The Tobinco Group of Companies has held its Annual Thanksgiving Service at the Pentecost International Worship Center (PIWC) in Takoradi in appreciation of God’s goodness and mercies throughout the year.

This year’s thanksgiving service also marks 10 years of some challenges the group encountered, including persecutions to the point of collapse, but for the Lord’s intervention.

Pastor Emmanuel Ayirebi, the Head Chaplain for the Group, who led the team in service, said the thanksgiving would be celebrated throughout the country and climaxed in Accra.

Pastor Ayirebi, also the Resident Minister of the Kaneshie branch of the PIWC, read Psalm 31:20.

‘You hide them in the safety of your presence from the plots of others; in a safe shelter you hide them from the insults of their enemies’.

Elder Novieku Terkpetey, who shared the sermon, on the topic: ‘No Excuse is Enough’, said that servants were custodians of what had been entrusted to them.

He pointed out that Christians had no defence for not living up to G
od’s standard because He has given to all that pertains to life.

‘Satan gives wealth but true wealth comes from God without calamities,’ he said.

Elder Terkpetey, therefore, admonished Christians to allow God to be the source of their wealth.

He encouraged the children of God to let their private and public lives be pleasing to God and should not have double standards.

He contended that though Job lived as a man with all the feelings and limitations of man, he lived with integrity and pleased God.

‘We can, therefore, as men and women with limitations live as Job did devoting ourselves to godly principles and the fear of God’, he stressed.

Elder Terkpetey called on Christians to strive to walk in integrity and trustworthiness to affect others with their exemplary lives and make Ghana and the world a better place.

He urged them to fear God irrespective of what happened in their lives, whether bad or good.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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