Court stops ‘All White/ All Black Attire Party’ on January 1, 2024

An Adentan Circuit Court has restrained three persons from holding an ‘All-white or All Black attire party’ on January 1, 2024.

The three are Francis Ayenu, Dennis Tawiah and Michael Ayenu.

The police had gone to court to restrain the three persons to avert clashes and disturbance of peace in Adenta, Accra.

The court said: ‘In the interest of upholding and ensuring public peace and order, and in the interest of protecting lives and property, the respondents, Francis Ayenu, Dennis Tawiah and Michael Ayenu; their agents, assigns, workmen, servants and any other person or group claiming through or under them are hereby restrained and or prohibited from organising, holding, carrying-on, executing, throwing or other proceeding with the planned ‘All white/ All white’ event/ party or other event name of description they may give it, and as planned for the Ist day of January 2024.

It also ordered that the owners and or operators of any event centre, location or premises connected to the planned/proposed event /p
arty in issue cooperated with the Ghana Police Service in the full execution of the restraining order.

This is contained in a restraining/prohibition order.

The Circuit Court presided over by Mrs Sedinam Awo Balokah granted the ex-parte motion after Chief Inspector Maxwell Lanyo of the Ghana Police Service moved it on December 29, 2023.

The Police said on December 19, 2023, it received intelligence that two factions namely Francis Ayenu on one side and Dennis Tawiah together with Michael Ayenu were planning to organise an event dubbed: ‘All black Attire wear or All White attire’ on December 28, 2023, and January 1, 2024.

According to the Police, one Francis Ayenu, an interested party, went to the Adenta High Court and issued a writ and also filed an injunction against the other partners to prevent them from organising any event on December 28, 2023, and January 1, 2024.

The Police said, however, ‘even though the processes had been served on the defendant, they went ahead to hold the event on December 28,
2023, in flagrant disregard to the powers and authority of the High Court, Adenta and they are again planning to hold the second event on January 1, 2024, despite the pending injunction.’

It said Police intelligence revealed that Francis Ayenu and his group were also planning to organise the same event at the same venue on January 1, 2024, and use ‘land guards’ to disrupt the event of Dennis Tawiah and Michael Ayenu.

The Police argued that ‘if the planned action is executed, there would be a total breach of peace’.

The Police, therefore, prayed the court to restrain Francis Ayenu and Dennis Tawiah together with Michael Ayenu and their agents as well as any other person associated with the organisers of the event from carrying out the planned event on January 1, 2024.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Peace in Volta is my greatest achievement – Dr. Letsa

Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, Volta Regional Minister has touted peace and security in the Region as the most notable feat of his leadership.

The Regional Minister said reigning in volatile situations in areas including Nkonya and Alavanyo, should be considered a major achievement of the administration of

Dr. Letsa who was addressing the media in the Region at a soiree in Ho.

‘Nkonya and Alavanyo gave me sleepless nights in 2017,’ he told reporters and other media personnel at the dinner and commended the security heads and various stakeholders for their efforts.

The Regional Minister noted also the periods of turmoil during secessionist attempts that rocked the Region and again commended the resilience of the people and various stakeholders.

‘The most important thing that I am proud of is the maintenance of peace and security in the Volta Region of Ghana’.

Dr Letsa noted how the Region benefited from various government initiatives, which included free education, improvements in road infrastructure, and in

The Regional Minister also commended the Region for its resilience during the recent flooding of districts in the lower Volta basin and said efforts to provide permanent resettlement solutions were ongoing.

Dr. Letsa praised the role of the media in the Region’s successes especially with efforts to promote its tourism appeal and said the success of the 2023 Volta Trade and Invest Fair owed appreciation to media efforts.

He reassured of his personal commitment to the economic progress of the Region and that would continue to sell its investment potential to the international community.

He said the Regional Coordinating Council would forever consider the media a partner in building the Region.

‘I want to pledge the commitment of the VRCC to the activities of the GJA. Let us continue to work together to develop the Region. Let us continue to support peace in the Region.

‘We need peace, and the election year should not affect peace in the Region.’
Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana, Clean Air Fund agree to work towards improving air quality

Ghana and Clean Air Fund, a philanthropic?foundation?tackling global?air pollution have agreed to collaborate towards improving access to clean air for all.?

Air pollution is one of the top planetary crisis, and Ghana’s second biggest threat to health causing over 28,000 deaths a year.?

Dr. Kwaku Afriyie, the Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation and Jane Burston, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Clean Air Fund (CAF) jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at COP 28, held in Dubai.?

The pact would pave the way for CAF to support Ghana to undertake a scoping study on existing air quality management laws, regulations and implementation systems and structures.??

The study would seek to understand the current approaches to air quality policy development, implementation and enforcement.

It would also propose best practice approaches that meet Ghana’s national aspirations and international commitments to clean air for all.?

Ms Jane Burston stated that the scoping st
udy would highlight the linkages between Ghana’s climate change mitigation and adaptation actions commitment and impacts on air quality for prioritisation of actions that have air quality improvements and climate co-benefits.?

CAF, she said based on the MoU, would be able to provide some support to Ghana in its leadership on ‘clean air for all’, including the hosting of the World Health Organisation Air Quality conference in 2024.?

The Chief Executive Officer stated that waste burning and transport were key sources of emissions and that supporting the establishment of baseline levels would be supported to aid in policy decison-making and measuring impact of implemented actions to seek opportunities for alternative policies.

The two-year renewable partnership would support programmatic initiatives that can build enforcement capabilities of regulatory bodies.?

Dr Afriyie said Ghana under the MoU would support the CAF scoping study by providing input on the project scope, reviewing progress and advising on k
ey areas for investigation.

He said the country would actively consider the recommendations of the scoping study in its advice to other state actors for improving adaptation, implementation, and enforcement of air quality policies and regulations.??

Dr Peter Dery, the Director of Environment at MESTI, said ‘For us in Ghana to achieve healthy human life and sustainable nature and environment, clean air is an essential element.’??

He noted that addressing climate and clean air together would yield multiple benefits and contribute to attaining the sustainable development goals.?

‘We will stay committed to working with partners like CAF and stakeholders for improved air quality,’ he added.?

The Environmental Protection Agency, an agency under MESTI, leads the charge for safeguarding the environment.??

Several laws and regulations have been promulgated to give effect to this mandate.?

Existing policies and regulations have, however, not been effectively implemented and enforced due to limited capacity, insu
fficient prioritisation, and lack of funding.??

In many instances, the impact of implemented policies have not been assessed to influence a review or adjustment in the face of changing institutional, social, political, and economic realities.??

Support to address the gaps would affirm Ghana’s role as a frontrunner in innovation and good environmental stewardship in the West African sub-region.
Source: Ghana News Agency

GIFEC poised to make electronic communication accessible to underserved, unserved communities

Mr. Prince Ofosu Sefah, the Administrator of the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC), says the Fund is poised to continue to make electronic communication accessible to underserved and unserved communities.

He said the Fund had implemented several innovative Programmes toward advancing its core mandate and building a common future to ensure a highly advanced connected digital society, supported by robust ICT infrastructure, for accelerated National Development.

Mr Sefah speaking at the maiden edition of ‘Time with the Editor’ organised by the Fund said one such project being implemented was the Rural Connectivity Programme, which sought to extend the coverage of mobile telephone services as far as possible into all areas of the country where access to such services were not adequately available.

He said it was also to extend to where existing licensed operators had proven unwilling or unable to expand their networks due to commercial or other technological constraints.

He said the
programme also ensured the provision of Internet Points of Presence in underserved and unserved communities.

He said the Rural Telephony Project (RTP) also aimed at closing the void created by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) during their rollout.

He said the project connected rural communities in Ghana with a population below 1,000, with voice and data services.

The project adheres to the following components: Tripartite cooperation model between GIFEC, a Mobile Network Operator and a Private Investor, for efficient CAPEX and OPEX.

He said the sites were solar and grid-powered and 400 sites had been deployed within three years of the project.

The Ghana Rural Telephony and Digital Inclusion Project is an extension of the RTP, which commenced in 2021, with funding from the Government, that sought to extend Network Coverage in 2,016 Rural Areas (up to 3.5 million residents) through the provision of voice and data access.

He said the project adopted efficient sustainability mechanisms in its deployment, suc
h as the use of green energy solutions like solar energy for over a third of the Network Sites built.
Source: Ghana News Agency

I have unfinished business to complete in Asante-Akim South – Asante-Boateng

Mr Kwaku Asante-Boateng, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Asante-Akim South, says he is seeking a fourth term to complete numerous projects he initiated but, yet to be completed.

‘I have an unfinished business with this constituency having initiated several projects and I am determined to complete them for the benefit of the people in my next term,’ he told the media after filing his nomination for the New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary primaries.

Amidst brass band music, the Deputy Minister for Railway Development filed his nomination to contest the seat with Mr Bice Osei Kuffour, Managing Director of Ghana Post Company, and Mr Eric Amofa, a businessman.

The MP said he wanted to leave a memorable legacy which he could be remembered for many years after he left office, hence his decision to seek a fourth term in office.

According to him, there were a lot of projects currently ongoing in the constituency which could not be completed due to financial constraints mostly from the central government, an
d it was his desire to see them through as the initiator.

He mentioned roads of communities such as Kyempo, Dwendwenase and Kwakru which he said were at various stages of completion.

‘I want to ensure these projects as well as others in the education and health sectors are successfully completed before I will be fulfilled as MP for the people of Asante-Akim South,’ he noted.

He was of the firm conviction that the lobbying skills he had acquired over the years as MP could bring more development to the constituency and stressed the need for continuity in the best interest of the people.

Mr Asante-Boateng argued that staying long in parliament did not only inure to the benefit of constituents but also enhanced parliamentary work because it took time for new entrants to learn the rudiments of parliamentary duties.

He urged the delegates to choose experience over experiment in the overall interest of national development.

Another motivation driving his quest to continue serving the people, he said, was the n
umerous calls from the constituents for him contest to build on the good work he had done so far.

He used the occasion to wish all the constituents Merry Christmas and charged them to use the festive season to show compassion towards the poor and needy in society.
Source: Ghana News Agency

GIFEC builds 1,010 sites with 569 on air

Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC), as part of the Ghana Rural Telephony and Digital Inclusion Project, has built 1,010 sites with 569 of them on Air.

The Project Acceptance Test for 1000 sites and Core Network (Accra and Kumasi) were about 75 per cent complete and rectification of identified snags is ongoing.

Mr. Prince Ofosu Sefah, the Administrator of GIFEC, speaking at the maiden edition of ‘Time with the Editor’ organised by the Fund said 1,250 sites were acquired with 250 additional sites being acquired, bringing it to a total of 1,510 sites.

He said to address backhauling issues, several efforts have been undertaken, including Satellite technology, and extensive research on TV whitespace technology.

The Administrator said the negotiations with TowerCos had been completed and the contract was ready for execution around MNOs, negotiation on Interconnection Rates had been completed with streamlining of Power Payment at the Rural Site.

He said the Fund had set up about 90 C
yberlabs for schools, especially about the Girls in ICT Programme, in select Regions with Computers and Accessories, including printers and Projectors, expressing the hope that the number would double in the coming year.

He said they had also set up e-assessments in over 120 Schools in select Regions and had conducted maintenance to 183 Cyberlabs under the School Connectivity Project.

‘We have provided 1,500 computers in multiple Regions, including Greater Accra, Eastern Region, Ashanti Region, Volta Region, Oti Region, Central Region, Western Region, Ahafo Region, Bono Region, Bono East Region, and Northeast Region,’ he added.

The Cyberlabs Programme involves the provision of Computers, Printers, Scanners, Projectors, Thin Clients and Servers to Schools, Institutions and Persons with Disabilities.

The objective is to facilitate efforts at providing ICT facilities in designated Schools and Institutions in Unserved and Underserved Communities in Ghana.

He said the Fund had equipped seven new Community ICT
Centres (CIC) under the CICs Project in the Eastern and Northern Regions.

He said the project involved the establishment of public access ICT Centres to provide community-wide access to full ICT services at publicly available locations in Underserved and Unserved Communities.
Source: Ghana News Agency