Fidelity Bank commits GHS 1 million to boost Ghana’s agricultural sector

Fidelity Bank, Ghana’s largest privately owned bank, is to award GHS 1 million in grant funding to support innovative solutions addressing critical challenges within the country’s agricultural value chain.

The GreenTech Innovation Challenge (GTIC) 2024 aims to empower Ghanaian businesses and innovators by providing them with the resources they need to launch or scale their GreenTech solutions.

In a media statement copied to the GNA, the Bank said resources had the potential to revolutionise Ghana’s agricultural sector and ensure a more sustainable and productive future.

Julian Opuni, the Managing Director of the Bank, emphasised the Bank’s dedication to supporting the agricultural sector.

‘Our commitment to agriculture is not new, and during the 3i Africa Summit in May 2024, we announced the expansion of our Fidelity Young Entrepreneurs Initiative through the introduction of an AgricTech competition. We recognise the immense potential of technological solutions in the agricultural sector, and the GTIC is
a significant step forward in nurturing this potential,’ he said.

Mr. Opuni also highlighted the importance of engaging Ghana’s youthful population, noting that Africa had a youthful population, with over 60 percent under the age of 25.

He said unfortunately, the agricultural sector often failed to capture the imagination of a young demographic population.

The GTIC, he emphasised, was designed to change that challenge by attracting young, tech-savvy minds and empowering them to develop innovative solutions that would transform Ghana’s agricultural landscape.

Mr. Opuni said his outfit was excited to see the incredible ideas that emerged and become catalysts for progress.

Fidelity Bank’s GreenTech Innovation Challenge underscores its commitment to driving sustainable development and empowering the next generation of agricultural innovators, the statement said.

The statement said that by providing substantial financial support and a platform for growth, the Bank aimed to catalyse the transformation of Ghan
a’s agricultural sector, making it more resilient, efficient, and attractive to young entrepreneurs.

The GTIC is meticulously structured to empower innovators at three various stages of development, the statement noted.

It said the Ideation Tier is designed for innovators with new, groundbreaking ideas that can tackle specific agricultural challenges.

Participants in this tier will be equipped with the resources and support needed to turn their concepts into actionable solutions, laying the groundwork for impactful GreenTech solutions.

Moving on to the scale-up tier, the statement said that programme targeted businesses with established green technology solutions that had already demonstrated success.

The statement said the commercialisation tier caters to established businesses with market-ready GreenTech products seeking to amplify their reach.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Over 4,000 farmers register on Planting for Food and Jobs phase II in Sissala East

A total of 4,077 farmers in the Sissala East Municipality have registered to benefit from phase II of the Planting for Food and Jobs project.

Mr Mahama Salifu, the Sissala East Municipal Director of Agriculture told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Tumu that the completed number of registered farmers in the Sissala East was 4,077 with all data fully captured and approved by the system.

Farmers with both completed and incomplete stood at 8,720 farmers whilst those farms mapped by the Agriculture Extension Agents stood at 8,647.

Mr Salifu said the figure keeps changing by the day and explained that when one is completely registered a PIN code would be sent through SMS.

Mr Salifu revealed that Sahel Grains had been selected as the input dealer for the Sissala East and asked the approved farmers to contact Sahel Grains.

The government also indicated that the 200,000 farmers that register first will get input grants for some limited acres.

Already the first batch of urea input has arrived in Tumu waiting for t
he seed and fertilizer, which are needed now.

He appealed to those whose farms had not been mapped to quickly do so to benefit from the intervention.

He appealed to farmers who do not intend to farm this year to get counted as that will provide the government with credible data to intervene in agricultural activities in the country.

‘Sissala East is known for their heavy production of cereals, especially maize, so I encourage everyone to show up and get registered’, Mr Mahama noted.

In the Sissala West District, Mr Richmond Zinbonche, the District Director of Agriculture disclosed that the Ghana Agricultural and Agribusiness Platform (GhAAP) have so far registered about 6,185 farmers with registered farms 4,884.

The total completed registered farms and mapped stood at 2,799 whilst the incomplete ones were 3,386.

He said some 909 farmers were pending whilst the system rejected about 1,363 farmers.

Source: Ghana News Agency

CLOGSAG strike takes effect as workers desert offices

The nationwide strike declared by the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) has taken effect, with members abandoning their offices in compliance with the declaration.

Most offices in the Ministries were closed when the Ghana News Agency visited the Ministries Wednesday morning.

Only a few workers, including security persons were seen in some of the offices.

One security officer said ‘yes, the whole place is locked up. No worker is coming here until they get a directive from CLOGSAG to return to work’.

A worker in one of the Ministries explained that he was there because it was raining, saying, ‘once the rains stop, I will go home’.

Some of the places the GNA visited were the Ministry of Railways Development, Ministry of Fishries and Aquaculture Development, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, Ministry of Works and Housing, Statistical Service, and CLOGSAG Secretariat.

At the M
inistry of Trade and Industry, the main entrance was locked with a padlock, with a red band hanged on the door.

Most of the buildings and trees in the Ministries also had red bands on them.

On Tuesday July 2, 2024, CLOGSAG held a press conference in Accra, declaring a nationwide strike with effect from Wednesday July 3, over Government’s failure to implement a new salary structure for the Association’s members.

According to CLOGSAG, the new salary structure, which was agreed with the Government, was due for implementation since January 2023 but had delayed for one and half years.

The Association, therefore, directed its members and secretariats across the country to stay away from work until further notice.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Let’s sustain national peace in the interest of our children-ASP Obeng-Manu

The Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) George Obeng-Manu, the Staff Officer at the Bono Regional Police Command, says the country needs to preserve and strengthen the prevailing peace in the 2024 Election in the supreme interest of children.

He said a sustained national peace would not only facilitate accelerated national development, but also the proper upbringing, growth and development of children to become national assets.

‘A peaceful society provides a stable environment, essential for child growth and well-being’, ASP Obeng-Manu, also the Manager of the Police Experimental Basic School in Sunyani, said at the graduation of the 2023-2024 Kindergarten batch of the school.

In all, a total of 53 children, made up of 27 boys and 26 girls graduated from the KG to the primary level at the ceremony held on the theme: ‘Voting for Peace is an Investment in the Future of Children.’

‘Ghana sailing through another peaceful election would help create a future where children can thrive without fear of confli
cts or war’, ASP Obeng-Manu stated, and called on the various political parties to remain decorous in their campaigns and ensure that their political activities did not disturb the peace.

Mrs. Selina Boatemaa, the Headmistress of the School, said the nation ought to do more to promote justice and fairness and tranquility and development and urged political parties to fight against vote buying.

Mr Ransford Antwi, an Independent Parliamentary Candidate in the Sunyani East Constituency, advised parents to channel much of their resources into the education of their children.

Mr Saed Mubarak, the Sunyani East Parliamentary Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), advised everybody to contribute towards conducting peaceful elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

St Clare’s Technical School graduates 38 students

The St Clare’s Technical Institute in Tumu in the Sissala East Municipality has held its 29th graduation ceremony for 38 trainees who have successfully completed their three-year courses of training.

They consisted of students from four different departments, comprising dressmaking, catering, textile hand weaving, Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

Addressing the people at the graduation, Sister Catherine Naeke, the Principal of the school, indicated that the students are moving into the world with a wealth of Work Experience Learning (WEL) to contribute to society’s development.

‘I think this institution should be cherished in this Municipality that all chiefs, political figures, educationists, landlords, community members, and sundry should rally around to see how to develop the school,’ she said.

She also enumerated some challenges confronting the school, including inadequate classrooms and workshops for practical, inadequate accommodation for the increasing numbers of students and lack o
f kitchen and dining hall.

‘The students’ food is prepared and served outside and they have to sit around gutters and under trees to eat and this is worrying’, she stated.

Sis. Naeke added that the number of teaching and non-teaching staff was inadequate as more would be needed to lessen the burden of the few.

She commended the students for enduring the challenge to go through the school, saying ‘Despite all the difficulties the battle has come to an end.’

‘Indeed, you have shown your sense of commitment in every aspect of your stay here. May you continue to show that sense of commitment, self-discipline and hard work wherever you find yourself,’ she added.

The Rev. Sister praised the government for the Free Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) initiative for all.

Kuoro Mahmoud Savei, the Divisional Chief of Kong, who chaired the function, tasked the graduates to ‘Go out and turn things round by proving yourself as worthy ambassadors of the school.’

The school currently runs programme
s in Fashion Design Technology, General Textiles, Hospitality and Catering Management, Computer Hardware, and Electrical Engineering Technology and hope to secure accreditation to do more in the coming years.

The St. Clare’s Technical Institute was founded in 1983 by the Sisters of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (FMM Sisters).

Source: Ghana News Agency

Nifa SHS gets refurbished computer lab from KGL Foundation

The KGL Foundation has refurbished the computer laboratory at Nifa Senior High School (NISEC) in the Eastern Region to enhance Information Commumication Technology learning. 

The initiative is part of the Foundation’s ongoing commitment to supporting educational institutions and empowering students with access to modern learning facilities.

The refurbished computer laboratory at Nifa SHS is equipped with state-of-the-art basic infrastructure necessary for the installation of computers, high-speed internet connectivity, and interactive learning. 

The upgraded facility aims to enhance the digital skills of students and provide them with the resources they need to succeed in the 21st century.

Madam Cornelia Kpelle, Headmistress of NISEC, said the school was selected as a beneficiary of the E-transform programme but could only receive the computers when it could provide a well-resourced facility capable of housing the technology. 

She said the School Management then approached the KGL Foundation for assistan
ce which was accepted and delivered with alacrity. 

She commended the Management of the Foundation for its heartwarming support to the school, expressing the hope that they could receive more support in future.

‘We are so glad to have received this facility because we know the upgraded facility is going to help to enhance the digital skills of students and provide them with the resources, they need to succeed in the 21st century,’ she said.

The Headmistress appealed to benevolent and corporate organisations to support the school with more computers for a better experience for students.

The KGL Foundation’s educational support project at Nifa SHS is part of a broader initiative to improve access to quality education in underserved communities.

 Through partnerships with schools and educational institutions, the Foundation aims to bridge the digital divide and equip students with the skills they need to thrive in a technology-driven world.

Mr Alex Apau Dadey, Executive Chairman, KGL Group reiterated that
the Foundation sought to innovate the current system of philanthropy in the areas of Health, Education, Sports, and Youth Empowerment and Entrepreneurship.

‘I grew up around this environment so I knew some of the issues affecting the school, including water challenges and academic infrastructure. So, when the opportunity came to support the school, I was glad,’ he said.

He said he had a personal philosophy of creating wealth to solve poverty and creating avenues for skills development and economic empowerment which informed the Foundation.

‘We are delighted to deliver on our promise to Nifa SHS to revitalize their computer laboratory and provide students with a conducive environment for learning and innovation,’ he said.

The Executive Chairman said by investing in education, ‘we are investing in the future of our youth and empowering them to reach their full potential.’

He said the Foundation remained committed to advancing education and empowering communities through sustainable development projects.

y investing in education, the Foundation believes that it can create a brighter future for all.

The refurbished laboratory has the capacity for the installation of about 100 computers though the school is only entitled to 40 computers under the E-transform project.

Also present at the handing over of the project to the school was the Adukrom Manhene and Nifahene of Aduapem, Osuodumgya Otutu Ababio V.

Source: Ghana News Agency