Abuesi Foundation presents annual food parcels to the aged

The Abuesi Foundation, a charity organisation, has presented food parcels to some 300 aged and vulnerable persons within the Abuesi Community in the Shama District.

Mr Philip Abakah-Wood, the Secretary to the Foundation, in an interview with GNA, said the annual gesture formed part of the ongoing commitment to supporting the elderly, widows, and persons with disabilities in our community.

The vulnerable group received bags of rice, cooking oil and other items to make the Christmas and New celebration a memorable one.

Mr Abakah-Wood added that the support emanated from the Foundation shared vision and to serve as encouragement to those in the community that people still thought about the weak.

He called for support from citizens of Abuesi, both home and abroad, to continue to support the foundation to undertake the annual gesture.

He said together a significant impact could now be made in the lives of those who were most vulnerable.
Source: Ghana News Agency

OmniBSIC Bank Staff supports flood victims at Aveyime-Battor Resettlement Centre

Staff of OmniBSIC Bank have demonstrated their generosity and commitment through its Corporate Social Responsibility project the Supporting Communities through Engagement, Empathy and Kindness SEEK Initiative.

Recognizing the urgent need for support, the bank’s staff raised funds and donated essential supplies to families now residing at the Aveyime-Battor Resettlement Centre in the recent Akosombo Dam Spillage.

A statement issued in Accra by the Bank said a 10-member delegation visited the Resettlement Center to deliver food items and toiletries.

The team met with the Chiefs and Community Leaders, Mr Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu and affected families to interact with them.

Mr Dominic Donkoh, the Chief Risk Officer of the Bank, presenting the items, said, ‘This is a CSR initiative by our staff who believe that the people of Aveyime-Battor deserve our support during this challenging time.’

‘We understand the hardships faced by the residents due to the Akosombo Dam S
pillage, and it is our duty as a responsible corporate citizen to extend a helping hand,’ he added.

He said the Bank’s commitment to the community’s well-being through the SEEK Initiative was not just a one-time effort but an ongoing commitment to making a positive impact on lives.

Torgbe Manklalo Borbordzi VII, the Chief of Battor, expressed heartfelt appreciation to OmniBSIC Bank and its staff for their timely intervention.

He said, ‘The generosity shown by OmniBSIC Bank staff is a testament to their dedication to community development.’

He said the support would go a long way in easing the challenges faced by the people during this difficult period.

Mr Okudzeto Ablakwa commended OmniBSIC Bank for its swift response and community-focused approach.

He said the essential items donated would meet the practical needs of the people.

He recognized the Bank’s tagline, ‘At Your Service,’ which is in line with its commitment to serving the people of Aveyime-Battor.

The SEEK project is driven by the dedicatio
n and compassion of staff. This initiative is a pivotal part of the broader OmniBSIC CSR programme.

Through the SEEK Initiative, OmniBSIC staff generously volunteer their time, skills, and resources to support various projects to improve the lives of the communities.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Chief Of Azulenloanu appeals to government for social amenities

Nana Addo Nreda VI, the Chief of Azulenloanu in the Western Region, has appealed to the government to take steps to provide basic social amenities for the community.

He said the community lacked these amenities which were affecting the standard of living of its people.

Speaking on some of the challenges in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at his palace at Azulenloanu, Nana Nreda VI, said a water system in the area had been dysfunctional for a period now, leading to acute water shortage in the town.

‘Because of this, my people always throng my house to fetch water from my personal borehole, and my monthly water bill is increasing as a result,’ he said.

The traditional ruler indicated that the only toilet facility in the community had also been locked due to the water situation, compelling residents to resort to open defecation in the area.

Nana Nreda VI said the Azulenloanu Township Water Project started by Tullow Ghana, one of the partners in the Jubilee Field, had stalled, saying ‘There is
no water in the tank they brought to supply us some years ago.’

He appealed to management of Tullow Ghana to resume work on the Project and connect the water plant to the pipes to help supply water to the entire community.

Nana Nreda VI also expressed worry over the dilapidated state of a classroom block in the area.

He said the situation had compelled parents to withdraw their children to other schools in Esiama, Ambainu, Kikam and other adjoining communities.

‘Once the block collapses, the school will have no future, so I am appealing to the government to respond swiftly to the situation to promote education in our community,’ he said.
Source: Ghana News Agency

NGO initiative programme to promote mental health support for women

Emerge New Woman, a Non-Governmental Organisation, has organised a programme to promote and enhance mental health support for women in the country.

The initiative, christened ‘Renewed Woman,’ offers a transformative gathering for women, providing crucial mental wellness support through psychoeducation, therapeutic interventions, and advisory services.

Speaking on the theme: ‘Release,’ Ms Lady Mae, Founder of Emerge New Woman, said the theme resonated with the power to let go of the old to make space for the new and embrace the beauty of transformation.

The objective of the event is to inspire and empower women to be resilient, promoting personal growth and emotional freedom.

‘Let us celebrate our ability to release what no longer serves our growth.

‘Let us cherish the moments that brought us joy and wisdom, and gracefully bid farewell to those that taught us lessons but are now part of the past.’

Ms Mae said the organisation, in spite of challenges, had shown resilience in adapting to changes, strength
in navigating uncertain waters, and unity in supporting each other in the emerging community.

‘At Emerge New Woman, every passing year seems to gift us with new milestones, challenges conquered, and growth both individually and as a collective force of empowered women,’ she said.

She urged participants to step forward into the new chapter with courage, enthusiasm, and an unwavering belief in their potential to create the needed change.

‘Let us embrace the spirit of release, allowing ourselves to soar higher and dream bigger in the coming year.

‘Your presence is a testament to the strength and resilience that define our community,’ she said.

The organisation initiated programmes that supported women with GHS2,500 to start their businesses through seed funding and training and contribute to their financial independence and empowerment.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Ho Teaching and Municipal Hospitals witness nine newborns on Christmas Day

The Ho Teaching and Municipal Hospitals in the Volta Region has witnessed arrival of nine new babies on the Christmas Day, including a set of male twins.

The Ho Teaching Hospital witnessed the arrival of five new babies, two cute baby girls and three lively boys.

A pair of male twins were born during the night without incident.

The Ho Municipal Hospital also recorded four fresh births on the same day.

There were two boys and two girls among the births at this facility.

The two government facilities recorded a total of nine infants on the Day.

Many people shared the sentiment that babies born on Christmas Day had specific meaning; some saw it as a special link to the celebration of Jesus Christ.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Lead for Ghana inducts Fellows

The Accra Polo Club was filled with excitement Christmas Eve as Lead for Ghana, a leadership development organisation, inducted the 2021 Fellows into it’s alumni group.

The Fellows, numbering about 77, with family, friends and special guests, were treated to some delicacies and serenaded.

This was to celebrate their achievements and also encourage them to be good ambassadors of Lead for Ghana in their andeavours.

Addressing the audience, Mr Daniel Dotse, President, Lead for Ghana, advised the graduates to illuminate the path for those they would come into contact with.

‘Remember, the impact you have made thus far is just the beginning. There are horizons yet to be explored, challenges to be met and trials to be celebrated.

As you venture into the world, I encourage you to hold on to the spirit of Lead for Ghana, a spirit of leadership, excellence and transformation’, Mr Dotse he said.

Madam Irene Jacquelinda Attabra, Municipal Director of Education, Krachi West and beneficiary of Lead for Ghana’s progr
amme, heaped praises on the Fellows as well as the initiators of the programme.

She said the presence of Lead for Ghana in the District had helped the Education Directorate to overcome some challenges.

‘As a district, we are faced with issues of teacher deficit, furniture deficit, poor infrastructures, poor reading and comprehension skills of learners, and lack of interest by learners in pursuing higher education.

‘However, with the presence and assistance of the 2021 Fellows, the schools / district have been able to surmount some of these challenges.

‘As a matter of fact, the works of the 2021 Fellows left an indelible imprint in the hearts of students, teachers, parents, communities, and the Directorate,’ she said.

She expressed appreciation to the initiators of the programme and the students for their services.

Mr Stephen Opoku Yeboah, a Fellow, who shared his experiences, said working with Lead for Ghana brought out the leadership skills in him.

He said he did not know he could come up with some in
itiatives to help children learn until he was posted to serve in a community as a teacher.

Before the dinner, the Organisation partnered the Accra Polo Club and entertained its guests with some polo games.

It was to raise funds to support the work of the Organisation.

Lead for Ghana is a leadership development organisation with the aim of equipping youths with good leadership skills.

It does this through the educational space because it is the best place to raise leaders.
Source: Ghana News Agency