Four die, 66 injured in Santchou accident

At least four person were confirmed dead and 66 others injured in an accident that occurred along the dangerous Santchou stretch of road in Dschang, West region, the Director of the Dschang regional hospital annex , Professor Noubom Michel said.

A communique revealed that Nteingue is the exact village where the accident occurred, just around the Plantain market.

The oldest victim is 68 years whole the youngest is 2 years old.

Preliminary findings suggest a brakes failure when the bus belonging to Tresor voyage inter urban transport agency, was negotiating a bend.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Two soldiers killed in Munyenge

The two victims had left their duty posts to relax nearby but were ambushed on their way back on Monday night.

Munyenge, a locality in Muyuka subdivision in the South West region – where Kome and Mengue were sent from Tiko on mission.

The attack happened on the same night when Ambazonia fighters killed a BIR in Kumbo, North West region.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Separatists kill soldier who went visiting girlfriend

A member of the BIR called Bello Bouba from Meinganga, popularly called Valséro, was brutally murdered last night around 8 PM in Tadu, Kumbo, North West region, by Separatist fighters.

His colleague escaped. He was accused by his colleagues of killing his partner but only discovered Tuesday morning that they were attacked.

CNA learned that self-styled Separatist commander, Major General Viper, and Newsman ambushed Bello who was visibly weak after celebrating an Epaulet award the same day. He reportedly went to visit his girlfriend before being tracked and killed by fighters under FM Mad Dog.

The girl is said to have called the attention of Separatists that her ‘boyfriend’ was drunk and helpless.

This incident marked the second soldier from Meiganga to be killed in the ongoing Anglophone conflict.

Source: Cameroon News Agency