Le KFSH&RC honore 25 scientifiques nommés dans le classement de Stanford parmi les 2 % des chercheurs les plus cités au monde

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 25 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (KFSH&RC) a honoré les 25 scientifiques ayant rejoint le prestigieux classement de l’Université de Stanford mis à jour en octobre 2023, qui les place parmi les « 2 % des scientifiques les plus cités ».

La publication récente reconnaît 25 scientifiques éminents du KFSH&RC, comme étant parmi les 2 % des chercheurs les plus cités au monde en 2021–2022, et salue leurs carrières globales couronnées de succès. Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse honore les contributions exceptionnelles et l’impact des chercheurs du KFSH&RC sur la scène scientifique mondiale, soulignant l’engagement constant du KFSH&RC à faire progresser les soins de santé grâce à des recherches innovantes. Elle valorise encore davantage sa réputation d’envergure internationale en tant que pôle précurseur en matière de recherche innovante.

Son Excellence le Dr Majid Al Fayyadh, Directeur général du KFSH&RC, a déclaré : « Nous sommes incroyablement fiers de cette reconnaissance, qui témoigne de notre engagement sans faille à faire progresser les soins de santé grâce à la recherche et à l’innovation de pointe, aussi bien dans le pays qu’au-delà des frontières. Cette nouvelle étape reflète le dévouement et l’expertise de notre équipe constituée de scientifiques et de professionnels de santé d’exception qui repoussent sans relâche les limites du savoir. Au KFSH&RC, nous restons entièrement dévoués à notre mission consistant à façonner l’avenir des soins de santé et à contribuer aux progrès dans le secteur à travers le monde. »

Réputée pour son classement annuel, l’Université de Stanford met en lumière les réalisations remarquables de scientifiques dont les recherches ont recueilli le plus grand nombre de citations au sein de revues scientifiques et internationales. L’université dévoile chaque année une liste de 180 000 chercheurs correspondant aux 2 % des scientifiques les plus cités au monde. Ce classement couvre 22 domaines de recherche et 176 sous-domaines, et utilise les mesures de citation de la base de données Scopus.

Le KFSH&RC exprime ses sincères félicitations aux chercheurs reconnus pour l’année 2021–2022. Chaque scientifique a laissé une marque indélébile dans différents domaines médicaux. Leurs contributions illustrent l’engagement du KFSH&RC pour l’excellence et le leadership en matière d’innovation dans les soins de santé.

Cette reconnaissance renforce encore davantage la réputation du KFSH&RC en tant que centre de soins de santé holistique, et souligne son engagement à élaborer un système de santé robuste grâce à des recherches et à des progrès continus, dans la lignée du plan Vision 2030.

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KFSH&RC Reconhece 25 Cientistas Nomeados Entre os 2% Pesquisadores Mais Citados de Stanford em Todo o Mundo

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Jan. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) reconhece os 25 cientistas que entraram a prestigiada lista da Stanford University dos “top 2% cientistas mais citados” atualizada em outubro de 2023.

A lista atualizada reconhece 25 distintos cientistas do KFSH&RC entre os 2% principais pesquisadores mais citados em todo o mundo em 2021-2022, e reconhece as realizações gerais da carreira. Este reconhecimento de prestígio celebra as excelentes contribuições e o impacto dos pesquisadores do KFSH&RC no cenário científico global, destacando o compromisso constante do KFSH&RC com o avanço da saúde por meio de novas pesquisas. Eleva a sua reputação internacional como um centro pioneiro de investigação inovadora.

Sua Excelência, o Dr. Majid Al Fayyadh, Diretor Executivo da KFSH&RC, disse: “Estamos incrivelmente orgulhosos deste acontecimento que é um testemunho do nosso firme compromisso com o avanço da saúde por meio de pesquisa e inovação de ponta em casa e além. Este novo marco demonstra a dedicação e a experiência da nossa excepcional equipe de cientistas e profissionais médicos que expandem continuamente os limites do conhecimento. O KFSH&RC continua se dedicando à sua missão de moldar o futuro dos cuidados de saúde e contribuir para os avanços globais no campo.”

Reconhecida por sua compilação anual, a Universidade de Stanford destaca as realizações notáveis de cientistas cujas pesquisas obtiveram as mais altas citações nas revistas científicas e internacionais. A universidade publica uma lista com 180.000 pesquisadores que representam 2% dos cientistas mais citados em todo o mundo todos os anos. Esta compilação abrange 22 campos e 176 subcampos de pesquisa, utilizando métricas de citação do banco de dados Scopus.

O KFSH&RC parabeniza os pesquisadores homenageados no ano de 2021-2022. Cada cientista deixou uma marca indelével em vários campos da medicina. Suas contribuições exemplificam o compromisso do KFSH&RC com a excelência e a liderança na inovação em saúde.

Esse reconhecimento aumenta ainda mais a reputação do KFSH&RC como centro de saúde holístico, destacando sua dedicação à criação de um sistema de saúde resiliente por meio de pesquisa e avanço contínuos, de acordo com a Vision 2030.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9025133

NPP Primaries: I have served you well, give me another chance – Trobu MP to delegates

Mr Moses Anim, the Member of Parliament for Trobu Constituency in the Greater Accra Region, has called on delegates of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to give him another chance to deliver more development for the constituents.

He said he had served the Constituents since voted for in 2020 and deserved to continue as MP for the area.

He made the appeal in an interview with the media, in Accra, on Wednesday.

Trobu Constituency is one of the strongholds of the NPP within the Greater Accra Region.

In 2020, for instance, the Party, led by Mr Moses Anim, won the seat with over 25,000 votes.

He polled 63,580 votes as against the National Democratic Congress candidate, Mr Emmanuel Yaw Agbesi Gbedemah, who garnered 35,182 votes.

However, as the NPP goes to the polls on Saturday, January 27, 2024, to elect its parliamentary candidates for the 2024 elections, Mr Anim is fighting to maintain his candidature.

He faces stiff opposition from two aspirants – Madam Gloria Owusu and Mr Edward Lincoln Nii Adotei Addo.

r Anim, who is also the deputy Minister of Fisheries and Acquaculture, urged the delegates to look at the work he had done so far in a space of four years and retain him, saying his ‘work within the Constituency is unmatched’.

According to him, the Trobu Constituency, which used to be regarded as a rural district no longer belonged to that class because it had witnessed massive social infrastructure under his tenure and the NPP government.

‘I have managed with my share of the Common Fund, and support from the government and donors as well as from my resourcefulness to provide health, education, water and sanitation and road infrastructure to open up the constituency to the rest of the country,’ Mr Anim touted.

Health facilities such as the Amamorley hospital, the Atiato, Pokuase Anglican and Amanfrom clinics, had all received assistance, he said.

‘Again, I have donated clinical equipment to the Ga North Municipal Hospital at Ofankor, power plant to the Ga North Municipal hospital, patient monitors to Amas
aman hospital and a printer and scanning machine to the Ga North Health Directorate,’ he said.

In education, Mr Anim said huge projects had been executed under his tenure.

These include provision of furniture for basic sand senior high schools, including the St John’s Grammar SHS, provision of nursery blocks with GETFUND support at Afiaman Basic school, Abensu, Nii Otoo Kwame Basic school, Ofankor MA Basic school and a nursery complex at

Usman Bon Afan Basic school, six classroom blocks at the Sylvanus Basic school at Pokuase, Atiato basic school and Amamorley Basic school.

The rest are one storey six classroom block at the St Joseph’s Basic school, M7 Basic School, while nursery blocks at the Ayawaso Quarry Basic School and Asofan Basic School, were ongoing.

In the area of roads, the MP said the Constituency had also witnessed an improvement.

He urged the delegates to look at those works, honour him by retaining him as the NPP parliamentary candidate come Saturday, Januray 27, 2024, to retain the seat
for the Party.

‘I have served the constituents very faithfully and efficiently by providing various development projects to ease the burden of the people and I think I deserve to continue as MP,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NPP Parliamentary Primaries: Constituencies to watch

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) will on Saturday conduct parliamentary primaries in constituencies where the Party has Members of Parliament.

Indications are that the primaries will be fierce across board, but some constituencies are appearing to be ‘battlegrounds’ ahead of the polls, which will elect candidates for the Party for the December General Election.

They include Adansi Asokwa, Dome Kwabenya, Asante Akim Central, Bantama, Tano North, Old Tafo and Bekwai.

The governing NPP after securing parliamentary majority with 169 seats in the 2016 parliamentary elections, faced a significant setback in 2020.

The Party experienced a notable decline, losing 32 seats and reducing their MPs to 137 whilst the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) gained some seats bringing its number to 137.

The NPP only regained the parliamentary majority after an independent candidate decided to align with the Party in Parliament.

Saturday Battlegrounds

For the Adansi Asokwa constituency, the current MP and Minister
for Trade and Industry, Kobina Tahir Hammond is facing the fiercest challenge in his political carrier with three other candidates – Dr Enock Acheampong, Kwabena Nkansah Asamoah and Samuel Darkwa Binfo wanting to unseat him.

Earlier, Mr Hammond had made efforts to have the Party disqualify his opponents but failed.

In his petition, Mr Hammond alleged that all the three opponents were ineligible to contest the primaries based on Articles 12(4) and (7) of the party’s constitution.

For the Dome Kwabenya constituency, the incumbent MP, Sarah Adwoa Safo is facing a stiff competition from Mike Oquaye Jnr and Sheila Oppong Sakyi.

In the 2020 primary, Adwoa Safo beat Mike Oquaye Jnr with a few votes to become the Party’s parliamentary candidate for the constituency.

But it appears the dynamics have changed with a ‘third force’ joining the race. It is one of the must watch constituencies.

Also, in the Asante Akim Central constituency, the incumbent MP, Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi is being challenged by two other conten
ders, Nana Agyemang Amponsah and Kofi Ofosu Nkansah for the seat.

There could be a showdown as Kofi Ofosu Nkansah appears to be determined to unseat the incumbent.

In the Bantama constituency, incumbent MP and Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso Boakye is facing a strong challenge from lawyer Ralph Agyapong,who has promised to give the incumbent a real showdown in the primaries.

For the Tano North constituency, incumbent MP and Minister for Water and Sanitation is being challenged by Dr Gideon Boako, spokesperson to Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia.

Also, for the Old Tafo constituency, incumbent MP Vincent Ekow Assafuah will battle it out with Dr Serwaa Donkor, Coordinator for the National Alternative Employment and Livelihood Programme, who is seeking to become the first female MP for area.

She came second in the 2020 parliamentary primaries.

For the Bekwai constituency, incumbent MP and First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu is not seeking re-election.

Four persons – Commissi
oner of Police(COP) George Alex Mensah (Rtd), Ralph Poku-Adusei, Henry Opoku-Ware and Kingsley Opoku Agyemang are seeking to replace him.

It is too close to call, with COP Alex Mensah appearing to be the loudest.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Vice President Bawumia confers with Estonian President, Prime Minister in Tallinn

Ghana’s Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, has held bilateral talks with the President of Estonia, Alar Karis and Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, in the Estonian capital, Tallinn on Wednesday January 24,2024.

Dr. Bawumia is in Estonia, a country regarded as one of the most digitally advanced nations in the world, for a three-day working visit.

The Vice President held meetings with the President and the Prime Minister, respectively.

At both meetings, the hosts shared their perspectives on the country’s investment in digitalisation in the past two decades, which resulted in massive economic transformation.

In the same vein, Dr. Bawumia also shared Ghana’s digitalisation drive over the past seven years, and how it was already having positive impact on the nation, especially in combating corruption, making things easier for the people and impacting on government revenues.

Interestingly, inspite of being years ahead of Ghana in its digitalisation journey, Estonia’s digitalisation, christened e-Estonia, shared
striking similarities with that of Ghana’s journey, especially with both countries building their digitisation framework on their digital national identity cards.

Other areas which the two nations bore similaries include digital address system, online government services; labelled e-Government in Estonia and Ghana.Gov. in Ghana, as financial inclusion, which has significantly boosted online banking and mobile money transactions, respectively.

Later in the day, Dr. Bawumia held talks with officials at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digitalization.

The Ghanaian delegation, led by Dr. Bawumia, and officials of the Ministry led by Luukas Ilves, Undersecretary for Digital Transformation, Government CIO, had extensive discussions on the impact of digitalisation on economic transformation.

While the Estonian officials shared their experiences on the impact of their country’s digitalisation on many aspects of their economy, including jobs, services and taxation, Dr. Bawumia also shared Ghana’s story on how
the digitalisation of government services was boosting efficiency, helping to fight corruption, and boosting government’s revenue generation efforts.

The second leg of Dr. Bawumia’s work visit continues from Thursday January 25.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Vote for someone the constituents want – Tema Central NPP delegates advised

Mr Charles Boateng, the Tema Central Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has advised delegates to vote for a candidate who the constituents will be pleased to have as their representative in Parliament.

A total of 755 delegates were on the constituency register, but three passed on, meaning 752 were expected to vote on Saturday, he said.

Two candidates, the incumbent, Mr Yves Nii Noye Hansen-Nortey, and Mr Charles Forson, a former contender, are contesting.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) ahead of Saturday’s parliamentary primary of the NPP, Mr Boateng said the two had all paid their dues towards building the party in the constituency.

‘We have told the delegates to look at the two candidates and vote for the one the constituents want. Doing so will make the work of the NPP easy during the general election to retain the seat for the party,’ he said.

The chairman said the party executives were ready to support any one of them that emerged victorious in the primary.

He said they h
ave met with all the candidates, the Electoral Commission and the police, on how the elections would be conducted and what was expected of candidates and their supporters.

During the 2020 primary, which saw four contesting, Mr Hansen-Nortey polled 187 votes as against 158 each of his contenders, Mr Forson and Mr Brako, polled.

Information gathered by the GNA in the constituency indicates, however, that it would not be a straight win for any of the contenders, as some expressed misgivings about the incumbent, while others believe that he had done his best.

Source: Ghana News Agency