Anyinam D/A Girls’ Model JHS sweeps awards in school farming competition

The Anyinam D/A Girls’ Model School has grabbed three awards from the farm project competition organized by Blue Skies Foundation and Kosmos Innovative Center, in the Eastern Region.

The school picked Best Entrepreneurial School of the year, Best Student in Agriculture (Junior High School Category) and the best Teacher Award in the Southern Zone of the school farm project awards.

The project aimed at encouraging the youth, especially females, to boost interest in agriculture and farming, began in 2015 and had so far engaged students in the production of sweet pepper and garden eggs.

Disclosing this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mrs Mercy Obesebea Asare, headmistress of the school, explained that 77 JHS and SHS schools were selected in the Eastern Region and other schools across the country.

Five girls were selected from each school to participate in the competition in which simple farm tools and seeds were provided by the organizers to be nursed, grown, managed and sustained by the competit

Mrs Obesebea Asare said, as part of the school’s co- curricular activities, the school first participated in the competition in 2022, which they cultivated sweet pepper (Bell pepper) which was processed into pepper sauce for sale ‘and the income generated was used to buy a printer for the school administration block.’

She said in this year’s competition, the school had harvested four tons of garden eggs (Eggplant), which they intended to process into crispy garden eggs flakes to be sold for income.

The garden eggs variety (KIBIBI F1) cultivated for this year’s farm project contains nutritional values such as Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin B1, B6, Potassium and antioxidants such as chromogenic acid and anthocyanin’s which help to prevent cancer and also improves vision.

The headmistress indicated that they hoped to use the income from this year’s project to purchase a projector for the school’s Information Communications and Technology (ICT) laboratory to aid effective teaching of ICT, an examinable subject

She said the school had reserved seed capital for next year’s project and had plans to expand the land size and integrate new technologies such as drip irrigation into their production.

Mr. Kwabena Panyin Nkansah, Atiwa East District Chief Executive, expressed appreciation to the organizers for the gesture and promised the assembly’s support to ensure the success of the competition.

He was hopeful that targeting girls in the project would go a long way to help minimize the high rate of teenage pregnancy in the district and the region at large.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Book in honour of King Mohammed VI launched in Accra

Echoing The Voice Of Africa’, a book highlighting the greatest quotes of King Mohammed VI of Morocco, has been launch in Accra.

Authored to inspire Africans to aspire for and build a better Africa, the book sheds light on some of the powerful quotes of the contemporary Pan-African Monarch.

It also carries quotes and rich African symbols that touch on issues pertaining to African Unity, Africa Self- Dependence, South-South Cooperation, African Women, African Youth, African Children, Education, Migration, Patriotism, Democracy, Human Rights, Culture, Religious Tolerance, Sustainable Development and other important issues of continental concern.

At the launch at the Institute of Social Statistics Economic Research (ISSER), Mr Kojo Yankah, Founder of the Pan African Heritage Museum, and President, African University College of Communications, indicated that the book did not only provide an insight into the philosophy of King Mohammed, but conveys a Pan-African voice that inspires the unity of Africa.

He said
the important part of the book was that it provided information about the African story and cleared misconceptions about Africa and Africans.

‘We do not write our own stories, and those who write them create the impression of disunity between us,’ Mr Yankah said.

‘This book is very useful in promoting unity on the continent, and it is my hope that it would go further,’ he added.

The author, Peter Panyin Anaman, who leveraged his experience as a student in Morocco, said the book brought to bare the priceless wisdom of statesmen, which never got the deserving impact among the Africans.

He explained that the 225-page book, the first of a series of books, was to inspire generations.

‘This book can be used as a research tool for speeches or written masterpieces,’ he said.

Peter Panyin Anaman is the Executive Director of Global African Heritage Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, established for research, documentation, preservation and promotion of African heritage.

He had his senior secondary educ
ation at Saltpond Methodist High School in Ghana, and was offered a Scholarship to further his education in the Kingdom of Morocco.

Peter Anaman holds a Certificate in French Language from Universite Mohammed V. Souissi Rabat, Morocco, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics Science and Management from Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Fes-Morocco, where he served as Financial Secretary of the National Executive Council to the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students of Morocco, and also as founding President of the Ghana Morocco Old Students Association.

Present at the launch, was Madam Imane Ouaadil, the Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana, who received a copy of the book on behalf of King Mohammed VI.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Youth urged not to yield to tribal politics in the media

Mr George Sarpong, the Executive Secretary of the National Media Commission (NMC), has asked Ghanaian youth not to allow the play up of tribal politics, currently ongoing in the media space, to influence their voting decisions.

He noted that the current situation where the media describes the 2024 general election as the battle between two northerners was worrying and that the disturbing phenomenon should engage the attention of all peace-loving Ghanaians.

Addressing a durbar to climax the 80th Anniversary of the Effiduase Senior High School (EFFISCO), Mr Sarpong said never in the history of Ghana had a contest between two presidential candidates from a particular geographical area or region been played up in such a tribal or regionally biased manner.

‘The ‘Northernisation’ of political candidates in the 2024 general election in the media is very worrying and needs urgent action of all Ghanaians,’ he stated.

‘At no point in the history of Ghana had people referred to a political contest as a contest betw
een southerners, not even in the all-Akan contests between Mr J.A. Kufuor and Prof J.E.A. Mills, or between Prof. Mills and Nana Akufo-Addo in the previous elections,’ he observed.

‘Therefore, there is no reason why the next election should be referred to as northerners contest.’

It was important to hype the qualities of the two candidates and what they had to offer rather than ’emphasizing that Dr Mahamudu Bawumia is a Mamprusi from Walewale, North East Region, and Mr John Mahama is a Gonja from Bole, Savannah Region,’ which played down their qualities and unacceptable, Mr Sarpong said.

‘The danger I’m drawing attention to is in the subtlety of the messaging in labelling all these diverse cultures as ‘northerners’,’ he said.

‘It denies them social equity and limits their opportunity for accessing public office since it makes it easy for us to sprinkle a few in positions and tell ourselves that we have satisfied the north.’

‘This inequality is how we subtly kill vision and undermine social progress.’

Sarpong, who is also an old student of the school, stressed the need for the youth to stand firm and vote for humble and visionary candidates, devoid of tribal or religious affiliations.

Young Ghanaians should give opportunity to a candidate who embodied the EFFISCO vision, resilience and excellence.

He advised the youth to see beyond the present; envision greatness, and set a purpose for their lives by choosing a leader with track records in the economic growth and development of the country.

The person who may define the positive course of their lives might not necessarily come from their hometown, tribe or religion, he said.

Mr Ishaq Kyei-Brobbey, the Headmaster of the school, touching on academic progress, said the 2022 WASSCE results reaffirmed the vision of the school as centre of excellence.

The percentage of credit passes A1 – C6 in English Language for the school was 82.7 per cent with 99.04 per cent for Mathematics.

Other subject areas like Science recorded 97.42 per cent pass, whilst Social S
tudies recorded 88.51 per cent.

With Ghana on course to developing her human resource capacity, EffISCO was strongly aligned, he said.

Currently the school has a student population of 3,581, comprising 1,787 males and 1,794 females, whilst the staff strength is 270, comprising 170 teaching staff and 100 non-teaching staff.

Awards were given to deserving students and staff members for their hard work.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Tanzania Parliamentary Service members in Ghana for exchange programme

A five-member delegation from the Tanzanian Parliamentary Service is in Ghana to share ideas and network with their Ghanaian counterparts to deepen bilateral relations.

It was led by Mr Haika Henry, a Senior Parliamentary Clerk Assistant.

Mr Alban Bagbin, the Speaker of Parliament, who introduced the delegation on the floor of Parliament on Monday, called for the necessary learning assistance to the members to make their visit beneficial.

‘You are at liberty to raise questions to assist in your line of work and endeavours,’ said.

The Tanzania Parliament derives its mandate and functions from the 1977 Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, the laws of Tanzania and its own rules of procedure.

Chapter three of the Constitution contains Articles that provide for the establishment, composition and functions of the Parliament.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NPP Orphan Constituency Primary: Three to contest in Ashaiman

Three persons are gearing up to contest in the upcoming New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary primary in the Ashiaman Constituency.

They are Alhaji Labaran Yakubu Barry, a 55-year-old businessman, Justice King Essel, an educationist, and Thomas Adongo, a 43-year-old MPhil student in Languages at the University of Education, Winneba.

Alhaji Labaran Yakubu Barry told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that Saturday’s election would be confirmation of his candidacy.

‘God willing, I will still maintain the slot as the candidate because on the ground, I’m the most popular among all the candidates and also in terms of operations and the dynamics of the constituency, I’m the one that has the data to turn things around in the constituency so, everything is ok for now, we are just waiting for the day for the confirmation that’s all…’

He said the NPP increased its votes in past elections when he was the candidate.

‘In 2012, the results were just over 32,000. The increment from 2012 to 2016 was only 16 votes. However,
since I took over in 2016, I increased it from 32,000 to 35,000. In 2020, I further raised it from 35,000 to 45,000 for the parliamentary and 36,000 to 41,000 for the presidential. So, in the parliamentary, I appreciated 4,000 plus more than the President.’

He emphasised challenges such as poor road networks, inadequate drainage, and lack of representation in government as factors undermining the Party’s prospects in the constituency.

In his bid for a shift from NDC incumbency to NPP, first-time contender Justice King Essel emphasised the need for development in the constituency.

‘My message of change resonates; Ashaiman needs an NPP Member of Parliament. Over the years, development has been stagnant, and it’s time for Ashaiman to be heard. I’m advocating for the NPP, and based on my past achievements, I believe I am the face of that change.’

Thomas Adongo, a two-time contestant, expressed the desire to serve based on experience as an Assembly Member and as a long-time Regional Party Officer.

The Constit
uency Secretary, Joseph Otoo, said all was set for the election to take place on Saturday, December 2, 2023, as scheduled.

He, however, highlighted concerns about voter migration, especially from neighbouring constituencies like Kpone Katamanso, Ningo Prampram, Sege Ada, and Sogakope.

Some 1,850 delegates across 350 polling stations would vote in the parliamentary primary in the Ashiaman constituency.

The NPP’s only win in parliamentary elections in the constituency was in 2000 when it was part of Adentan.

Source: Ghana News Agency