South Tongu District calls on investors to explore large clay deposits

A Geological Survey research revealing large clay deposits in the South Tongu District, which could be explored for the next 200 years, has compelled the district to invite investors to explore the natural resource.

The Tefle, Vume, Lolito, Sokpoe, Atitekpo, Agbokope, Kudzragbe, Adutor and Agordomi communities host the clay which could also be exploited for production of ceramic products for both local and foreign markets.

Madam Mabel Akorfa Suitor, Assistant Development Planning Officer, South Tongu District, during the sixth Volta Trade and Investment Fair in Ho, said the district was opened and ever ready to welcome investors to help exploit the clay deposits.

She said there were also classic hotels and resorts which provided serene environment for relaxation and conferences including the Villa Cisneros Resort, Holy Trinity SPA and Health Farm, Sogakope Beach Resort and Shekinah Glory Hotel and Annex.

Madam Suitor said the Lower Volta Bridge, 650 metres long (longest bridge in Ghana) over the river Vo
lta was an attraction as well as the Avu Lagoon where endangered amphibian antelope; Sitatunga could be found.

She said the West African Football Academy (WAFA) was a sport tourist potential in the district.

Madam Suitor said cattle rearing were predominant in the district due to the absence of tsetsefly, abundance of short grasses and low rainfall pattern.

She said other livestock reared included chicken, goat, sheep, piggery, guinea fowl and duck which were on subsistence basis except cattle, poultry and few others undertaken for commercial purposes.

Madam Suitor said more investment in the rearing sector was likely to create enough wealth to improve the living conditions of the people in the district.

She said aquaculture was undertaken in various sections of the Lower Volta River, another major investment potential.

She said enormous potential also existed for commercial production and exportation of mango to both local and foreign market adding that gari production and processing also existed in th
e district.

Madam Suitor said rice and sugarcane cultivation existed in the district where sugarcane was sold at raw state and distilled into local gin.

She said it was the hope that the Volta Trade and Investment Fair would become a yearly occasion to support the regional economy and reassure investor community about the profitability of their investments in South Tongu.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Oti Regional House of Chiefs urges collaboration for peace in Nkwanta South

The Oti Regional House of Chiefs has called on all factions involved in the Nkwanta South conflict to join forces with the government and other key stakeholders in resolving the dispute that has plagued the area.

The Regional House of Chiefs reminded the warring factions to settle their misunderstandings using dialogue and not weapons.

The House said many Adeles, Challas and Akyodes had inter-married and had nurtured good families, maintaining that such good family relationships should not be destroyed.

The Regional House of Chiefs led by its President, Nana Mprah Besemuna III, emphasized in a statement that without peace, Nkwanta South would not experience the much-needed development it deserves.

The Regional House of Chiefs called on all people benefiting from the clashes, being it chiefs and political actors, to stop immediately as there are no lasting gains to achieve, as violence has never been a positive means to an end.

It also appealed to the parties and their Supporters that they should remain
calm and immediately cease any reprisal attacks which have already recorded unfortunate deaths in the Area.

Again, the Regional House of Chiefs advised all residents of Nkwanta being its chiefs, indigenes, and settlers to allow peace to reign in the town.

The House recommended to all residents to see the next-door neighbor as a brother, sister, cousin, mother, father, uncle, auntie, and grandparent.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ending AIDS by 2030 possible – Technical Coordinator

Mr Osei-Bonsu Gyamfi, the Upper West Regional Technical Coordinator of the Ghana AIDS Commission, (GAC), has indicated that ending AIDS in Ghana by 2030 is possible if all Ghanaians test, know their status and take the necessary precaution against spreading the virus.

He explained that if people who tested negative for HIV guarded themselves from contracting the virus while those who tested positive for the virus were put on regular medication, it would reduce the rate of HIV transmission.

Mr Gyamfi, who said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Wa after the World AIDS Day (WAD), observed that the rate of transmission in the region and the country was alarming and needed stringent efforts, especially of the general populace to end.

This year’s WAD commemoration was on the theme: ‘Let Communities Lead’ which recognised organisations of communities living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV as the frontline of progress in the HIV response.

He explained that the fight against HIV needed
collective efforts of all actors, and stakeholders including the media and the general populace not only the GAC.

Mr Gyamfi said the WAD served as an opportunity to unite people for HIV response as there were many organisations and HIV activists who needed to come together with a common goal and harmonised activities.

He said the day also provided an opportunity for awareness creation on HIV, extend the HIV intervention service to the doorsteps of the people, and show solidarity with those who were affected or infected by HIV and those who have died from HIV-related disease.

He said the GAC was working to achieve the agenda ’90, 90, 90′ of ensuring that at least 90 per cent of the population test to know their HIV status, 90 per cent of those tested positive for HIV are on medication and 90 per cent of those on medication achieve viral suppression.

Mr Gyamfi indicated that some advanced countries were able to control the spread of the virus because each person saw the other as a carrier of the virus and,
thus, protected themselves in times of sex.

‘If we all have that kind of mindset, we can control the spread of the virus. Even if the person is your boyfriend or girlfriend, he or she is another person’s boyfriend or girlfriend somewhere, so why should you go raw,’ he querried.

Mr Gyamfi observed with worry that some female apprentices in the region went in for family planning to avoid pregnancy during their course of training but refused to protect themselves against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including HIV during sex.

‘Yes, you protect yourself against pregnancy what about HIV and other diseases, so the best thing you should do is to always insist that your boyfriends wear condoms.

When you wear a condom, you protect yourself against unwanted pregnancy, HIV, and STIs,’ he explained.

He explained that HIV populated the semen, vaginal fluid, blood, and breast milk of infected persons and could be contracted through oral sex, direct blood contact with an infected person, and breastfeeding.

e Regional GAC Technical Coordinator, therefore, encouraged the public to use condoms correctly and consistently if they would have sexual intercourse with a person, then their spouses.

Currently, the Upper West Region has an HIV population of 7,185 out of which 536 were children, with a prevalence rate of 2 per cent.

Wa Municipal had 1,902 people living with HIV; Nadowli-Kaleo, 776; Wa West, 730; Sissala West, 612, Daffiama-Bussie-Issa District, 572; Jirapa, 546; Sissala East, 534, Wa East, 457; Nandom, 400; Lawra, 397 and Lambussie had the lowest of 259.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Information Minister applauds PROs of MDAs for crackdown on misinformation

The Minister of Information, Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has commended the Public Relations Officers (PROs) of the various Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) for their quick response to misinformation and disinformation in the public space.

He said the PROs were mandated to disseminate accurate and credible information on government’s programmes and policies to the public and gather feedback for the central government to make informed decisions.

Therefore, it was incumbent upon them to always provide accurate facts if anyone tried to misinform the public.

Speaking during the fourth PROs End-of-the-Year Review Meeting in Accra, Mr Nkrumah said despite the limited resources, the PROs deserved commendations for their efforts in executing their mandate.

The meeting was held on the theme: ‘Curbing Misinformation and Disinformation – The Role of the Government PRO’.

The Minister emphasised the crucial role PROs played in championing government communications and assessing MDAs’ communication strategies, t
hus, aiding them to develop and execute their communication strategies of their policies and programmes.

The Minister clarified that their primary responsibility was not necessarily to speak on behalf of other entities, but to facilitate effective communication strategies for the MDAs.

The Minister highlighted the multifaceted mandate of the Information Service Department, including facilitating feedback for the central government, implementing the Right to Information (RTI) Act, leading to the development of public communication policies, and representing agencies before Parliament.

On misinformation and disinformation, the Minister stressed the importance of PROs’ role in discerning and countering false narratives.

He shared instances where media misinterpretations could lead to unintended consequences and underscored the need for proactive measures to address such issues.

The Head of Public Relations Coordinating Division (PRCD) of the Information Service Department (ISD), Mrs Ethel Cudjoe Amissah, ex
pressed happiness for the annual event that provides a conducive atmosphere to openly assess the performance of the PROs of the MDAs.

She commended the information minister and his Deputy for their continuous support and their commitment to ensuring diligence and efficiency in their work.

Mrs Amissah emphasised the importance of setting targets as key performance indicators at the beginning of each year, noting that it aimed at evaluating individual performances, identify their strengths and weaknesses, make necessary adjustments, and collectively tackle challenges for the upcoming year.

This year’s meeting highlighted various programmes, including the introduction of the ‘Need-to-know Series,’ a peer education initiative where PROs delve into flagship programmes across different institutions.

Detailed presentations on these initiatives are expected at the right time.

Mrs Amissah underscored the significance of open discussions within the PRO community, fostering an environment where accomplishments of 2
023 are shared, and plans are outlined.

The overarching goal is to ensure the effective execution of the Government PROs’ responsibilities, making an impact on the public.

Mrs Amissah, drawing from her studies in Conflict, Peace, and Security, emphasised the critical role misinformation and disinformation play in global conflicts and cited historical instances, such as the Rwandan Genocide, where media manipulation played a pivotal role.

As the nation approaches an election year, the focus on countering misinformation becomes paramount.

Mrs Amissah expressed gratitude to the Information Minister for championing the cause and arranging expert resources to sensitise PROs on identifying and combating information disorders, especially in the era of fake news on social media.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Transport Quiz 2023: Puma Energy Ghana re-affirms commitment to road safety

Puma Energy Ghana, a company dedicated to road safety education and awareness creation, has urged transporters and all road users to prioritise safety on the road, especially during and after the Yuletide.

Mr Zwelithini Mlotshwa, the General Manager of Puma Energy Ghana, said the transport quiz was one of the many initiatives developed to build a robust road safety framework that would aid in reducing road-related crashes and deaths.

The company, he said, would continue to uphold the highest standards of road safety across all its operations by investing in pioneering road safety systems.

That, he believed, would impact positively on the communities they served.

Puma Energy Ghana held its 6th edition of the Transporters’ Safety Quiz in Accra, to create public awareness on the need for road users to prioritise road safety.

A report issued by the Motor Transport and Traffic Directorate (MTTD); it says Ghana recorded 1,086 road-related deaths from January to June 2023.

The Safety Quiz is positioned as a t
imely intervention to sensitise the public on road traffic crashes, injuries, and deaths and the need to take precautionary measures.

The event witnessed the participation of all Puma Energy Ghana stakeholders including the National Petroleum Authority, National Road Safety Commission, the Ghana National Fire Service, the Association of Oil Marketing Companies, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA), Oil and Gas groups and Transaid.

RIET Transport,?J. K Ahiadome Transport, and?J.K Horgle Transport headlined the 2023 transporters quiz, which featured renowned ‘What Do You Know’ Quiz Master, Dan Afari Yeboah.

RIET Transport team demonstrated exceptional knowledge and understanding of safety protocols, regulations, and best practices in the transport industry, thus making them the deserving recipients of the top honours at the end of the quiz competition.

The company reiterated its pledge to continue prioritising safety in its operations.

‘We are honoured to receive this recognition from Puma E
nergy Ghana. Safety is ingrained in our company’s values, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards in all our transportation activities.

This award is a testament to our unwavering dedication to safety,’ Mr. Godwin Tamakloe, the Managing Director of RIET Transport, said.

Safety is a top priority for Puma Energy, and we believe that the burden of road-related injuries and deaths requires a deliberate and multi-sectorial approach to reduce its occurrence and impact.

The sentiments by Mlotshwa were echoed by Mrs Linda Asante, Deputy Chief Executive of the National Petroleum Authority (NPA), whose address was read on her behalf.

Mrs. Asante lauded the event organisers and encouraged Puma Energy Ghana to sustain the Transporters Safety Quiz in the coming years to promote health and safety education in the downstream sector.

‘We recognize that road safety is a shared responsibility, and we are committed to working collaboratively with our partners to make a meaningful impact’.

‘By prioritizing
road safety, we are not only protecting the well-being of our employees and the public but also contributing to the overall sustainability and success of our business.’

Puma Energy Ghana remains committed to promoting safety in the transport industry and will continue to engage with transporters to encourage safe driving practices on the road.

The Transporters Safety Quiz is just one of the many initiatives that Puma Energy Ghana undertakes to support and recognize transport companies’ efforts in prioritizing safety.

Source: Ghana News Agency