Let’s develop habit of sacrifice to ensure development-Ahmadiyya leader

Alhaji Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, the Ameer of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana, says the country cannot make any meaningful development unless the citizens are prepared to sacrifice for each other.

He said true sacrifice must be deeply rooted in the concepts of selflessness, obedience to God’s commands, and willingness to give up something valuable for the sake of God.

The Ameer said this in Accra at the celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha, a ritual animal sacrifice of Muslims that marks the story of Prophet Abraham and his wife Hajira.

The story, he said, signified the willingness of the two to practically sacrifice their son Ismail in obedience to God’s command.

He said God told Abraham that ‘instead of sacrificing your son, here is a ram, an animal that is what you should slaughter ass sacrifice.’

The Ameer said the gesture showed that God prohibited human slaughter as sacrifice.

Alhaji Salih stated that the culture of sacrifice cut across all the religious divides of the world as a means by which one cou
ld purify himself and strengthen his relationship with God.

‘Sacrifice in Islam is closely tied to the ideas of faith, obedience, and selfishness.

‘Without these elements, no act can be called sacrifice because sacrifice demonstrates our commitment to God and the well-being of our fellow human beings,’ he said.

True sacrifice, he stressed, demanded that we prioritise our faith and submission to God over our worldly desires and attachments.

He called for peaceful, impending elections in the country and to avoid any acts that would disturb the peace and stability of the country.

The Ameer said elections should not lead to the death of any soul and called on all not to engage in activities that would mar the peace enjoyed by the country.

He led a prayer for peaceful elections ahead of the December 7 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Eid-ul-Adha: Strengthen your faith in Allah for peaceful elections – N/R Chief Imam

Sheikh Abdul Salam Ahmed, Northern Regional Chief Imam has urged Muslims to strengthen their faith in Allah for a peaceful election and the development of the region.

He also urged politicians to preach peace before, during and after this year’s general election.

Sheikh Ahmed was addressing Muslims at the Jubilee Park in Tamale on Sunday as part of this year’s Eid-ul-Adha Prayers.

He said, ‘The north cannot develop if there is no peace. I am appealing to the leadership of the various political parties to be mindful of their words and also talk to their followers to tolerate one another.’

He said, ‘May our belief in Allah be our solace, our strength, and our guide. Let us remain steadfast in our devotion to Him and surely, our request will be granted in peace in this life and hereafter.’

Alhaji Shani Alhassan Saibu, Northern Regional Minister cautioned residents not to engage in acts that could provoke conflict ahead of the 2024 general election.

He called on all residents to preserve and protect the gai
ns made in the region for the past eight years.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Eid-ul-Adha: Palestinian Ambassador distributes meat, food items

Mr Abdalfatah Ahmed Khalil Alsattari, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Ghana, Sunday distributed meat and food items to more than 300 people living within the Embassy’s vicinity.

The gesture was in commemoration of this year’s Eid-ul-Adha celebration observed by Muslims around the world.

It was also to commemorate the friendship and bond between the State of Palestine and Ghana.

Muslims celebrate Eid Al-Adha to commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son as a sign of his obedience to God.

During this celebration, they sacrifice permissible animals, generally goats, sheep, and cows and share with neighbours.

Mr Alsattari said the gesture was to appreciate Ghana for its continuous support to the State of Palestine particularly in the time of war and difficulties.

‘Ghana is my second country; so far, I have spent 10 years here. I will like to use this opportunity to say thank you for your continuous support to Palestine,’ he stressed.

Mr Alsattari said the meat shared was from
three cows donated by the Palestinian community in the United States, Canada and himself.

Imam Sa-id Mukhtar Abubakar, Officiating Imam of Dara Salam Mosque, said the Day was significant to remind all of the need to give and share with others.

He urged Muslims to have a sense of care for others, no matter their situation, just as the people of Palestine had shown even in their times of difficulties.

‘Devoid of whatever situation we find ourselves, the prophet had hardship in his life, but at the same time, he used to sacrifice his time, his health, his family for the sake of others.

‘So, I think this is the lesson we are learning, not only embodied in the sacrifice celebration that we are having today, but also in this gesture shown us by the people of Palestine.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ahlussuna Wal-Jama’Ah Muslims pray for unity, love

Ahlussuna Wal-Jama’Ah Muslims on Sunday prayed for unity and love as they celebrated Eid Ul-Ahda, the festival of sacrifice.

Alhaji Ahmed Djibiriel Issah of the Ahlussuna Wal-Jama’Ah delivering his sermon asked Muslims worshipers to help one another as there was the only way that could make them progressive and prosperous.

He urged Muslims to help their neighbours, who are in need, distress and seek ways to lessen the suffering of others.

Alhaji Isaah called on Muslims to live in harmony, live in peace, share what they have with the needy in line with the teaching of the Quoran.

‘Our theme for this celebration is not limited to sacrifice but also for the unity of mankind, this is very significant because it is the actual manifestation of the unity of Muslims,’ he told fellow Muslims.

Mr Charles Gyamfi Boateng, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of Krachi East Municipality, seized the opportunity to appeal to Muslims to whip up support for their own, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, Flagbearer of the New Patriotic P
arty (NPP) for the December 7, elections.

Delivering his speech during the prayers of Eid al-Ahda, the MCE said the vision of the Flagbearer was to develop more infrastructure in the country to ensure human resource potentials were empowered.

‘I urge you to convince all the voters across the Municipality to vote for Dr Bawumia and Mr Michael Yaw Gyato, the parliamentary candidate of the NPP in Krachi East.

Mr Nelson Kofi Djabab, the parliamentary candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), in an address read on his behalf, asked Muslims to pray for Mr John Dramani Mahama, the Flagbearer of NDC and himself to rescue Ghanaians from the current economic crunch.

He said the NDC was very poised to contribute to the development of the country and needed Imams and Muslims scholars prayers towards the upcoming general elections in Ghana.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Assembly Culture Department, NSS organise skills training for service personnel

The Department of Culture, Creative Arts, and Tourism of the Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly, in collaboration with the National Service Secretariat (NSS), has organised a skills training workshop for national service personnel in the municipality.

Madam Sandra Boison, the Municipal Director for Culture, Creative Arts, and Tourism, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview that the training was aimed at equipping national service staff with skills that would help them become self-employed or employable to other organisations.

She noted that the assembly realised that over the period, some service personnel, after completing their one-year service, were unable to get employed, hence the need to teach and train them to acquire some skills to rely on.

She said that it was the second time the department had collaborated with the National Service Personnel Association (NASPA) to equip them with skills in detergent making, yoghurt preparation, and beaded slipper making.

Madam Boison also added that, a
s part of the local economic development (LED) agenda to improve economic growth and development, the assembly, together with some stakeholders, often organised such training for interested personnel and youths in the communities.

‘Now it is quite difficult to be employed in the government sector or some organisations, and most people only focus on being employed in the public sector, so we hope that these skill trainings will aid them in becoming self-employed while waiting for other opportunities,’ she said.

She urged the youth to develop more interest in skills and entrepreneurship and not to rely on gaining employment in the government sector.

Mr Immanuel Nii-Larte Lartey, the District Manager of the NSS, stated that skills training was the process of acquiring and developing the knowledge, abilities, and competencies necessary to perform a specific job, task, or profession, and it is essential for service personnel to add a skill to their academic work.

Mr Lartey said that skill training was importan
t because it added to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, Target 4.4, which implies that by the year 2030, there should be a substantial increase in the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship.

He said, ‘Skill training is essential for achieving this goal, as it will enable individuals to acquire the needed skills to access better employment, opportunities, and sustainable development.’

He encouraged them to invest and have an interest in skill training and vocation, as it would yield numerous benefits, drive their personal and professional growth, and lead to success in their ever-evolving work landscape.

Mr Theodore Teidjain, the President of Kpone-Katamanso NASPA, reiterated that the training would help bridge the gap of unemployment in the municipality and also help them to fend for themselves without depending on their parents while waiting to be employed either in the public sector or other inst

He also called on the KKMA to set up a financial support programme to helpthose who would want to set up a business of their own but do not have the financial means.

He again encouraged service personnel to learn a trade, vocation, or skill that will position them well and enhance their values in the job market.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Thousands attend Eid Ul Adha prayers in Ho

Thousands of Muslims in the Ho Municipality on Sunday attended a public prayer ceremony to mark the feast of sacrifice, Eid Ul Adha.

The commemoration is held annually to commemorate the sacrifice of Abraham, grand patriarch of the Islamic faith, and is being observed this year from the evening of Saturday, June 15 to Sunday, June 16.

The Islamic Basic School Park in Ho was short of space as white-clad members of the faith came out in their numbers for the Eid prayers, which kicks off a three-day celebration characterised by heavy feasting and sharing.

Ahaji Alfa Anas Hamidu, the Volta Regional Chief Imam, led the prayers and performed the ritual sacrifice of a ram to mark the ceremony.

In a brief sermon following the prayers, he said the festival commemorated the ‘unique faith’ Abraham had in God, and that his spirit of sacrifice should guide all, particularly the youth.

Iman Hamidu used the occasion to remind them of the need for peaceful coexistence in the run up to the December elections, and asked t
he youth to stay true to the tenets of the religion, which are peace unity and development.

‘Islam is not a religion of violence. Islam is a religion of tolerance, peace and unity and development. A true Muslim is that person through whose hands and tongue people are safe. The Koran says you should cooperate in righteousness and peace,’ he said.

The Imam added that the nation deserved a political campaign devoid of insults, and proclaimed, ‘don’t go and fight because Islam teaches the peace, unity and development that Ghanaians are praying for.’

The two major political Parties were well represented at the prayer ceremony and shared goodwill with the community while reaffirming commitment to peace and development.

Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, Vice President of the Republic and Flag bearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), donated a young bull to the community for the celebrations.

Mr. Divine Bosson, Ho Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), represented the Party on whose ticket he is running as a parliamentary c
andidate, and presented the bull on the behalf of the Vice President.

The MCE, who heads the local security council, assured the people of necessary measures to bolster peace and security in the Municipality, and extended caution to violent factions.

‘I will use my position to maintain the peace we are enjoying today,’ he stated.

Mr Isaac Kotobisa, a regional executive of the main opposition National Democratic Congress, also made the call for unity, and said the religious festival resonated the self sacrifice the nation required in the present dispensation.

Monday, June 17 has been declared a public holiday for the celebration, and hundreds of sheep and cattle would be slaughtered throughout Islamic communities for the feast.

Source: Ghana News Agency