‫تحتفل سي أف أي بمرور 25 عاماً من النجاح والإبتكار

دبي, 7 فبراير / شباط 2023/PRNewswire/ — تفتخر مجموعة سي أف أي بالإحتفال بمرور 25 عاماً من الخبرة كمزود تداول رائد في المجال، و توفّير منتجات وخدمات إستثنائية للعملاء في جميع أنحاء العالم.

ومنذ تأسيسها في العام 1998 حرصت سي أف أي على توفير أفضل المنتجات والخدمات لعملائها. وإنّ التزام الشركة بالإبتكار مكّنها من البقاء في طليعة قطاع التداول، والإستمرار بالنموّ والتحسين .

لقد حققت علامة سي أف أي نموّاً وتوسعاً عالمياً على مدار الـ 25 عاماً الماضية، حيث إفتتحت مواقع جديدة في أوروبا وآسيا والشرق الأوسط، ووسّعت مجموعة منتجاتها إلى أكثر من 23 سوقاً عالمية، وزادت أفراد فريقها الدولي إلى أكثر من 200 متخصص في هذا المجال .

وشهد قطاع التداول عبر الإنترنت تطوّراً كبيراً على امتداد السنوات الماضية، ولعبت سي أف أي دوراً مهماً في قيادة هذه التغييرات وتحقيق الإبتكار في كل جانب من جوانب عملياتها .

ومع مرور الوقت، تطلّب قطاع التداول السعي لتسهيل الوصول إلى الأسواق المالية، وتوفير تكنولوجيا متقدّمة، وبرامج وأدوات التداول، وتوسيع وتطوير منتجات جديدة للتداول، وتنظيم أكثر صرامة، والأهم من ذلك، الثقة والشفافية بين العميل والمزود .

وقد أدّى تركيز سي أف أي على كلّ من هذه المجالات خلال نموّها إلى دفع قطاع التداول إلى المعايير التنافسية للغاية التي نراها اليوم، وجعل سي أف أي شريك موثوق به وقيّم لعملائه .

وبالنظر إلى المستقبل، تواصل سي أف أي تطلعها إلى دفع حدود تطوّرها إلى أقصى حدّ ممكن والإستمرار نحو آفاق جديدة كشركة رائدة في قطاع التداول..

نبذة عن مجموعة سي اف أي المالية

تعمل مجموعة سي أف أى المالية، وهي شركة وساطة رائدة متعددة الأصول متخصصة في التداول عبر الإنترنت، على مستوى العالم مع ثمانية تراخيص دولية من هيئات تنظيمية من الدرجة الأولى مثل FCA في المملكة المتحدة، و CySEC في قبرص، وسلطة دبي للخدمات المالية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة،وغيرهم. توفر المجموعة للعملاء إمكانية الوصول المباشر إلى الأسواق المالية العالمية.تتمتع مجموعة سي أف أي المالية بمكانة متميزة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وتتوسع في الأسواق الناشئة مثل لاتام  وأفريقيا. 

 Media contact: Hassan Abou Okdeh, Global Marketing Projects Manager, CFI Financial Group, h.abouokdeh@cfifinancial.com, +971 4 770 6717 Ext. 324, Burj Daman, Offices Tower, DIFC, Level 10, C1001

Keyron appoints new Chief Executive Officer

Carl D Francis takes the helm at medtech group focused on reversal of diabetes, NASH, and obesity

LONDON, Feb. 07, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today Keyron, the medical technology group focused on reversing type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and obesity via an innovative medical device platform, announced the appointment of Carl D Francis as Chief Executive Officer.

“The continuing rise in obesity, diabetes, and all forms of fatty liver disease is one of the biggest health challenges the world faces today. Literally billions of people are affected, and the numbers continue to rise rapidly,” Francis said. “Keyron’s technology is a complete game-changer. An innovative, non-surgical, endoscopically-delivered, fully reversible treatment as an alternative to drastic bariatric surgeries is as exciting as it gets. I am really proud and honoured to be part of Keyron.”

The American Diabetes Association states that today 37m Americans suffer from diabetes, with 96m having pre-diabetes. The link between obesity and diabetes is well established, and according to The World Obesity Federation’s forecast in their recently released 2022 Atlas, 67% of women and 51% of men in the Americas will be living with obesity (BMI ≥ 30) by 2030.

Keyron’s patented technology is designed to be a fully endoscopic, outpatient procedure providing the same or greater metabolic benefits of gastric bypass surgery, including a reversal of type 2 diabetes and obesity, as well as NASH and liver fibrosis.

Following successful rodent studies in 2019 and swine studies in 2022, Keyron’s first-in-human trials are planned to begin in early 2024. Keyron is targeting to achieve FDA clearance by 2028, and a US launch is planned as the first target market. The company is now making plans to raise a $15m Series A funding round.

Dr Giorgio Castagneto Gissey, Keyron’s Chairman, said, “We are thrilled that Carl will be leading Keyron as we enter this critical stage of our development. Carl brings energy, focus, and senior leadership experience to ensure we realize our full potential. Keyron has always had high profile, world-leading board members and medical advisors, and we continue to bring onboard remarkable people. We are truly delighted to have been able to attract Carl.”

Francis was previously CEO of successful nano-technology group P2i. During his tenure the group grew from a handful of employees to global leadership in the functional nano-coating space. He was most recently CEO of UK-based medtech group Eyoto which specializes in advanced technologies in the optical and ophthalmic industries. He started his career as a US CPA, is a member of Mensa, and has a BSc from the University of Cincinnati.


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Keyron is a UK-based, preclinical-stage medical device and technology platform company aimed at a highly-effective treatment of metabolic diseases. Keyron’s patented ForePass™ is an innovative medical device designed to safely reverse type-2 diabetes, as well as NASH, and obesity. The company has already demonstrated a full reversal of insulin resistance in animal studies, and recently published the results in The Lancet EBioMedicine. Keyron has upcoming clinical trials in South America and aims to then carry out further clinical trials in the USA. Its founders, directors, advisors and investors include some of the most well-known and cited professors and KOLs worldwide in the metabolic diseases space. The company is backed by multiple institutional investors based in the USA and EMEA.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8743797

‫Locus تطلق “تقييم نضج الميل الأخير” للشركات لتحسين استراتيجياتها

توفر أداة القياس الجديدة للشركات رؤى وتوصيات مخصصة حول نضج عمليات الميل الأخير في سبع دقائق فقط

سان فرانسيسكو  7 فبراير / شباط 2023  /PRNewswire/ — Locus ، وهي شركة تقنية رائدة تقدم حلولًا للتميز في خدمات الميل الأخير اللوجستية، أعلنت عن إطلاق تقييم Last-Mile Maturity Assessment  “ – وهي أداة قياس مرجعية الأولى من نوعها في الصناعة مصممة لمساعدة المؤسسات على تقييم نقاط القوة، ولكشف أوجه القصور الخفية، وتحديد فرص النمو الجديدة في الميل الأخير.

The Locus Last-Mile Maturity Assessment is a pioneering evaluation tool designed to aid companies in assessing their last-mile strengths, uncovering hidden inefficiencies, and discovering growth opportunities. The online assessment, which is available at no cost, provides a thorough analysis of five critical performance areas via thoroughly researched questions that take just seven minutes to complete. Businesses receive a personalized report with actionable insights and recommendations to enhance their last-mile operations, tailored to their current level of maturity and industry

ولمساعدة الشركات على تقييم مدى نضج عملياتها في الميل الأخير، يجري التقييم التفاعلي المجاني عبر الإنترنت تحليلًا متعمقًا من خلال أسئلة مدروسة جيدًا تغطي خمسة مؤشرات أداء أساسية:

  • تميّز الميل الأخير: مدى قوة قدرات الميل الأخير في مواجهة الاستثناءات والأحجام غير المتوقعة والربحية
  • تجربة العملاء: جودة واتساق تجربة العملاء لعروض الميل الأخير الخاصة بالمؤسسة
  • تمكين القوى العاملة: قدرات الموظفين على التعامل مع تحديات الميل الأخير
  • تحليلات متقدمة: فرصة الاستفادة من بيانات الميل الأخير واتخاذ قرارات أكثر استنارة بشأن سلسلة التوريد
  • الاستدامة: مدى الاستدامة البيئية لوظيفة الميل الأخير للشركة اليوم

ثم يقيس التقييم الشركات على نظام تصنيف من 5 نقاط ويصنفها على أنها شركات في المرحلة الناشئة أو مرحلة النمو أو مرحلة التحسين. يقدم القائمون بالتقييم تقريرًا شاملًا بزاوية 360 درجة يقدم توصيات مخصصة ورؤى قابلة للتنفيذ حول كيفية فتح إيرادات جديدة، وجعل تجارب التسليم مميزة للمؤسسات.

“الميل الأخير هو نقطة الاتصال الرئيسية لتجربة العملاء الحديثة، وبينما بدأت الشركات في إعطاء الأولوية لهذه الوظيفة أكثر من أي وقت مضى، لا يعرف الجميع أين يقفون في رحلة تطويرهم”، قال نيشيث راستوجي، المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Locus . “يقوم تقييم Last-Mile Maturity من Locus بتزويد المؤسسات بتوصيات مخصصة لمساعدة الشركات على زيادة نموها في الميل الأخير. إنها الميزة التنافسية التي يجب أن تفكر فيها كل شركة اليوم”.

لمعرفة المزيد وإجراء التقييم، تفضل بزيارة  تقييم Last-Mile Maturity من Locus .


نبذة عن Locus :

يساعد برنامج إدارة إرسال الطلبات من Locus الشركات على تحويل لوجستيات الميل الأخير من مراكز التكلفة إلى مولدات الإيرادات من خلال خوارزميات التحسين المتقدمة والتشغيل الآلي لسير العمل البديهية. بدعم من GIC Singapore و Tiger Global و Qualcomm Ventures و Falcon Edge ، ساعدت العديد من العملاء العالميين عبر الصناعات – Unilever و Nestle و Bukalapak و The Tata Group و BlueDart وما إلى ذلك – في تنفيذ 850 مليون عملية تسليم عبر أكثر من 30 دولة. كما ساعدت تقنيتها أيضًا في توفير 275 مليون دولار من تكاليف النقل، مما أدى إلى تعويض 70 مليون كيلوغرام من انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون مع الحفاظ على نسبة التزام بنسبة 99.5٪ باتفاقية مستوى الخدمة.

الصورة:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1994072/Locus_Last_Mile_Maturity_Assessment.jpg
الشعار:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1832388/Locus_Logo.jpg

Puffing Master – VOOPOO VINCI 3 is Officially Released with its Upgrade Wide-area Adjustment Function

SHENZHEN, China, Feb. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — On February 6, VOOPOO unveiled its first new product in 2023, VOOPOO VINCI 3, which is the third generation of the POD MOD in the VOOPOO VINCI Series. VOOPOO VINCI 3 supports MTL to DTL vaping with a wide range of airflow adjustment and a 5-50W wattage setting, enabling smokers and POD users to enjoy the cloudy vapor.


Precise Wide-area Airflow and Power Adjustment

VOOPOO VINCI 3 adopts the Mobius Airflow System, which offers a wide range of airflow controls from 100-3000Pa. The dual injection molding process fully encapsulates the sealing ring, enhancing air tightness and enabling more precise airflow adjustment. Combined with an adjustable wattage from 5 to 50W, VOOPOO VINCI 3 provides users with pure tight puffs to non-choking strong DTL. Users could try multiple matches between airflow amount and wattage settings as they want and explore their favorite vaping. For the ones that want to take the cloudy vaping as a try, VOOPOO VINCI 3 provide painless “trial and error” for them.

The Large Battery Capacity within the POD-Size Device Supports Long-term Vaping

VOOPOO VINCI 3 is more than 50 percent smaller in size and 20 percent lighter in weight, making it more portable than the same type of device. With a built-in 1800mAh battery, the fully charged VOOPOO VINCI 3 can support 2 days of vaping on a single charge, easily meeting the needs of daily vaping.

Double Ignition Ways and Instant Connection

VOOPOO VINCI 3 supports two ways to vape that are smart draw and fire button. With the industrial most sensitive 1000Pa airflow sensor, VOOPOO VINCI 3 instantly connects to users’ puffing trip. The dual ignition enables the puff and operation much easier.

Compatible with All PnP Coils, Various and Upgraded Vaping

VOOPOO VINCI 3’s two standard atomization coils take advantage of the professional PnP platform and reliably deliver you from tight to deep puff. PnP platform is a general platform that offers a rich, diverse atomization experience, allowing users to enjoy surging vapor and rich taste in the most affordable manner. It can support full-range experience from DTL, RDL to MTL. In addition, VINCI 3 is compatible with all PnP coils including RBA coils. By easily pulling and pushing, you can enjoy a variety of fun and affordable vaping experiences.

No choking, easy to use, more powerful, one-step puffing. VOOPOO VINCI 3 owns many innovations based on VOOPOO VINCI 1 and VOOPOO VINCI 2. Choose VOOPOO VINCI 3 and enjoy a seamless vaping experience from a pure tight-to-loose vaping experience.

Contact: nical.zhang@voopootech.com

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1996349/1.jpg


DUBAI, UAE, Feb. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Optasia, a leading Fintech services provider, is pleased to announce the deployment of its Airtime Advance solutions in Myanmar in collaboration with its partner Aljabor Technologies, through the network of Ooredoo, a major telecommunications provider in the country.

The Airtime Advance service powered by Optasia is offered in Myanmar by the Ooredoo network. The Ooredoo Myanmar subscribers will be able to receive advance airtime services supported by the cutting-edge technology that the Optasia AI-led platform offers. This occasion marks the first Optasia-Aljabor Technologies deployment in the country, to be supported by marketing campaigns throughout Ooredoo’s network that will be executed by the platform’s integrated campaign tool.

“We have been very consistent and diligent in following our global roadmap and delivering solutions to more and more everyday people through trustworthy telecommunications partners,” stated Mark Muller, CEO of Optasia. “Ooredoo is definitely one such partner and we are happy to continue working together, this time in Myanmar, to offer our AI-led platform and our range of solutions to its subscribers in the country.”

The deployment of Optasia’s solutions in Myanmar further expands the company’s global footprint while at the same time it adds several million subscribers to those who are already benefitted worldwide from its powerful solutions, as Optasia keeps expanding both in sheer numbers as well as global presence. At the same time, Optasia ensures that, true to the company’s vision, the capabilities of its proprietary AI-led platform will reach and serve more and more underbanked people worldwide, enabling financial inclusion for them.

About Optasia

Optasia, previously Channel VAS, is an advanced AI-led platform which enables instant access to financial solutions for millions of underbanked individuals and SMEs across over 30 countries, mainly in Emerging Markets. Optasia’s B2B2X (business-to-business-to-customers and SMEs) model creates value for its partners, such as mobile network operators, mobile money operators, banks and payment gateways, in the form of additional revenue, enhanced customer experience and improved retention without the need for additional operating or capital expense. The company’s AI-led data engine and proprietary algorithms analyze alternative data from mobile and other environments to provide relevant instant credit decisions to its partners. These capabilities enable micro-lending, airtime and data advances via mobile wallets, SIM cards, and other digital environments.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1984015/Optasia_Logo.jpg


LG’s Higher Energy Efficient Heat Pumps, State-of-the-Art Inverter Compressor Technologies and Intuitive Control and Management Solutions Impress at Annual HVAC Conference

SEOUL, South Korea, Feb. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — LG Electronics (LG) is showcasing its latest heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) solutions at AHR Expo 2023, the U.S.’s largest HVAC event, taking place in Atlanta, from February 6-8. The company’s higher efficiency, customized solutions for commercial and residential applications are on display across two exhibition booths: the HVAC Solution booth and the Component Solutions booth.

LG strengthens position in global HVAC market with expanded portfolio at AHR 2023

In the HVAC Solution booth, LG is presenting a number of new-for-2023 solutions, including Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems, higher energy-efficient heat pumps, indoor air quality solutions and flexible building automation and connectivity products.

LG strengthens position in global HVAC market with expanded portfolio at AHR 2023

One of the highlights of the HVAC booth is the LG Multi V™ i, an all-electric VRF cooling and heating solution equipped with the company’s AI Engine. The latest Multi V also boasts Edge computing architecture, intelligent operation based on real-time weather conditions as well as remote software and firmware upgradability. A next-generation VRF system, the Multi V i has a single refrigerant circuit that makes it possible to connect multiple indoor units to a single outdoor unit. Additionally, it provides options that help maximize energy efficiency and minimize operational costs, and is suitable for a wide range of commercial applications. Offering engineers and building owners outstanding flexibility in terms of performance and design, the Multi V i is available in capacities from 6 to 44 tons and can be used in single or dual-frame modular configurations.

LG Multi V™ i, an all-electric VRF cooling and heating solution

LG’s Inverter Scroll Heat Pump Chiller raises the standard for solutions in the air-cooled chiller category. The LG Inverter Scroll Heat Pump Chiller is designed for cooling and heating. With an impressive integrated part load value (IPLV)1 of 19.46, LG’s chiller can be used in many sectors for many types of use scenarios, providing a reliable mechanical solution for both large- and small-capacity applications. The Inverter Scroll Heat Pump Chiller’s performance and versatility can be attributed to several key components, including LG’s inverter technology, which enables a precise and efficient response to load demand and industry-leading low-ambient, high-efficiency heating. What’s more, a modular design allows system engineers to install the chiller using a two- or four-pipe configuration to provide simultaneous cooling and heating functionality without sacrificing efficiency or performance.

LG Inverter Scroll Heat Pump Chiller

An AHR 2022 Innovation Award winner in the ventilation category, the LG Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) is a commercial ventilation system that also delivers effective dehumidification, cooling and heating. Able to control the temperature and humidity of the air inside a building or facility, DOAS comes equipped with a dual heat recovery system that minimizes energy loss. Meanwhile, the LG Therma V™ Air to Water Heat Pump (AWHP) solution provides efficient, dependable heating, cooling and hot water supply, and is an excellent replacement for a domestic-use gas boiler.

Using the company’s smart home platform, the LG ThinQ™ app, customers can remotely control and monitor their LG HVAC residential solutions and LG home appliances. And through LG ThinQ Smart Diagnosis, they can maintain the performance of their LG products and make direct inquiries to LG system experts should the need arise.

At AHR 2023, LG is also demonstrating its differentiated core product components in the Component Solutions booth. All of the company’s new Inverter compressors utilize low-GWP refrigerants, R454B and R32, meaning they already comply with new U.S. regulations on refrigerant use that will come into force in 2025.2 Additionally, the Component Solutions booth hosts LG’s large-capacity scroll compressors for the commercial system air conditioning market.

“Heat pumps will continue to gain momentum in the global HVAC market in 2023 and our advanced VRF technology will enable us to take full advantage of this,” said James Lee, head of the Air Solution Business Unit at LG Electronics Home Appliance & Air Solution Company. “The ‘electrification’ trend is moving America away from fossil fuels and towards cleaner heating and cooling solutions, such as those from the extensive line of efficient, high-performance LG innovations on display at AHR 2023. We will continue to introduce advanced HVAC solutions designed to maximize customer value and expand our presence to the global air conditioning market.”

Visitors to LG’s booth (#6509, Georgia World Congress Center) at AHR Expo 2023 can experience the full portfolio of LG HVAC solutions.

1  Industry-standard way of measuring the overall average efficiency of chillers
2 The state of California has passed legislation that will ban the use of refrigerants with a GWP over 750 from the year 2025.

About LG Electronics Air Solution Business Unit

LG air conditioning provides optimized solutions for every sector and climate with a wide range of cutting-edge systems that bring exceptional heating, ventilation and air conditioning performance to buildings worldwide. Through our unmatched expertise and industry knowledge, we respond directly to the needs of businesses seeking digitalized and eco-conscious HVAC solutions. We are the partner your business has been looking for, and are well prepared to integrate our leading technology into your day-to-day operations, supporting you and your business every step of the way. For more information, please visit www.LG.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1997169/LG_at_AHR_2023_01.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1997171/LG_at_AHR_2023_02.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1997170/LG_at_AHR_2023_03_Multi_V_i.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1997172/LG_at_AHR_2023_04_Inverter_Scroll_Heat_Pump_Chiller.jpg