MP extols Bliss Eye Care for free eye screening for constituents

Dr Godfred Seidu Jasaw, the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Wa East Constituency, has extolled Bliss Eye Care, a private eye clinic in Wa, for extending its free eye screening exercise to people in the area.

He said access to eye care services in the Wa East District was a privilege and that the initiative by the clinic would enable the people to have regular eye checkups and access free care when a condition was detected.

Dr Jasaw said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Funsi during a free eye screening exercise organised by Bliss Eye Care.

The MP, who also had his eyes screened, observed that the intervention would help save the people from losing their sight through preventable conditions.

Bliss Eye Care organised the exercise at Funsi as part of its Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) dubbed: ‘Blissful Sight for Kids (BS4Ks).’

The clinic has been organising free eye screening for people in the Upper West Region and beyond, with a special focus on children.

Dr Jasaw said he
had been collaborating with some organisations, including Bliss Eye Care, to organise free eye screening in the constituency since 2019 due to the importance of eye health.

‘The eye is one of the most critical organs of the human body. Sometimes when you are not careful and conscious about regular checkups, when problems such as cataracts or glaucoma may develop, you may not know and before you say jack, you’ve lost your sight.

I hope that this free screening will contribute to ensuring that the eyesight of the people in the district is enhanced,’ he explained.

A total of 263 people went through the screening with 45 of them having normal eyes, 165 having Pathological issues relating to medication, 36 having Refractive Errors relating to the need for eyeglasses and 17 having Cataracts and Glaucoma.

All those who needed medications were offered and those who needed eyeglasses were also given for free, while those who needed further attention at a facility were referred.

Dr Zakarea Al-Hassan Balure, the Ma
nager of Bliss Eye Care, encouraged the people to take their eye care very seriously by going for regular checkups.

He also encouraged them to take advantage of free eye screening exercises to have their eyes screened since access to eye care services could be difficult.

‘Don’t wait until you have an eye problem and when your vision is blurring before you come to check. Do it regularly,’ he admonished.

Miss Nuela Wiyaala, an Afro-Pop Singer from Funsi, who partnered with Bliss Eye Care to organise the screening, said the initiative was laudable since access to eye screening services was almost non-existent in the area, coupled with the cost of accessing those services when necessary.

‘It’s a very good cause and the human eye is very important. Without it, life can be a different thing altogether and very uncomfortable.

‘Besides, in our part of Ghana, the smaller communities, hardly do we get these things done for us on a silver platter just like that, you must pay lots of money to even do a checkup let a
lone if you have a problem with your eye and needs to do surgery.

But anytime he comes he does it for free. So, it’s a big opportunity and joy for us in the Sissala areas as lots of us might have problems but we might not even know,’ she explained.

Mr Charles Lunaga Salidong, a beneficiary of the screening at Funsi, thanked Bliss Eye Care for the intervention.

Mr Salidong, a teacher, said he had difficulty reading and was given a reading aid after the screening at no cost.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Some 547 journalists to spend New Year’s Eve in Prison

A total of 547 Journalists globally would spend New Year’s Eve in prison, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF) with some 779 jailed at some point in 2023.

China, Myanmar, Belarus and Vietnam are the four biggest jailers of media personnel.

Between them, these countries are holding more than half of the world’s imprisoned journalists, according to an RSF release to the Ghana News Agency.

The sentences passed on women journalists broke records in 2023 with the victims, including?Elaheh Mohammadi?and?Niloofar Hamedi, sentenced to 12 and 13 years in prison respectively in Iran.

They included?Maryna Zolatava, Liudmila Chekina?and?Valeriya Kastsiuhova, icons of independent journalism in Belarus, whose sentences ranged from 10 to 12 years and included Burundi’s?Floriane Irangabiye, one of the few women journalists jailed in sub-Saharan Africa, who was given a 10-year sentence.

Reporters Without Borders continues to?deploy appropriate strategies to help obtain freedom for the Journos.

Fewer journalists
have been imprisoned this year than last. We will?continue to fight tirelessly every day, assisted by our correspondents in more than 130 countries, to free these women and men who have been jailed simply for trying to tell us what is happening.

Anne Bocande, Editorial Director of RSF said, ‘Each journalist in prison is a journalist prevented from working. It’s also a journalist who will be intimidated in the future. And it’s hundreds or even thousands of colleagues feeling the threat of imprisonment hanging over them.’

‘So, the right to news and information of millions could be violated.?Behind these statistics, there are human tragedies and political consequences.

Together, let’s keep helping those who risk their freedom by trying to keep us abreast of developments in their countries. Your support is essential, ?and I would like to thank you for it.’
Source: Ghana News Agency

Health stories that made headlines in 2024

The World Health Organisation declared that COVID-19 was no longer a global health emergency of international concern almost halfway into the year.

Ghana free from sleeping sickness

In January, Ghana eliminated gambiense Human African trypanosomiasis, a life-threatening sleeping sickness transmitted by tsetse flies that causes significant harm to rural populations living in poverty in sub-Saharan Africa.

Funding for Malaria, HIV and TB

The Global Fund allocated $234 million to Ghana to enhance the fight against HIV/ AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria by 2025.

The grant was also to help the country build a resilient and sustainable system for health.

Childhood Immunisation Vaccine Shortage

There was a widespread shortage of some vaccines used for routine immunisation of babies from birth to at least 18 months.

Malaria Vaccine Authorization

In April Ghana became the first country in the world to approve a new malaria vaccine from Oxford University, a potential step forward in fighting a disease that kills
hundreds of thousands of children each year.

Lassa Fever Outbreak

On 2 May 2023, the Ghana Health Service declared the end of the Lassa fever outbreak in the Greater Accra Region.

The declaration was made after 42 days had elapsed since the last case was discharged, which is twice the maximum incubation period for Lassa fever.

Exodus of Health Workers

July saw the exodus of more experienced nurses in search of greener pastures as about 10,209 nurses, sought clearance with the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) Secretariat to leave the country.

Vaccine Manufacturing

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo cut the sod for the construction of the DEK Vaccine Manufacturing Factory at Medie-Kotoku, in the Greater Accra Region.

The factory is expected to manufacture 600 million doses of vaccines annually from 2024.

HIV Self Testing

Ghana launched an HIV Self-Testing (HIVST) programme to empower Ghanaians to check their HIV status in the comfort and privacy of their homes.

GHS Network
of Practice

The Ghana Health Service (GHS) introduced the Network of Practice, an initiative that will bring together a group of existing public, private and faith-based health facilities at the sub-district level, and within a catchment area, to be interconnected through a district health centre, where each of the facilities would provide holistic and quality primary healthcare services.

High Cost of Dialysis

In October, the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) increased the cost of renal dialysis from GHSS380 to GHSS765.42. This was met with public outcry.

Mental Health

The World Health Organisation (WHO) expressed grave concern over the state of mental health in Ghana, revealing that nearly 2.4 million Ghanaians may be grappling with various forms of mental illness.

The WHO emphasised the urgent need for collaborative efforts to bolster the country’s faltering mental healthcare system, focusing on both infrastructure and technical support.

To address the increasing rate of mental health issues in the c
ountry, President Akufo-Addo announced the inclusion of mental health care in the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) starting in 2024.

‘Next year, mental health care will be added to the benefit package on the National Health Insurance Scheme,’ he assured.

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta announced the resumption of work on the La General Hospital Project, which had stalled.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Paul Biya threatens Separatists, Boko haram to drop weapons

President Paul Biya threatened Ambazonia forces and Boko Haram militants and urged them to drop their weapons or face unforgettable treatment when caught.

‘The situation in the North West and South West regions have ameliorated because the civilians have been collaborating with government forces.’- Paul Biya said during a televised end-of-year message on December 31, 2023.

Things are calm but the situation is not over because a few bandits have decided to continue disturbing the population, he added.

He condemned November 6, 2023, attack in Egbekaw in Mamfe and called on fighters to drop their weapons and integrate DDR centres.

‘If they don’t join the DDR, what awaits them, they will not like.’

In other areas,

President Paul Biya announced that the government will reduce petroleum subsidies because they are a huge financial burden to the government. In 2022, Cameroon subsidized the sector with more than FCFA 1000 billion, in 2023, it was reduced to FCFA 640 billion.

The reduction may mean that prices
of fuel will increase. The government is yet to announce how much will be given as fuel subsidy in 2024.


President Paul Biya, gave teachers an ultimatum to stop striking and engage in constructive dialogue because he will not tolerate such acts.

President Paul Biya said that more than 72 billion was disbursed to cover expenses in 2023, yet they have been striking and paralyzing school activities.

‘I will not accept that a handful of teachers should continue to hold education hostage…I am uncompromising about respect for the right of our young people to education.’

Source: Cameroon News Agency