Future Minerals Forum Advances Global Discussion on Clean Energy Transition

New Partnerships to Shape Conversations on Sustainable Development in Global Metals and Minerals at Future Minerals Forum 2024

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Future Minerals Forum (FMF), scheduled to take place 9-11 January in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, today announced three new strategic partnerships to inform the global discourse on minerals and their critical role in sustainable global development and the need to transition to new energy sources. The new partnerships with CRU Group, Global AI and Wood Mackenzie will deliver business intelligence and insights in a series of studies to be published ahead of FMF. They complement existing partnerships with McKinsey & Company, Payne Institute for Public Policy, Clareo-DPI and Baker Institute.

Wood Mackenzie is embarking on a pivotal study to define the super region’s potential. The white paper will identify key drivers for the creation of sustainable value chains as well as highlight the current challenges facing the global minerals and how they affect the minerals industry across this resource-rich area. This report will serve as a crucial guide for stakeholders by establishing the foundations for what can be achieved from governmental and market collaboration as the region looks to unlock its resource potential to better enable the energy transition.

Global AI is set to conduct a comprehensive global sentiment analysis using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, focusing on mining and mineral operations across the Super Region. This analysis aims to shed light on societal perceptions to inform dialogue on the roles governments, the private sector, and civil society must play in securing social license to operate, ensuring mining operations deliver tangible benefit local communities and minimize impact on the environment.

Meanwhile, CRU’s report will highlight the urgency of addressing critical mineral bottlenecks to meet climate goals, with a focus on the Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia as key future suppliers.

Together, these insights all align with FMF’s mission to enable the development of sustainable mineral industries, place the Super Region at the forefront of the global minerals conversation, and shape responsible mining practices. FMF, as a government-led, multi-stakeholder platform, aims to catalyze dialogue among industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to drive progress toward a more sustainable and prosperous future in mineral development.

Media Contact:
Omar Shereen
E: Omar.Shereen@fleishman.com
M: +966 50 663 0489

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Former Church of Pentecost Chairman passes on

The leadership of the Church of Pentecost has announced the death of Apostle Dr Michael Kwabena Ntumy, a former Chairman of the Church.

A statement signed by Apostle Samuel Gyau Obuobi, General Secretary of the Church, to the Ghana News Agency, said he died in the early hours of Wednesday, December 27, ?2023.

‘Apostle Dr Ntumy was not only a revered man of God but also an inspirational leader.?

‘His commitment to the things of God was unparalleled, and his contributions to our church and community were significant,’ the statement said.?

The statement said Ntumy left an indelible mark on everyone who had the good fortune of crossing paths with him.?

‘We are deeply indebted to him for his selfless service, leadership, and tireless dedication to spreading God’s Word.’

The statement urged the public to pray for the widow and the bereaved family during the challenging time as they prepared for the funeral.

The statement appealed for the utmost respect for the privacy of the family as they endured his great
Source: Ghana News Agency

PCRN warns Equinoxe television from talking about partyBays Lodge and Apartments rewards hardworking staff

Usually, one is used to seeing political parties abstaining from taking part in debates on certain Television channels or radio because of the editorial policy that they deem not fit for their political agenda. But the recent decision by the National Party for the Reconciliation of Cameroon has been seen as a bombshell.

The party’s Communication Director, Armand Okol said the Douala-based private media has been constantly reporting against the party ‘We have noticed that for nearly four years now, just after the double legislative and municipal elections of 2020, the treatment of the news and activities of the PCRN in your communication media has been very unorthodox. Every time or almost every time, the reports are incriminating, unbalanced, and devoid of any professionalism, with the bonus of an excessive bias that rivals in skill with disinformation, flippancy, hypocrisy, mischievousness, pettiness, malice, and even defamation.’

This statement that was sent to the founder of Equinoxe Television, Severin
Tchounkeu, came after the party’s founder Robert Kona travelled back to his Guidiguis base in the far north region, after interrupting a Convention. Mr. Robert Kona accused the party’s 2018 Presidential election’s flagbearer, Hon. Cabral Libii of ignoring his calls, not toeing party lines and not responding to party orders, meanwhile, he was aware of these guidelines before his investiture.

Eequinxoe television in its 8 PM prime time news on Boxing Day broadcast the return of the party chairman.

This angered Cabral Libii and co who swiftly reacted by prohibiting Equinoxe television from talking about them.

‘This surprising stance is reflected in the categorical refusal to broadcast our activities in the field, even though logistical arrangements have been made to facilitate media coverage of the teams. But curiously, the journalists in this media group are highly motivated and lash out unmercifully at the slightest opportunity when a news item incriminates or works against the PCRN, confirming the theory o
f a cleverly hatched plan and a strong suspicion of instructions formally given to denigrate and undermine the PCRN.’ The statement partially read.

As a result, the party decided ‘to prohibit the use and/or mention in any way whatsoever of anything related to the PCRN by all communications media, staff, and guests of Groupe Équinoxe media programs. Similarly, media coverage of PCRN activities is strictly forbidden to all Groupe Équinoxe media personnel.

Observers have wondered how they will succeed with such a warning when the media is supposed to talk about everything news. It has also baffled many who wonder how a party that is out to reconcile Cameroonians is fighting the media that projected its candidate during the 2018 polls.
Source: Cameroon News Agency

Bays Lodge and Apartments, a top luxury lodge and accommodation provider, has rewarded some of its hardworking staff for 2023.

Three staff members, namely Winnifred Bonney, Mabel Oppong-Dadzie, and Malwin Bidahor, received gift hampers for their dedicated service to the organisation.

Speaking at a staff soiree on Boxing Day, Mr Gilbert Abeiku Aggrey Santana, Chief Executive Officer of Bays Lodge and Apartments thanked the company staff for their successful output in 2023.

‘Our operations this year have been largely successful, and this was due to the hard work and commitment you put into your duties.

‘I admire the teamwork in the organisation, and this has helped improve our ratings on various hospitality platforms,’ he said.

Abeiku Santana encouraged staff to improve their service delivery to clients as they look to better their ratings.

‘I believe you have the capabilities to take the company to greater heights, and I am counting on you to deliver your best, and the rewards will be bigger next year,’
he stated.

Located at Nungua, opposite the junction mall in Accra, Bays Lodge and Apartments serves as the ultimate location for all guests looking to spend time in the city, whether for business purposes or leisure.

It offers a serene and elegant retreat for travellers, getaway lovers, and visitors seeking a truly exceptional accommodation experience.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Government urged to rehabilitate the Ho-Aflao road

Mr Christopher Galenkui, Assemblyman for Adaklu Wumenu Electoral Area in the Adaklu district has appealed to the government to rehabilitate the Ho-Aflao road.

He said the road which was once a symbol of connectivity now stands as a testament of neglect after it metamorphosed into a ‘death trap.’

Mr. Galenkui made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Adaklu Wumenu on the back of the numerous road accidents on the road.

He said there were countless accidents resulting in many deaths in the year, but the most recent one occurred on December 10, this year.

‘The cavities and the treacherous potholes on the road have transformed what was once a passage of convenience into a nightmare for travellers and commuters alike,’ he noted.

Mr Galenkui stated that the repercussions of the potholes extended far beyond inconveniencing motorists and commuters to pose a severe threat to their lives and due to the deplorable nature of the road, drivers were forced to manoeuvre precariously, swerving unpre
dictably to avoid the ‘deep craters’ leading to numerous accidents.

The Assemblyman said the increasing economic cost of repairing vehicles and medical bills exacerbated the plight of the road users.

He said the deteriorating nature of the road was impeding economic progress as businesses reliant on transportation suffered delays and increased costs thereby affecting their competitiveness and stifling growth.

Mr Galenkui lamented that agricultural produce, which he described as ‘the lifeline’ of many people along the road and beyond faced challenges in reaching marketing centres promptly leading to spillage and reduced income for farmers.

He stated that investment in road maintenance was imperative for safeguarding lives and fostering economic growth and urged the government to prioritize infrastructural development.

‘Urgent rehabilitation of this road and others is not just a necessity, it is a moral obligation on government to ensure the safety of people traversing this perilous road,’ he said.
Ghana News Agency

Do not politicize World Bank projects- James Agalga

Mr James Agalga, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Builsa North Constituency in the Upper East Region has cautioned against the politicization of World Bank projects.

‘I am appealing that we should not politicize the World Bank projects. If we do that, it will be dangerous for all of us because we risk losing the projects.

The MP made the caution in his address at this year’s Feok festival celebration by the Chiefs and people of the Builsa Traditional Area.

The festival was on the theme: ‘Exploiting our natural resources for a better development,’ and brought together the sons and daughters of the Builsa land to express appreciation to God and their ancestors for a fruitful farming season.

Mr Agalga said Ghana was lucky to benefit from US$150 million for the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) project to be implemented in 48 Districts across the Upper East, Northern, Upper West, North East, Oti and Savannah Regions.

The MP, who is a Ranking Member of Parliament’s Defense and Inter
ior Committee, said the SOCO project was part of Ghana’s counter-terrorism strategy, adding that there were certain interventions such as human security-related interventions including road construction, clinics, and schools among others.

‘It is important that we show absolute neutrality when it comes to the execution of those projects,’ Mr Agalga, also a former Deputy Minister for the Interior insisted.

He noted that the Builsa Traditional Area was bedevilled with some challenges most of which were infrastructural base, ‘So as the MP for the area, I am making a direct appeal to the central government.

‘We have the local government structure, but funding for the local government structure is woefully inadequate for the local government structure to meet some of the demands,’ he said.

He said the abandoned Chuchuliga-Sandema-Weisi road construction was a matter for the central government to address and recalled that sod was cut for the road construction in May 2016.

‘By December, works were 22 per cent co
mplete. But when the power changed hands, work stalled. I as the MP have time without a number, summoned the Minister for Roads to Parliament and questioned him about the process of work on the road.

‘And all our plea has fallen on deaf ears. We need to remind the government to fix the road for us,’ Mr Agalga told the Chiefs and people of the area.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Let’s continue to comply with law on prophecies-Police to faith-based groups

The Police have urged faith-based groups to continue complying with the law on communicating prophecies to ensure an environment devoid of panic, fear and alarm.

‘We are grateful to faith-based groups and individuals for their compliance with the law so far, particularly in communicating prophecies.

‘As the year comes to an end, the Ghana Police Service respectfully wishes to remind the public, especially the religious community, of the law on publication of false news and urges its continuous compliance.’

A statement signed by Assistant Commissioner of Police Grace Ansah-Akrofi, Director, Public Affairs, said while compliance with the law had protected the rights and freedoms of those who were normally affected by those prophecies, it had also fostered a society free of needless panic, fear and alarm.

It urged the public, especially faith-based groups and individuals, to continue to be patriotic and abide by the law, to ensure that the prevailing state of law, order and security in Ghana was maintained.

The statement reminded the public that while they had the right to practice their faith and freedom of speech as guaranteed by the Constitution and democratic values, the enjoyment of those rights was subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and the public interest.

‘As we have come to consider December 27th as Prophecy Communication Compliance Day, the Ghana Police Service is once again urging religious communities to practice their faith within the legal framework.

‘In the spirit of the season, we wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.’
Source: Ghana News Agency