Regional consultation framework: The branches of the Ministry of Higher Education want to speak with one voice

The regional directorate of higher education, research and innovation (MESRI) organized, in Koudougou, on June 27, 2024, an exchange meeting for the benefit of all the branches of the ministry located in the Central-West region.

Improving the synergy of actions between the MESRI structures in the Center-West region is the objective set by this consultation framework.

According to the regional director, Dr Jonas Koala, it appeared essential that a consultation framework be established in order to facilitate the flow of information between the MESRI structures established in the region.

This includes the regional directorate of environmental and agricultural research at the Saria Center, the Nanoro clinical research unit and the regional directorate of higher education, research and innovation (DRESRI) based in Koudougou.

Dr Koala specifies that since its establishment, DRESRI has reached an acceptable level of operation. However, as it continues, its role in supporting MESRI structures in the Center-West i
s not sufficiently known by the actors of these structures.

Hence the need for this consultation framework to enable the DRESRI to have access to the needs of these structures in terms of support in order to fully play its role as a decentralized structure for coordinating and relaying higher education activities, research and innovation.

It was therefore a great opportunity for DRESRI to set out its objectives and ambitions and then to collect the expectations of the different structures with regard to DRESRI.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Data journalism: ISCOM students introduced to the subject

Ouagadougou: Burkinabe scholarship holders from the Data Journalism Training Program of the Higher School of Journalism, Internet and Communication Professions (E-jicom) organized a master class on Saturday June 29, 2024 in Ouagadougou, for the benefit of students of the Higher Institute of Communication and Multimedia (ISCOM) with a view to sharing their experiences with them.

The second cohort of journalists, beneficiaries of the Data Journalism Training Program of the Higher School of Journalism, Internet and Communication Professions (E-jicom), based in Dakar (Senegal), conducted a master’s degree class on June 29, 2024 in Ouagadougou.

With students from the Higher Institute of Communication and Multimedia (ISCOM), they discussed the conditions for benefiting from the scholarship, the achievements, the difficulties and the prospects after certification.

On the occasion, teacher and journalist Moussa Sawadogo gave some notions of data journalism to the participants.

According to him, this journalistic
practice refers to the information (data) to be visualized and which leads to investigative journalism. ‘This allows the journalist to best play his social role with figures,’ he said.

For the focal point of the program, Lassané Yaméogo, the objective of this master class is to encourage students to already think about specialization. Questions and answers to better understand data journalism and the training program ended this meeting.

Participant Latifatou Zougmoré stressed that the data journalism course and the shared experience inspire her a lot to want to do this type of information processing. She plans to apply for the training program in the future.

Note that the program is implemented by E-jicom for the benefit of working journalists in order to promote quality journalism on development issues.

The training lasts six months, accompanied by a certificate. The 2024 class is the 2nd and includes twenty journalists from Burkina Faso, Congo (DRC), Ivory Coast, Niger and Senegal.

Source: Burkina Inf
ormation Agency

Severe acute respiratory infections raised in Bam, doctor

The Kongoussi health district recorded 231 cases of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) in the 24th week of epidemiological surveillance, including 2 deaths, said Saturday, the head doctor of the health district Arzouma Idrissa Ouédraogo.

The chief doctor spoke on June 29, 2024 in Kongoussi during a meeting of the provincial epidemic prevention committee chaired by the High Commissioner of the Bam Adama province Jean Yves Béré.

‘These are diseases which manifest themselves by coughing which occurs a lot in the cold season. They mainly affect children,’ explained Dr Ouédraogo.

To reverse the trend, the chief doctor advises to protect children well during harmattan.

As a reminder, severe acute respiratory infections caused 15 deaths out of 259 cases recorded in 2023, specifies the district’s diagnostic document.

Dengue prevention strategies have also been adopted to protect the population against this disease.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Amba general, other killed in Bamenda

According to several sources, security forces conducted an operation at a residence in Alakuma, Bamenda 2 subdivsiion, on June 30, 2024. The operation reportedly targeted a man identified as ‘Stone Cornered,’ a suspected leader within the Ambazonian movement.

The orign of Mbessa village in Boyo Division was baptised and named, Nchuaji Nobert.

Details remain unclear, but reports indicate that security forces surrounded the residence and gunfire was exchanged. It is alleged that two individuals were killed during the operation, with their bodies subsequently burned at the location.

The governement nor the separatists have not commented on the incident but several state sponsored agents jubilated by psoting the face of the deseased fighter saying he was a member of the Ambazonia Defesne Forces, ADF.

Source: Cameroon News Agency