Reverend Godson K. Bodzah, Head Pastor of the Evangelical Central Chapel of the Assemblies of God, Ghana in Ho-Ahoe, in the Ho Municipality of the Volta Region says the worst kind of captivity is sin.

He urged everyone to use the festive season to get closer to God via Christ Jesus, saying, the purpose of Jesus’ manifestation was to release humanity from the bonds of sin.

Rev. Bodzah in a festive message shared with the Ghana News Agency, noted that because of sin, humanity had fallen short of God’s glory, and that was why Jesus was born to restore that glory.

‘And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:18-25,’

He said since ‘all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God,’ as stated in Romans 3:23, a sinless person was needed to set the sinful man free, and that person was none other than the Messiah Jesus Christ the Lord.

He said Christ’s death paved the way for humanity to experience the love of God as stated in Rom
ans 5:8’But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’

Rev. Bodzah who is the Chief Executive Officer of Theosalt Ministries International, exhorted Christians to diligently seek God with fervent prayers and fasting.

He said prayer and fasting driven by the Holy Spirit were indispensable keys to experiencing God’s presence, power and glory as well as the enablement for the fulfillment His mandate.

Rev. Bodzah stated that those who encountered God’s presence saw remarkable development, transformation, and change at every stage of their life.

He urged Christians to make an effort to spend an hour each day in God’s presence in order to experience God’s kindness and mercy and get miraculous strength and blessings in their life.
Source: Ghana News Agency

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