Douala: Four children go missing during a demolition in Yassa

The four children who hail from Ndop in the North West region and escaped the armed conflict alongside their mother to seek refuge in Yassa in the Douala III subdivision went missing during a surprised demolition exercise by the Douala city council precisely at a place called ‘carrefour’ Yassa Monday, June 10, 2024.

Their mother had left the house in the morning to purchase maize only to get news later of the demolition.

She returned to only discover, over a hundred houses were destroyed including the room she occupied with her children who on their part were no where to be found.

‘Where do I start from. Is it going picking up some belonging from the rubbles or look for my children? I am stranded in my own country. It implies I escaped from rain and instead fell in a pool of water.’ The IDP woman regretted in lamentation.

Considering nothing else important, she went in search of her children in tears and state of dilemma. It was most at sunset that she found her children sitting in a compound away from th
e demolition zone.

Just like her, many victims decry injustice stating they never received notification of the destruction.

‘They just surprised us in the morning with a caterpillar and a lot of policemen and started destroying houses’. A stranded lady with three kids reported.

Speaking to an agent of the Douala city council, he disclosed they had served the population, mostly those whose houses extended to the public road a quit notice on February 7, 2024.

Only a few persons admitted they were cautioned four months ago but regret never being reminded few days before the demolition.

Many were forced to spend the night of Monday in open air. Others managed to recover few of their belongings for a new settlement.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Douala: Man on the run after allegedly killing fiancé, neighbour’s children

Security officers in Douala have launched investigation to track down a man called Joseph Ngounou who allegedly killed his fiancée, Meukalimaja Alida and two kids of a neighbour in Ndogbati, a neighborhood in Douala on June 9, 2024.

Neighbours said Joseph had alleged had promised Alida death if she dared to leave him.

‘He threatened to kill Alida countless times. He said it clearly that if she leaves him to settle elsewhere, he will kill her and whosoever is housing her’. George OLI, a neighbour revealed.

This promise was allegedly realized on the night of June 9 when Alida left the house to seek refuge in her friend’s family home, a stone throw from her place when her violent fiance, Joseph went out.

‘When he came back that fateful Sunday night and learned Alida was not home , he went looking for her. He discovered she was being housed by her friend, he locked the door from outside and set the neighbour’s house ablaze with the help of 5 Litres of fuel.’ George OLI added.

It was only when they screamed f
or help that neighbours struggled to save them. Unfortunately, Alida and two kids were burnt to death while her friend and husband sustained burns

‘The fire was wild, but we managed to smash open the door locked by Joseph. The couple and a baby came out with burns and were taken to the hospital. Alida and two children, one three years old and the other one year three months died in the fire.’ Disclosed Josiane Ebilike , a neighbour.

Neighbours also disclosed Joseph had been a thorn in Alida’s flesh ever since they came living in Ndogbati. She has been a victim of gender based violence for years despite complaints filed against the said Joseph at the Gendermerie.

By the time of this report, Joseph was still on the run.

Source: Cameroon News Agency