Cattle invasion major hindrance to Green Ghana Project in Tema – Horticulturist

Ms. Mary Kupualor, the Head of the Horticulture Department, Tema Metro, says planting, nurturing, and sustaining trees have become a challenge due to the presence of cattle and other stray domestic animals in the metropolis.

She said: ‘Here in Tema, one of the challenges that we have encountered over the years, especially last year and this year, is animals, especially cattle; they are everywhere, all over the Metro, and you ask yourself, ‘where are the owners?”

Ms. Kupualor, who doubles as the Metro Landscape Designer, said the inability of herdsmen to keep cattle in their kraals had become a major hindrance to their efforts, adding that the issue needed urgent attention as the animals roamed freely, destroying things with nobody being held accountable.

She told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview that there had been several instances where cattle invaded the Horticultural Department and destroyed plants and other things, and there was nothing they could do but try to find a way to move them out.

She added that the Assembly alone could not control the animals; therefore, it was important for individuals in the metropolis to join the agenda of planting, preserving, and protecting trees being planted for human survival.

The horticulturist added that even though protectors were used for the plants to a certain stage before being lifted, the animals always found their way to destroy the plants, and therefore cautioned the herdsmen against allowing their animals to stray without any control in their attempt to graze.

She said the assembly had built a pond to catch animals straying there; however, it would require collective effort and a change of attitude to make Tema shine again.

Meanwhile, some residents of Tema and Nungua have called on government to make the various metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies (MMDAs) account for the Green Ghana Project.

They said even though the project was important in creating habitat for wildlife and preserving vegetation, it was equally prudent to account
for the trees planted so far to ascertain if the project was yielding the expected results or not.

They told the GNA in a random survey that planting trees was important in combating climate change and other environmental destruction; however, they cannot identify fruits or ornamental plants purported to have been planted over the years under the project.

They were of the view that parts of the money being used for the planting could be channeled to other sectors of the economy that were in need.

‘I will suggest they champion the tree planting at the galamsey sites so that we can increase agriculture production in the country; look at what the sites have turned into death traps for people,’ Mr. Arnold Tay, a shoe dealer, said.

‘Tema cannot boast of a single tree planted since the project began; the project is good, but steps are not taken to ensure that it yields results. We can’t see any trees around, but every year they keep pumping money into it,’ Ms. Mary Asamoah, a beautician at Tema, stated.

e: Ghana News Agency

Armed gang attacks Douala neighborhood

A gang of approximately 20 young men armed with machetes and knives terrorized Antenne Bangoss, a quarter in Douala, on June 17th. Witnesses reported the masked attackers vandalized shops, looted money, and injured over 10 people.

According to Thoma Takel, a resident, the attackers ‘came from all sides…destroyed shops…assaulted people, stabbing anyone who resisted.’

Valentin, a bar owner, recounted the attackers stole money from his drawer and stabbed others who fought back. Thankfully, no deaths were reported.

Authorities are investigating the incident. While some suspected the gang might be the ‘microbes,’ a notorious Douala criminal group, witnesses identified them as residents of the neighboring Beedi quarter.

Thomas, another witness, claims the attack was revenge for the beating of three Beedi youths caught smoking cannabis in Bangoss a week prior.

Police and gendarmerie are gathering information and searching for suspects at the scene.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Cameroon bolsters fight against heart disease with Cameroonian-made tech

In a significant step to combat cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, Cameroon’s Ministry of Public Health received 192 Cardiopad kits on Tuesday, June 18th.

The Cardiopad, a tablet computer invented by Cameroonian Dr. Arthur Zang, is specifically designed for use in remote areas with limited access to heart specialists. This innovative tool allows healthcare workers to conduct heart examinations and transmit the results to specialists for remote diagnosis.

‘The equipment will go a long way to reduce mortality linked to these pathologies,’ declared Elisee Eyenga, technical advisor at the Ministry, highlighting the importance of the Cardiopads.

This donation is the result of a successful collaboration between the Ministry and ADDAX Petroleum, a leading oil and gas company. The partnership promises a brighter future for Cameroon’s healthcare sector, with upcoming donations of essential medical equipment like incubators and cholera kits planned.

This news story emphasizes the collabor
ative effort, the impact on remote areas, and the innovative nature of the Cameroonian-developed technology.

According to CVJ Africa, in 2012, Cameroon’s premature death rate attributable to CVD

(age 30-70 years) In 2017, the age-standardized total CVD death rate was high at 11.85%, although much lower than the 31.8% for the global burden of disease (GBD) data.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Ayaba Cho’s hoodlums burn down taxi in Bamenda

Hoodlums who claimed to be freedom fighters under Norway-based Ayaba Cho Lucas have rendered life difficult for Bamenda residents. Recently the Ambazonia Governing Council, a separatist group fighting for the independence of the North West and South West regions, asked Taxi drivers in the city of Bamenda, North West region, to repaint all their Taxis from Yellow to White and Blue colours.

Such a decision was condemned by other frontline leaders and Activists who said the people would have their back on the wall because the government was going to react brutally.

Vehicle owners who before the recalculated order, had their vehicle colors either in Blue or White are being arrested in Bamenda.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, some hoodlums working for the ADF under Ayaba Cho Lucas, set ablaze a taxi on Che Street, leaving the owner to cry out his lungs.

Star TV Bamenda who went on the site of the incident first, said the victim is physically challenged as he walks with crutches but was struggling to earn a living w
ith the taxi.

Recently the population has been targeted in several moves by the same group that claims to fight for the same people. The group said it was fighting to counter a curfew imposed on bikers by the SDO of Mezam Division. Despite calls for a reversal of the decision, Ayaba Cho said, he would never do so.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Visually impaired student elected journalism student association vice president at UB

In a landmark victory, visually impaired student Njukang Princeley was elected Vice President of the University of Buea’s Association of Student Journalists (ASJUB).

The 21-year-old Journalism and Mass Communication student ran uncontested in the June 13th elections. Njukang’s primary motivation, he says, was to ‘realign the department’s training with the latest technological advancements.’

Njukang acknowledged the challenges he faced due to his disability. ‘Self-doubt crept in,’ he admits. ‘Would people accept me? Would they trust my competence?’

However, his proven track record is within the competence of the position. Njukang served as editor-in-chief of the University newspaper’s 2023 Matriculation Edition and has over two years of experience at the campus radio station, Chariot FM. He’s anchored live coverages of major university events and possesses a diverse skillset.

Looking ahead, Njukang and his team plan to launch a departmental website, initiate a community outreach program (‘ASJUB Impact Day’
), and advocate for a national forum for student journalists across Cameroon.

This news story highlights Njukang’s achievement and future goals while acknowledging the significance of his accomplishment for inclusivity within the student body.

Source: Cameroon News Agency