EU Ambassador to Ghana inspects EUGAP projects in UWR

Mr Irchad Razaaly, the European Union Ambassador to Ghana, has expressed confidence in the potential impact of the Neem Processing Factory in the Upper West Region on smallholder farmers in the region and the country.

He said the products from the factory – neem oil, neem cake powder and neem husk mulch – were potent in promoting ecologically friendly agricultural practices and ensuring long-term agricultural sustainability.

Mr Razaaly said this in Wa during a tour of some EU project sites in the region including the Neem Processing Factory to ascertain the state of operation of the facility and a greenhouse garden cultivated with the neem products.

The EU delegation also called on the Upper West Regional Minister, Mr Stephen Yakubu and the Paramount Chief of the Wala Traditional Area, Naa Fuseini Seidu Pelpuo IV to announce their presence and mission in the region.

The Neem Processing Factory known as the ‘Neem Crop Protector’ is an initiative of the EU through the grand EU Ghana Agriculture Programme (E
UGAP) and managed by the Tibourataa Women Group.

The Factory had a production capacity of 60 litres per day and was certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to produce safe bio-pesticides for effective pest control.

Mr Razaaly explained that the products from the factory such as pesticides were safe and highly affordable for agricultural production compared to the inorganic chemicals in the market.

Ms. Wasila Issah, the Factory Manager, conducted the team from the EU and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) led by Mr Razaaly around the processing facility.

She said the factory had created an alternative source of livelihood for about 600 smallholder women farmers in the region through the collection and sale of raw materials (neem seeds) for processing.

On his part, Mr Seidu Mubarak Abdulai, the Deputy Managing Director of Antika Company Limited, acclaimed the economic advantage of the neem oil pesticide over the inorganic chemicals in pest control in terms of affordability
and effectiveness.

‘With the neem oil you need to spray once, maximum twice within the farm even if you are to control fall army warm, but with the inorganic, you can spray as much as three to five times, which is more expensive considering the cost of labour,’ he explained.

At the Wa Naa palace, Mr Razaaly told the chief that the Upper West Region was the key beneficiary region of the EU cooperation in Ghana with an investment of EUR132 million in agricultural infrastructure including roads and dams as well as health facilities.

Naa Pelpuo commended the EU and its partners for the numerous projects they were undertaking in the region geared towards improving people’s livelihoods.

Mr Yakubu, thanked the EU for its continuous support to the government of Ghana to improve the economic condition of the people in the country, especially the Upper West Region.

He also appealed to the EU to consider some road intervention for the Sissala area since that belt was regarded as the major food production zone in th
e region but was left out in the 670km EUGAP feeder and farm access road project.

The team was in the region to, among other things, commission the 670 km feeder and farm access roads project funded under the EUGAP.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Plant and nurture trees in homes, schools to curb effects of climate change

Professor Kofi Ewusie Nunoo, Coordinator of Ocean Governance Project, University of Ghana School of Law has tasked pupils to plant and nurture trees in homes and schools to curb the devastating effects of climate change.

Prof. Nunoo said the shift in Ghana’s raining season and this year’s heavy rains amidst storms, were all due to climate change.

He was speaking at a tree planting exercise at Osu Manhean Basic School in Accra. The exercise was to mark World Environment Day held on the theme: ‘Accelerating Land Restoration, Draught Resilience and Desertification Progress.’

Prof. Nunoo said trees, apart from providing humankind with food and making the environment beautiful, curb climate change.

He said the tree planting exercise should be sustained at all levels to save the environment, and further asked the public to desist from dumping waste into the sea and other river bodies.

Ms. Laureen Darku, Environment Manager, Tullow Ghana Limited, said her organisation had partnered Women in Water Sanitation and
Climate Change to plant ornamental and vegetable trees.

Ms. Darku said 250 seedlings were to be planted by the pupils, adding her organization wants to bring back ‘backyard gardens’ into various schools.

She said: ‘We want to plant things that would beautify our environment and bring back the responsibility of nurturing trees.

‘From here we expect the students will be able to take care of these gardens. We should be able to go backyard gardens and pick up tomatoes and other vegetables.’

According to Ms. Darku, her organisation took care of land reclamation but had decided to provide support for schools in beautifying the school environment.

Ms. Sandra S. Kyere, Executive Director, Women in Water Sanitation and Climate Change, said her organisation was motivated to planting trees to restore degraded lands and recover buffer zones in the country.

She said her organisation had partnered some organisations to support public schools in their beautification projects.

Ms. Kyere said although Osu Manhean Schoo
l in the Korley Klottey Municipal Directorate was selected for the tree planting exercise, the project would be extended to other schools.

She said her organization would also provide waste bins to some schools to facilitate waste segregation.

The tree planting exercise was undertaken by Women in Water Sanitation and Climate Change in partnership with Tullow Ghana Limited, Modec Production Service JV Limited, University of Ghana Oceans Governance Project and Society of Petroleum Engineers.

Source: Ghana News Agency

We need peace to sustain our democratic gains – Peace Council

The Upper East Regional Peace Council has underscored the need for stakeholders, including traditional authorities, youth groups, women, and persons with disabilities, to intensify campaigns on the need for peace in their communities.

The Council, said peace was crucial for the development of every community, including ‘sustaining Ghana’s democratic gains over the years,’ and the stakeholders as peace mediators at the community level needed to initiate steps that would discourage violence in any form.

Alhaji Sumaila Issaka, the Upper East Regional chairman of the Peace Council, made these remarks when he addressed the stakeholders, drawn from Namoo, Feo, and Soe communities in the Bongo District during a two-day capacity-building workshop on conflict resolution in Bongo in the Upper East Region.

The workshop formed part of the project dubbed: ‘Enhancing Social Cohesion and Social Contract through Empowering Women and Youth in Northern Ghana,’ being implemented by the peace council at Bongo, Garu, and Bawku
West Districts of the Region.

It is being funded by the United Nations (UN) Peace Building Fund through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).

Madam Magdalene Kannae, Board member, National Peace Council, emphasised that the project was aimed at addressing localised conflicts and challenges, including chieftaincy disputes, land conflicts, and political conflicts, among others, and the stakeholders must show some level of commitment for the continuous existence of peace.

Mr William Kumi, Assistant District Coordinating Director, Bongo, urged the stakeholders to use dialogue as a means of resolving their issues instead of resorting to violence, since such conduct could jeopardize the peace being enjoyed.

Madam Juliana Aniah, a participant, said the Peace Council had reposed confidence in her to help resolve conflicts in her community, having enhanced her capacity to detect early warning signs of conflict and respond to them promptly.

Naba Azaare Any
e-Naba, Chief of Feo, thanked the Peace Council and sponsors of the project in their quest to improve peace in the various communities for the improvement of their livelihoods.

‘But I want to also call on the politicians to be mindful of what they say in order not to truncate the peace we are enjoying and so also worsen our plight,’ he added.

Dr Selina Appiah Boateng, lecturer, Department of Peace Studies, University of Cape Coast, and co-facilitator of the workshop cautioned that in most cases, what one hears or sees in a conflict was a perspective or opinion and not the entire truth, and as peace mediators, they must be cautious in handling conflict cases.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Otumfuo Osei Tutu’s Royal Visit: Stunning chemistry of Ga-Ashanti cultures

Guests started arriving at the palace at about 11 am on Sunday. Planning committee members hurriedly put finishing touches to seating arrangements and other protocols at the forecourt.

Two royal guards were spotted around the seat to be occupied by the Ga Mantse, ostensibly to ensure nobody tampered with security in that area.

Talking drums were in tune for the occasion as the muscular men on duty made them produced heavy and pleasant rhythm, serenading dignitaries seated and adorned in radiant Kente and other traditional costumes.

King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II was receiving the overlord of the Ashanti Kingdom, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, and everything had to be in order. The Asantehene’s visit to the Ga State happened some 78 years after his predecessors had done same.

Weeks before the royal visit, the Ga Mantse and his entourage had travelled to Manhyia Palace to present assorted items, including a ram, on the 25th leadership anniversary of Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, and it was time for the custodian of the Ashanti
land to reciprocate the gesture.

The grand durbar, which attracted hundreds of dignitaries and citizens from both regions, only solidified the cordial relationship between the two distinguished traditional rulers.

It also signified unity and collaboration between the people of both regions and beyond.

For about three hours, participants witnessed the chemistry of beautiful Ga and Ashanti cultures, depicted through drumming, music and dance.

Perhaps, the Asafo companies (traditional warriors) should have warned the invited guests to come with earmuff or headphones because they were going to be ‘bombarded’ every minute with traditional gun salutes, delivered by muskets at the square.

As host, King Tackie Teiko Tsuru and his entourage paved the way to the forecourt and greeted observers from far and near, awaiting proceedings of the historic meeting.

The Ga Mantse’s team included the Paramount Chief of Sempe, Nii Adote Otintor II, other Paramount Chiefs, Queens, and Priestesses of the Ga State. The Gbese M
antse and Adonten of the Ga State, Nii Ayi-Bonte II, also featured prominently.

An attractive all-white group of maidens carrying calabashes lined with white feathers led the procession of the Ga Royals, and clearly caught the gaze of persons experiencing that aspect of Ga tradition for the first time.

Mr Henry Quartey, Minister of the Interior together with some government officials and members of the Ga Traditional Council, subsequently took turns to pay homage to His Royal Majesty King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II.

At about 1 pm, the sirens and dispatch riders ushered in the Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and his eminent team of traditional rulers, appearing in colorful Kente and radiant ornaments.

After all traditional permissions and clearance were granted, the royal guests from Ashanti took their seats on a special dais provided at the forecourt.

Traditional, Christian, and Muslim religious leaders blessed the durbar before Nii Ayi-Bonte proceeded to officially welcome Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. Several digni
taries later lined up to pay homage to the Asantehene.

Part of the customs at the gathering required Nii Kwashie Gborlor IV, Chief of Ngleshie Amanfro, to perform the ‘Obonu’ dance, a special Ga traditional dance reserved for special occasions. The ‘Kple’ ritual dance performed by Ga women also had its place during the celebration.

State security agencies on duty ensured the gathering was peaceful as history was re-enacted on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

All of that culminated in Otumfuo Osei Tutu’s generous contribution of GHS 500,000 to an educational endowment fund in the Ga State to help cater for needs of children, who he described as ‘the future’ of the region.

The Asantehene was instructive when he stated that chieftaincy was ‘no longer about war and conquering territories’ but a push for progress and development of the nation.

Expressing readiness to offer support, he noted that the decade-long relationship between both regions would be sustained.

Otumfuo again sealed his pledge, donating assorted item
s and cash towards the 2024 Homowo celebrations.

King Tackie Teilko Tsuru was honoured by the respect shown to him and his people and thanked the Asantehene for the financial support and called for unity among the people of the Ga State.

For Mr Daniel Nii Kwartei Titus Glover, Greater Accra Regional Minister, said the Ga State was privileged to host the Ashanti King, and would tap into his rich expertise.

He described the Asantehene’s reign as ‘an epitome of peace and symbol of quality leadership,’ saying the Ashanti King had made chieftaincy ‘beautiful’.

The beauty of the celebration goes beyond the Ga and Ashanti Kingdom. It was an occasion worth emulating by other traditional rulers as the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu and King Tackie Teiko Tsuru renewed a significant bond of friendship and brotherhood.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Abura Tsetsi sharp curve danger to motorists, pedestrians

The people of Abura Brenyi in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese District of the Central Region have appealed to the Ghana Highways Authority to quickly correct a sharp curve on the road between Abura Tsetsi and Mankessim to halt rampant accidents in the community.

According to Nana Kwame Tawiah Okuragya I, Odikro, the sharp curve had claimed lives and destroyed properties in recent times.

Furthermore, he said a vehicle approaching the sharp curve with speed could crash a pedestrian trying to cross from the opposite direction because visibility had been blocked by some buildings very close to the road.

He, therefore, called on relevant authorities to ensure the road was cleared to ensure safety for users.

The Odikro also appealed to the contractor working on the road to put dust suspension mechanisms in place to reduce the impact of dust on the health of people in the community.

Nana Okuragya appealed to pedestrians to be extra vigilant and not allow drivers to endanger their lives.

According to the National Ro
ad Safety Authority in the Central Region, there had been a significant reduction in road crash-related deaths in 2024 with 204 for the first half of the year, compared with 214 in 2023.

Source: Ghana News Agency

TWMA completes 29 projects in Annual Action Plan for 2024

The Tema West Municipal Assembly (TWMA), in the first quarter of the year completed 29 of its 110 budgeted activities contained in its 2024 Annual Action Plan.

Madam Felicia Edem Attipoe, the Tema West Municipal Chief Executive, announced this in a speech read on his behalf by Mr. Emmanuel Kwame Kungi, the TWMA Coordinating Director, during a town hall meeting.

Madam Attipoe indicated that 40 of the planned projects were ongoing, while 41 were yet to be started.

She noted that over the years, the TWMA has used more than 60 percent of its financial resources accruing from its Internally Generated Fund (IGF) to improve infrastructural delivery and sanitation services within the Tema West Municipality.

‘Just to mention a few, we have completed since last year the construction of a 6-unit classroom block at the Star Basic School in Community 5, the construction of drains along Kojo Mensah Loop at Community 14 Annex, the construction of U-Drains along Tensil Town roads in Lashibi, the construction of U-Drains
along Community 19 Annex Roads, the dredging of streams from 5th Avenue stream to Collins Dawuda and Community 18 road to Corpus Christi JHS Road, and the construction of a 10-seater WC toilet at Texpo Market,’ she noted.

The MCE, touching on revenue generation, stated that in 2023, the assembly was budgeted to collect 80.53 percent of its targeted GHC of 26,139,015.95, describing it as a commendable feat.

She added that out of the total revenue accrued, the assembly’s IGF for the year 2023 was GHC14,858,284.80.

‘Likewise, this year, out of the target of about GHC 27,706,589.78, the Assembly as of the end of the first quarter has mobilised 20.9 percent.’

This she explained sought to deepen their revenue collection drive by enhancing their data collection within the municipality, as well as by installing new pay points and intensifying public education and sensitization programmes.

Madam Attipoe urged the residents to support the assembly in its measures to enhance collection on property rates in the ques
t for her outfit to continue providing the much-needed development projects.

Residents who participated in the town hall meeting expressed their grievances about some deplorable road networks in the municipality, a poor drainage system that leads to flooding when it rains, poor sanitation issues, and security challenges.

Mr Emmanuel Wordey, the Tema West Municipal Road Engineer, responding to some of the misgivings from the residents, said the government, through the lobbying of the assembly, was

conducting asphalt overlays on some of the roads, such as community 20, Sakumono and Community Three Sites A and B.

Mr Wordey said that even though some work is being carried out in the municipality, he acknowledged that more needed to be done. noting that a place like Adjei-Kojo, for instance, has over 300 kilometres of road with only about 200 metres of drainage.

He noted that ‘some residents associations have started something, but if you want to sit and wait for the central government, it will come, but the
timing, if we are expecting the government to come and fix every road immediately, that will not be possible; it does not mean that nothing is being done.’

He urged residents to support the work of the assembly by looking out for some of the things they can immediately handle by themselves and work on while the central government and the assembly prepare to tackle the many issues.

Source: Ghana News Agency