhibit at all times the proverbial Ghanaian hospitality for which we are famed.

‘Let us leave a positive lasting impression on them, which will ensure that our country’s tourism potential is enhanced to the benefit of our nation’s economic and cultural growth,’ he noted.

The President said it was refreshing that the nation had strived to turn the corner, following three difficult years ‘we, and indeed, the world have faced’.

He cited the positive improvement in inflation and exchange rate, and a relative growth of the economy.

‘We continue to attract investment, domestic and foreign, reinforcing our position as the gateway to Africa.

‘The country is yet not completely out of the woods, but there is a growing sense of confidence that with hard work and determination, Ghana will make it. And, collectively, we will secure our future,’ he echoed.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Volta Serene Hotel supports Ho Teaching Hospital

The Volta Serene Hotel has supported the Ho Teaching Hospital with some essential products to mark the end of the year.

Management of the Volta Region’s top hotel facility handed over a truckload of items, including several mattresses, food items, physical aids and construction materials worth GHC 200,000 to the management of the Teaching Hospital.

The Hotel had previously undertaken re-coating and other maintenance works at the out-patients department of the teaching hospital, and Mr. Steve Derrick Armah, the General Manager of the hotel, who led staff on the donation, said GHC 800,000, was spent on the corporate social contributions.

‘We believe that this is the first point of call for all health problems. We believe that health is wealth, and on behalf or the executive chairman, the Board, the CEO, Management and entire staff of VSR, we wish you and all your staff a merry Christmas,’ he said.

The Hotel, which forms part of the First Sky Group of Companies, has a long history of support for the hospita
l, and the General Manager said healthcare remained a priority in efforts to give back to society.

Mr George Kofi Tetteh, Director of Administration of the Hospital, who received the items, commended the commitment to improving service delivery at the apex facility in the Region.

He said with the growing needs of the hospital, management would continue to appreciate the hospitality giant for further support.

The administrator used the occasion to appeal to the First Sky Group to consider support for its dialysis centre and the establishment of a dialysis support fund to help patients through the costly treatment.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Twenty young congregants receive first communion on Christmas Day

About twenty young congregants of the Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Cathedral, Takoradi, have received their first Holy Communion as part of this year’s Christmas Mass celebration of the Cathedral.

The recipients, who were clothed in white, and joined by their parents and other members of the Church, were full of joy as they received their first communion after going through a year-long catechism class to learn about the Catholic doctrines.

The Most Reverend Joseph Francis Kweku Essien, Bishop Emeritus of Wiawso Catholic Diocese, in a sermon, congratulated them for receiving their first communion and said it marked a new beginning in their lives, where they would wine and dine with the Lord.

He noted that the holy communion came with blessings for believers who took bread as body and wine as blood of Jesus Christ.

He urged the recipients to ensure they did not deviate from the teachings of the Catholic faith and stayed under the feet of God after receiving their first communion.

Most Rev. Essien adv
ised them to live dignified lives and avoid discriminating others as a way of showing love and affection for unity according to the teachings of Christ.

He also encouraged parents to be good mentors to their children for them to become successful, who would help build the church and the nation.

He said: ‘As Christians, we must not use our worldly riches as a panacea to disrespect others, but rather allow the love of God to reflect in our actions and how we relate with others.’

Reverend Fr Lawrence Krah, the Cathedral Administrator, in his welcoming address, urged Christians, particularly Catholics to always to emulate Christ in all their endeavours.

He said the birth of Christ brought hope peace and love and that Christians must let such traits reflect in their lives.
Source: Ghana News Agency