On the eve of Christmas, December 24, 2023, Separatist fighters invaded a local bar in Bali Nyonga subdivision, North West Cameroon, kidnapping a civilian whom CNA said got as Bertrand.

Bertrand was from Bali but lived outside the subdivision and came home to celebrate the holidays with his friends and family.

After his kidnap, his lifeless body was found the next day on the streets.

On Wednesday, December 27, 2023, the family arranged for corpse removal but the Separatists said they must pay FCFA 800,000 before burying him.

This angered the people who stormed the streets to protest the decision- saying enough is enough! Alerted, government forces visited the area and allegedly captured two fighters.

A dissident of Ambazonia Governing Council, Capo Daniel, who says he is now the leader of the Ambazonia Peoples Advocate Platform, said this move came from the ‘bad Ambazonian fighters’ who have been tarnishing the image of the revolution.

Since 2016, the North West and South West regions have been at war f
ighting the central government to create a state called Ambazonia. Most of the leadership is based in the diaspora.
Source: Cameroon News Agency

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