GIZ hands over vehicles, equipment to Employment Ministry

Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), with the European Union (EU) through the joint action for Jobs, Migration and Development, is supporting the Labour Department of the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations, with five pick-up vehicles, furniture, office and IT equipment.

These actions, targeted at improving employment services in five regions across Ghana, aimed to improve workplace quality and services delivery, reinforcing the department’s capacity to support jobseekers and employers alike.

The five regions include Ashanti, Bono, Ahafo, Bono East and Greater Accra Regions of Ghana.

The handing over ceremony, held in Accra, marked a pivotal moment in the collaborative efforts of the EU and the GIZ to enable better access to remote areas for job counselling, employer engagements and job canvassing.

Mr. Wilhelm Hugo, Coordinator, GIZ’s Ghana’s Sustainable Economic Cluster, emphasised the importance of the support in strengthening national, regional and local stakeholder capacities.

e said they were enhancing the operational capabilities of the department and promoting employment opportunities and economic growth across Ghana, adding that it demonstrated their strong partnership and shared vision for a robust labour market.

‘We are committed to supporting the Labour Department in delivering efficient and effective employment services’

‘We believe these efforts will pave the way for sustainable development and prosperity for all Ghanaians,’ he said.

Mr. Ignatius Baffour Awuah, the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, expressed gratitude for the partnership.

He said the support would greatly enhance their operational efficiency, enabling them to better serve the needs of both workers and employers.

The Minister said the vehicles, IT equipment, and furniture would facilitate various activities, including job canvassing, career guidance, and counseling sessions, thereby creating a more conducive environment for both staff and clients.

‘Additionally, the refurbishments are set t
o enhance the overall functionality and aesthetics of the Public Employment Centers, promoting a professional, and welcoming atmosphere,’ he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Water for Rural Africa asks government to make water affordable

Water for Rural Africa (WRA), a non-governmental organisation, has asked the Government to make water affordable.

Dr Donald Agumenu, President, WRA, reacting to the 5.1 per cent increase in water announced on July 1 by the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), said the prevailing harsh economic conditions deserved government action in cushioning Ghanaians.

‘Electricity costs have shot up. Fuel prices are on the upward surge. Food prices are at an all-time high with hyperinflation. And now water. This is too much for Ghanaians. Government must intervene in a fundamental human rights commodity as water.’

Dr Agumenu noted that, government’s action of making water available and affordable to citizens would be in line with international treaties, especially that of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goal 6 on ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’.

‘Government is for the people and the benefit of society. Only the government can intervene in these water price increases either by subsidy or an a
ction on Ghana Water Company to reduce the cost,’ he added.

The WRA President called on the Ghana Water Company Limited to adopt efficient management practices in cutting down on systemic losses through pipe leakages as well as illegal connections.

Dr Agumenu stressed that, the mere dumping of cost elements of water production on consumers was not the best way in ‘delivering service to mankind in the eyes of God’.

Water for Rural Africa has been in the humanitarian space complementing efforts of government with partners at local Assembly levels and international agencies in providing potable water to underprivileged and vulnerable communities.

Dr Agumenu said WRA was upscaling its activities in various communities in the 16 regions in the third quarter of this year.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Slain Soldier in Kasoa land dispute: Case adjourned to July 17

The Achimota District Court has adjourned to July 17, 2024, the case of Nana Barima Ababio aka Benlord Ababio, a self-acclaimed traditional ruler who allegedly killed a soldier over land dispute near Kasoa.

The court did not sit because the trial judge was on leave.

The prosecution therefore took a date.

Meanwhile the GNA has learnt that the police have still not received the Bill of Indictment to commence committal proceedings.

Benlord and an accomplice, Nana Kofi Kwakye, are in lawful custody.

The two have been charged with conspiracy. Benlord has additionally been charged with the murder of Lance Corporal Michael Danso.

Their pleas have been reserved by the court.

The prosecution’s case was that on April 30, 2024, at around 1600 hours, Lance Corporal Michael Danso and two colleagues- Lance Corporals Abdual Omar Rahman and Ametus Matthew- drove to Millennium City Police Station in a Toyota RAV4 vehilce to report a trespass.

This was after they were informed that some encroachers were developing a pa
rcel of land belonging to Lance Corporal Abdul Omar Rahman.

The accused appeared at the police station and opened fire on Lance Corporal Michael Danso who was driving the vehicle, killing him instantly.

Benlord was disarmed by the police and arrested for investigations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Maritime actors and academia urged to collaborate to safeguard marine domain

Madam Ophelia Mensah Hayford, Minister of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI), has urged maritime actors to use modern technologies and the strengths of academic institutions to protect the marine domain.

‘Our academic institutions play a pivotal role in driving innovation and building capacity for

maritime security and sustainability. By taking advantage of their research capabilities, we can develop innovative technologies and strategies that are specifically designed to address the maritime challenges we face,’ she said.

The Minister gave the advice on Thursday at a high-level meeting on Maritime Domain Awareness co-organised by the Ghana Navy and University of Ghana (UG) in Accra.

It was on the theme: ‘Maritime Domain Awareness: Role of Naval Forces and Academia’. 

In a speech read on her behalf by Mr Cephas Adjei Mensah, Director of Research, Statistics and Information Management, MESTI, she said Ghana’s maritime resources were under constant threat from illegal activities, envi
ronmental degradation, and over-exploitation.

She suggested the adoption of a comprehensive approach to Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) to counter those threats.

The Minister said effective MDA allowed maritime authorities to monitor and manage activities, detect and deter illegal activities, and respond swiftly to environmental hazards.

She said such prompt reactions required collaborative and cross-cutting engagements,

partnerships and cooperation.

Madam Hayford said the Ghana Navy played an indispensable role in safeguarding the sovereignty of the state, securing maritime assets, and protecting Ghanaians.

She said the integration of satellites developed by the European Space Agency and European Operational Meteorological Satellite Agency into Ghana’s maritime strategy would provide the necessary insights to make informed decisions and implement proactive measures. 

The Minister expressed gratitude to the European Union Commission for their unwavering support in providing critical technologies.

Admiral Issah Adam Yakubu, Chief of the Naval Staff said the ‘cross fertilisation of ideas’ between Academia and security agencies was critical to finding cutting edge technological solutions to deal with emerging complex maritime security challenges.

He said the Gulf of Guinea possessed resources that can significantly contribute to the blue economy with industries such as fisheries, oil and gas, maritime transportation and tourism that boosted economic development.

The World Bank defines ‘blue economy’ as the ‘sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystem.’

The Chief of the Naval Staff stated that piracy and armed robbery at sea, illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, pollution, and smuggling, among other things, continue to impede the full potential of our blue economy.

He said information sharing among Gulf of Guinea nations through national and regional monitoring mechanisms had made a positive impact
in the maritime environment.

Rear Admiral Yakubu said the availability of some equipment in the maritime operation centres had also greatly improved maritime situational awareness.

‘The Ghana Navy has gone further to explore the use of drone technology to improve our capabilities. Additionally, the Ghana Maritime Authority in collaboration with the Ghana Navy will soon take delivery of state-of-the-art Coastal Surveillance System comprising Over-the-Horizon-Radars, Coastal Radars and Electro-optical cameras which would further extend our ability to gain maritime situational awareness as far as our Exclusive Economic Zone.

‘This hi-tech comprehensive system will be the second of its kind in our Region, after Nigeria’s Falcon Eye system which has enabled them to effectively deal with maritime crimes in their maritime domain. This is a great example of the importance of collaboration and the need to further strengthen such collaborations,’ he said

Prof. Boateng Onwona-Agyeman, Provost of College of Basic and
Applied Sciences, UG, said the institution, through previous initiatives, had provided training support to the Navy in geospatial data analysis and interpretation, and introductory experiences with tools for handling, manipulating and interpreting data such as MATLAB and Python.

He said the Navy had also been instrumental in supporting students and various projects, especially those from the Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, by offering sea-going experiences, equipment deployment at sea, and swimming training.

Prof. Onwona-Agyemang said the Navy’s collaboration with the UG would enable personnel to utilise web applications developed for ship and oil spill detections and the monitoring of illegal fishing activities.

As part of the event, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Ghana Navy and the University of Ghana to strengthen collaboration between both institutions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Court order arrest of Senior Military Officer

An Accra Circuit Court has issued an arrest warrant for a military officer accused of being involved in a GHC136,000 recruitment scam.

Captain Abel Nartey, stationed at Army Headquarters, Burma Camp, Accra, is alleged to have collected GHC120,000 out of the 136,000 to facilitate the enlistment of some persons into the various security services in the country.

The prosecution led by Chief Inspector Wisdom Alorwu told the court presided over by Mr Samuel Bright Acquah, that Capt. Nartey had been invited severally by the Regional Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service to assist in investigations but failed to honour the invitation.

According to the prosecution, a wireless communication was sent to the Military Police and Army headquarters requesting that he be produced for investigation, but no results were obtained.

The court therefore issued a bench warrant for Capt. Nartey’s arrest.

Meanwhile the prosecution today amended the facts and the charge sheet and Clement Ayomah, a militar
y officer, who is standing trial with Capt. Nartey, had his plea retaken.

Ayomah pleaded not guilty to the charge of conspiracy to commit crime and defrauding by false pretences.

The court ordered Ayomah to be released on his former bail condition and adjourned the matter to August 5, 2024.

The case of the prosecution was that the complainant, George Ofori Amoako is a trader residing at Darkuman.

It said Ayomah is a military officer stationed at Burma camp, while Capt. Nartey is stationed at the Training and Doctrine Command at Teshie.

The prosecution said in 2021, the complainant was introduced to Ayomah by one Vivian as a Military officer who has slots in the armed forces.

It said the complainant expressed interest and contacted Ayomah for assistance.

According to the prosecution, Ayomah told the complainant that he and Capt. Nartey, who is at large, had many protocol slots in the security services.

The court heard that Ayomah collected GHC136,000 from the complainant and gave GHc120,000 to Capt. Na
rtey to enlist 12 people into the Ghana Armed Force, seven into the Ghana Police Service and three into the Ghana Immigration Service.

The prosecution said Ayomah took the remaining GHC16,000.

After taking the money, Ayomah failed to honour his promise and began playing hide and seek with the complainant.

The prosecution said in March 2023, a report was made to the Police and Ayomah was arrested.

The court was told that Capt. Nartey was invited severally by the Regional CID, Accra, to assist in investigations but he failed to honour the invitation.

‘A wireless message was also sent to the Military Police and the Army headquarters for him to be produced but they also failed to produce him.’

In Ayomah’s caution statement, he admitted collecting money from the complainant and mentioned that some of it was given to Capt. Nartey, who is at large.

The prosecution said Ayomah has since refunded GHC50,000.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Mbem’s Nkala’ah festival celebrates culture and athletics

The 2024 Nkala’ah festival in Cameroon’s Nwa subdivision, North West region, was a success, showcasing cultural traditions and featuring a well-organized Mini Majang Race.

Local athletes Gabsebuin Prophet and Bonwi Sidonie triumphed in the Mini Race’s male and female categories respectively. Attendees described the 2024 event as an ‘improved organization’ saying it was a stepping stone to revive the larger Mount Majang Race, previously a regional event featuring over 200 athletes.

Local leaders are collaborating to potentially relaunch the Mount Majang Race in November 2024, aiming for national participation. The race has been a training ground for past Mount Cameroon champions like Godlove Gabsebuin, highlighting its importance.

Prominent figures including the Sub Divisional Officer and the Mayor witnessed the Mini race’s success. This cultural celebration with a competitive edge is fostering community spirit.

Source: Cameroon News Agency