The kingmakers of Adonten Asona Royal family of Agona Swedru, have appealed to the Central Regional House of Chiefs and the Agona Nyakrom Traditional Council to halt processes of imposing a chief on the people to ensure peace and harmony.

The family have vehemently protested the alleged installation of one Nana Oduro Kwarteng I, as the successor to Nana Kobena Botwe II of blessed memory.

It said an early intervention in the matter by the Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs would be the best option to ensure peace and development in Swedru.

Addressing a news conference to express their displeasure, Nana Kwesi Nyakoh Essah, head of the Adonten Asona family, said the purported chief had not stepped down as Gyantuahene and therefore, was not entitled to the stool.

Nana Nyakoh Essah hinted that what had further disqualified him as chief of the town was that as traditions and customs demanded, Tufuhene and his Asafo Company who played major roles as far as the installation of a new chief was concerne
d, were not present at the alleged installation.

The head of the Adonten Asona family said the history of Agona Swedru on agreed customs and traditions used to install a new chief instituted in 1968, indicated that Oguanman alone could not nominate and introduce a chief to the Swedruman Council of Chiefs.

He also alleged that any person or candidate with criminal records could not be installed as chief of Agona Swedru and called for a full-scale investigation into the matter to its logical conclusion.

It would be recalled that on January 18, 2024, one Nana Oduro Kwarteng was introduced to the Swedruman Council of Chiefs as the newly installed chief at Agona Swedru.

Nana Nyakoh Essah said in 1932, a 22-member Judicial Committee of Agona Nyakrom Traditional Council in a case brought before it by the late Nana Kobena Botwe I, ruled that no person or candidate who was nominated outside Nana Botwe I family was entitled to the black stool owed by Adonten Asona Royal Family.

Nana Nyako Essah, therefore, appeale
d to the Ministry of Chieftaincy Affairs, Central Regional House of Chiefs and Agona Nyakrom Traditional Council to intervene since the family members would not like to resort to violence in adjudicating the matter that could result in bloodshed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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