Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC) honore deux décennies d’engagement sincère de la part de ses employés

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 30 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center est très fier de reconnaître le dévouement exceptionnel de ses employés diversifiés qui ont chacun contribué sur deux décennies à la noble mission que constituent les soins aux patients. Son Excellence, le Dr Majid Al-Fayad, directeur général, a personnellement rendu hommage à tous ces précurseurs lors de la quarante-quatrième édition de la cérémonie d’hommage aux pionniers, qui s’est tenue à Djeddah et à Riyad les 20 et 22 novembre, respectivement.

En remerciement de leur engagement inébranlable à fournir des soins de santé de qualité, l’hôpital a commémoré les moments importants consacrés à l’amélioration de l’expérience globale des patients. L’aboutissement de ces efforts a permis de confectionner un superbe patchwork d’expériences et de compétences sur lesquelles repose la solide réputation dont jouit le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aujourd’hui.

L’engagement inébranlable en matière de développement du personnel et d’instauration d’une culture organisationnelle solide est au cœur de cette réussite. L’hôpital accorde une importance particulière à son capital humain, conscient du rôle essentiel qu’il joue dans sa renommée mondiale. Cet engagement se traduit par la mise en œuvre de programmes et de services de qualité visant à améliorer l’environnement de travail et la productivité des employés.

Le succès de ces initiatives a été mis en évidence par une enquête interne, dans laquelle 78 % des participants recommandent l’environnement de travail et 81 % se déclarent satisfaits des services fournis par l’hôpital. La création d’un club destiné aux employés il y a plusieurs années illustre bien le dévouement du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center à l’égard de son personnel. Cette initiative favorise un environnement de travail positif, encourage les interactions sociales, le développement personnel et la participation à la vie de la communauté, tout en faisant en sorte que les individus se sentent valorisés, connectés et soutenus.

Preuve de l’engagement de l’hôpital en faveur d’un développement personnel et professionnel continu, le KFSH&RC organise régulièrement des ateliers, des séminaires et des sessions de discussion portant sur divers sujets tels que le leadership, la gestion du temps, la gestion du stress, la santé financière et l’évolution professionnelle. Ces formations visent à contribuer au perfectionnement potentiel des employés au sein de l’organisation.

Grâce à ces initiatives, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aspire à créer un environnement de travail susceptible d’attirer les meilleurs professionnels de santé en provenance des quatre coins du monde. Cet engagement s’inscrit pleinement dans ses objectifs stratégiques et soutient son parcours de près de cinq décennies visant à devenir un leader mondial dans la prestation de soins de santé spécialisés grâce à la recherche et à l’innovation.

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Presta Homenagem à Dedicação de Duas Décadas dos Seus Funcionários

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) tem o grande orgulho de reconhecer a excepcional dedicação da sua diversificada força de trabalho, com cada membro contribuindo há duas décadas para a nobre missão de cuidado do paciente. Sua Excelência, o CEO Dr. Majid Al-Fayad, prestou homenagem pessoalmente a esses funcionários pioneiros na quadragésima quarta edição da Cerimônia de Homenagem aos Pioneiros, realizada em Jeddah e Riad em 20 e 22 de novembro.

Ao demonstrar a apreciação pela dedicação inabalável aos cuidados de saúde, o hospital comemorou os momentos significativos dedicados a melhorar a experiência em geral do paciente. Todo esse esforço criou uma rica tela de experiência e habilidades, formando a base para o estimado status que o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center tem hoje.

O ponto central desse sucesso é o compromisso inabalável com o desenvolvimento dos funcionários e o cultivo de uma cultura organizacional robusta. O hospital dá especial ênfase ao seu capital humano, reconhecendo o seu papel fundamental para alcançar a sua proeminência global. Esse compromisso é evidente com a implementação de programas e serviços de qualidade voltados ao aprimoramento do ambiente de trabalho e da produtividade dos funcionários.

O sucesso dessas iniciativas é confirmado por uma pesquisa interna que revelou que 78% dos participantes recomendam o ambiente de trabalho e 81% expressam satisfação com os serviços prestados pelo hospital. A dedicação do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aos seus funcionários é exemplificada também pelo estabelecimento há muitos anos atrás de um clube social para funcionários. Esta iniciativa promove um ambiente de trabalho e uma interação social positiva, crescimento pessoal e participação da comunidade, para que os funcionários se sintam valorizados, conectados e apoiados.

Destacando o compromisso do hospital com o contínuo desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, o KFSH&RC organiza regularmente workshops, seminários e sessões de diálogo que abrangem vários tópicos, como liderança, gestão do tempo, gestão do estresse, bem-estar financeiro e progressão na carreira. Essas oportunidades educacionais visam contribuir para o crescimento potencial dos funcionários dentro da organização.

Com todas essas iniciativas, o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center busca criar um ambiente de trabalho atraente para os principais profissionais de saúde de todo o mundo. Esse compromisso, alinhado aos seus objetivos estratégicos, dá suporte à sua meta de quase cinco décadas de se tornar um líder global na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados por meio de pesquisa e inovação.

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Empowering communities to lead is way to end AIDS by 2030 – Hope for Future Generations

The Hope for Future Generations (HFFG), a not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organisation, says empowering communities to lead is the pathway to end Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) by 2030.

It said HFFG shared in the theme of this year’s World AIDS Day commemoration that communities were the lifeblood of an effective AIDS response, therefore, must be empowered to lead the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) response in Ghana.

A statement issued by the NGO, signed by Madam Cecilia Senoo, its Executive Director, reminded stakeholders in HIV response that the time had come for communities to lead in the planning, development and implementation of HIV interventions in Ghana.

‘ As Ghana joins the rest of the world to mark this day, we put a focus on the invaluable contribution of communities to the AIDS response. Communities in this context refers to people living with HIV and all key and vulnerable populations affected by the HIV epidemic, including young people,’ the statement said.

It said the theme
for World AIDS Day, ‘Let Communities Lead’ resonated profoundly with the vibrant energy and innovation brought forth by young leaders in shaping the HIV response worldwide.

It said III Project, HFFG as a Sub Recipient under the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG), was empowering HIV community members to lead the delivery of services such as HIV education, adherence counselling, intensifying psychosocial counselling and support.

The statement said in recent years, young leaders had been at the forefront of pioneering initiatives that challenged the status quo from advocating comprehensive sex education, addressing human rights violations and promoting HIV testing to leveraging digital platforms for awareness campaigns.

‘Empowering young people in the HIV response is a strategic imperative. By investing in capacity-building programmes and providing resources, we equip these communities with the tools needed to drive impactful and enduring transformations in the HIV response, ‘ it stated.

HFFG and t
he HIV community called on the Government and implementors of the HIV response to prioritise and increase domestic resources for health especially in the face of continuous dwindling donor funding, and invest in empowering and positioning community members.

‘Together, let’s amplify the voices of young leaders, recognise their invaluable contributions, and walk hand in hand towards a future free from the shadow of HIV/AIDS. The time is now; the power lies within our communities-let’s pave the way to end AIDS by 2030,’ the statement added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Today is Farmers’ Day

Farmers and fishers in the country will be honoured today, December 01, at the 39th National Farmers’ Day celebration.

This year’s celebration, on the theme: ‘Delivering Smart Solutions for Sustainable Food Security and Resilence’, will decorate the best players in the industry at an awards night at the University of Mines and Technology.

The grand event, to be graced by Vice President Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, was preceded by a five-day Agricultural Fair within the ministries enclave in Accra.

Agrifest 2023, among other things, afforded farmers the opportunity to network with industry players, learn and adopt new technologies, machinery, and research innovations in agriculture.

Stakeholders, during the week long activities, reflected on the importance of sustainable agricultural practices, challenges facing the sector, as well as the progress made so far.

The items ranged from food crops, finished products, to machinery and agricultural farm house construction services.

Mr Bryan Acheampong, the Ministe
r of Food and Agriculture, said government had developed a five year food security plan for the country and that Agrifest was part of that plan to enable farmers showcase their tools to help government towards achieving that goal.

The day celebration will be rounded up with an awards ceremony at the University of Mines and Technology Auditorium in Tarkwa, Western region.

According to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, farmers and fishermen would receive awards under 15 categories.


The categories are the Overall National Best Farmer, 1st Runner-Up National Best Farmer, 2nd Runner-Up National Best Farmer, National Best Livestock Farmer, National Best Female Farmer, National Best Physically Challenged Farmer, and Overall National Best Fisher.

The rest are National Best Marine Fisher, National Best Inland Fisher, National Best Fisher Farmer, National Best Fish Processor, National Best Cocoa Farmer, National Best Most Promising Young Cocoa Farmer, National Best Most Enterprising Cocoa and Female
Farmer and National Best Shea Nut Picker.

The celebration will take place at the regional and district levels, too.

Nana Yaw Sarpong Sriboe was the 2022 National Best Farmer.

He has realised a transformative vision by establishing the Siriboe Institute of Agribusiness and Skills Development to motivate young people into farming.


In 1983, Ghana experienced devastating bush fires, which made the lands bare and dry, with very little green vegetation. This development led to severe food shortages, as cocoa farms and food crops were destroyed.

To make matters worse, more than one million Ghanaians were repatriated from Nigeria.

Many of the farmers had intended to abandon their burnt cocoa farms and rather go into food crop farming.

They had to be supplied with improved cocoa seedlings supplied by the Cocoa Services Division, with shorter gestation periods, to encourage them to rehabilitate their farms. It became obvious that the farmers needed more assistance to stay in the cocoa business.

The ide
a of motivating farmers and fishermen became necessary, with the contribution of Mr Mike Kofi Afflu, the then Camp Commandant, Kwabeng, especially after the farmers’ sterling performance in 1984 where agricultural output recorded 30 per cent growth after the poor showing in 1982 and 1983.

This led to the celebration of the First National Farmers’ Day in Osino in the Eastern Region on Friday December 6, 1985.

It was institutionalized by government in recognition of the vital role farmers and fishermen play in the economy.

The National Best Farmer prize in 1985 went to Opanin Appiah Dankwa, who took home one Akasanoma Preset Radio, a pair of Wellington boots, two cutlasses, tuna flakes, oil, rice, among others.

The Guest Speaker at the event was Captain Kojo Tsikata (Rtd), then member of the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC).

Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, Madam Cecilia Johnson among others graced the occasion.

The National Farmers’ Day was instituted by the Government in 1985 in recognition of t
he vital role farmers and fishermen play in the Ghanaian economy.

The 39th annual Farmers’ Day is taking place at the time the government is implementing phase two of the Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) programme, which is intended, among other objectives, to ensure food sufficiency.

Source: Ghana News Agency

MOPPS II launches project to address conflicts of farmer- Pastoralists

The second phase of an integrated regional pastoralism approach project aimed at regularising the movement of livestock, addressing potential conflicts between pastoralists and farmers and increasing value addition to livestock in the sub-region has been launched in Ghana.

Dubbed ‘Peaceful Cross-Border Pastoral Mobility and Social Stability in the Sahel (MOPSS II)’ would work with relevant stakeholders in the agriculture sector particularly those in agro-pastoral and livestock sector from 2023 to 2026.

The objective of the MOPSS II is to contribute to the social cohesion of communities in cross-border transhumance zones in the Sahel and the Gulf of Guinea through increased resilience to climatic and security shocks, peaceful livestock mobility, and an inclusive and integrated local economy.

It aims to strengthen and build on the achievements of the first phase of the MOPSS project which covered a period of three years from 2020 to 2022, and address multidimensional challenges faced by communities particul
arly farmers and livestock in Liptako-Gourma, Kenedougu and BBTG regions.

These cross-border areas are shared by seven countries Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Niger, Mali, Ghana and Cote D’Ivoire with the last two being integrated into the second phase of the project.

The MOPSS II project is being implemented by a Consortium led by the Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) and supported by the Billital Maroobe Network (RBM), the Association for the Promotion of Livestock in the Sahel and Savanna (APESS), the Network of Farmers’ Organisations and Producers of West Africa (ROPPA), Hub Rural and CARE Denmark

It is being financed by the governments of Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark.

Speaking during the launch at Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region, Ms Barbara White Nkoala, the Country Director of SNV, said livestock had cultural and economic significance for the beneficiary countries and there was the need to work to address the challenges such as conflicts, climate change among others in the sector to inc
rease livestock production and reduce poverty.

She said the MOPSS II project aligned with the collective vision of fostering inclusion and cohesion, inclusive growth, improving livelihoods and ensuring food security for beneficiary communities in Ghana and called on the stakeholders to support the project

‘The MOPSS II project is not just a venture, but it is a sustainable development commitment for our livestock sector, it is a collaborative effort that brings together government officials, traditional authorities, security agencies and most importantly the farmers who form the backbone of Ghana’s agriculture landscape.

‘We are eager to work closely with the government of Ghana to support you to implement strategies not only to increase productivity but 7also enhance the resilience of our farmers,’ she said.

Mr Jonas Asare Berchie, the National Director of the Animal Production Directorate of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, noted that the activities of cross-border transhumance had not only created
numerous jobs for about 20 million people in West Africa but had increased revenue generation for African countries.

He, however, noted that the unregulated activities of transhumance continued to pose threats of conflicts and security concerns to many cross-border countries and underscored the need to work together to properly and sustainably control the movement of livestock to ensure peace.

Mr Stephen Yakubu, the Upper East Regional Minister, said in 2022 alone, over 200,000 livestock from neighbouring countries particularly Burkina Faso came into Ghana through the region and attributed the increase in movement of the livestock to climate change.

The Regional Minister who noted that the project would complement the government’s Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion and the Ghana Productive Safety Net projects to reduce vulnerabilities to climate change called to produce hay as sustainable solutions to the transhumance movements.

Mr Imam Hanafi Sonde, President of Ghana National Association of
Cattle Farmers, noted that the livestock industry and value chain was huge to the development of the country and the project would help reduce insecurity to boost the sector.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Akatsi South: Department of Agriculture embarks on activities ahead of Farmers’ Day

The Department of Agriculture within the Akatsi South Municipality has embarked on some agriculture-related activities to mark this year’s Farmers’ Day event.

This includes vetting of farmers and schools in the various communities across the Municipality.

Mr Charles Grunitzky, the Akatsi South Municipal Director of Agriculture in an engagement with the GNA, said plans were far advanced for another successful event and called on farmers and business owners wishing to exhibit and sell their products to register with the Directorate.

In the preparations, he indicated that a School Gardening Competition was run in collaboration with the Akatsi South Municipal Education Service and the Health Directorate.

He said the move, apart from inspecting the various school gardens, selected pupils and students were quizzed on general agricultural knowledge and scored accordingly.

‘The emerging winners will be awarded on Farmers’ Day Platform,’ he added.

The 39th National Farmers’ Day Celebration is on the theme ‘Deli
vering Smart Solutions for Sustainable Food Security and Resilience.’

The Akatsi South Municipality has dominance in several farming activities such as rice, maize, sweet potato, garden egg, cassava, and several others.

The Municipal event, slated for Friday, December 1, would be held at the Akatsi Senior High Technical School campus.

Source: Ghana News Agency