Coconut Grove Regency Hotel motivated by three awards at 6th Edition Ghana Hotels Association Awards

Coconut Grove Regency Hotel says it will keep innovating to set higher standards for the comfort and refreshment of its hotel patrons.

This follows their hat-trick win at the just-ended 6th Edition of the Ghana Hotels Association awards, in Accra.

It was crowned the overall Best Three Star Hotel of the Year.

It also won the Best Front House and the Best in Conference Team of the Year in their respective categories.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview, the Front Office and Administrative Manager, Afua Taylor Ashie, expressed her excitement over the awards and the gain from the pursuit of excellence.

She said having the customers at heart had been the primary goal of her outfit.

Earlier, the President of the Ghana Hotels Association (GHA), Dr. Edward Ackah-Nyamike, paid tribute to Mr Herbert Acquaye, a former President of the Association, for initiating the award scheme.

According to him, the Awards scheme was initiated to honour hotels and members of the Ghana Hotels Association who
would distinguish themselves in various aspects of their work.

The theme for the 6th Edition of the Ghana Hotels Association awards was: ‘Sustaining the Hotel Industry in Ghana Post COVID-19.’

Ghana Hotels Association was formed in 1975, and is made up of managing proprietors, managing directors or accredited representatives of hotels, motels, and guest houses that have been certified and licensed by the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) to offer accommodation, catering and other tourism services in Ghana.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Eastern REGSEC chairman assesses aftermath of tragic clash at Kwahu-Bepong

Mr. Seth Acheampong, Chairman of the Eastern Regional Security Council (REGSEC), who is also regional Minister, has visited Kwahu-Bepong to evaluate the aftermath of a tragic clash between police officers and a distressed crowd.

He was joined by Mr. Emmanuel Atta Ofori, the Municipal Chief Executive of Kwahu-South, Deputy Commissioner of Police Isaac Asante, members of the Kwahu South Municipal Security Council and others.

The team gathered firsthand information regarding the unfortunate incident, which resulted in the loss of three lives and substantial property damage.

Mr. Acheampong praised the security agencies for their professionalism and quick response in handling the situation. The minister also called on all stakeholders to support the efforts to achieve lasting peace.

He also expressed joy about life returning to normalcy, saying, ‘I am happy to see everybody going about their normal business. There are traders at the market, and all that as if nothing has happened.’

The team first visited Bep
onghene, Nana Nyarko Bawuah II, to assess the damage at the Palace, where the incident took place. They then proceeded to visit the families of the two deceased siblings. Also, they had meetings with officers at the Bepong Police Station and went on to visit the Atibie government hospital to inquire about the medical condition of the injured victims.

Source: Ghana News Agency

‘Road monsters, fairies and angels trailing SMEs growth in Ghana’ – Prof. Agyapong

Prof. Daniel Agyapong, a Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) has confirmed the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector as the mainstay of Ghana’s economy.

He said although SMEs contributed about 70 per cent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), their start-ups and growth sustainability had been subdued by what he termed as ‘road monsters, fairies, and angels,’ along the growth trajectory of the sector.

Delivering his inaugural Lecture on the topic: ‘Entrepreneurship and small enterprises’ development night journey: The road of monsters, fairies and angels,’ Prof. Agyapong described the SMEs sector as a slumbering giant.

The well attended Lecture highlighted the entrepreneurial trajectory issues within and outside businesses and how they impacted business venture performances through ideation, early growth and late stages.

He likened the fairies to mystical beings often associated with encroachments, incomprehensible and unpredictable behavio
urs at work and employees with deep-seated notion that owners or managers of SMEs were rich and therefore steal from them.

Others were competitors who use deceptive tactics or false promises to sway customers regardless of the consequences of their actions.

For others, he said they were the guardian angels in the form of loyal customers, and other stakeholders who provided ceaseless physical and spiritual advice that shielded the company against external attacks.

‘Despite the immense contribution of the sector, SMEs are plagued with numerous challenges, ranging from cost of credit, lack of managerial skills, lack of equipment and technological know-how to regulatory issues, forcing most of them to collapse after few years in operation.

‘The presence or absence of the support and enabling environment can be likened to journeying on a train with its attending issues of monsters, fairies, and angels in the course of the journey,’ Prof. Agyapong said.

‘Ghana’s economy can only attract high -value investments
if SMEs are given the desired backing to grow, expand and create employment to match the capacities of potential external investors,’ he said.

For that matter, he said developing the entrepreneurial mindset and the culture of initiating start-ups was the foundation for entrepreneurial activities which often started from the home, school, and the community.

In the case of the home, teaching children to socialise and be independent, take risks, avoid perfectionist tendencies, and avoid punishing children for honest errors made them creative.

In schools, he said entrepreneurial education should not be to learn about entrepreneurship alone, but to practice it and have the school curriculum emphasising on the ‘doing’ and the ‘knowing’.

Setting up entrepreneurship centres, incubators and accelerators, had been found to promote entrepreneurial development, Prof. Agyapong noted.

In the community, the availability of business development services, coaches, mentors and advisors were necessary conditions for start-
up development.

Going forward, he said, start-up, commercialisation, and venture stabilisation required massive business development services including review of complex regulations and tax incentives.

Consequently, there should be capacity building in financial and risk management, bookkeeping, product packing and investment management, intellectual property laws, and copyrights to promote small business development.

Prof. Agyapong urged the government to create access to both domestic and international markets, anchored on a sound enabling environment with improved infrastructure, such as water supply, and transportation, subsidy on energy costs, and making available alternative sources of energy.

Additionally, there should be an appropriate funding support at the different stages of the growth trajectory, including reliance on angels (benevolence of others).

Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, the Vice-Chancellor of UCC, highly praised Prof. Agyapong for his academic accomplishment having entered the unive
rsity in 1999.

Prof. Agyapong since August 1, 2022, had been the Director of the Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Guan NCCE engages students on violent extremism

The Guan District office of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), with support from the European Union (E.U), has intensified public education on violent extremism among at-risk groups including students.

Engaging with the students of Likpe-Mate Roman Catholic (R.C) Junior High School in the Guan District of the Oti Region, Mr. Abass Uthman, NCCE District Director, called on the students to report suspicious characters to lawful agencies for prompt attention since threat of terrorists attacking communities was real.

He said a survey conducted by the Commission where 1,351 participants were interviewed from 59 districts in eight regions of Ghana, including Oti region, 11 of the participants, who are mostly youth, said they were ‘willing to encourage family members or close friends to join extremist groups.’

This, he said, posed a serious threat to the peace and security of the country, hence the intensification of education on the menace to help nipped it in the bud.

Mr. Abass said Ghana is
not immune to terrorist attack and that it could happen at anytime and anywhere, so there was the need for everyone to be security conscious.

He asked the students to ‘RUN’, if not ‘HIDE’ and ‘Hide’ if they could not run and to call 191, 192, 112, 999, 18555 when they were under attack or when they spotted suspicious terrorism activity.

The District Director also advised the students to resist the temptation of being lured into terrorist groups because there were dire consequences of belonging to such groups.

He said young adults were often targeted by extremist recruiters due to their susceptibility to influence, search for identity, and desire for belongingness.

Mr Abass said vulnerability to violent extremism was not solely determined by one’s identity or background, but social isolation, mental health issues, lack of education and economic instability could also contribute to vulnerability.

Mr Richard Akpabu, the Headmaster of the School, commended NCCE for the engagement, while advising the teachers
to take security matters seriously and report suspicious characters to security agencies for an action.

Mr Akpabu also asked them to pay attention to the school environment to protect the children.

The Krachi Nchumuru, Krachi East, Nkwanta North and Kadjebi District offices of the Commission are carrying out similar engagements in the Oti region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Agona Swedru 2024 Akwambo festival suffer protest from Asafo company

The celebration of the 2024 Akwambo festival of the chiefs and people of Agona Swedru has suffered stiff protest from leaders of the Swedru Asafo Company.

The protest is due to the alleged refusal of the Akwambo Planning Committee to comply with customs and traditions of the Area.

Addressing a press conference to register their displeasure, Nana Kojo Acquah II, the Tufuhene of Agona Swedru and leader of the Asafo Company said the festival could not be celebrated by Swedruman Council of Chiefs without the involvement of the Asafo Company and an Odikro.

He said it was against tradition and customs and was even blasphemous for a few individuals to have allegedly constituted an Akwambo committee to plan the festival when Nana Kobena Botwe II, Chief of Agona Swedru who died in 2021, had not been replaced.

The Tufuhene said ‘We are protesting because no group of persons or individuals have the power to celebrate Akwambo festival with no Odikro, Omankrado and the Asafo company to perform our unique ancestral ri

Nana Acquah hinted that the chiefs and people would never celebrate the festival with bloodshed, but rather have absolute peace, unity and true transformation.

The Tufuhene therefore, called on the Central Regional House of Chiefs and Agona Nyakrom Traditional Council, the National Security Minister and Inspector General of Police to intervene as a matter of urgency and stop Swedruman Council of Chiefs from celebrating the festival to allow peace to prevail in the area.

The Tufuhene presented a bottle of schnapps to the Asafo company and fired muskets to indicated total rejection of the proposed celebration of the festival.

Nana Kobena Abam, the Agona Swedru Asafo Baatan, who gave history of the Akwambo festival said that it had never occurred that a group of persons would celebrate the festival without the Asafo and Odikro.

He said the Asafo leaders had officially petitioned to the Swedru Divisional Police Commander and other security agencies to inform their offices about the danger of celebrat
ing the festival.

Nana Abam reminded the authorities that 2024 was an election year and nobody could guarantee the safety of the people if the committee was allowed to go ahead with the celebration.

He cautioned that the Asafo leaders would resist all attempts by any individual and certain group of people who had taken advantage of the absence of Odikro, for their parochial interests.

Nana Kofi Anyanful, Safohen of Ankobeahene family called on the Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs to intervene since the chiefs and people of Swedru were peace loving citizens.

He expressed the hope that the alleged 2024 Akwambo festival planning committee would heed to the urgent advice to call off the celebration to ensure peace and harmony.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Security guard, 50, arraigned for allegedly having sex with minor

A 50-year-old security guard accused of having sex with a nine-year-old girl in Abeka has appeared before an Accra Circuit Court.

Winfred Nyefene is alleged to have offered the victim GHC2 after his last sexual encounter with her.

Nyefene was charged with defilement. He pleaded not guilty.

Mrs Susuana Eduful, the relieving judge, admitted Nyefene to bail in the sum of GHC100,000 with two sureties, one of whom must be a family member and the other a public servant earning at least GHC2,000.

The court has adjourned the matter to March 13, 2024.

The court further advised Nyefene to seek the services of a lawyer from the Legal Aid Commission.

The prosecution argued that the complainant is the mother of the victim, a class four pupil.

It said the parties in the case are co-tenants residing at Abeka, Accra.

On January 8, 2024, at about 1800 hours, a witness in the case saw the victim coming from Nyefene’s room.

The prosecution stated that a witness who had previously observed the victim leave the room bec
ame ‘highly suspicious’ and alerted another relative, who then informed the complainant.

It said the complainant examined the victim, who disclosed that Nyefene had sexual intercourse with her on several occasions, the most recent being January 8, 2024.

According to the prosecutor, the victim mentioned the most recent incident, in which Nyefene offered her GHc2.00 for having sex with her in his room.

On January 9, 2024, the Tesano DOVVSU received a report on the matter and issued a medical form for the victim to be examined and treated.

In the victim’s statement to the police, she indicated that Nyefene had had sex with her on five separate occasions.

The prosecution said Nyefene was arrested but denied the offence in his caution statement.

Source: Ghana News Agency