Getmyboat aide les entreprises de location de bateaux à se développer grâce à une puissante fonctionnalité de réservation directe

La première plateforme de location de bateaux au monde lance une nouvelle solution pour les entreprises de location afin de rationaliser les paiements et la planification, pour un taux de seulement 1,5 %.

MENLO PARK, Californie, 18 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Getmyboat, la première plateforme de réservation de yachts et de location de bateaux, est ravie d’annoncer le lancement de sa fonctionnalité de réservation directe.

En consultant des partenaires d’entreprises nautiques de toutes tailles, Getmyboat a découvert que de nombreux propriétaires partageaient les mêmes difficultés à gérer les réservations provenant de sources extérieures à la plateforme, notamment des problèmes de traitement des paiements tels que la fraude et les rétrocessions, la gestion des réclamations, les frais d’acceptation des paiements à crédit, la programmation, la communication avec les locataires et bien d’autres choses qui posaient des problèmes en termes d’organisation. Pour remédier à ces problèmes, Getmyboat se concentre sur la création d’une solution logicielle complète spécialement conçue pour les entreprises de location de bateaux, de réservation de yachts et d’excursions en bateau, et introduit constamment de nouvelles façons pour les propriétaires de gérer l’ensemble de leurs activités. Le lancement de Direct Booking sur l’application Getmyboat constitue une première étape importante dans la rationalisation de la gestion des réservations, le tout pour un taux de seulement 1,5 %, ce qui est l’un des plus bas de l’industrie. Que ce soit par le biais de leur propre site Internet, par e-mail, par Facebook, par téléphone ou en personne, les propriétaires sur Getmyboat peuvent désormais prendre tous les prospects et les transformer en réservations de manière transparente, ce qui s’avère plus simple pour eux et pour leurs clients.

Principaux avantages de la réservation directe avec Getmyboat

Gestion unifiée : Les propriétaires de bateaux peuvent désormais rassembler toutes les réservations, quelle qu’en soit la source, sur une seule plateforme complète, éliminant ainsi le besoin de solutions logicielles et de calendriers multiples.

Simplification des offres et du traitement des paiements : En quelques étapes simples, les propriétaires peuvent envoyer des offres, collecter en toute sécurité les paiements, y compris par carte de crédit, et synchroniser automatiquement les réservations avec leur calendrier général, ce qui garantit un processus de transaction sans problème pour le propriétaire et le locataire.

Protection contre la fraude et résolution des litiges : Direct Booking bénéficie du logiciel robuste de Getmyboat, offrant aux propriétaires une protection contre la fraude, une gestion du processus de réclamation et une résolution efficace des litiges pour toutes les transactions.

Faible coût : Les entreprises nautiques ne paient que 1,5 % de commission par transaction pour utiliser le service. Cela couvre non seulement les frais de carte de crédit, mais aussi toutes les autres fonctionnalités d’intégration susmentionnées.

Frank D, propriétaire d’une flotte à Miami, a exprimé son enthousiasme en déclarant : « Je suis vraiment impatient d’utiliser cette nouvelle fonctionnalité. Désormais, je pourrai tout consulter en un seul endroit, communiquer avec mes clients sur une plateforme unique et collecter les paiements en toute simplicité. Et je saurai où tous mes bateaux sont censés se trouver, quelle que soit le lieu de départ du client. »

Bryan Petro, président de Getmyboat, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de proposer Direct Booking à nos partenaires. Nous savons que le travail en matière de logistique est extrêmement difficile, et nous pouvons utiliser ce que nous avons élaboré et l’étendre à tout le monde pour aider les activités à se développer ».

Les propriétaires de Getmyboat peuvent facilement démarrer en ouvrant l’application ou le site Internet, en accédant à leur boîte de réception et en cliquant sur l’option « Ajouter une réservation directe ». À partir de là, ils peuvent saisir des informations sur les clients et les voyages, rationalisant ainsi leurs processus de gestion directement dans leur compte Getmyboat.

En tant que première source de clients pour les entreprises de navigation de plaisance dans le monde, Getmyboat continue d’innover pour répondre aux défis rencontrés par les propriétaires dans la gestion de leur entreprise sur différentes plateformes et a pour mission de fournir les meilleurs outils de croissance dans l’industrie.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :

Val Streif
+1 612-298-2535

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9005724

IAVI and Zendal Announce Funding for Efficacy Trial of Promising TB VaccineCandidate in Africa

  • TB kills 1.3 million people a year and sickens more than 10 million people annually.
  • A new TB vaccine is needed to reach the global End TB goals.
  • MTBVAC is a highly promising vaccine candidate that has the potential to be used as an alternative to BCG vaccination in infants and for prevention of TB disease in adolescents and adults.
  • Grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to IAVI will support efficacy trial.

NEW YORK, NY and PORRIÑO, SPAIN / ACCESSWIRE / December 18, 2023 / IAVI, a global nonprofit scientific research organization, and Spanish biopharmaceutical company Biofabri, a subsidiary of Zendal, today announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded IAVI US$55 million to conduct a Phase IIb trial assessing the safety and efficacy of the tuberculosis (TB) vaccine candidate MTBVAC to prevent active TB lung disease in adolescents and adults. This funding has been made possible in part through a grant provided by Open Philanthropy, a grant-making organization that aims to use its resources to help others as much as it can. This trial is also supported by additional funding provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through the KfW Development Bank, which provides funding to IAVI and partners in support of developing MTBVAC. It is anticipated that the trial will begin enrolling participants in mid-2024.

“We’re thrilled to have secured the investment needed to advance this promising vaccine candidate into an efficacy study,” said Mark Feinberg, M.D., Ph.D., president and CEO of IAVI. “The world urgently needs a new, effective vaccine that can prevent TB disease in adults and adolescents, and we are hopeful that MTBVAC will be part of the solution to finally end the TB epidemic. We are grateful to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for their support of our late-stage development work on MTBVAC and to Open Philanthropy, whose visionary investment could accelerate the availability of MTBVAC by several years, if it is shown to be safe and efficacious in the upcoming efficacy trial.”

“This is a historic opportunity to learn whether this promising TB vaccine candidate, MTBVAC, can prevent active TB disease in adolescents and adults, the population among whom most TB disease and transmission occurs,” said Lewis Schrager, M.D., senior leader of TB vaccine development efforts at IAVI. “If MTBVAC were shown to safely prevent TB disease in this population, this vaccine could prove to be critically important in global strategies to suppress the TB pandemic given its ease of use, low cost, and anticipated widespread availability.”

Previous Phase Ib/IIa dose-ranging studies of MTBVAC in adults and neonates demonstrated favorable immunogenicity and safety profiles. In addition to this Phase IIb trial, Biofabri is conducting a Phase III trial of MTBVAC (NCT04975178) in neonates in South Africa, Madagascar, and Senegal, with support from the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP). Biofabri and the HIV Vaccine Trials Network are planning a Phase IIa trial (NCT0547890) evaluating the safety and immunogenicity of MTBVAC in people living with HIV whose viral loads are well controlled on antiretroviral therapy, scheduled to begin in South Africa in mid-January 2024.

Only a handful of TB vaccine candidate efficacy trials have ever been conducted. This study of MTBVAC to prevent TB disease will be conducted in approximately 4,300 people who have latent TB infection. Participants will be between the ages of 14 and 45, living in South Africa and select other sub-Saharan African countries in areas with high TB burden. Participants at 15-20 trial sites will receive either a single dose of MTBVAC or placebo and be observed for two to three years.

Kundai Chinyenze, M.D., MPH, IAVI Africa director, said, “We are gratified to be able to begin working on this efficacy trial in a region of the world where TB is a leading contributor to morbidity and mortality, especially for people living with HIV. IAVI’s long history in conducting clinical trials in Africa and our strong network of regional and global partners provide a solid foundation for the successful conduct of this important trial.”

MTBVAC, designed by the Spanish researcher Carlos Martin, Ph.D., from the University of Zaragoza, and Brigitte Gicquel, Ph.D., of Institut Pasteur, was in-licensed by Biofabri (Zendal Group). The only available TB vaccine, bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), is derived from Mycobacterium bovis, a bacterium that causes a TB-like disease in cows. BCG is largely ineffective in preventing TB in adolescents and adults. MTBVAC is the only live, attenuated vaccine derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB disease in humans, in the pipeline. Given its derivation from the human, rather than the bovine, TB-causing organism, MTBVAC has the potential to generate a broad protective immune response against TB. The vaccine is administered as a single dose via intradermal delivery and does not require the use of an adjuvant.

Esteban Rodriguez, CEO, Biofabri, said, “We are delighted by the fantastic opportunity – through the tremendous efforts of IAVI, and the valuable support provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Open Philanthropy, and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through the KfW Development Bank – to now evaluate the efficacy of MTBVAC in adolescents and adults. The outcome of the efficacy studies in neonates as well as those in adolescents and adults will provide us with a pathway to license MTBVAC for all age groups.”

Should MTBVAC be shown to be safe and efficacious, Biofabri, in partnership with IAVI and other collaborators, will ensure that MTBVAC is manufactured and supplied in sufficient quantities globally and is accessible at affordable prices in low- and middle-income countries.


Since the COVID-19 emergency has ended, TB is on track once again to be the deadliest infectious disease in the world. TB killed an estimated 1.3 million people in 2022, about 16% of whom were children. Around 10.6 million people fell ill with TB in 2022, and the disease is one of the 10 leading causes of death worldwide.

Drug-resistant/multi-drug resistant TB (DR/MDR TB) is becoming an increasing threat, with about 410,000 cases in 2022. Treating DR/MDR TB is lengthy and expensive, often causes debilitating side effects, and is not always successful. A vaccine that prevents TB disease would play an important role in reducing the incidence of DR/MDR TB, by reducing the transmission of DR/MDR TB and reducing the use of TB drugs and the emergence of drug-resistant strains.


MTBVAC is being developed for two purposes: as a more effective and potentially longer-lasting vaccine than BCG for newborns, and for the prevention of TB disease in adults and adolescents, for whom there is currently no effective vaccine.

Two Phase II trials have been completed, one supported by EDCTP and sponsored by Biofabri in infants in South Africa, and one sponsored by IAVI and supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Defense through its Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program. Results are expected to be published in early 2024.

IAVI. IAVI is a nonprofit scientific research organization with headquarters in the U.S. and locations in Europe, Africa, and India that develops vaccines and antibodies for HIV, tuberculosis, emerging infectious diseases (including COVID-19), and neglected diseases, with the goal of providing global access. It has contributed to efforts to evaluate most of the leading TB vaccine candidates now in clinical development and has a highly experienced TB vaccine clinical research team in South Africa.

Biofabri. Biofabri is a biopharmaceutical company created in 2008 with the aim of researching, developing, and manufacturing vaccines for humans. Biofabri has a solid technical and scientific capacity in vaccines and immunotherapy. Biofabri belongs to the Zendal group, a Spanish pharmaceutical business group made up of six companies specialised in the development, manufacture and marketing of vaccines and other biotechnological products for human and animal health.

UNIZAR. The University of Zaragoza in Spain is the main center for technological innovation in the Ebro Valley. It participates in different exchange programs, collaborating with universities and research centers in Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Microbiologists from the university associated with Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Enfermadades Respiratorias (CIBERES) led the research and subsequent discovery of the experimental vaccine MTBVAC. Within the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) consortium, the MTBVAC discovery phase has included rigorous clinical characterization by independent laboratories and research groups.

IAVI Media Contact

Karie Youngdahl
+1 212 847 1051

Zendal Media Contact
Beatriz Díaz Lorenzo
+34 619 085 074


Alogboshie community to see infrastructural projects under GARID project to improve public services – Asenso-Boakye

The Community of Alogboshie, a suburb in the Okaikwei North Municipal Assembly, will be the first to benefit from infrastructural projects under Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) project.

The GARID project, worth $200 million and funded by the World Bank, is to support communities along the Odaw river with construction of access roads, primary and secondary drains, extension of street lights and water network.

The goal is to improve public services, reduce perennial flooding challenges and enhance the living conditions of low-income communities in the Greater Accra Region, a category Alogboshie falls into.

This was revealed during a sod cutting ceremony at the Alogboshie durbar grounds by Mr Francis Asenso – Boakye, Minister for Works and Housing, officials of State Agencies, together with the Chief of Alogboshie after undertaking scoping, preparation of community upgrading plan, environmental and social impact assessment and engineering designs, amongst others.

Mr Asenso-Boakye
said the project was the beginning of a transformative journey of Alogboshie and the interventions were a testament of the government’s commitment to enhancing basic social infrastructure and reducing the vulnerability of low-income communities.

He said the preparation and implementation of the resettlement action plan for Alogboshie had been carried out, adding the interventions alone cannot eradicate floods in Accra and parts of the country unless they were driven by positive attitudinal change.

‘Governments have invested significant resources in the national flood control. These investments have been undermined by inappropriate behaviours of some Ghanaians, including communities along the Odaw channel.

Some citizens build in water ways, others dump waste into drains,’ the Minister said.

He urged the Assemblies to work and strictly enforce building and sanitation regulations to nip any indiscipline in the bud with support from the media through their platforms.

Mr Asenso-Boakye said the Ministry of Wor
ks and Housing in collaboration with the Ghana Hydrological Authority, Water Resource Commission, Ghana Meteorological Agency and NADMO were establishing flood early warning systems under the GARID project for the Greater Accra Region.

The systems would provide advance notifications to flood prone communities so they could take the necessary steps to protect lives and properties and a variety of equipment had been handed over to the institutions.

Dr Ohene Sarfo, the GARID Project Coordinator, said construction works were beginning immediately to ensure the interventions were delivered as scheduled.

‘We are strengthening the Assemblies through training and giving grants for routine dredging. We have procured drones to enable the Assemblies to improve the management of the buffer (land closer to water bodies).

Madam Madhu Raghunath, Practice Manager, The World Bank, said risks to perennial flooding had often been occasioned by insufficient drainage infrastructure and solid waste management, however, the int
erventions would reduce these risks and improve the quality of environment for the Alogboshie community.

‘It is our hope that this project could be replicated in other parts of Accra. We call for continuous engagement between the project facilitators and the community for a smooth execution of the project,’ she said.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Parents urged to create equal, conducive environment for children with special needs

Mrs Georgina Aberese-Ako, Acting Upper East Regional Director, Department of Children, has advised parents and major stakeholders to create an equal and conducive environment for children, particularly those with special needs to develop and thrive.

She observed that often, parents with disabled children or children with special needs tend to confine them away from the public and deny them access to opportunities like all other children.

Such a practice, she underscored, was unacceptable and an infringement on the rights of those children and denying them the opportunity to unearth their immense potential.

‘Mostly, we hide children with special needs in rooms thinking they are spirit children, and they should not be treated like the other children but no matter the condition, every child should be treated like human beings and those children have rights,’ he said.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, the Acting Regional Director encouraged parents, especially those with children with special needs
to enrol them in schools and give them the platform to explore the world to develop their potential and contribute significantly to the development of society.

‘The education policy says that at age four every child should be in kindergarten one and kindergarten two when the child is five years old, preparing them for formal education. So let every child enjoy his or her rights no matter the condition of that child,’ she stressed.

Mrs Abereseke-Ako said as part of activities to mark this year’s World Children’s Day on the theme: ‘For Every Child, Every Right,’ the Department undertook community sensitisation in the Nabdam District as well as collaborated with the National Commission for Civic Education to educate some school children in Garu on the rights and responsibilities of a child.

Mrs Aberese-Ako explained that parents had the responsibility to ensure that they provided for the needs of their children and urged them to prioritise the welfare of their children by investing in their education.

She id
entified superstitions surrounding children with special needs, harmful cultural practices such as child marriage, female genital mutilation, sexual abuse, and child exploitation among others as major challenges facing the development of children in the region.

She, therefore, called on stakeholders including government, non-governmental organisations, traditional authorities, and parents to view child protection as a collective responsibility and work to remove all barriers that would create an equal environment for the empowerment of all children.
Source: Ghana News Agency

BoG has proven to be a sound banker to the government – President

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says the Bank of Ghana (BoG) has proven to be a sound banker to the government and a safe custodian of the country’s money.

He said the Central Bank had distinguished itself to the admiration of all well-meaning people and had also been an efficient currency manager, a reliable source of liquidity and a dependable lender of last resort.

The President made the commendation during the Bank’s end-of-year cocktail event in Accra.

He said one of the challenges his government met when they came into power in 2017 was the state of the banking industry, where many of the Banks and financial institutions were in distress and kept on unsustainable life support by the then central bank.

‘The supervisory agencies of the BoG were not performing their duties, which allowed weak governance management structures in Banks to fester,’ he added.

He said when COVID-19 struck with dire consequences for the country, the BoG with the support of the Commercial Banks, instituted the GH?3 bi
llion credit and stimulus package to help revitalize industries, especially the pharmaceutical, hospitality and manufacturing sectors.

‘We have all seen the effects of this intervention, evidenced by the growth of the economy,’ he said.

He said the banks were in a desperate situation and radical measures had to be taken to prevent the collapse of the financial sector.

 The President said the BoG under the new leadership intervened and restored sanity in the sector and the process saved the funds of 4.6 million depositors.

Government funds of GH?21 billion were used for the clean-up exercise which has enabled a more robust financial sector to emerge to better finance the rapid development of the country.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, whose effects were exacerbated by the Russia-Ukraine conflict called for some corrective measures to address the imbalances and restore

stability and with the support of the BoG, macro-economic stability was restored.

‘The BoG has supported the government by providing
a sound platform to underpin the government’s economic diversification and transformation process,’ the President said.

He said there was clear evidence that inflation was being contained and from 54 per cent in December 2022 to 26.4 per cent in November 2023, we are also witnessing sustained stability of the exchange rate.’

The President said the effective partnership between the BoG and the International Monetary Fund under the terms of the government’s programme with the fund is yielding the right results.

He said he was encouraged by the many corporate governance measures put in place by the BoG to mitigate future bank failures and ensure a strong banking sector to drive the agenda of transformation.

He said the recent policy measures introduced by the BoG were commendable and in line with efforts to move Ghana to a situation beyond aid.

‘I have also taken a keen interest in the Bank’s role in the digitisation of the economy. The architecture of our payment system has been transformed completely and

inclusion has been deepened to ensure shared growth for all Ghanaians,’ he added.

The BOG has won the Central Bank of the Year awards two times with the governor, Dr Ernest Addison, on one occasion being adjudged the Central Bank Governor of the Year.

He said this year had been challenging for the Bank but with the excellent leadership and the dedicated staff of the BoG, the Bank was able to surmount the difficulties and emerged even stronger.

He said the current economic challenges confronting the country required that every hand should be on deck, calling for stronger partnerships and a greater degree of policy coordination between the BoG and the Ministry of Finance.

This call is for the Bank within its remit of operational independence to play a pivotal role in helping to formulate and implement policies that will help usher in the desired economic transformation.

He urged the Management of the Bank to ignore the mischief of misguided elements and maintain its focus on executing its mandat
Source: Ghana News Agency

Government urged to help revive Achimota New Station

Mr N.A. Da Wood, newly- elected Chairman of the Achimota Main Branch of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has called on the government to help revive the Achimota New Station from dying a natural death.

He said the Achimota Transport Terminal popularly known as the Achimota New Station was under-utilised by both drivers and passengers, thereby rendering the facility ‘dead’.

Mr Dawood made the call after he had been elected as the new Chairman of the union at an election held in Accra on Sunday.

He polled 21 votes against 10 by Mr Nti Boahen, his contestant, to be elected as chairman to steer the affairs of the union for a four-year term.

Other officers elected were Mr Kwaku Sarfo, Vice Chairman, Mr Norbert Yao De Souza, Secretary, Mr Amadu Zakaria, First Trustee and Mr Rahim Abdallah, Second Trustee.

Mr Dawood said that built with the intent of reducing road carnages on the Achimota-Nsawam highway, the 800-vehicle capacity station constructed at the cost o
f GHc 4.5 million had not been utilised as was initially expected.

‘Majority of drivers and passengers prefer using the shoulders of the Accra-Nsawam Road than to use the terminal,’ he said adding that some of the drivers cited examples as they were not making much money when they operated at the terminal as compared to the old station.

Some passengers GNA interviewed indicated that they had difficulty in accessing the terminal adding that it took close to two hours for a bus to get the full set of passengers instead of the 20 minutes they were used to.

The terminal set to be one of the biggest in the West Africa Sub Region has a clinic, a Police Station, a passenger hall, passengers’ sheds, five canteens, toilet facilities and an administrative block.
Source: Ghana News Agency