Let’s thoroughly investigate to understand how the ownership of 90 per cent shares of Adamus moved to Nguvu Mining

The Director of Adamus Resources Pty ( Adamus Australia ) Mr. Allan Morrison has stated that, Adamus Australia never sold or transferred its 90% shares in Adamus Ghana to Nguvu Mining Limited.

‘It is, therefore, in the interest of investment in Ghana and particularly in the mining sector that this matter be thoroughly and fairly investigated to understand how the ownership of the 90% shares suddenly changed from Adamus Australia to Nguvu Mining Limited, for justice to prevail.

He said Adamus Australia would continue to use and trust the court process to ventilate all its grievances saying, Adamus Australia would stand by the Court Orders and urged all the stakeholders, including the government to respect the rule of law in the interest of the good administration of justice and also in the interest of Adamus Ghana, its workers and the hosting community.

This was in a press release he signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Tuesday.

It said Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited’s (Adamus Australia)
attention was drawn to a press release dated 27th June 2024 by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources on the current state of affairs relating to the suit N° CM/OCC/0279/2023, Adamus Resources Limited and Nguvu mining Limited Vs. Allan Morrisson and Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited.

Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited (Adamus Australia) said they found it prejudicial for the Ministry in its release to be stating that the ownership of Adamus Ghana was vested in Nguvu Mining with full knowledge that the ownership of the company was the subject matter of the dispute.

‘ The Ministry has at all material times sided with Nguvu Mining in this dispute and this release has again reinforced our belief that the Ministry is biased against our interests.

‘The Ministry it was indicated, had chosen to put out its press release though it was well informed that Nguvu Mining Ltd on the 10th of April 2024 filed a notice to withdraw its appeal against the 27th July 2023 injunction orders of the High Court, and had also, on the
6th of June 2024, withdrawn its application for stay of execution of the injunction orders setting up the IMC, filed on the 26th of January 2024’.

Per the background, Angela List and Sarpong Kwaku Odame Esq acted as CEO and board secretary of Adamus Resources Ghana Ltd (Adamus Ghana) to unilaterally appoint Dr. Anthony Aybunn and Mr. Joseph Owusu Ansah to the board of the Company at meetings on the 11th of February 2021 and 17th of June 2021 which they described as Extra Ordinary General Meetings when no shareholder of the Company was informed or in attendance.

Adamus Australia, the owner of 90% of the shares of Adamus Ghana, on the 20th of December 2021, informed the Lands Ministry and the Attorney General of the of Ghana in a letter sent and received by both of them on the 22nd of December 2021, complaining of the irregular appointments of Dr. Anthony Aybunn and Mr. Joseph Owusu Ansah made by Angela List to the board of the Company without any involvement of Adamus Australia or the Government of Ghana who
is also the owner of the remaining 10%shares of the in the Company.

It said on the 28th of December 2021, Allan Morrison, the sole director and secretary of Adamus Australia requisitioned an Extra Ordinary General Meeting for Adamus Ghana, he served notice on the Ministry. Angela List responded to Mr. Morrison on the 29th of December 2021 and claimed that the board of Adamus Australia was made up of three directors, namely; Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Allan Morrison, and that all three of them needed to sign a resolution for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be organized by Adamus Ghana.

Unknown to Allan Morrison, in early December of 2021, Angela List, without any lawful authority, purported to have appointed Peter Michael and Kevin Woodthorpe as additional directors of Adamus Australia, just as she had done with Adamus Ghana.

Angela List wrote on the 4th of January 2022 to inform Allan Morrison that he had been removed as director of Adamus Australia at the time he requisitioned the meeting on
the 28th of December 2021. ‘She wrote on the 6th of January 2022 to Korsah and Ackah@Law with notices to the Minster of Lands and Natural Resources (‘the Minister’) and the Attorney General to claim that she had been given the latest profile of Adamus Australia by Peter Michael and Kevin Woodthorpe which she failed to attach to her letter and claimed that Allan Morrison was purportedly removed as the sole director and secretary of Adamus Australia.

‘By January 2022, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, the Ministry and the Attorney General of Ghana had become fully aware that Adamus Australia had called for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting to remove Angela List as a director of Adamus Ghana. Angela List in her letters dated 4th and 6th January 2022 admitted that Adamus Australia was one of the shareholders of Adamus Ghana but claimed to have removed Allan Morrison as its sole director and secretary.’

The statement also disclosed that, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources was informed in March 20
22 by lawyers for Adamus Australia of the fact that Allan Morrison and the Company had sued Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Moses Kobena Bossompim, agents of Angela List to challenge their authority to act for and on behalf of Adamus Australia.

It said the case was heard on the 14th of November 2022 before the Supreme Court, Western Australia as Suit No. (2022) WASC 454, judgment was delivered on the 22nd of November 2022 where the Court held that the removal of Allan Morrison as a director as well as the appointments of Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Moses Kobena Bossompim as directors of Adamus Australia was invalid.

It added that, Adamus Australia through its lawyers immediately furnished the Ministry with the full judgment in Suit No. (2022) WASC 454, but unknown to it, Angela List on the 7th of November 2022 for and on behalf of Nguvu Mining Ltd, a company registered in Mauritius and her agent Moses Kobina Bossompim, he purporting to act for on behalf of Adamus Australia and signed a share tra
nsfer agreement purportedly to transfer Adamus Australia 90% shareholding in Adamus Ghana to Nguvu Mining solely owned by Angela List.

‘On the same day, the 7th November 2022, Angela List wrote for and on behalf of Adamus Ghana to the Minister with notice to the Mineral Commission for the change of the controlling interest in Adamus Ghana to be transfered from Adamus Australia to Nguvu Mining Ltd, her own company.

‘The Minister had been well informed of the judgment of Supreme Court in Western Australia on the 22nd of November 2022 that Moses Kobena Bossompim had no authority to act for and on behalf of Adamus Australia as was as all the irregular actions by Angela list complained of since 20th December 2021. The Minister nevertheless turned a blind eye to, and signed on the 23rd of December 2022, a transfer of control letter, to change the controlling interest in Adamus Ghana from the name of Adamus Australia to the name of Nguvu Mining Ltd’.

On the 28th of December 2022 according to the press release, Ad
amus Australia requisitioned another Emergency General Meeting to remove Angela List as a director of Adamus Ghana; the Minister was informed and invited to the meeting, but the Ministry failed to attend the meeting on behalf of the Government of Ghana, Angela List was removed as a director of Adamus Ghana.

The statement indicated that, Nguvu Mining Ltd acted on the purported change in control based on the Minister’s letter signed on the 23rd of December 2022, to file a Writ of Summons on the 8th of February 2023 before the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) together with Adamus Ghana, obviously under the control of Angela List, seeking to restrain Allan Morrison and Adamus Australia from exercising legitimate control as the majority shareholder of Adamus Ghana.

However, on the 27th of July 2023, the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) restrained the directors of Adamus Ghana including Angela List from acting as directors and also restrained Sarpong Kwaku Odame Esq. from acting as secretary of
the Company. Nguvu Mining Ltd and its directors including Angela List were also restrained from taking any decisions for and on behalf of Adamus Ghana as the new controller and/or conducting any business on behalf of the Company. The management staff were ordered to take instruction from the IMC to continue management of the Company. The Court put in place a five member Interim Management Committee (IMC).

The Ministry it is said on the 5th of October 2023, appointed Juliet Osei Wusu Esq as chairman to the IMC where, the chairman on the 21st of November 2023 sent out notices for the first IMC meeting to be held on the 28th of November 2023 at 10:30am by then, Adamus Australia had long appointed David Abini and Isaac Ackun as its representative to the IMC for its meeting but Nguvu Mining Ltd refused to allow its representatives to attend the meeting.

‘ It rather caused its lawyers to write to the chairman on the 27th of November 2023 to threaten her to desist from holding the maiden meeting of the IMC.

Ministry surprisingly on the same day, the 27th of November 2023, wrote a letter claiming to withhold the IMC chairman’s appointment until further notice. It is not true that the Ministry stated in its letter that it had withdrawn the chairman’s appointment. On 19th February 2024, the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) made consequential orders for the IMC to get to work, but Nguvu Mining and Adamus Ghana did not comply and hence have forfeited their two slots on the IMC. It is therefore false for the Ministry to state in its press release that since it wrote that letter on 27th November 2023 to withhold the chairman’s appointment, it has had no notice of the constitution of the IMC’.

The statement explained that the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources on the 12th of January 2024 asked Juliet Osei-Wusu Esq, the chairman of the IMC to call for a meeting for him to meet with them and, the Minister initially gave a time for 11AM that day but later changed the time to later that day and finally did no
t have the meeting though the invitees had waited all day for him.

‘Again, on the 16th of January 2024, Angela List wrote to and sought the intervention of the Attorney General of Ghana whose office gave an opinion on the 22nd of January 2024, to Nguvu Mining Ltd to pave the way for the continued shipping of gold produced by Adamus Ghana, in disregard to the pendency of an injunction application. The AG extended his personal complements to Angela List to demonstrate his bias conduct in this matter’.

The Ministry and the chairman according to the statement, were later served with a copy of the 19th February 2024 ruling with strict time lines to exclude Nguvu Mining and Adamus Ghana representatives from the IMC where they failed to file names of their appointees by the 1st March 2024 and for the IMC to hold its first meeting on or before the 8th of March 2024. ‘David Abini sent out notices for the meeting to be held on the 7th of March 2024, the chairman and the Ministry were informed, no objection had been r
aised by either of them, but as usual, the chairman acting under the instructions of the Minister did not attend the meeting at the time the membership of the IMC had been reduced to three’.

‘It is therefore incredulous for the Ministry to feign ignorance as to the existence of the IMC and how the efforts of the IMC have been continually stifled by Angela List and her Nguvu Mining’.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Purchase agricultural inputs from authorised designations – Farmers urged

Mr Dennis Abugri Amenga, the Bono Regional Director, Department of Agriculture, has urged farmers to obtain agricultural inputs from authorised and accredited sellers approved by regulatory bodies.

He said farmers in recent times had expressed concern over the quality of agro-inputs on the market, some of whom purchased seeds that failed to germinate or fertilizers that could not deliver the expected nutrients to plants.

Mr Amenga made the remarks in an interview with the media at the Bono Abinbev Agro Input Fair, organised by the Bono Regional Agriculture Department and the World Food Programme, Ghana.

The event, held in Wenchi, on the theme: ‘Promoting Market Linkages through Agricultural Fairs,’ aimed to educate farmers on the various types of inputs on the market.

This is to help them make informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls of using substandard inputs that resulted in low productivity.

The two-day fair brought together industry dealers of agro inputs to engage with aggregators, farmer-based or
ganisations and smallholder farmers from the Wenchi, Tain, and Banda areas.

Mr Amenga stressed the importance of proper storage of inputs to maintain their efficacy, explaining that even high-quality inputs could lose their effectiveness if stored improperly.

The fair provided a platform for input dealers to offer farmers the necessary information to maximize the returns on their investments.

Mr Emmanuel Kwabena Afful, the Wenchi Municipal Agricultural Director, said the fair represented a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability in the region.

He emphasised the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in the agricultural sector to cultivate a robust and resilient industry that could support the communities and foster regional development.

Dr Kofi Frimpong-Anin, a Senior Research Scientist and Entomologist at the Crops Research Institute, advised farmers to adhere strictly to regulations regarding the use of agrochemicals.

Improper applic
ation of those chemicals could have detrimental effects on human health, the environment and the quality of food produced due to chemical residue, he said.

Madam Ursula Nanbala, a farmer from Akrobi, appealed to the government to construct dams in the area to support year-round farming and enhance agricultural productivity.

She highlighted the difficulties faced by farmers in accessing essential resources such as tractors for weeding and fertilizers for crop cultivation, which had resulted in low yield.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sustaining the Ga Tradition with the unique naming pattern

The Ga People of the Greater Accra Region, the region that hosts Ghana’s capital, believe that children are strangers from their ancestors.

They, therefore, are accepted as members of the family who have come to stay after surviving the first eight days on earth, and therefore, given a name to welcome them to the family to enjoy a unique identity.

The importance of names cannot be downplayed as God, the Creator, recognised this and, therefore, brought the animals he created to Adam to name them.

‘He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name,’ (Genesis 2:20).

Just like other tribes in the world and in Ghana to be specific, the natives of Greater Accra name their children on the traditional eight days after birth.

Even though the Gas believe they are all royals as most bear the revered title Nii (king) and Naa (queen) just as their chiefs and queens; they have unique names for each clan, which makes it easy for identification
and tracing of ancestry.

Ga Naming

In the past, the language and tribal mark on one’s body could give a clue of where the person hails from, but with modernity, intermarriages, and multilingualism, it is difficult to solely depend on those.

Therefore, the name is one of the most important identifiers of a person.

The renowned writer, A.A. Amartey, said the Ga people believe in reincarnation as the spirit of the dead (ancestors) come back to the world as newborns, hence the revered names Nii and Naa, indicating they are reincarnated.

The Gas are named after their paternal grandfathers, considering the clan they hail from and their birth position.

Uniquely, most Ga names also come with appellations (sabla gbei), which scholars in Ga traditions have indicated is a word or statement used to represent a name, (if one does not want to mention the name plainly but glorify it through appellation).

It is believed that in the olden days because of wars and killings, the Ga people invented the appellations so tha
t their enemies would not be able to identify and kill them.

Name Groups

Names in the Ga Traditional Area can be grouped into six categories: position of birth, family, twins, day of birth, orphans, and reincarnated names.

Aside from these, some may also choose names based on circumstances surrounding the birth of the child, while others may also name children after prominent members of society who may be alive or had passed on as a way to remember them.

Birth Position

Most firstborn boys will generally take the name Tettey with the appellation (Saashi), while the second and third take respectively Tetteh (Mpata), and Kwei /Mensa (Afadi-nsro /Osa). The names can continue to the 10th male boy, who is called Badu, with a sabla of Asuasa.

According to resource materials, including A.A. Amartey’s popular book Omanye Aba, the females will also generally be given the position names and appellations, Dede (Tuma), Korkor (Ofamota), and Kai /Mansa (Adonkropa / Brakatubrafo) for first, second and third girls.

e females that come after them will continue with the names Tsotsoo (Aflaso-manso), Fofo (Oye), Ashami (Okuga), and Botswe (Ashiedua) for the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh positions of birth.

Family/Clan Names

Every Ga family has peculiar names, which make it possible for the child to trace their origin, as it shows the clan, the quarter, and the family the child was born into, even though there can be some names running across more than one clan.  

Some names that come from Ga Mashi (Central Ga), may include Abe, Adukwei, Dakua, Deidei, Lamile, Otobia, Okaija, Taki, Yaole, Kpakpo, and Jagbele, among others.

The people of Osu have names such as Adumua, Aja, Korley, Naki, Maku, Noi, Norley, Sai, Obodai, Oboshi, Soja, Torshii, and Torto, and many others.

Natives from La also have names including Adei, Ajele, Akornor, Anyele, Anyetei, Atswei, Jama, Odoi, Odole, Okpoti, Suatey, Maale, Konney, and Yemoley.

The people Teshie, on the other hand, present names such as Ablor, Akpor, Asheley, Ashorkor, Odua,
Sowah, Mateki, Merley, Martey, Klu, and Adjei.

Nungua natives have naming patterns that are easily identifiable by non-Ga indigenes. These include Borkai, Borketey, Borlabi, Borkwei, and Borteley. Others are Afoley, Afotey, Odai, Mantekai, Momo, and Mantetso.

People in the Tema traditional area respond to names such as Abokaile, Adjeiteye, Adjei, Kailebi, Labi, Mante, Nam, Korkorbi, Armah, Ashitey, and Ashia.

Names of Twins

Having two or more children at birth among the Gas is a blessing and is observed as sacred. Thus the annual twin festival commemoration to celebrate their importance in society.

The first two twin boys are called Akwete and Akuete or Oko and Akuete, while the females are Akweley and Akuorkor.

A boy and a girl will also be called Oko and Akweley.

Some give birth to twins consecutively, and with that Tawiah is added to their names, for example, Oko Tawiah and Akweley Tawiah.

Children born directly after twins will take the unisex names; Tawiah, Agoe, and Abam.

Some families sometime
s add the family names to the twins’ name to show the exact clan and family they hail from.

Day Names

Just like other tribes in Ghana, the Ga people also have some day names they choose in addition to the ones handed down to them by their ancestors. These are Kojo, Kobla, Kwaku, Kwao, Kofi, Kwami, and Kwashi, for boys covering Monday to Sunday. While their female counterparts’ day names are Ajoa, Abla, Akua, Aba, Afua, Ama and Akoshia.


Names are given to children based on situations in their lives, if a child loses the mother before their naming ceremony, that child will be called Ahia (to wit lack of motherly love and care).

The child whose father died before the naming is given the name Antobam, which means he/she did not meet the father to receive joy.

Reincarnated names (Gbobaloi Agbeii)

If a baby dies before being named and the parents give birth to the same gender after him or her, the Ga people believe that it is the same soul that has come back.

To prevent a recurrence of death, incisi
ons are made on the child’s face (especially near the lips and eyes) to prevent the evil spirit or ghost that took him or her away the first time from identifying them.

It is a traditional belief that this will make the child survive.

Such gbobaloi are given unpleasant names such as Booba (you came voluntarily) Aleenor (probably), Obegbei (you don’t have a name), Obaamra (you didn’t come early).

Other names are Mminimade, (an expression in Dangbe meaning ‘What will I Say?) and Kukwei (pot).

Latest Trends

A new trend in naming has been introduced by the younger generation, in which names such as Grace, Blessing, and Praises are translated into the Ga Language.

These are Dromo, Jormor (Dzormor) and Yijiemor, respectively.

They precede such names with the title Naa (Naa Dromo).

However, Reverend Dr Nathan Mensah Nunoo, the General Overseer of Faith Community Fellowship and Ministry, and a family head, says such names are not authentic Ga names and, therefore should not have the revered title Nii or Naa.

e suggested that since it was a trendy name, children could still be given those names but should be placed after the traditional name.

Thus, a child should be named ‘Naa Dedei Dromo) instead of (Naa Dromo Dedei).

He encouraged Christians and other religions not to abandon their traditional names with the excuse of it being fetish, explaining that even if it was, prayers could be sought to take care of any negativity.

‘Just as it happened with biblical Jabez, whose mother named him because of the pain she went through, however, with prayer, he received favour with God,’ Rev. Dr Nunoo said.

He touched on the importance of protecting one’s culture by keeping and using names irrespective of religion, reminding the Gas that no region owns a child, but every child is born into a family.


‘Names are a cultural inheritance for the Ga people passed on from generation to generation. Let us therefore protect this heritage of our traditions by proudly using the names we were born with,’ Rev. Dr Nunoo sai

(This writer, also called Naa Anyorkor; with her appellation; ‘Dade’ meaning ‘metal’, is a Ga woman from La and a quarter called Abese. She has this name because she is the second girl of her parents.)

Source: Ghana News Agency

North East Chief Director expresses support for Empowerment for Life Programme

Mr Mohammed Avona Akape, Chief Director, North East Regional Coordinating Council (NERCC), has expressed support for the Empowerment for Life (E4L) Programme being implemented in the region, saying it will help to propel the development of the area.

Mr Akape said the E4L Programme’s focus areas formed part of the development challenges facing the area, adding its (E4L Programme) strategy to create awareness and advocacy around such issues was a step in the right direction to get duty-bearers to address the challenges for the benefit of society.

He expressed support when a team from the E4L Programme visited the NERCC at Nalerigu to meet with him (Chief Director) and his team to discuss the Governance thematic area of the E4L Programme.

Issues discussed at the meeting, which was also attended by representatives from the Internal Audit, Planning, Budget, and Accounts Units of the NERCC, focused on the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Law, equitable allocation and timely release of the Distric
t Assemblies Common Fund (DACF), functionality of District Audit Committees, and improved public service delivery from local government institutions.

The Governance thematic area of the E4L Programme focuses on good governance issues such as equity, inclusiveness, active participation, transparency, responsiveness and accountability at both local and national levels.

The E4L Programme seeks to ensure that civil society organisations in northern Ghana contribute to improved resilience, equity, and more accountable governance in the country.

It is being implemented in the Northern, North East and Savannah Regions by four local partners; Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA), School for Life, Changing Lives in Innovative Partnerships, and YEFL-Ghana with funding support from Civil Society in Development, through Ghana Venskab, a Danish organisation.

Mr Akape said, ‘The E4L Programme is in our own interest because the DACF is what sustains us. It is good that you are working to serve our interests.
We will collaborate with the programme to succeed to propel the development of the region.’

He urged the programme partners to ensure their advocacy also focused on the quantum of the DACF allocated to the MMDAs, saying for MMDAs that did not generate high revenues internally, the amount (DACF) was too small to undertake capital projects.

Evita Emma Dunee, Technical Advisor, Policy and Governance, GDCA in-charge of the E4L Programme, said the programme would build collaborative relationships with the Ministry of Information, RTI Commission, RTI Coalition, Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs), the programme MMDAs amongst other relevant stakeholders, create awareness of the RTI Law amongst the citizenry and push for the establishment of information desks at MMDAs and assigning RTI officers to man them to ensure improved response and access to information for the citizenry.

She said it would also build collaborative relationships with the Internal Audit Agency, CSOs in Local Government Reforms, RCCs, MMDAs a
nd citizen groups to push for improved functionality of District Audit Committees to reduce the infractions recorded by the Auditor-General as part of the auditing of state institutions (MMDAs).

She said the programme would also work with various relevant public institutions, CSOs, citizen groups and journalists to advocate equitable allocation and timely release of the DACF.

She was happy about the commitment of the NERCC to the successful implementation of the programme in the area and gave assurance that the programme would work closely with relevant stakeholders at both regional and district levels for the benefit of society.

Mr Abdul-Ganiw Abubakari, North East Regional Coordinator, E4L Programme, said the programme would work with like-minded CSOs, using evidence from the ground for strong advocacy to get the issues addressed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NYA brainstorms on leveraging technology to enhance agribusiness

The Northern Regional Secretariat of the National Youth Authority (NYA) has held a day’s inception workshop to strategise on leveraging technology to promote agribusiness among young people.

The event brought together District Directors of NYA and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) officers within the region to discuss a partnership initiative with the Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience (MSR) Activity geared towards whipping up the interest of young people in agribusiness.

As part of the partnership deal, a total of 2,000 youth would be mobilised by the NYA in eight districts across the region to equip them with basic technological skills, and how to use the various digital platforms to promote their agribusiness.

The beneficiary districts included Sagnarigu, Gushegu, Yendi, Karaga, East Mamprusi, Mion, Nanton and Mamprugu-Moagduri.

The workshop was also tailored to evaluate the accessibility of the various youth and ICT centres in the districts, and how they could be used to
conduct the training for the beneficiaries.

Mr Mumuni Sulemana, Northern Regional Director of NYA, speaking during the event in Tamale, said the rationale behind the partnership was to add value to the agricultural value chain by making it attractive and lucrative for the youth to adopt as a viable business venture.

He said it was part of efforts to adopt sustainable measures to address the issues of youth unemployment and participation in national development.

He urged officers to ensure that they recruited dedicated and committed people, who would use the skills to be acquired to bring about positive change in their lives and community.

Online digital marketing, cyber security, content creation and graphic designing were some of the platforms proposed by participants to be used for the promotion of their businesses.

They raised concerns about inadequate computers at the centres, and called for support to ensure the training was successful.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GJA President urges journalists to be circumspect in elections reporting

Mr Albert Kwabena Dwumfour, President of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), has called on journalists to be circumspect in discharging their duties, especially during the 2024 general election.

He urged journalists to consciously prioritise the nation and the well-being of the citizenry in honouring their duties and asked them to put on the armour of ethical journalism.

He was speaking at a workshop in Tamale, organised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

The workshop was attended by journalists selected from across northern Ghana and was aimed at equipping them to counter hate speech and misinformation in election reporting.

It was also to sensitise journalists on digital tools and platforms they could utilise to combat harmful content online in an era of information disorder.

Mr Dwumfour encouraged journalists to practise with utmost professionalism before, during and after the elections, stating that it was a challenging moment in the history of Ghan
a as political parties sought to make history.

He said what journalists perceived as errors had the potential of causing harm and destabilising the country’s peace, hence the need to be cautious and professional in the quest to inform citizens.

He further urged journalists, particularly those in the northern region, where threats from terrorists and other external dangers were glaring, to be extremely diligent in carrying out their duties.

Source: Ghana News Agency