Professor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang donates food items to Ankaful Psychiatric Hospital

The 2020 running mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Professor J Naana Opoku-Agyemang, spent some time at the Psychiatric Hospital, Ankaful in the Central Region, where she donated food and sanitary items to the facility.

She explained that the donation was to support the efforts of the establishment in the discharge of their duties to psychiatric patients.

She said Christmas was a time of getting together and showing love and compassion, and it was appropriate for the visit, especially to a facility that reminded the public that not everyone was so privileged to be with family and friends as desirable.

She urged the public to accept and embrace people in difficult situations since empathy, acceptance and tolerance had important healing benefits.

She said ‘Mental health is something that should interest all of us. It’s an aspect of health that can affect anyone, regardless.

The donation was made up of 50 bags of rice, two maxi bags of corn, four mini bags of Gari, gallons of cooking oil, 12
large-size tomato paste, 15 cartons of canned mackerel, 50 loaves of bread, 150 rolls of tissue paper, 20 boxes of water, 100 bags of sachet water and many pineapples, oranges and watermelons.

The Head of the hospital facility, Dr. Evezi Quao who received the items on behalf of the staff and inmates assured Professor Opoku-Agyemang that the items would be put to proper use

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang was accompanied by some Regional and Constituency members of the National Democratic Congress, including the Chairman of the KEEA constituency, Mr. John Quaicoe, Founder Batch Kwoffie; Sarah Kissi of the 31st December Movement, Charles Entsua Secretary, Vivian Sortor, Women Organizer and her deputy, Helen Essilfie and many significant the NDC members.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Eastern Naval Command celebrates 2023 WASSA get-together

The Eastern Naval Command of the Ghana Navy has celebrated its 2023 West Africa Soldiers Social Activities (WASSA) end-of-year-get-together for both serving and retired officers, Fleet Chiefs, Ratings, and Defense Civilians.

In his address, Rear Admiral Issah Adam Yakubu, the Chief of the Naval Staff, appreciated the Naval Command for their dedication and contribution to the overall security of Ghana despite the challenges that came with it.

He said the navy achieved several significant achievements, including the successful hosting of the third edition of the International Maritime Defence Exhibition and Conference (IMDEC) at Burma Camp, which commemorated the launch of the Ghana National Integrated Maritime Strategy by the President.

The initiatives, he said aimed to boost effective collaboration among key stakeholders within Ghana’s security architecture and international partners for a secure maritime domain in the quest to safeguard the vibrant blue economy and the fleet, to a large extent, ensured e
ffective and professional discharge of duties in safeguarding Ghana’s maritime interests, while adding that through the performance of the staff, two Bambi-class boats were acquired to commence the fleet.

He said, ‘This is in line with the government’s efforts at retooling the navy, and we are most grateful and pleased with the outstanding dedication of our personnel in engaging in various internal and external operations.’

Rear Admiral Yakubu also reiterated that the personnel on the United Nations Peace Support Operation who have shown professionalism in representing Ghana on the global stage had not only strengthened the nation’s reputation but also significantly contributed to the pursuit of international peace and security.

He added that internally, the troops were engaged in operations across the country and have demonstrated exceptional courage and resilience, with a special mention made of Operation Boafo to support civil authorities in times of disaster and other operations aimed at restoring peac
e and stability.

‘The other operations involving our personnel are a testament to the Navy’s commitment to maintaining peace and security, not only at sea but also on land,’ he stated.

He mentioned that Operation Boafo brought to light the navy’s role in assisting flood victims in some parts of the Volta region due to the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams, and the efforts of the personnel went along the way to bring relief to these victims.

Rear Admiral Yakubu congratulated the navy for doing tremendously well by taking all the awards in this year’s Chief of Defence Staff’s Prize Essay and awarded some officers for their outstanding performances and hard work while urging all to take a cue from their fellow sailors and showing interest in everything they do in the navy.

He encouraged them to take advantage of the festive season to mend ties and renew bonds with their loved ones, especially their families, while spending time with them, showing care and compassion to the needy, and being each other’s

He also advised them to avoid overindulging during the season and be ready to take on the tasks ahead of them in the new year.

‘May we continue to sail with purpose, navigate with resilience, and serve with professionalism and loyalty to our country and our fellow sailors,’ he concluded.
Source: Ghana News Agency

MTN Ghana welcomes 50 new-borns in Ashanti Region with hampers

MTN Ghana has performed its annual ritual of surprising mothers of babies born on Christmas day with hampers across the 16 Regions.

In the Ashantii the company presented 50 hampers to babies born on Christmas day at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) and the Seventh Day Adventist Hospital at Kwadaso.

The hampers worth GHC 600.00 each contained baby products including diapers, lotion, cream, towels, wipes, powders, toys and other assorted items.

Amongst the recipients at KATH were two mothers who delivered a set of twins and triplets at the Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) of the facility.

They were excited to receive the gifts and praised the company for crowning their joy of delivering on that special day with exactly what they needed in the next few weeks after delivery.

Mrs Gifty Fokuo, a Midwife Specialist at KATH, applauded the company for sharing in the joy of the mothers with such gifts.

Madam Charity Darko, Head of Corporate Affairs, MTN Northern Business District, said the company for many ye
ars had been welcoming babies delivered on Christmas day in two hospitals in each region.

She said as a company committed to its corporate social responsibility; it was important to share during the festive season.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Police Service receives beverages from Kasapreko Company Limited

Kasapreko Company Limited, beverage manufacturer, has donated a range of refreshments to the Ghana Police Service as part of ongoing celebrations of Christmas and the New Year.

The items donated included 1000 packs of assorted soft drinks, Awake purified drinking water, and 20 cartons of assorted spirits.

At a presentation ceremony held at the police headquarters, Mr Richard Adjei, the Managing Director of Kasapreko Company Limited, said the company was commited to expressing gratitude to the Ghana Police, for their unwavering dedication towards maintaining a peaceful environment for businesses to thrive.

The donation was a token of appreciation to the Ghana Police for their indispensable service to the populace and for recognising their invaluable efforts in upholding peace and security, he said.

Mr Adjei reiterated that, ‘We seek to honour and uplift the spirits of our nation’s guardians during this festive season, recognising their pivotal role in safeguarding our communities.’

Commissioner of Police
(COP) Mrs Habiba Twumasi Sarpong, the Director General of Welfare, accepted the donation on behalf of the Police Administration, expressing a heartfelt appreciation to Kasapreko Company Limited for their thoughtful gesture.

She highlighted the significance of such support in boosting the morale of officers and enhancing their commitment to ensuring that Ghana remained a peaceful and secure nation.

The ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of the entire police administration, including the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, underscoring the collective acknowledgment of the critical partnership between the private sector and law enforcement in fostering a safe environment for all.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Dependable Ladies donates to Edwenease Rehabilitation Centre

Dependable Ladies, a Women’s Wing of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Kwadaso Constituency and staunch supporters of the Member of Parliament (MP), Professor Kingsley Nyarko, have donated a variety of gifts to the Edwenease Rehabilitation Centre.

The items included assorted soft drinks, boxes of biscuits, tissues and others to help the inmates enjoy the Christmas festive season.

Mrs Grace Boadu, the leader of the group, speaking with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after the donation, said it was to support the less privileged to enjoy the yuletide.

According to her, the items would go a long way to satisfy some of the needs of the inmates of the Centre, adding that, the group would strive to continue to support marginalised children.

Prof. Nyarko, who together with the Women’s group donated the items to the centre, commended the Dependable ladies for their continued support and vision to donate to the centre.

According to him, the centre which was providing technical and vocational training to people w
ith disabilities was of great importance to society.

He would, therefore, do whatever it takes to support them in times of need to enable the inmates to live a comfortable life at the centre.

The Edwenease Rehabilitation Centre is a government institution under the Department of Social Welfare.

The centre was purposely established to provide vocational training for the visually, physically and mentally impaired, as well as those who suffer from mobility or learning difficulties in the city of Kumasi and other communities in the Ashanti Region.

Currently, the centre provides training in leather works, sewing, needlework, shoemaking, hairdressing, beautification and rural craft courses for students who live at the facility.

It was first established in Kwadaso in 1958 and in 1974, the city council relocated it to its present site at Edwenease, intending to take people with disability out of the streets and provide care for them.

Mrs. Rita Manu who received the items on behalf of the institution, expressed
her appreciation and gratitude to the Dependable ladies and the MP for their kind gesture.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Some major tourism stories in 2023

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) in collaboration with the ‘Beyond the Return’ Secretariat officially brought its ‘December in GH’ festivities to a close in the first week of January 2023.

The period, within the month of December 2022 and the first week of January 2023, treated the populace, Africans in the diaspora, and the global community to Ghana’s rich arts and cultural heritage.

In February, the Ghana Tourism Authority, in collaboration with Fairafric commemorated the National Chocolate Day celebration with a presentation of cocoa-based products to pupils and staff of Dzorwulu Special School, in Accra.

The presentation was to express love and affection to the special children with special needs to make them feel part of the celebration.

The Ghana Hotels Association (GHA) in March expressed dissatisfaction at the response of the Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC) to the astronomic increase in water tariff for hotels for the first quarter of 2023.

On March 15, the GHA wrote to the PURC to
draw its attention to the astronomical increase in water tariff for hotels for the first quarter of 2023, from the announced upward adjustment of 8.3 per cent to 167 per cent.

Mr Emmanuel Frimpong, a Tourism Consultant and Analyst, at Pishon Consult Limited, called on the government to grant visa-free entry to tourists, in March.

He said, ‘As a country, we have made lots of progress in the tourism sector with the influence of international tourists, hence it is important to make entry into the country a bit easy for them for them to come all the time to invest.’

In May, the 2023 edition of Miss Tourism Ghana, a pageant to promote the rich cultural heritage and tourist destinations in the country, was launched in Accra.

The pageant was solely dedicated to project Ghana’s tourism sector.

In the same month, the Embassy of Ghana in the United States of America (USA) in partnership with the Ghana Tourism Authority launched the ‘Ghana Week in DC’ in Accra, calling on Ghanaians to showcase the rich culture.

e National Folklore Board (NFB) in collaboration with the Association of Ghanaian Unions in Switzerland (AGUS), and the Embassy of Ghana in Switzerland launched the Ghana Day Festival Highlife Concert and Business Expo 2023, in Accra.

The concert scheduled to take place from June 30 to July 1, 2023, in Switzerland, under the theme ‘See Ghana, Buy Ghana” is aimed at taking Ghanaian highlife music to Switzerland to create a bigger platform for industry players.

The Akwaaba Travel Market, Nigeria, in collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Authority, held the sixth ACCRA WEIZO West African Travel Expo, in Accra.

The three-day Expo on the theme ‘Tourism development through digitalization’, was aimed at creating a platform to market the continent.

In June, Mrs Juliet Yaa Asantewaa Asante, Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Film Authority, called for the inclusion of film tourism in the Ghanaian tourism space to attract the rest of the world to Ghana as the preferred shooting destination.

The African American Asso
ciation of Ghana (AAAG) in partnership with the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) marked the Juneteenth festival in Ghana.

The celebration started with a parade from the Du Bois Centre, through the Lands Commission to the 37 Military Hospital, then through to Jubilee House and ended at the Accra Tourist Information Centre (ATIC).

The Ag Director of the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park (KNMP), Mr Edward Quao, has expressed satisfaction at the patronage of the Park on the first day of its re-opening to the public.

In July, the 2023 edition of the PANAFEST/Emancipation Day Celebrations organised by the Ghana Tourism Authority under (GTA) the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture and in partnership with the PANAFEST Secretariat started from July 19 to August 1.

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture officially launched the endorsed schedule of events for the 2023 ‘December in GH’ calendar in August.

December in GH is the country’s biggest cel
ebration of culture, entertainment, adventure, nightlife, fashion, gastronomy, tours, and community service.

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) launched the 2023 Ghana ‘Tourism Month’ in September with a call on the citizenry to patronise the festivals and events.

In September, Mr Akwasi Agyeman, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) said domestic tourism had grown by 47 per cent over the last two to three years.

He said the Authority was, however, hopeful that with efforts, initiative, dedication, and collaborations as well as the partnership model they were beginning to build, and with more people coming into the country, by the close of the year, the number would increase.

The 2023 United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO), World Tourism Day, celebrated every year on September 27, was held in Ada, in the Greater Accra Region.

The Eighth Ghana Theatre Festival, organised by the National Theatre, opened in Accra in October on the theme: ‘Celebrating Ghanaian culture and h
eritage through partnerships and linkages’.

The final calendar for this year’s edition of the ‘December in GH’ events was unveiled in Accra in November.

The Africa Medical Tourism Council (AMTC), an initiative aimed at promoting a more organised medical tourism infrastructure within Ghana, was launched in Accra, also in November.
Source: Ghana News Agency