WFP Rwanda Country Brief, July 2022

382.3 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 601,256 cash-based transfers (CBT) made

USD 9.5 million six months (August 2022–Jan 2023) net funding requirements, representing

38 percent of total requirements. 231,549 people assisted in July 2022

Operational Updates

Refugee Assistance:

• In July 2022, WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to 112,828 people including 107,174 refugees, 200 Rwandan returnees, 352 asylum seekers, and 5,102 Rwandan children from the host communities around the camps attending the same schools with 28,060 refugee children. WFP provided USD 608,857 cash-based transfers (CBT) to refugees in the five camps to allow them to purchase food from the markets in and around the camps.

• Due to funding constraints, WFP continued to provide reduced food rations to refugee households. Refugees classified as highly vulnerable (86.97 percent of all refugees) received a food ration equivalent to 92 percent of the food basket (RWF 7,000) instead of the 100 percent recommended, while refugees classified as moderately vulnerable (6.49 percent of refugees) received a food ration of 46 percent of the food basket (RWF 3,500) instead of the 50 percent recommended ration. Should additional funding be received, WFP will be able to increase the food basket to the recommended level.

Resilient Livelihoods:

• WFP provided cash-based transfers (CBT) worth USD 63,701 to 2,792 participants in July 2022 for their participation in marshland and terracing rehabilitation under the resilient livelihoods programme. A total of 1,045 hectares of land, including two marshlands, have been rehabilitated since January 2021 to support increased food production of smallholder farmers.

School Feeding Programme:

• In July, WFP provided school meals to 105,437 students in 136 schools across seven districts implementing home-grown school feeding programme. WFP introduced a cash transfer to the schools which allowed them to locally procure fresh foods and animal protein for school meals.

• WFP rolled out the complaint and feedback mechanism in all schools to promote transparency and accountability in the WFP programme.

• WFP continues to work with the Ministry of Education to develop the National School Feeding Strategy and Financing Strategy for the National School Feeding Programme.

Smallholder Agricultural Market Support:

• In July, WFP continued to link farmers with formal buyers. The supported farmer organizations have sold 14,000 mt of maize, beans, rice and Irish potatoes generating an income of more than USD 4.5 million in agriculture season B ranging from January to July 2022.

Source: World Food Programme

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