Nkwanta South: Farmer shot dead by unknown gunmen at Odomi

Mr Dennis Gowugade, a teacher trainee National Service Person and farmer at Odomi in the Nkwanta South Municipality of the Oti Region, has been shot dead by unknown gunmen on his farm.

Sources said Gowugade went to his farm on Friday to gather foodstuffs when he was shot.

They attributed the incident to the ethnic disturbance between Akyodes on one hand and the Adeles and Challas on the other.

This brings to a total of about 16 persons killed since the conflict broke some two months ago, following a tribal conflict between the three ethic tribes.

Meanwhile, the Nkwanta township is under 1700 – 0600 hours curfew, excluding the surrounding communities.

Some residents, who spoke to with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), requested the curfew to be extended to the fringe communities to curtail escalation of hostilities and criminal activities.

Mr Joshua Makubu, the Oti Regional Minister and Chair of the Security Council (REGSEC), confirming the incident, appealed to the people to give peace a chance and seek red
ress at appropriate quarters.

Nana Mprah Besemuna III, President of the Oti Regional House of Chiefs, in a recent press conference, appealed to the various factions to use dialogue to resolve their differences instead of resorting to use of arms and to embrace peace for the development of Nkwanta and the region as a whole.

He said the security agencies would investigate the incident and ensure the perpetrators were made to face the law.

Video footage showed some police and military officers retrieving the deceased’s body from the farm, which they had deposited at the Municipal Hospital morgue for preservation.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Ketu South: Devine Kporha honoured for emerging 2023 National Best Nurse, Midwife

The Chiefs and people of Aflao in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region have honored Mr Divine Kporha, a nurse, for emerging the 2023 National Best Nurse and Midwife.

They presented to him an undisclosed amount of money, a Nissan Ameri Saloon car, and a Citation.

Torgbui Adzongaga Amenya Fiti V, the Paramount Chief of Aflao Traditional Area, at a ceremony in Aflao, acknowledged Mr Kporha for his hard work.

‘I urge you to keep, build, and concentrate on your career first before thinking about politics because putting politics ahead would sink your efforts,’ he advised.

Togbui Fiti said the recognition signified the contributions of Mr Kporha’s journey, courage, and dedication to the nursing profession.

He urged others to emulate his hard work to build a stronger network to bring merit and make a positive impact on the lives of the people.

Dr Kwasi Asare-Badiako, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Kings Hand Hospital at Aflao, who played a vital role in Mr Kporha’s nursing career development,
described him as a diligent and a dedicated person who ‘delivers tasks with perfection.’

Mr Kporha, on his part, expressed gratitude for the honour and commended the traditional authorities and the people of Ketu South for the gesture.

‘As a young nurse, l am only dedicated to giving back to the communities voluntarily.’

‘My greatest gratitude goes to the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) for recognising my contributions to humanity and the honor bestowed on me.’

Mr Kporha has contributed to several humanitarian projects, which included the construction of a neonatal intensive care unit, provision of potable water for communities, and championing good sanitation practices in many areas.

He also won the District Best Nurse and Midwife, and Volta Regional Best Nurse and Midwife wards for the year 2023.
Source: Ghana News Agency

MTN Ghana walks with Ashanti media

MTN Ghana has organised a health walk and aerobic session for media practitioners in the Ashanti Region as part of efforts to strengthen partnership between the company and the media.

The maiden exercise saw a massive participation by practitioners from virtually all media organisations in the region.

Warrant Officer (WO) Austin Power from the Armed Forces, who led the aerobic session, took participants through various workouts aimed at burning fats to keep them healthy and fit for their strenuous jobs.

He underscored the need for journalists to always eat well balanced diet and stay active physically.

Journalists worked long hours due to the demanding nature of their profession, hence the important to spare some time for exercise to keep deseases at bay, he said.

Mr Simon Amoh, the Acting Commercial Manager, MTN Northern Business District, reiterated the need for journalists to exercise regularly.

He said MTN would consider making the walk part of its calendar to improve the health of journalists and
build a strong working relationship with the media.

Mr Kingsley Hope, the Regional Chairman of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), urged MTN Ghana to continuously deepen the mutual working relations with journalists through such events.

The walk commenced at the Nhyiaeso premises of MTN through the Central Business District and back to the MTN office, where the aerobic session was held.

Participants also took part in penalty shootouts between the print, television, radio and online practitioners to spice up the exercise.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Christian Literature: ‘Discover The Power of Your Inner Man’ launched

A Christian literature, titled: ‘Discover The Power of Your Inner Man’ has been launched in Accra to guide the hearts of Christians in the course of applying faith.

The 197-page book is authored by Pastor Charles Adu Mensah of the Winners Chapel, Oyibi branch.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency on the sidelines of the launch at the church, Pastor Mensah said he had nurtured the desire to write on how the Christian faith worked.

‘It is a marvellous thing I have discovered and my faith is working all the time. If a believer wants to live by faith, he can live by faith,’ he said.

‘The faith of Christians does not seem to work sometimes but according to the Bible it should work all the time.’

He said newborn Christians in particular needed the book to be able to grow and do exploits.

Pastor Ebenezer Wonderful, the Resident Pastor, Winners Chapel, and the guest speaker, urged the faithful to get a copy of the book and digest the contents.

Backed by prayers, they would witness marvellous results, he

‘If we don’t use our faith, it becomes dormant, and we fail to realise the power of God in some situations of our lives,’ he said.

Pastor Wonderful admonished Christians to read the book and constantly apply their faith to witness the power of God.

Dr Daniel Gamati, the guest of honour, stated that the Christian literature was a valuable asset to all believers in Christ and urged everyone to get a copy to boost their faith as it taught the practical steps to benefitting from God’s word.

The book was replete with accounts of people who had taken such practical steps of faith and witnessed amazing results, he said.

The first copy was sold for 1,000 cedis.
Source: Ghana News Agency

I take full responsibility for message attributed to Bawumia – Asa Bee

Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, says he has taken full responsibility for any message attributed to the Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia at the SAMANPID Festival at Bawku in the Upper East Region.

‘I hereby state that the speech was my own speech and did not emanate from the Vice President himself or his office,’ he said in a statement he personally signed and issued.

It said the Minister attended the 36th SAMANPID Festival held on Thursday, December 28, 2023 at Bawku and delivered a speech to congratulate the Chiefs and people for the occasion.

The statement said he was detailed to represent the President of the Republic of Ghana and personally wrote the speech and inadvertently read it on behalf of the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana.

It emphasised that the peace being sought after by all Ghanaians was the overriding purpose of the message he conveyed in the speech.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Persons with Disability at Nsawam-Adoagyiri receive support

The Government is committed to providing support to persons with disability (PWDs) to improve their livelihoods, Mr Isaac Kwadwo Buabeng, the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Chief Executive, said on Friday.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, he said the government would assist them to generate income to enhance their livelihoods instead of begging on the streets.

Mr Buabeng said this after he had presented assorted items, including 10 refrigerators and beverages to 11 PWDs in the municipality at a ceremony at Nsawam in the Eastern Region.

He urged the beneficiaries to use the refrigerators to generate income to support themselves and improve their living standards.

Mr Patrick Oppong, the Director, Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Social Welfare, said the Assembly would continue to support the poor and the vulnerable so they could also enjoy a dignified life.

He entreated the beneficiaries not to sell the items ‘for quick money’ but do business with them to serve the purpose for which they were donated.

r Kwame Abedi, Chairman of the Ghana Federation of Disability Organisation, expressed gratitude to the Government for the support and appealed to philanthropists and non-governmental organizations to extend assistance to them.
Source: Ghana News Agency