AI-Media to Showcase Cutting-Edge Captioning Tech at Global Media Congress

AI-Media at Global Media Congress

AI-Media provides cutting edge caption and translation solution at Global Media Congress in Abu Dhabi, UAE

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Global Media Congress is scheduled to take place in Abu Dhabi, UAE, from November 14 to 16, 2023, following its successful 2022 edition. This year, AI-Media,  will play a central role as the live caption and translation provider, offering advanced solutions to enhance the live event experience.

In today’s world, events like the Global Media Congress provide a valuable platform for media professionals to connect, discover trends, and collaborate. Ensuring that the content reaches a diverse, international audience is crucial, and AI-Media’s technology is making this more achievable than ever.

James Ward, Chief Sales Officer, AI-Media, commented about the event:

“I am thrilled to see AI-Media’s innovative captioning and translation solutions take centre stage at the Global Media Congress. Our technology is not just a game-changer; it’s a bridge-builder, enabling diverse audiences to connect seamlessly and engage in a global conversation. We’re proud to contribute to making events like this more accessible, inclusive, and internationally connected.”

AI-Media’s Innovative Solution Features:

  • Remote Translation to 5 UN Languages: AI-Media’s technology can seamlessly translate content from English into five United Nations languages: Arabic, French, Russian, Chinese, and Spanish. This capability eliminates language barriers and promotes inclusivity.
  • Audio Translation on the Same Stream: In addition to text translation, AI-Media offers real-time audio translation, allowing attendees to listen to content in their preferred language, enhancing engagement.
  • Accessibility for All: In-venue attendees can access live translated content from their own smartphones or web devices through the event app. This simple solution makes events more accessible and engaging for all participants.

Expanding Reach and Enhancing Satisfaction:

AI-Media’s captioning and translation technology goes beyond convenience; it broadens the reach of events and broadcasts. Offering multilingual content and real-time translation can significantly increase global reach and satisfaction levels, creating more immersive experiences for all.

AI-Media’s LEXI captioning and translation solutions are at the forefront of making events like the Global Media Congress more accessible, inclusive, and globally connected. By overcoming language barriers, AI-Media facilitates cultural exchange and shared knowledge.

For inquiries about how AI-Media can enhance your next event or broadcast with inclusive, multilingual content, visit AI-MEDIA.TV

About AI-Media
Founded in Australia in 2003, technology company AI-Media is a global leader in live and recorded captioning, transcription and translation solutions. The company helps the world’s leading broadcasters, enterprises and government agencies ensure high accuracy, secure and cost-effective captioning via its AI-powered LEXI automatic captioning solution. LEXI captions are delivered to millions of screens worldwide via AI-Media’s range of captioning encoders and its iCap Cloud Network – the world’s largest, most secure caption delivery network. Globally, AI-Media delivers over 8 million minutes of live and recorded media monthly. AI-Media trades on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:AIM. For more information, please visit

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Media Contact: 
Fiona Habben 
Senior Marketing Manager – Global

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8978024

EB5 Capital’s NYC Ritz-Carlton (JF22) Project Receives I-829 Approvals

WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EB5 Capital, a prominent leader in the EB-5 investment industry, is pleased to announce that investors in their NYC Ritz-Carlton (JF22) project have started receiving I-829 approvals from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS issues I-829 approvals, or permanent residency, to investors who have met stringent USCIS vetting requirements and demonstrated that their EB-5 investment created at least ten full-time jobs for the US economy.

JF22 is a 250-room luxury hotel development with 16 penthouse condominiums in the NoMad district of Manhattan in New York City. The 38-story Marriott branded hotel is centrally located, just north of Madison Square Park, adjacent to the 28th Street subway station, and less than a 10-minute walk to both Grand Central Station and Penn Station. The hotel’s food and beverage program is managed by world-class Michelin-starred chef, José Andrés.

“Reaching the I-829 approval stage is a critical milestone in the EB-5 immigration process,” said Brian Ostar, President of EB5 Capital. “It indicates to USCIS that the project was built, the jobs were created, and the EB-5 investors are now eligible for permanent residency. We are very pleased with this first approval notice in our JF22 Ritz-Carlton project, and we look forward to receiving additional approvals from USCIS soon.”

EB5 Capital played a vital role in financing the construction of this project by successfully raising $184 million to support its development. The hotel opened to the public in July 2022 and created over 4,200 jobs for New York City, more than enough jobs to support all 368 foreign investors in the project. JF22 is one of many EB5 Capital projects across the US contributing to job creation and economic growth, demonstrating the firm’s commitment to making a positive economic impact wherever it invests.

About EB5 Capital

EB5 Capital provides qualified foreign investors opportunities to invest in job-creating commercial real estate projects under the United States Immigrant Investor Program (EB-5 Visa Program). As one of the country’s oldest and most active Regional Center operators, the firm has raised more than one billion dollars of foreign capital across nearly 40 EB-5 projects. Headquartered in Washington, DC, EB5 Capital’s distinguished track record and leadership in the industry has attracted investors from over 70 countries. Please visit for more information.

Katherine Willis
Director, Marketing & Communications

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8978265

Ma’aden to play pivotal role in addressing industry challenges at Future Minerals Forum 2024

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Future Minerals Forum (FMF) announced today that Ma’aden will return as a Founding Partner to the event for the third consecutive year. Ma’aden, the largest multi-commodity natural resources company in the Middle East, will play a central role again in discussions shaping the global minerals sector during FMF 2024 in January.

This event will focus on creating resilient and responsible mineral value chains in the resource-rich mineral super region of Africa, Western and Central Asia. FMF 2024 will convene government leaders, mining executives, investors, and other stakeholders to drive partnership and growth contributing to a sustainable sector and strengthening global minerals supply chains.

Last year at FMF Ma’aden made a series of significant announcements including a major joint venture with PIF, Manara Minerals, supporting global minerals supply chains that are critical to the energy transition. Ma’aden also announced milestone agreements with global mining leaders Ivanhoe Electric and Barrick Gold Corporation helping to drive forward the development of the Kingdom’s mining sector.

The Forum plays a key role in supporting investment and partnerships in Saudi Arabia and globally.

Exciting new initiatives that will be discussed at FMF 2024 include increasing human resource capacity and talent in the region through centers of excellence; developing sustainability standards that meet the requirements of host countries and maintain trust with society; and creating a green metals hub within the super region by utilizing modern technologies and developing processing centers.

FMF 2023 was a resounding success, with over 9,000 participants attending in person and over 13,000 participating remotely. FMF 2024 is expected to have an even wider reach, with a focus on actionable solutions to the challenges facing the mining and minerals sector.

FMF 2024 will be held under the patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, at the King Abdulaziz International Convention Center in Riyadh from January 9-11, 2024.

To learn more about FMF 2024 and to register for the event, please visit

Omar Shereen
PHONE NUMBER: +966506630489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000899135

L’avocat nigérian Zannah Bukar Mustapha reçoit le prestigieux prix Global Citizen Award

LONDRES, 12 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Humanitaire de renommée mondiale, philanthropiste, et fondateur de l’école Future Prowess Foundation pour les orphelins et les enfants défavorisés, Zannah Bukar Mustapha a été désigné lauréat 2023 du Global Citizen Award, un prix annuel décerné par Henley & Partners, cabinet international de conseil en résidence et en citoyenneté, en partenariat avec l’organisation humanitaire suisse à but non lucratif Andan Foundation.

Ce prix prestigieux, qui récompense une personne faisant preuve d’un courage et d’un engagement exceptionnels au service de la communauté mondiale, a été remis lors d’une cérémonie organisée dans le cadre de la 17e conférence annuelle Global Citizenship au Shangri-La Hotel DIFC de Dubaï, aux Émirats arabes unis, à laquelle ont participé des chefs de gouvernement, des décideurs politiques, des universitaires de renom, des conseillers en clientèle privée, des bureaux de gestion du patrimoine, ainsi que de nombreux entrepreneurs et investisseurs fortunés.

M. Mustapha a joué un rôle essentiel de médiateur dans la libération de plus de 100 écolières de Chibok qui avaient été enlevées par le groupe d’insurrection islamique Boko Haram dans une région reculée du Nigéria en avril 2014, donnant lieu à la campagne internationale #BringBackOurGirls. L’école qu’il a fondée en 2007 à Maiduguri, capitale de l’État de Borno et épicentre de la rébellion de Boko Haram, offre une éducation gratuite, des repas, des uniformes et des soins de santé aux enfants des deux parties au conflit, en signe de la réconciliation qu’il espère obtenir dans la région.

Président de Henley & Partners et fondateur de la Fondation Andan Dr. Christian H. Kaelin déclare que M. Mustapha est un lauréat des plus méritants et inspirants. « En tant que défenseur de sécurité et du droit à l’éducation de tous les enfants déplacés et orphelins victimes de la violence brutale qui sévit dans le nord du Nigeria, M. Mustapha a fait preuve d’une vision, d’un courage exceptionnel et d’innovation pour inciter au changement. Ses actions et son approche contribuent à un monde plus juste, plus pacifique et plus tolérant. Il est un véritable acteur du changement, dépassant les clivages entre les sexes, les opinions politiques et la religion et aidant les enfants des deux côtés du conflit à se réunir et à apprendre sous le même toit. Nous avons besoin de plus de personnes comme lui dans ce monde. »

Le Global Citizen Award repose sur une décision majoritaire du comité Global Citizen Award. Le prix consiste en une sculpture conçue par l’artiste italien Antonio Nocera, un certificat signé par le président du comité Global Citizen Award, et une somme de 25 000 $, qui servira à financer les projets humanitaires du lauréat. En outre, Henley & Partners s’engage à travailler en étroite collaboration avec le lauréat pendant un an, à apporter de la visibilité à son travail et à soutenir le projet sélectionné par le biais du réseau du cabinet, qui compte plus de 40 bureaux dans le monde.

Depuis sa création, le Global Citizen Award a récompensé de nombreux individus exceptionnels. Le premier lauréat est l’entrepreneur allemand Harald Höppner, qui a mis sur pied le projet d’aide humanitaire aux réfugiés Sea-Watch. Les autres lauréats des précédentes années sont le Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, fondateur de la Fondation Gift of the Givers, la plus grande organisation de secours en cas de catastrophe en Afrique, et Monique Morrow, cofondatrice de The Humanized Internet, un projet d’identité numérique qui vise à redonner espoir aux quelque 1,1 milliard d’individus dans le monde étant dans l’incapacité de prouver leur identité légale. Diep Vuong, cofondatrice et présidente de la Pacific Links Foundation, a été récompensée pour son travail en Asie du Sud-Est en faveur des droits des personnes réduites en esclavage dans le trafic d’êtres humains, et le Professeur Padraig O’Malley, pour son travail sur la résolution des conflits et la réconciliation en Irak, en Irlande du Nord et en Afrique du Sud.

Remerciant Henley & Partners et la Fondation Andan pour la reconnaissance de son travail, M. Mustapha a déclaré : « Les interconnexions de l’humanité dans la sphère des données mondiales sont désormais indéniables et constituent un champ d’action étendu aux possibilités illimitées. En revanche, l’unité entre les peuples, les ethnies et les citoyens est devenue de plus en plus délicate. Seule la citoyenneté mondiale peut y parvenir. »

Contact média :

Sarah Nicklin

Responsable des relations publiques du Groupe

Téléphone portable : +27 72 464 8965

Une photo accompagnant cette déclaration est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000898997

Advogado nigeriano Zannah Bukar Mustapha recebe o prestigiado Global Citizen Award

LONDRES, Nov. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Defensor das causas humanitárias reconhecido internacionalmente, filantropo e fundador da Future Prowess Foundation School para órfãos e crianças menos privilegiadas, Zannah Bukar Mustapha foi nomeado o ganhador de 2023 do Global Citizen Award, uma homenagem anual apresentada pela empresa líder em consultoria de residência e cidadania internacional Henley & Partners, em parceria com a organização humanitária suíça sem fins lucrativos Andan Foundation.

O prestigiado prêmio, que homenageia uma pessoa que demonstra coragem e compromisso excepcionais para melhorar e apoiar a comunidade global, foi entregue em uma recepção de gala durante a 17a Global Citizenship Conference anual no Shangri-La Hotel DIFC em Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos, com a presença de líderes de governo, formuladores de políticas, acadêmicos importantes, consultores de clientes privados, escritórios familiares, bem como muitos empresários e investidores ricos.

O Sr. Mustapha desempenhou um papel fundamental na mediação da libertação de mais de 100 meninas da escola de Chibok que foram sequestradas pelo grupo de insurgência islâmica Boko Haram em uma região remota da Nigéria em abril de 2014, dando origem à campanha internacional #BringBackOurGirls. A escola que ele fundou em 2007 em Maiduguri – capital do estado de Borno e epicentro da rebelião do Boko Haram – oferece educação, refeições, uniformes e assistência médica gratuitamente para crianças de ambos os lados do conflito como um sinal da reconciliação que ele espera alcançar na região.

Presidente da Henley & Partners e fundador da Andan Foundation, o Dr. Christian H. Kaelin diz que o Sr. Mustapha é um ganhador do prêmio que ele considera muito digno e inspirador. “Como defensor dos direitos à segurança e à educação de todas as crianças refugiadas e órfãs afetadas pela violência brutal no norte da Nigéria, o Sr. Mustapha demonstrou visão, coragem excepcional e inovação na promoção de mudanças, e suas ações e perspectivas são uma contribuição valiosa para alcançar um mundo mais justo, pacífico e tolerante. Ele é um verdadeiro “divisor de águas”, superando as divisões de gênero, políticas e religiosas, ajudando crianças de ambos os lados do conflito a se unirem e aprenderem sob o mesmo teto. Precisamos de mais pessoas como Zannah Mustapha no mundo.”

O processo de seleção do Global Citizen Award é baseado em uma decisão majoritária do Comitê do Global Citizen Award. O prêmio em si consiste em uma medalha escultural personalizada, desenhada pelo renomado artista italiano Antonio Nocera, um certificado de premiação assinado pelo Presidente do Comitê do Global Citizen Award e um prêmio em dinheiro de US$ 25.000, que será destinado a apoiar os esforços humanitários do premiado. Além disso, a Henley & Partners se compromete a trabalhar em estreita colaboração com o premiado durante o período de um ano, divulgando seu trabalho e apoiando o projeto selecionado por meio da rede de mais de 40 filiais da empresa em todo o mundo.

Desde sua criação, o Global Citizen Award homenageou muitos indivíduos notáveis. O primeiro ganhador foi o empresário alemão Harald Höppner, que criou o projeto Sea-Watch de ajuda humanitária a refugiados. Outros ganhadores anteriores foram o Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, fundador da Gift of the Givers Foundation, a maior organização de assistência a desastres da África, e Monique Morrow, cofundadora da The Humanized Internet, um projeto de identidade digital que visa trazer esperança para cerca de 1,1 bilhão de pessoas no mundo que não podem provar sua identidade legal. Diep Vuong, cofundadora e presidente da Pacific Links Foundation, foi premiada por seu trabalho no sudeste asiático, fazendo campanha pelos direitos das pessoas escravizadas pelo tráfico humano, e o Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley recebeu o Global Citizen Award em reconhecimento ao seu trabalho de resolução de conflitos e reconciliação no Iraque, na Irlanda do Norte e na África do Sul.

Agradecendo à Henley & Partners e à Andan Foundation pelo reconhecimento de seu trabalho, o Sr. Mustapha disse: “Agora, a interconexão da humanidade na esfera global de dados é inegável, e constitui um reino expansivo com possibilidades ilimitadas. Em contrapartida, a união entre raças, etnias e cidadãos tem se tornado cada vez mais delicada. Apenas a cidadania global pode trazer a cura”.

Assessoria de imprensa:

Sarah Nicklin

Chefe do grupo de Relações Públicas

Celular: +27 72 464 8965

Uma foto que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000898997

3rd mission to recover FADs in Seychelles begins

Seychelles is undertaking its third mission to recover fish aggregating devices (FADs) under the FAD Watch Initiative and the team left on Monday on the Saya De Malha vessel for its latest outing.

The month-long expedition will see members of the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA), the Seychelles Coast Guard officers, along with a group of students from the Seychelles Maritime Academy (SMA) teaming up for the first time.

“This time, the vessel will be out for over four weeks, and will reach Aldabra,” said the Minister for Fisheries and Blue Economy, Jean-Francois Ferrari.

He explained that Seychelles faces numerous complaints from both local and international organisations with regard to the dangers that drifting FADs pose and this is why such a mission is so important, to ensure the protection of the marine environment.

Fish aggregating devices are man-made and usually are floating wooden structures with hanging nets to attract fish. These rafts can either be free-floating, known as drifting FADs, or anchored to the seabed, known as anchored FADs.

Undersea life and marine creatures including turtles and sharks congregate around FADs and can become entangled in the floating nets attached to FADs.

Ferrari also welcomed the students aboard the Saya De Malha and said that this exercise was made for them and they will be able to see firsthand the work being done to protect the ocean.

“We also have aboard a lecturer from the SMA (Seychelles Maritime Academy), who will be able to come back and pass on what he learns to the other students at the academy,” he added.

He highlighted the growing opportunity that this expedition offers students from the SMA and how the experience being offered to the youths fosters their passion for marine conservation and helps build the next generation of maritime professionals.

“Building on the success of previous drifting FAD recovery campaigns by Saya De Malha, our partners have committed to making this first campaign under the new FAD Watch initiative even more effective through the use of a new FAD-tracking software called OceanTrack,” said chief executive of the Seychelles Fishing Authority, Jan Robinson.

“Fishing vessel owners supply SFA with online software and satellite tracking data for FADs that enter coastal zones around 15 of Seychelles’ islands, which are then classified by the software as a drift or stranded,” he added.

The mission to recover the FADs is part of an agreement signed recently, between the SFA, the Sustainable Indian Ocean Tuna Initiative (SIOTI), and the Spanish Association of Tuna Freezers (AGAC). It provides for a two-year engagement to support the Seychelles’ efforts in both intercepting FADs that run the risk of becoming stranded in shallow marine habitats and recovering FADs that are stranded.

“The next step for us at SFA is to start working more with local NGOs because we can’t expect just one vessel to address this issue, so we want to work more closely with other partners in the next phase of the project,” said Robinson.

At the moment, recovered FADs are being kept in storage, but Robinson said that depending on what state they are in, they can be reused. He added that SFA wants to also have a full system where the FADs can be recovered and recycled in the future.

“There are efforts in the industry to move to the use of biodegradable FADs, with having already been delivered and will be piloted to see how they work,” Robinson explained.

The Saya De Malha expedition left on November 13, with a crew of 20 people and will focus on the Seychelles’ southern atolls, including Providence, Cerf, Cosmoledo, and Aldabra. It will return on December 11.

Source: Seychelles News Agency