Community 25 open lands are government lands – TDC

The TDC Ghana Limited (TDC) has stated that open lands within the Company’s acquisition area in Tema Community 25 are government lands and not meant for recreational purposes.

Mr. Ian Tabalor Okwei, the TDC Protocol and Administrative Officer, said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the resolve by some residents to prevent development of those lands claiming it for recreational purposes.

Mr. Okwei explained that whenever TDC developed a community certain portions of the land were earmarked for future development, allocation to statutory bodies, and individual development depending on demand.

He stressed that not all open spaces in the TDC acquisition area lay fallow, adding that the company had all of its lands schemed; therefore, no community could lay claim to any area merely because they had for a long time used such places for recreational facilities such as football parks.

He explained that when the community 25 area was developed, TDC allocated land to the Ghana Police Service, and
documents and proposals were done and handed over to the service even though it was yet to fulfil the financial requirement.

He indicated that the land besides the police station, even though it had yet to be developed, had not been allocated to any group of residents for their activities; therefore, it was illegal for such a claim to be made as TDC dealt with each resident individually.

Mr. Okwei said just like other lands within its acquisition, the land had duly been allocated to individuals who were yet to develop it.

He stressed that fallow lands did not belong to the community, drawing attention to a land the company had allocated to the Ghana Police Service, Tema Regional Command, which the community had turned into a park.

He said the fact that they had named the park and used it for their activities did not mean that when the Police Command wanted to develop it, it must not because it had become theirs without any authority.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Chamber of Automobile Dealership Ghana commends NDC Minority

The Chamber of Automobile Dealership Ghana (CADEG) has commended the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Minority’s role leading to the suspension of the laying of the import restriction regulation.

A statement jointly signed by Nana Adu Bonsu Agyekum and Mr Eddie Kusi Ankomah, CADEG President and National Chairman respectively, copied to the Ghana News Agency said the Chamber considers this a great privilege to extend its heartfelt gratitude to Dr Cassiel Ato Baah Forson, the NDC Minority Leader and his Caucus for their invaluable support and contributions in advocating and ultimately achieving the Government’s decision to suspend the Import Restrictions Constitutional Instrument (CI) before the Parliament of Ghana.

‘Your commitment to our shared cause has been instrumental in fostering a collaborative and informed dialogue with key stakeholders, including policymakers and government officials,’ the statement said.

‘The suspension of the CI is a testament to the effectiveness of our collecti
ve efforts and the strength of our advocacy initiatives supported by Honourable Minority Leader.’

It noted that the Minority’s dedication to ensuring that the concerns of the automobile industry were heard and considered during this process had significantly contributed to the positive outcome they had achieved.

The statement said the decision reflected not only the Government’s responsiveness but also its commitment to engaging in a comprehensive and inclusive decision-making process.

‘As we continue to work towards well-balanced and sustainable importation policies, we recognise and appreciate the pivotal role you have played in this journey,’ it said.

‘Your support has been crucial in upholding the interests of the industry and promoting fair and equitable trade opportunities.’

It said CADEG looked forward to the Minority’s continued partnership and collaboration as they embraced future challenges and opportunities within the automobile sector.

It said together, they could contribute to the developme
nt of policies that supported the growth and sustainability of their industry and the economy of Ghana.

It said once again, CADEG was grateful to the Minority Leader, for his unwavering support and commitment to the success of its advocacy initiatives.

‘We value our partnership and are grateful once again Hon Minority Leader for the positive role you have played towards the achievement of our goal.’
Source: Ghana News Agency

Deeper Life Aid supports farmers at Sokpoe

The Deeper Life Aid (DLAiD), a non-governmental organisation (NGO) of the Deeper Life Bible Church, has donated relief items to farmers affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage in Sokpoe to lessen their plight.

Sacks of maize, rice, beans, gari, clothing and gallons of palm oil were among the essentials distributed to the victims.

Madam Sarah Suobogbiree, the Programs Officer, DLAiD, said the items were mobilised by the members of the church across the country to minimize the farmers’ plight.

She pledged their continuous support to the victims until the situation got resolved and called on corporate Ghana to keep extending a helping hand.

Madam Suobogbiree appealed to the government to mobilise funds to ignite the livelihood restoration agenda for the displaced persons.

Pastor Joseph Bonnah, one of the divisional overseers for the church, said the support was part of the Church’s corporate social responsibility and urged other organisations to emulate the gesture and donate to the affected people.

Mr Godw
in Fiatsorbu, a beneficiary, told the Ghana News Agency that his finances went down after he lost 40 acres of cassava to the floods.

He lauded the NGO for supporting them in their challenging times and called for support from other organisations and the government to remedy the situation.

Togbe Dika V, the Tsidomhene for Sokpoe, received the items and expressed his gratitude to the donors for the support and called for more.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Bola Ray and European Union launch Entrepreneurship programme to empower startups

Mr Nat Kwabena Anokye-Adisi, widely known as Bola Ray, has joined forces with the European Union in Ghana to launch an entrepreneurship programme to empower 25 innovative startups.

The initiative, dubbed ‘Entrepreneurship with Bola Ray’, forms part of Bola Ray’s 25-year anniversary celebrations in the media space.

The ‘Entrepreneurship with Bola Ray’ is a comprehensive start-up support programme designed to empower 25 deserving entrepreneurs under 30 years old.

This initiative focuses on providing essential pillars of support: Funding, Training, Mentorship, Branding and Marketing, and Bookkeeping.

The launch was held at the residence of European Union Ambassador Mr Irchad Razaaly, who is the grand mentor of the programme, and was attended by esteemed businessmen and women, the diplomatic corps, and the 25 beneficiaries.

Delivering his speech at the official launch event, Bola Ray said, ‘This scheme is aimed at nurturing and empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs.

‘We are launching this great i
nitiative with 25 budding entrepreneurs under 30 years that will be resourced, mentored, and clearly getting some capital incentives.’

‘This initiative, in partnership with the European Union, is designed to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary resources, guidance, and support to turn ideas into successful ventures.’

He went on to explain to the beneficiaries that ‘this is not just to give money but to mentor. I believe that having a great mentor is 50 percent of your idea steering well because experience, knowledge, and insight can’t be gotten from the classroom but from the school of life.’

‘These are people that you are going to be matched with who will help you navigate the storms. So, you should know that this job is something that you prayed for and that you have opportunities to network, and we encourage you to do that.

‘We are getting you in touch with people who will get you access to capital, and we aim to cultivate an ecosystem where innovation thrives, and entrepreneurship is cele

Mr. Irchad Razaaly, the EU Ambassador, said, ‘First and foremost, the first moment Bola told me about it, I did not hesitate because it makes sense for the youth and the EU because the number one job of the EU here in Ghana is to support job creation.’

‘So, the moment I was asked to commit to supporting young entrepreneurs, I did not hesitate. We are already supporting a lot in the field of youth entrepreneurship in the Central region, Ashanti region, and in the rregions of theNorth , because job creation and youth unemployment is a key challenge of this country. ‘

Mentors for the programme include but are not limited to KGL boss Alex Dadey, Equity Insurance boss Elton Afari, Reiss and Co. CEO Jeff Sowah, and EIB Network General Manager Nana Yaa Sarpong.

The anniversary celebrations themed ‘Impact at 25’ will celebrate Bola Ray’s journey as a radio presenter to an esteemed CEO, exemplifying his commitment to changing lives.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Azumah Resources encourages healthy living habits among host communities

Azumah Resources Ghana Limited, a gold exploration company operating in the Upper West Region, has hosted the 9th edition of the ‘Tour de Charikpong,’ a community cycling event.

The annual initiative is part of the company’s commitment to promoting healthy living habits among residents in its host communities.

The cycling race, which spanned operational districts, including Nadowli-Kaleo District and Jirapa Municipality, witnessed the participation of about 200 individuals from 16 communities.

Notable communities among them included Yagah, Kpaanyanga, Nambege, Kalsegra, Charikpong, Yiziiri, and Kpazie-Bano.

Addressing participants and community leaders during a ceremony to award participants, Mr Hector Nyinaku, the Country Administration Manager of Azumah Resources Ghana Limited, emphasized the dual purpose of the event.

He said beyond encouraging regular exercise, the company aimed to strengthen unity and collaboration between Azumah Resources and the local communities through that event.

Mr Nyinaku e
xpressed gratitude for the continuous support the company had enjoyed from participants, host communities, traditional authorities, and other key stakeholders, and highlighted the importance of fostering a cordial relationship built on trust.

He expressed the hope that the annual sporting activities would contribute to the enhancement of the existing positive rapport between the company and its host communities.

Mr Nyinaku indicated that Azumah Resources Ghana Limited remained committed to promoting community engagement, fostering healthy living, and contributing to the overall well-being of its host communities.

Naa Danyi Boniface Abatanie, the Chief of Kuncheni in the Nadowli-Kaleo District, who chaired the ceremony, commended Azumah Resources for the initiative, recognising its potential to improve healthy living standards within the communities.

Madam Katherine T. Lankono, the Nadowli Kaleo District Chief Executive, appreciated Azumah Resources for its support in the district’s development through Cor
porate Social Responsibility initiatives.

She encouraged the company to continue its community relations interventions, emphasising the importance of following appropriate channels to resolve grievances if they arise.

The cycling event saw Mr Goziel Kelvin from Yagah emerged winner in the male category, securing a 43-inch LED television set.

In the female category, Miss Portia Ansuanuri from Nambege claimed the top position and received a 43-inch LED television set.

Other participants received prizes ranging from television sets, sewing machines, and Chinese bicycles, to knapsack sprayers.

The Nadowli East community clinched the overall victory, earning GHS2,000.00, while Yagah and Yiziiri communities secured the second and third positions, receiving GHS1,500.00 and GHS1,000.00, respectively.
Source: Ghana News Agency

‘Police will come after you,’ – IGP warns criminals

Dr George Akuffo Dampare, Inspector General of Police (IGP) has warned persons who terrorise traders in the markets that the Police will come after them.

They should find a better means of livelihood rather than to capitalize on the hard-won monies of the traders.

‘Police will come after you, you will hear from us and the law will take its course when arrested,’ he said.

This was during one of the police-public engagements of the IGP with the members of the Secondhand Traders Association at Kantamanto, held at the market, ahead of the Christmas festivity.

The IGP was addressing the security concerns of the traders who complained that their customers were being harassed by pick pockets, swindlers or even robbers when transacting business in the market.

The traders, who had earlier paid a courtesy call on the IGP, said such harassment and stealing happened on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, when new goods arrive for sale.

Dr Dampare, accompanied by the Police Management Board, vowed that t
he Police would deploy personnel to fish out the miscreants to ensure that traders enjoyed a safe environment to go about their duties without fear or intimidation.

He said since security was a shared responsibility, they should sometimes take personal security seriously by using electronic means of transacting business instead of carrying huge monies on them.

Responding to an alleged threat of arson on the market, he promised to help prevent it, adding that Police would also liaise with the Fire Service to ensure that the right thing was done at the shops to avert market fires, specifically during the Harmattan Season.

They should also put off all their electronic gadgets before leaving their shops as well as put out fires used for cooking.

The IGP pledged the continuous support of the Police in security delivery.

The traders complained that some of their colleagues’ (coconut sellers, truck pushers) activities caused obstruction to traffic flow, especially at the weekends and must be checked.

This, the
y said, sometimes impeded the entry of fire tenders into the market when there was a fire outbreak.

Mr Charles Asmah, Vice Chair of the Association, who made the appeal, also called for three more police posts to augment the Railway Police Station in crime prevention and combat in the area.

He explained that many people patronized the Market on weekly basis, thus, customers’ safety must be enhanced and commended the Police for their efforts over the past.

Police should also intensify security during the market days and rush hours, when they were going home as well as raid places such as ‘Sodom’ and Agbogbloshie that were becoming a safe haven for criminals, Mr Asmah pleaded.
Source: Ghana News Agency