The Commercial bike sector in Babadjou subdivision in the West as elsewhere all over the national territory, has become a breeding ground for many criminals who take advantage of a certain level of liberty in the sector, to commit their atrocities such as robbery, rape, kidnappings, drug trafficking just to name a few. A sector which if controlled and organized, will be a pillar in the economic and security development of the locality, official said.

There are the majors reasons why the National Union of Organized Motobike Riders in Cameroon, SYNCMOCAM created some two years ago to defend the rights of commercial bike riders, on Tuesday January 9, 2024, organized a workshop at the Babadjou municipal council to sensitize bike riders on the importance of cleaning up the sector.

The event was presided over by the National Coordinator of SYNCMOCAM, Augustin Ngoumtsa.

During the discussions, commercial bike riders in Babadjou led by Nguemeta Boris, cited numerous clashes they have with forces of law and order
and council agents as their main obstacles.

‘Our main problem here is that uniform men disturb us a lot. I don’t know what they want from us’ Boris told said.

To these problems, the riders were called upon to be identified with uniforms and be full members of SYNCMOCAM, so that their rights be defended in case they are in trouble. Given that they operate in a danger zone, border to the crisis hit North West Region they were also called upon to always have their necessary documents when carrying out their daily activities. The documents comprise of a driver’s license, insurance, a 13000 annual council tax and a bike registration document.

‘Biker riders have the same problems all over the national territory’ Said Mr Nguimtsa, SYNCMOCAM Coordinator

‘All we ask is for our younger ones who are in the sector to join the Union so that their rights be defended. They should also avoid being on the wrong side. The should have their documents and avoid reckless riding especially as they are in a danger zone’ He adde

The Council on its part, promised to accompany the riders in the acquisition of civil status registration documents such as birth certificates which will ease the issuance other documents which will facilitate their circulation like driver’s licenses.

While promising to comply with the above-mentioned modalities, the bike riders promised to respect the ethics of the profession so that clients’ trusts will be regained.

The Commercial bike sector in Babadjou Subdivision has always been playing an important role in the economy and security of the locality.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, the Minister of Finance, says technology has revolutionised Africa’s economy, contributing 180 billion dollars a year.

The African continent, he said, must leverage the digital revolution for transformation by enhancing efficiency in the financial sector.

This is in a speech read on behalf of the Minister at a panel discussion in this year’s Annual New Year School and Conference in Accra.

The Conference theme is: ‘Nurturing Resilience:Adopting Technology and Embracing Humanism for Sustainable Development’.

It is organised by the School of Continuing and Distance Education of the University of Ghana in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Digitization and other stakeholders.

The Minister said the government was working to upscale access to technology and ensure that Ghanaians had the full benefits of digital technology.

On global economic challenges, he said a new era of reform, driven by the necessities and opportunities of the technological revolution, served as a to
ol for recovery and a cornerstone for sustainable growth.

Sustainable growth in a post-pandemic world would be contingent upon the presence of digital technologies that created employment and opened new opportunities.

Research shows an estimated 50 per cent internet penetration rate across the country, with 18.5 million Ghanaians using the internet.

The 2024 Budget Statement forecasts that the ICT sector will grow by an average of four per cent over the medium term (2024-2027).

The Minister said the government launched initiatives such as the Revenue Assurance and Compliance Enforcement Initiative to reduce tax noncompliance and revenue leakages.

‘We have also supported the rollout of, the paperless part, the national ID, digital property addresses, and land records digitization, among others,’ he said.

Mr Ofori-Atta said the government’s task in the medium term was to stay on the path of macro-fiscal stability and achieve sustainable growth.

He said the government would continue to ensure th
at the transition to a digital economy was inclusive, ensuring that vulnerable groups were not left behind.

Dr Ken Ashigbey, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunication, said the country must change its policy direction and push for e-governance to ensure transparency and accountability.

He said the country needed to break the technology gap.

Professor Katrin Niglas, Vice Rector, Tallinn University, Estonia, encouraged all to embrace technology to facilitate growth.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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