China Matters’ Feature: How did Honolulu and Zhongshan create intertwining legacies?

What do Honolulu and the city of Zhongshan thousands of miles away have in common? Why did these two seemingly unrelated places become sister cities in 1997?

It’s reported that 80% of Chinese and Chinese Americans living in Honolulu come from China’s Zhongshan. The story of the little-known connection dates back to the 1800s, when Zhongshan-born Dr. Sun Yat-sen spent many of his young years studying in Honolulu. Dr. Sun Yat-sen was a historical figure of epic proportions in China, having led the revolution that ended dynasty rule and officially brought China into the modern era.

The connection between Honolulu and Zhongshan remains strong today with many Zhongshan natives residing in Hawaii. The Cheng family has lived in Honolulu for some time now. Cheng Minxing often traveled back and forth raising money for building a new school in Zhongshan. Overseas Zhongshan natives are also giving their left behind houses a new lease on life, working together with young business-owners in Zhongshan to transform these
historical homes into stores and workshops.

In this video, we follow Professor Mark Jayne as he dives into the intertwined relationship between Honolulu and Zhongshan. He visits former Honolulu resident Cheng Minxing and his newly built school in Zhongshan and visits a historical house that has been renovated into a workshop for traditional Chinese instruments.

How are overseas Chinese communities solidifying the links between Honolulu and Zhongshan? How does their work carry on the legacies? Check the video to see more interesting stories of these two cities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Dome Market Fire: Ga East MCE assures victims of support

Madam Elizabeth Kaakie Mann, Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Ga East Municipal Assembly (GEMA), has assured victims of the Sunday, January 7, Dome market fire outbreak of the Assembly’s commitment towards providing the necessary support to them.

She said the Assembly was making efforts to relocate and support them with some funds to resume business.

Fire ravaged a section of the Dome Market the night of Sunday, January 7, 2024, around 2100 hours, resulting in the loss of valuable items belonging to some of the traders.

Madam Kaakie Mann visited the market with officers from the Madina Divisional Police Command to inspect the extent of damage the fire outbreak caused and interact with the traders, particularly the victims.

She indicated that Officers from the Assembly had taken records of those affected, stating that they would all be attended to, to ensure they quickly recovered from the effects of the fire and got their livelihoods back on track.

She said the Municipal NADMO Directorate had submitted
a report on the fire outbreak and that the Assembly was awaiting reports from the Ghana National Fire Service and Police to enable it to plan the way forward.

The MCE later presented a cash amount to the affected traders through their leadership, urging them to cooperate with the Assembly to strategise on the next line of action in helping them to bounce back to business.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Western North records 107 fire cases in 2023.

The Western North Region recorded a total of 107 fire incidents in 2023 as against 103 cases in 2022.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer (ACFO) Grade II, Amagnoh Philip Kudzo, the Regional Commander of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), who disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said ,35 domestic fires were recorded last year as against 40 cases in 2022.

He said the region also recorded 10 bushfires against 30 cases in 20222.

He said five industrial fires were recorded in 2023 as compared to 10 in 2022, while 10 electrical incidents were recorded in 2023 against seven in 2022.

ACFO II Kudzo said the region recorded four institutional fires each in 2022 and 2023, adding that eight vehicular incidents were in 2023 as against seven in 2022.

He said the region recorded three injuries in 2023 as against one in 2022 with no deaths recorded in 2023 as against one death recorded in 2022.

The regional commandeer mentioned, Gas cylinder leakage, faulty gas cylinder regulator/knob, faulty power
cable, electrical surge/power fluctuation and lighting among others as some causes of fire incidents in the region.

In a response to why the region recorded marginal decrease in fire incidents in 2023 as compared to the previous year, ACFO II Kudzo, said the regional Safety Department intensified fire safety education in homes and various public places such as churches, Mosques, markets, first and second cycle schools, tertiary institutions and hospitals to increase the awareness on fire hazards and the role of individuals in the prevention of fires.

He said the fire safety department and the fire safety Taskforce were also charged to enforce and ensure compliance of LI 1724 in the region.

He continued that the regional command collaborated with the National Road Safety Authority and the MTTD unit of the Ghana police service to ensure Road Safety Awareness and the operation of effective Fire Extinguisher for all commercial and private vehicles in the area.

Divisional Fire Officer Grade II, Joseph Amihere,
Regional Safety Officer, told the Ghana News Agency that his outfit would continue to educate the public as well as ensure compliance and enforcement of the laws this year.

He entreated households to acquire fire extinguishers to help fight fires and that the LI2249 which mandates homes to acquire fire extinguishers would be enforced.

DCFO II Amihere said fire safety was a shared responsibility and urged the public to make use of the various fire safety tips made available by the service to help reduce fire outbreaks.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Victim of scam shares experience with GNA

Mr Joseph Ahianse, a victim in the impersonation of the Akan Member of Parliament (MP), Mr Yao Gomado, has urged the public to be cautious of online transactions to avoid being defrauded.

Narrating his ordeal to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Kadjebi in the Oti Region, he said was scammed by Bless Agbenyenu, a teacher at the St. Francis School Complex, a private school at Jasikan.

Mr Ahianse said he visited a Facebook site and saw Mr Gomado’s profile, with a message announcing a protocol for applicants interested in joining the Military, Immigration, Police and other forces, and that interested parties should contact that person with their certificates.

He said he received a call from the impostor, who alleged that his application had been shortlisted and would have to undergo medical screening and test on January 15, 2024, in Ho.

‘The impostor then demanded GHC500.00 for the applicant to be successful,’ he said.

The impostor then offered to pay half of the amount while the applicant topped up to comple
te the cost of the deal, he said.

Mr Ahianse, also a teacher, said Bless Agbenyenu consequently asked him to send the money to a MOMO number, which he obliged, and soon received a call from his (Ahianse’s) sister enquiring if he had sent money to someone.

He said he became suspicious about the sister’s question and upon enquiries it was revealed that the said MOMO number belonged to the sister’s son, who worked with the impostor (Agbenyenu) at the same school.

Mr Ahianse said several calls placed to the impostor went unanswered, which made him report the case to Mr George Amati, an Aide to the Akan MP, who said the MP had earlier reported similar impersonation cases to the Police, who subsequently briefed him on the present case.

He said on January 14, he and the MP with his Aide went to the Jasikan Municipal Police Command to lodge an official complaint, leading to the arrest of Agbenyenu on January 15 at the School.

‘Mr Bless Agbenyenu was born and bred at Kadjebi, so I know him well, but never knew he
was a criminal,’ Mr Ahianse added.

Agbenyenu was arraigned at the Kadjebi Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, January 17 and remanded.

Meanwhile, information reaching the GNA indicates that Adams Fuseini, whose phone number was used in the MOMO transaction, had been arrested to assist in investigations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Fire related deaths in Ashanti reduces in 2023

The Ashanti Region recorded nine fire-related deaths in 2023, showing a decline from the total of 15 fatalities documented in 2022.

Divisional Officer Three (DOIII), Peter Addai, the Ashanti Regional Public Relations Officer of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), who made this known, attributed the decline to the intensified public education and the swift responses of firemen to disaster scenes.

He told the Ghana News Agency in an interview in Kumasi, that the number of fire cases recorded in the region also reduced from 1,132 in 2022 to 1,006 in 2023, representing an 11.34 per cent decrease.

Mr Addai, however said the cost of damage from fire in 2023 went up to GHS 226,740,956, compared to the GHS 24,247,407.00 recorded in 2022.

He said in 2024, the Regional Command would work closely with the various Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), in building fire stations for prompt responses to fire outbreaks.

He stressed the need for the MMDAs to de-cluster the existing markets and inv
est in properly laid out structures to decongest, ensure easy access for fire tenders in times of emergency, and to reduce damage caused by these fires.

Mr Addai said the Command would create fire posts in markets where there were none and expand regular fire safety inspections and audits in places of public interest.

Again, educational outreaches would continue in households, schools, religious centers, health facilities, social gatherings and in the mass media to ensure fire safety awareness among the people in the region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sunyani West NPP Primary: delegates to decide on Frimpomaa, Mubarik and Baffour-Awuah

All eyes are gazing at Amma Frimpomaa and Mr Mubarik Abdullah Ciessey, as they strategize to unseat the incumbent Member of Parliament, Mr Ignatius Baffour Awuah, in the upcoming New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary primaries in the Sunyani West constituency.

The sitting MP also the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, has represented and occupied the constituency seat, one of the traditional seats of the NPP, for the past 16 years.

The NPP leadership has set Saturday January 27, 2024, for the party to conduct constituency primaries to elect the Election 2024 Parliamentary Candidates.

Already the party has conducted and elected its PC for the orphan constituencies. As the political campaigns gathered momentum in the constituency, the electorate and the masses had shown interest, and thereby questioned the ability of the two parliamentary aspirants to unseat the incumbent MP.

Checks show the Employment and Labour Relations Minister was deeply on the grounds with the NPP delegates, however, the
appearances of the Lawyer Frimpomaa and Mubarik, affectionately called, have accordingly injected a fresh wave of excitement in the political space of the Sunyani West constituency.

In fact, both aspirants possess unique qualities and experiences that made them formidable to make some impacts in the primaries.


As a native of Odomase, the constituency capital, Lawyer Frimpomaa, is the Managing Director of the State Insurance Company (SIC) Life Savings and Loans, and with her solid background in law, bringing on board a wealth of expertise.

Her charismatic personality, strong grassroots connections and excellent communication skills paved the way for her to rally a diverse group of NPP supporters and delegates to her side.

Lawyer Frimpomaa’s unwavering commitment and passion for development has indeed garnered and enhanced her support base in the constituency.

Additionally, her desire for youth empowerment positions her to easily reach out to the delegates. Her achievements Even before her inten
tion to join the race, Lawyer Frimpomaa told the Ghana News Agency

(GNA) she had been supporting the organisation of mock examinations for candidates of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the constituency for some years now.

She said she had also provided scholarships to a number of tertiary students in the constituency, saying recently, she provided similar scholarships to 97 students in the area.

Frimpomaa said she believed firmly that investing in the education of young people remained crucial towards fostering a brighter future for them.

‘No not all individuals aspire to pursue traditional academic paths and that is why I have established a support system for those interested in farming, dressmaking, carpentry, and other vocational jobs’.

‘With my growing support base, I am optimistic not only to win the primaries, but to also maintain the constituency seat in the Election 2024’, Lawyer Frmpomaa indicated.


With his background in finance and consultancy, Mubarik, a native
of Fiapre in the constituency said he believes and is well convinced that his popularity in the area would earn him victory in the NPP constituency primaries.

His passion for development and determination for change have connected him to the delegates, and thereby making him a relatable personality in the constituency.

Mubarik’s is now a force to reckon with in the constituency because of his zeal and commitment to bring progress and development to the area.

He has the conviction that voting for him signifies a sense of loyalty because of his dedication and contribution to the growth of the NPP in the constituency.

His achievements

Mubarik said his strong political background in the NPP since 1996 has accordingly strengthened his support base in the constituency.

According to him, the late Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey, a former National Chairman of the NPP recognised and honoured his personal contributions that led the NPP to political power in the Election 2000.

As his motto goes ‘Party People and Con
stituents First,’ Mubarik said his intention to contest the race was in the supreme interest of the NPP in the constituency and the nation by extension.

‘The NPP is gradually losing its popularity in the constituency, and we must take urgent steps to salvage the party,’ he stated.


As a native of Nsoatre in the constituency and a veteran politician, Mr Baffour-Awuah, has also gained the trust and confidence of many of the NPP delegates.

In fact, his wealth of political experiences tailored with his proven track records has thereby made him a strong pillar, difficult to unseat in the constituency.

Checks reveal his parliamentary journey began in 2008, after he contested and successfully won the constituency parliamentary seat for the NPP with an impressive 61 percent votes. Prior to that, Mr Baffour-Awuah served as the Sunyani District Chief Executive and later elevated to a Deputy Regional Minister in the then Brong-Ahafo region under former President John Agyekum Kufuor’s government.

branded as one of the luckiest politicians in the region, the former President Kufuor’s administration elevated him to a substantive Regional Minister.

His influence in the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s government and hard work has enhanced his popularity and solidified his reputation in the constituency.

His political achievements

In his second term, though his parliamentary votes declined to 50 percent, Mr Baffour-Awuah was able to lead the NPP to win the Election 2012.

By dint of challenging work, he did not only maintain the constituency seat in his third term, but also widened the voting margin, securing 62 percent in the 2016 Election.

The 2020 general election was however tough for the MP as he managed to secure 47.2 percent of the parliamentary votes to maintain the parliamentary seat for the NPP.

Way forward

As the NPP primary to elect a PC approached, the three aspirants have also laced their boots reaching out and canvassing votes from the delegates.

More than 1,000 NPP delegates
in the constituency are expected to cast their ballots in the primary, however delegates were left to make a better choice if the party desires to maintain the Sunyani West constituency seat for the fourth consecutive time.

In fact, the political lens is spotted in the Sunyani West constituency, and the big question pundits are asking is whether the party in the constituency needs a new face to maintain or secure the parliamentary seat or not.

Among the three, who are the delegates opting for, an experienced or fresh mind, left to delegates to decide.

Source: Ghana News Agency