The new school year 2023-2024, started on Monday, September 4, 2023, but for two head teachers of government primary schools in Mbessa, Boyo Division in the North West region, there will be no “back to school”

The two were victims of attacks allegedly carried out by separatists on Sunday, September 3. They had just attended a meeting on Saturday in Kom, another village in the same Division. Sources say the meeting grouped head teachers in the area as part of preparations for a new school year.

“Upon returning they were killed by Ambas from Kom around the Ijim mountain forest that separates Kom and Mbesa. They were head teachers from different schools. The shocking incident is that of all the teachers that attended the meeting only the 2 Mbesa teachers were targeted.” An aggrieved person who had knowledge of the incident narrated it to CNA.

Eric Foinjang and Mr Ndim John Boudji, will not live to narrate what happened or who exactly killed them but the incident brings to limelight, issues of a divided separatist opinion on back to school. While some groups have created community schools, others are of the opinion that fighting a war should not stop children from going to school.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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