The Ghana Health Service (GHS) has launched the second phase of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Community-based

Health Planning and Services + (CHPS+) project in Nalerigu, capital of the North East Region.

The national launch follows a successful five-year implementation of the first phase of the project in the Upper East Region from 2016 to 2020, which focused on strengthening the Region’s health system for primary healthcare delivery.

The second phase of the project would span for a five-year period in the North East Region at an estimated cost of US$12million and would provide continuous support for previously implemented activities in selected CHPS zones in the Upper East Region, including previously unsupported communities and health facilities.

Speaking at the launch, Dr Patrick Kuma-Aboagye, the Director-General (DG) of the GHS, said the CHPS+ Project would improve primary health care delivery by empowering community participation, strengthen CHPS, and enhance the health system at all levels.

He said through the implementation of established interventions such as the incorporation of tricycle ambulances and tablet-based health information reporting systems, the first phase of the project witnessed remarkable progress and positive outcomes.

‘We enhanced the quality of maternal, new-born, and child health services. Additionally, the project strongly emphasized strengthening health systems through leadership training, facilitative supervision, and digitizing health information systems,’ the DG said.

Dr Kuma-Aboagye said ‘As we embark on the second phase of the KOICA CHPS+ Project, our objectives remain steadfast. The aim is to provide continuous support to the previously implemented activities in the Upper East Region, while expanding the proven interventions to the North East Region.’

He said the Service remained committed to ensuring a smooth implementation of the project activities and aligned with new initiatives such as the Network of Practices (NoP) which would strengthen Health Centres and other healthcare facilities within the sub-district, and improve coordination and service delivery.

The DG expressed gratitude to the KOICA for the unwavering support to the health sector in Ghana, especially in deprived communities and said KOICA’s collaboration had contributed to the significant strides in the improvement of community-based primary health care.

‘I also appreciate all the stakeholders, partners, and health staff involved in implementing the CHPS+ Project. Your dedication and commitment have been instrumental in our achievements so far,’ he added.

Dr Kuma-Aboagye further urged health professionals, community members and stakeholders to work together to overcome challenges, strengthen the health system, and ensure quality primary healthcare for all in the second phase of the project.

The Acting KOICA Country Director, Mr Seungmin Oh, acknowledged the leadership and the ownership attitude of the project by the GHS and the Government of Ghana, without which he said the project would not be sustainable.

He was confident that the second phase of the project would be properly implemented in the Region to achieve the desired results, ‘With the leadership of the Regional Minister, and the Regional Director, I strongly believe that we can do better.’

Mr Zakaria Yidana, the North East Regional Minister, said the CHPS concept was one of the reliable strategies for basic and affordable healthcare services at the doorsteps of Ghanaians with particular emphasis on those in rural areas.

‘The CHPS strategy has, no doubt accelerated the attainment of Universal Health Coverage, which have been on the development agendas of previous and current governments.

Dr Abdulai Abukari, the Regional Director of the GHS, said the project would improve healthcare delivery in the Region through capacity building for staff, promote the implementation of the Network of Practices concept, construction of CHPS compounds, supply of motorbikes and fuel support to facilitate home visits, among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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