The leader of the Ambazonia Separatist movement, fighting for the independence of the North West and South West regions, Sisiku Julius Ayuktabe, has called on all factions to shun division and work for the common good of their people.

In a New Year message posted on his Facebook page from jail, Sisiku said, ‘Amid the internal division, sibling-rivalry, confusion, power-tussle, and contradictions, we need to work tirelessly and ceaselessly to build bridges of understanding rather than creating walls of further division and internal conflict. More than ever before, we need unity of purpose. I prayed with us all to work together for peace, for mutual respect, and for an outpouring of love for all of Ambazonia’s children.’

Recently, the Separatist movements have been divided over defense and diplomatic strategy while some groups consider others as inferior, black-legs, spies, and agents. This has led to the creation of four different Interim Governments. Sisiku is the leader of the first Interim Government that
was created in 2017 and declared independence on October 1, the same year.

But since his arrest alongside 9 others in Nigeria on January 5, 2018, they have not been able to fully exercise their duties as leaders. The Nera 10, as popularly called, are now at the Kondengui maximum prison serving life jail terms.

But Sisiku has now said, that 2024 is time for reconciliation and progress, ‘Now, to each member of our fight for freedom, I say: Stay on the covenant path. Whether you are moving along the path or have shipped from it or you can’t see the path from where you are, I plead with you to remain steadfast. Your commitment to doing what is right, by making covenants with our people and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing available to the people of Ambazonia,’ a statement read.

According to Sisiku, staying in jail for close to seven years now is a huge sacrifice but encouraging because ‘We are fighting to give our children and theirs a nation that they can call their
own; something which none of us now can say within LRC.’

Source: Cameroon News Agency

The People’s National Convention (PNC) will on Thursday, January 4, 2024, open nominations for its regional executive elections across the country.

The regional elections are scheduled to take place from January 15 to January 31, 2024, followed by the national elections on March 2, 2024, and the presidential elections on March 24, 2024.

Ms Janet Asana Nabla, General Secretary, PNC, told the Ghana News Agency that the Party had put measures in place to ensure smooth conduct of the regional elections.

She said the regional elections would be coordinated by the Regional Elections Committee under the supervision of the National Headquarters.

She urged prospective aspirants to obtain nomination forms at the PNC’s regional and national offices at a fee of GHS200.

‘We are the only political party that can bring solution to Ghanaians; so we want all our members to exercise decorum in going through the electoral process.

‘We are a very peaceful political party and we don’t want anyone to go out there to do thin
gs that will destroy the good image of our Party,’ Ms Nabla said.

Per the guidelines approved by the PNC’s National Executive Committee, aspirants are required to pay GHC200 for the regional elections, GHS500 for the national elections and GHS2000 for the presidential elections.

Additionally, presidential aspirants are expected to pay a fee of GHS100,000 whiles persons vying for the national chairperson position will pay GHS35,000.

The vice chairperson and general secretary will each pay GHS25,000 while the national organiser aspirants will pay GHS15,000.

The national women’s organiser, national treasurer, and national youth organiser aspirants will each pay GHS10,000 whiles deputy positions’ aspirants in the national elections will pay GHS5,000 each.

For the regional elections, the regional chairperson aspirants, will pay GHS3,000 and the vice chairperson and regional secretary will pay GHS2,000.

Regional organiser, regional women organiser, regional youth organiser, and regional treasurer aspirants wi
ll pay GHS1,500 whiles deputy aspirants will pay GHS500.

The Party said women contestants in all positions will pay half of the specified amount for their respective positions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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