ECG yet to implement VAT payment on electricity

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) says it is yet to implement the intended 15 per cent charge of Value Added Tax (VAT) on electricity consumption for non-lifeline residential customers.

The Ministry of Finance, in line with Sections 35 and 37 and the First Schedule (9) of the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act, 2013 (ACT 870), announced that the implementation of the 15 per cent VAT for residential customers of electricity commenced on January 1, 2024.

Mr Charles Nii Ayiku Ayiku, the General Manager-External Communication at the ECG, told the Ghana News Agency that the company was yet to start the implementation of the VAT on residential electricity consumption above the lifeline category.

Mr Ayiku said currently, residential customers are consuming power at the approved tariff rate by the Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC).

On when the implementation of the VAT would commence, he said meetings were ongoing and the public would be made aware of its commencement before it would be rolled out.

He exp
lained that lifeline users of electricity comprise those who consume between zero and 30 units of energy within a month.

Meanwhile, the energy consumption chart available to the Ghana News Agency showed that using a five- to seven-watt energy bulb for 143 to 200 hours and a seven-watt mobile phone charger for 143 hours would constitute one unit kilowatt per hour (kwh) each.

A 93-hour and 25-hour usage of CFL 11 and 40 watts, respectively, would lead to one unit of power each. Also, 22 hours of usage of a 45-watt computer also constitutes one unit of power used.

The consumption of one unit kwh, according to the ECG energy consumption chart, could occur when a 70-watt fan is used for 14 hours, an 80-watt television is used for 12 hours, and a 100-watt sound stereo is used for 10 hours.

A unit of power can be consumed within five hours of using a 200-watt fridge or freezer, while blending with a 310-watt blender for two hours would consume a unit of power domestically.

A 500-watt computer with a monitor wil
l also constitute a unit of power within two hours of usage, while a water heater, hand dryer, iron, deep fryer, and washing machine of 100 watts can each consume a unit of power within an hour of usage.

According to the energy consumption chart, a 1500-watt split air conditioner will consume a unit of power when used for 40 minutes, while in 30 minutes, a 2000-watt kettle or microwave will consume a unit of power.

The highest power consumption is an 8500-watt electrical cooker, which can use one unit of power in seven minutes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

I sold the motorbike because I was hard pressed – accused

An ex-convict, who appeared before the Kaneshie District Court confessed selling a Singa motorbike he was given to run an errand with because he was hard pressed.

Abdul Rashid Iddrisu, however, denied having knowledge of GHC15,000.00, a cheque book and his company’s receipt book, making up the items his employer sent him to deliver as a dispatch rider.

He was charged for stealing all the items and he pleaded not guilty to stealing them except the motorbike.

Iddrisu also informed the Court that the vehicle had been retrieved.

Police Chief Inspector Apewah Achana, prosecuting, had earlier told the Court presided over by Nana Abena Aso Owusu-Omenyo that Mr Ayisi Boateng, the complainant is the Director of Linktell Business System at Kokomlemle whilst Iddrisu, the accused person, was an ex-convict and lived in Amasaman-Accra.

He said in May 2023, the complainant’s company was looking for a dispatch rider and within the same period the accused person applied for employment, and he was given the opportunity t
o work with the company.

Chief Inspector Achana said the accused person started work with the company on May 8, 2023 and on May 18, 2023, the accused met the complainant at the Consolidated Bank Ghana:(CBG), Kokomlemle Branch and he was given GHC15,000.00, CBG’s cheque book and the company’s official receipt to be taken to one Mr Albert Mensah, a witness in the case.

The Court heard that Iddrisu after receiving items and the money by the complainant, failed to deliver same to the said Mr Mensah and went into hiding.

All efforts made by the complainant and the company to trace accused person proved fu-tile, Prosecution told the Court.

Chief Inspector Achana said the next day, a formal report was made to the Police and on June 14, 2023, the complainant had information that the accused person had been arrested at the

Nungua Police Station in a similar case and would be appearing before the Teshie District Court, which led to his arrest.

The accused, he said, admitted having absconded with the said Singa mo
torbike but denied having in his possession the company’s official receipt, the CBG cheque book as well as the GHC15.000.00.

Prosecution said in his cautioned statement the next day, Iddrisu led a team of Policemen to Amasaman-Sonitra where the said motorbike was spotted at a place where he sold it as a scrap and same was retrieved by Police.

Investigation at the scene revealed that the accused person sold the motorbike at the stage of scrap to one Adams at GHC100.00.

Iddrisu had convinced the said Adams that his company voluntarily gave him the motorbike since they were no more operating it, he told the Court.

Prosecution said the Police left a message for the said Adams to report at the station to assist in investigation, but he failed to do so and efforts made to arrest him was unsuccessful.

After investigation, the accused person was charged with the offence and put before court.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Yapei-Kasawgu MP appeals for houses on higher grounds for flood victims

Mr John Abdulai Jinapor, Member of Parliament for Yapei – Kusawgu Constituency has appealed for construction of new houses on higher grounds for victims of the recent floods in the Central Gonja District to prevent future occurrences.

He said, ‘The water is not receding. My appeal is that we must find a permanent solution to the challenge, and the permanent solution is to construct houses at higher elevation. Red Cross has indicated that if we push and advocate, they will be able to help us to construct some houses.’

He was speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Buipe when he joined officials of the Ghana Red Cross Society to distribute relief items to families, who were severely affected by the recent floods in the district.

The relief items included dignity and hygiene kits, blankets, insecticide treated nets, water gallons and cash grant transfers for 500 families in the district to help ensure the health, wellbeing, dignity, convenience, and livelihood restoration for them.

In late Se
ptember, last year, floods hit Buipe and some other communities in the district because of the Black Volta overflowing its banks following torrential rains upland leading to the displacement of over 3,000 people in the district as some homes were completely submerged.

Mr Jinapor said, ‘Following the floods, I got some partners to come and support. I spoke to Red Cross, and they came here. Last week, I had a meeting with them and today, they are here.’

He said if the affected persons returned to their homes, ‘the water will rise again, and we will have a major problem. And as the water keeps coming up, the structural integrity of buildings keeps weakening and the buildings can begin to collapse anytime soon.’

He added that, ‘I think that we have higher elevation. I have spoken to the District Chief Executive (DCE), and he is very cooperative. We are working together, and I hope that in collaboration with the DCE, together, we will be able to find a permanent solution to this challenge.’

He explained that ‘
I do know that some huge provision has been made for relief items and reconstruction in the budget. So, we will continue to push and pray that government will come to support the people.’

Mr Jinapor appealed for more support in terms of relief items for the people saying, ‘The situation is very dire and terrible.’

Mr Solomon Gayoni Gbolo, Secretary General, Ghana Red Cross Society, urged all leaders to take steps to establish preparedness measures to meet the challenges they were likely to face in future.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Pastor caught attempting to sleep with married woman

Founder and Leader of Graceland Chapel International, Prophet KBY Nsonyameye, aka Spiritual IGP, has been severely beaten by some youth at Beraku in the Awutu Senya West District when he allegedly attempted to have sexual intercourse with a married woman in her matrimonial home.

The woman (name withheld) had sought for prayers from the pastor due to marital problems in her home.

A family member of the woman said in a conversation with the victim, Prophet KBY attributed the problem to principalities and asked that he performed spiritual cleansing.

The victim on suspicion, arranged with the prophet to do the spiritual purification on Monday 22, at her matrimonial home.

Unknown to the Prophet, she had informed some members who ambushed him in the room and after he had undressed to sleep with the woman, they arrested and subjected him to severe beatings and dragged him outside whilst naked.

Last year, the Prophet allegedly defiled a minor in a similar spiritual cleansing exercise at his church premise, othe
rwise known as Fire Grounds.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Medical Superintendent urges public to support healthcare access to rural communities

Dr Sefakor Kpormegbe, Medical Superintendent of Ketu North Municipal Hospital has appealed to citizens to support efforts of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in providing free access to healthcare in rural communities.

She said most rural communities were either challenged by the absence of health infrastructure and equipment, or outmoded structures and that the only time some community members might get to access quality healthcare, was through health outreaches to those areas.

Dr Kpormegbe made the appeal during a free medical screening exercise organised at Bedikope in Ketu North by Morfiala Foundation, an NGO, with funding from Angels for Brazil and Africa.

She commended the NGO for the initiative to provide free medical service to over 300 participants in the community and its adjoining ones saying, the Foundation needed more push for sustenance of the programme and to reach out to other remote areas.

‘While I call on other NGOs to emulate the move by Morfiala Foundation to embark on this exerc
ise, I’ll appeal to individuals who have the means to support the work of NGOs, especially those into health to enable them provide services to meet the healthcare needs of rural communities.’

‘Access to healthcare in most rural communities is challenging and it has a serious health implication for the population. Sometimes, it takes God’s mercy to save clients when they arrive late to major health facilities, which are miles away from them,’ Dr Kpormegbe said.

Madam Rebecca Dzidzorgbe Amuzu, the President of Morfiala Foundation, expressed appreciation to the medical team and donors for their support to screen over 300 people for various medical conditions.

She said medical outreach was important to make healthcare accessible to people in rural communities to achieve the goal number three of the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals.

Madam Amuzu also called on donors not only to support the health sector, but vocational skills development of teenage girls to alleviate poverty in society.

Mr Kofi
Jonathan Vordzorgbe, Director of Angels for Brazil, and Africa, assured of their continuous support for such initiatives to provide access to healthcare to people in remote areas saying, theirs was for the rural community.

Some beneficiaries who spoke to Ghana News Agency expressed their joy for the initiative to bring a medical team to Bedikope to see to their health needs.

Togbi Bedie Ahadzi IV, the Chief of Bedikope thanked the Foundation and all who made the medical mission possible saying the community needed more of such initiatives.

He said the community would provide land to any NGO that could build a permanent health facility for them so that the people would not have to travel long distances to seek healthcare, and it would also complement the work of the Municipal Hospital at Weta, which was not easily accessible to the community.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NPP aspiring Parliamentary Candidate charges delegates to vote for change

An aspiring Parliamentary Candidate in the upcoming New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary primary in the Awutu Senya East Constituency (ASEC), Mr Eric Kwaku Boateng has urged delegates to vote for him as the parliamentary candidate for change.

The Saturday, January 27 primary would see him vying for the position with the incumbent MP, Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson and Mr Bernard Dankwah.

In an interview with Mr Boateng, he said delegates and the populace in general deserved better in 2024 and beyond and that he was the best choice.

Mr Boateng, also a businessman said among his priorities would be to ensure self-development by economically empowering the populace through sports, agriculture, music, and arts and help improve on the work of artisans and professional workers.

He noted that he would establish an educational trust fund to support students pursuing agriculture science at the tertiary level.

He said in terms of infrastructure development, his strategy would be to use collaborative means with constit
uents he had economically empowered to develop the area.

According to him, empowering individuals to fend for themselves and would create opportunities for others which was better than the ‘annual distribution of half piece of cloths, rice and a bottle of oil.’

He added that whatever the outcome of the elections would be, he would support any candidate that wins to campaign in the general elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency