Angola reiterated on Tuesday, in New York, United States of America (USA), its commitment to the abolition of nuclear weapons, through the country’s engagement in regional and international forums, as well as through the thorough implementation of the Pelindaba Treaty.

According to a press note from the Angolan Permanent Mission at the United Nations, which has reached ANGOP, the stance was expressed during the Ligh Level Plenary meeting held in the ambit of the commemoration of the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons (26 Sept) abd framed in the works of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly.

In her intervention, ambassador Isabel Godinho stated that the country’s commitment happens under the influence of the fact that the world is “carrying enough scars that result from the use of nuclear weapons”.

Thus, she went on, it is imperative to educate and sensitise young people to adopt a peace-oriented consciousness and do away with nuclear weapons.

“We must avoid nuclear war and the proliferation of this sort of weapons, so that we can reverse our trajectory in regard to climate change, without forgetting that the expenses with such weapons divert substantial resources from other areas of human and environmental need”, she emphasised.

The Angolan diplomat also highlighted the country’s efforts towards the promotion of peace and global security maintenance, adding that this is also a responsibility for countries that have nuclear weapons.

Isabel Godinho then reiterated that it was with this spirit that Angola signed the Pelindaba Treaty (African Nuclear Weapon-Free-Zone Treaty) in the year 2018.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

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